464 research outputs found

    Experience of universities in practice-oriented training personnel for high-tech enterprises

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    Different options have been considered of work-based learning (WBL) in Russian and foreign universities. Special attention is given to the variant of PBL - project learning (PL) on training bachelors. Basic concepts and principles have been discussed dealing with the organization of PL developed by Aalborg University - one of the founders of this teaching technique. Тhe advisability is shown of organizing special courses of introduction to project learning in the first two semesters.peer-reviewe

    Regulation of flavonoid biosynthesis in representatives of the tribe Phaseoleae DC.

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    Flavonoids play a crucial role in plant metabolism. Many of them have antioxidant activity, and they are also pigments that render a variety of colors to plant tissues. Foods rich in flavonoid compounds are considered as functional components of a healthy diet. Currently, there is an increased interest in studying genetic mechanisms underlying the coloration of plants. Flavonoid biosynthesis pathways are controlled by two groups of genes. Structural genes encode enzymes, while regulatory genes are responsible for transcription factors that activate the expression of structural genes. Transcription factors that belong to R2R3-Myb, bHLH-Myc and WDR families form the ternary MBW complex, which is involved in regulating the expression of structural genes of flavonoid biosynthesis. The mechanisms of regulation of the anthocyanins and proanthocyanidin biosynthesis by the MBW complex are described in detail for the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana L. This review summarizes data on the regulation of phenolic pigment biosynthesis and the features of phenolic pigment accumulation in plant tissues in the main representatives of the Phaseoleae tribe: soybean Glycine max (L.) Merr., common bean Phaseolus vulgaris L., adzuki bean Vigna angularis (Willd.) Ohwi & Ohashi, and cowpea V. unguiculata (L.) Walp. The species discussed in this review are the most important food legumes in many countries of the world and they comprise the staple food in diets of millions of people. Identification and characterization of the genes controlling the flavonoid biosynthesis pathways are necessary for successful breeding of modern varieties with an increased dietary value. Identification of the flavonoid accumulation patterns is essential for solving the problem of broadening the diversity of plant products

    Prospects for obtaining low-alkaloid and adaptive forms of narrow-leafed lupinе based on the genome and transcriptome resources of the species

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    The narrow-leafed lupinе (Lupinus angustifolius L.) is considered as a crop of untapped opportunities. The food and forage potential of the species is not fully exploited due to the presence of quinolizidine alkaloids (QA) in plants, which are secondary metabolites that make the seeds bitter and toxic to humans and animals. Varieties with a low content of QA (“sweet” varieties) created over the last 50-60 years turned out to be more susceptible to damage by sucking insects and insect-transmitted viruses than high alkaloid ones (“bitter” varieties). Based on the rapidly developing genomic, transcriptomic and metabolomic profiling of the species, some molecular determinants and features of alkaloid biosynthesis in narrow-leafed lupinе plants have been identified: alkaloids are formed in the vegetative organs of the plant and then transported to the seeds. This information substantiated the creation of “bitter-sweet” forms with a high content of alkaloids in the vegetative parts of the plant, which would make it possible to reduce the attack of pathogens, and a minimal content of alkaloids in the seeds. This review summarizes the existing prerequisites for obtaining such forms of narrow-leafed lupinе on the basis of the available scientific developments. Information on the creation of saturated genetic maps of the species, in which the iucundus (iuc) locus determining the overall low alkaloid content in seeds is integrated and is used in breeding programs. The use of the new generation sequencing allowed the identification of the RAP2-7 gene, encoding the transcription factor APETALA2/ETHYLENE RESPONSE FACTOR, which is coupled to the iuc locus and located in the area with the main QTLs that affect the composition of the QA. It is a likely candidate gene for regulating alkaloid content in narrow-leafed lupinе seeds. The initial stages of QA biosynthesis and its regulatory factors have been revealed. Two reference assemblies of the genome of narrow-leafed lupinе have been carried out. All these achievements constitute a valuable resource for the creation of forms of narrow-leafed lupinе with a high content of alkaloids in the vegetative mass and low in the seeds, which are absent in nature

    Printing House of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russian Empire in Mid-19th — Early 20th Centuries: structure, functions, personnel

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    The general characteristics of the government printing house that served the interests of Ministry of Internal Affairs in the middle of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries, from the moment the printing house was created in 1836 until the 1910s, when the government was forced to join the struggle for public opinion. The staff of the printing house of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, its structure and changes in personnel and functions are investigated. It is shown that the outbreak of the First Russian Revolution accelerated the transformation of the printing house of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from an institution dealing with printing works on the document circulation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs into a structure that performs important functions in the ideological struggle for public opinion. It is proved that at the beginning of the twentieth century the priority direction for the printing house of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was the task of printing government newspapers “Government Bulletin”, “Russian State”, “Evening addition to the Government Bulletin”, etc. The difference between the servants and the workers of the printing house of the central state institution is emphasized. It is noted that if the servants of the printing house of the Ministry of Internal Affairs initially had the right to receive a social package, then the workers of the printing house had to earn this right

    Impact of High-Temperature, High-Pressure Synthesis Conditions on the Formation of the Grain Structure and Strength Properties of Intermetallic Ni[3]Al

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    The impact of the preliminary load on 3Ni+Al powder mixture and the impact of the duration of the delay in application of compacting pressure to synthesis product under the conditions of continuous heating of the mixture up to its self-ignition on the grain size and strength properties of the synthesized Ni[3]Al intermetallide material have been studied. The grain structure of the intermetallide synthesized under pressure was studied by means of metallography, transmission electron microscopy and EBSD analysis, with the dependence of ultimate tensile strength on the grain size in the synthesized intermetallide having been investigated at room temperature and at temperatures up to 1000°С. It is shown that an increase in the pressure preliminarily applied to the initial mixture compact results in reduced grain size of the final intermetallide, whereas an increase in pre-compaction time makes the grain size increased. A decrease in the grain size increases the ultimate tensile strength of the intermetallide. The maximum value of the ultimate tensile strength in the observed anomalous temperature dependence of this strength exhibits a shift by 200°С toward higher temperatures, and the ultimate strength of the synthesized intermetallide at 1000°С increases roughly two-fold

    Зона временного затопления малых рек как участок повышенного флористического разнообразия

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    During fluctuating water levels in the lower reaches of rivers, large areas of shallow water are exposed, forming a zone of temporary flooding (TFZ). The level regime of the water body determines the conditions for the growth of plants, the period available for vegetation of species and the path of seed migration. The seed bank is an integral part of a riparian biocenosis, experiencing the characteristics of environmental factors which influence its structure. Our study of the vegetation cover was carried out by the method of route survey of ecotopes in the estuaries of the Korozhechna and Ild rivers, tributaries of the Rybinsk Reservoir. Species composition of the flora is given in accordance with APG IV. The cenotic structure is characterized in terms of the Brown-Blanke school. To assess the species composition of the seed bank, a transect was placed along the width of the TFZ, on which cores were selected. Flora of the Korozhechny river is represented by 59 species from 24 families and 45 genera. Most numerous families: Poaceae (12%), Cyperaceae (10%), Polygonaceae (10%), Asteraceae, Ranunculaceae and Brassicaceae (by 7%). Flora of the Ild river is represented by 42 species from 18 families and 29 genera. Most numerous families: Cyperaceae (21%), Ranunculaceae (14%), Poaceae (12%), Plantaginaceae (7%). We found two rare species: Carex bohemica – on the Ild river and Ranunculus reptans – on both rivers. The difference in the species composition is explained by the greater riparian area of the TFZ on the Korozhechna river, characterized by a wide low floodplain. Phytocenosis form multicomponent complexes and are represented by associations Scirpetum lacustris, Phalaroidetum arundinaceae, Caricetum gracilis, Phragmitetum communis – on both rivers, Hippuridetum vulgaris и Batrachietum circinati – in terrestrial form on the Korozhechna river, and Eleocharitetum palustris and Oenantho-Rorippetum on the Ild river. In the seed bank composition of the TFZ of the transition zone of the Korozhechna river receiver 25 species were found, Ild river – 30 species. The ecological structure of the flora of both rivers and the seed bank is dominated by species of waterlogged and humid habitats. Their share (hygrophyte and hygromeso-and mesophyte) accounts for about 50%. With prolonged drying, they can normally develop in the TFZ. In the biomorphological structure, the main part of the flora and seed bank species are perennial grasses, characterized by great environmental plasticity, adapted to extreme conditions of habitat, having wide ecological amplitude with respect to the ground and which can withstand considerable fluctuations in the water level. As a result, our work has confirmed that the seed bank is a hidden component of plant communities and reflects the floristic potential of ecologically unstable territories.При колебаниях уровня воды в низовьях рек обнажаются значительные площади мелководий, формируя зону временного затопления (ЗВЗ). Уровенный режим определяет условия произрастания растений, период, доступный для вегетации видов и пути миграции семян. Банк семян – неотъемлемая часть прибрежно-водных биоценозов, испытывающая на себе особенности экологических факторов ЗВЗ, которые оказывают влияние на его структуру. Изучение растительного покрова проводили методом маршрутного обследования экотопов устьевых участков рек Корожечна и Ильд – притоков Рыбинского водохранилища. Видовой состав флоры приведен по APG IV. Ценотическая структура охарактеризована в терминах школы Браун-Бланке. Для оценки видового состава банка семян закладывали трансекту по ширине ЗВЗ, на которой отбирали керны грунта. Флора р. Корожечны представлена 59 видами из 45 родов 24 семейств. Ведущие семейства: Poaceae (12%), Cyperaceae (10%), Polygonaceae (10%), Asteraceae, Ranunculaceae, Brassicaceae (по 7%). Во флоре реки Ильд отмечено 42 вида из 29 родов 18 семейств. Ведущие семейства: Cyperaceae (21%), Ranunculaceae (14%), Poaceae (12%), Plantaginaceae (7%). Отмечено два редких вида: Carex bohemica – на р. Ильд и Ranunculus reptans – на обеих реках. Разница в видовом составе объясняется большей площадью ЗВЗ на р. Корожечна, характеризующейся широкой низкой поймой. Фитоценозы образуют многокомпонентные комплексы и представлены ассоциациями Scirpetum lacustris, Phalaroidetum arundinaceae, Caricetum gracilis, Phragmitetum communis – на обеих реках, Hippuridetum vulgaris и Batrachietum circinati – в наземной форме на р. Корожечна, а также Eleocharitetum palustris и Oenantho-Rorippetum, на р. Ильд. В составе банка семян переходной зоны приемника р. Корожечна выявили 25 видов, р. Ильд – 30. В экологической структуре флоры обеих рек и банка семян преобладают виды переувлажненных и влажных местообитаний. На их долю (гигрофиты, гигромезо- и мезофиты) приходится около 50%. При длительном обсыхании они могут нормально развиваться в ЗВЗ. В биоморфологической структуре основную часть видов флоры и банка семян составляют многолетние травы, отличающиеся большой экологической пластичностью, приспособленные к экстремальным условиям обитания, обладающие широкой экологической амплитудой по отношению к грунтам и выдерживающие значительные колебания уровня воды. В результате работы получили подтверждение, что банк семян является скрытым компонентом растительных сообществ и отражает флористический потенциал экологически нестабильной территории.При колебаниях уровня воды в низовьях рек обнажаются значительные площади мелководий, формируя зону временного затопления (ЗВЗ). Уровенный режим определяет условия произрастания растений, период, доступный для вегетации видов и пути миграции семян. Банк семян – неотъемлемая часть прибрежно-водных биоценозов, испытывающая на себе особенности экологических факторов ЗВЗ, которые оказывают влияние на его структуру. Изучение растительного покрова проводили методом маршрутного обследования экотопов устьевых участков рек Корожечна и Ильд – притоков Рыбинского водохранилища. Видовой состав флоры приведен по APG IV. Ценотическая структура охарактеризована в терминах школы Браун-Бланке. Для оценки видового состава банка семян закладывали трансекту по ширине ЗВЗ, на которой отбирали керны грунта. Флора р. Корожечны представлена 59 видами из 45 родов 24 семейств. Ведущие семейства: Poaceae (12%), Cyperaceae (10%), Polygonaceae (10%), Asteraceae, Ranunculaceae, Brassicaceae (по 7%). Во флоре реки Ильд отмечено 42 вида из 29 родов 18 семейств. Ведущие семейства: Cyperaceae (21%), Ranunculaceae (14%), Poaceae (12%), Plantaginaceae (7%). Отмечено два редких вида: Carex bohemica – на р. Ильд и Ranunculus reptans – на обеих реках. Разница в видовом составе объясняется большей площадью ЗВЗ на р. Корожечна, характеризующейся широкой низкой поймой. Фитоценозы образуют многокомпонентные комплексы и представлены ассоциациями Scirpetum lacustris, Phalaroidetum arundinaceae, Caricetum gracilis, Phragmitetum communis – на обеих реках, Hippuridetum vulgaris и Batrachietum circinati – в наземной форме на р. Корожечна, а также Eleocharitetum palustris и Oenantho-Rorippetum, на р. Ильд. В составе банка семян переходной зоны приемника р. Корожечна выявили 25 видов, р. Ильд – 30. В экологической структуре флоры обеих рек и банка семян преобладают виды переувлажненных и влажных местообитаний. На их долю (гигрофиты, гигромезо- и мезофиты) приходится около 50%. При длительном обсыхании они могут нормально развиваться в ЗВЗ. В биоморфологической структуре основную часть видов флоры и банка семян составляют многолетние травы, отличающиеся большой экологической пластичностью, приспособленные к экстремальным условиям обитания, обладающие широкой экологической амплитудой по отношению к грунтам и выдерживающие значительные колебания уровня воды. В результате работы получили подтверждение, что банк семян является скрытым компонентом растительных сообществ и отражает флористический потенциал экологически нестабильной территории

    Lattice dynamics of HoGa3(BO3)4 and HoFe3(BO3)4 crystals

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    This work is financially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research № 18-02-00754

    International network interaction within the project «Global understanding»: educational and research opportunities

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    An experience of the international network interaction, which is carried out in the Psychological Institute of USPU within the project «Global Understanding» (East Caroline University, USA) since 2012, is generalized. The organizational and technical conditions are considered which are necessary for project implementation. Educational opportunities are analyzed in a context of formation of competences, which determine a successful self-realization in a global world.В докладе обобщен опыт международного сетевого взаимодействия, осуществляемого с 2012 года в Институте психологии УрГПУ в рамках проекта «Глобальное понимание» (Университет Восточной Каролины, США). Рассматриваются организационные и технические условия, необходимые для осуществления проекта. Анализируются образовательные возможности проекта в контексте формирования компетенций, определяющих успешную самореализацию в глобальном мире


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    A revision of herbarium specimens of Chilean potato species belonging to the section Petota Dumort. genus Solanum L. was conducted. The VIR herbarium [WIR] has 25 specimen sheets of five species: Solanum leptostigma Juz., S. maglia Schlechtd., S. molinae Juz., S. ochoanum Lechn., S. zykinii Lechn. Authentic materials from S.V. Yuzepczuk and V.S. Lehnovich have been identified, namely syntypes of S. molinae , S. ochoanum and S. zykinii. The neotypification of S. leptostigma was done