381 research outputs found

    Soft repulsive mixtures under gravity: brazil-nut effect, depletion bubbles, boundary layering, nonequilibrium shaking

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    A binary mixture of particles interacting via long-ranged repulsive forces is studied in gravity by computer simulation and theory. The more repulsive A-particles create a depletion zone of less repulsive B-particles around them reminiscent to a bubble. Applying Archimedes' principle effectively to this bubble, an A-particle can be lifted in a fluid background of B-particles. This "depletion bubble" mechanism explains and predicts a brazil-nut effect where the heavier A-particles float on top of the lighter B-particles. It also implies an effective attraction of an A-particle towards a hard container bottom wall which leads to boundary layering of A-particles. Additionally, we have studied a periodic inversion of gravity causing perpetual mutual penetration of the mixture in a slit geometry. In this nonequilibrium case of time-dependent gravity, the boundary layering persists. Our results are based on computer simulations and density functional theory of a two-dimensional binary mixture of colloidal repulsive dipoles. The predicted effects also occur for other long-ranged repulsive interactions and in three spatial dimensions. They are therefore verifiable in settling experiments on dipolar or charged colloidal mixtures as well as in charged granulates and dusty plasmas.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure

    Phosphopeptide patterns of the ribosomal protein S6 following stimulation of guineapig parotid glands by secretagogues involving either cAMP or calcium as second messenger

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    AbstractStimulation of secretion in exocrine cells is associated with the incorporation of up to 3 to 4 phosphates into the ribosomal protein S6. This occurs with secretagogues involving either cAMP or free calcium as second messenger. An analysis of the phosphorylation pattern of S6 from stimulated guineapig parotid glands reveals 3 phosphopeptides (termed A,B,C). The phosphopeptide pattern was identical for cAMP- or calcium-mediated stimulation, whereas phosphorylation of the S6 protein in vitro with catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase resulted only in the formation of phosphopeptides A and C. Therefore, secretagogue-mediated phosphorylation is not or not exclusively catalyzed by cAMP-dependent protein kinase even when cAMP is the second messenger

    Indirect methods in nuclear astrophysics

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    We discuss recent developments in indirect methods used in nuclear astrophysics to determine the capture cross sections and subsequent rates of various stellar burning processes, when it is difficult to perform the corresponding direct measurements. We discuss in brief, the basic concepts of Asymptotic Normalization Coefficients, the Trojan Horse Method, the Coulomb Dissociation Method, (d,p), and charge-exchange reactions

    Localization of shadow poles by complex scaling

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    Through numerical examples we show that the complex scaling method is suited to explore the pole structure in multichannel scattering problems. All poles lying on the multisheeted Riemann energy surface, including shadow poles, can be revealed and the Riemann sheets on which they reside can be identified.Comment: 6 pages, Latex with Revtex, 3 figures (not included) available on reques

    Decay Rate of Triaxially-Deformed Proton Emitters

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    The decay rate of a triaxially-deformed proton emitter is calculated in a particle-rotor model, which is based on a deformed Woods-Saxon potential and includes a deformed spin-orbit interaction. The wave function of the I=7/2I=7/2^{-} ground state of the deformed proton emitter 141^{141}Ho is obtained in the adiabatic limit, and a Green's function technique is used to calculate the decay rate and branching ratio to the first excited 2+^{+} state of the daughter nucleus. Only for values of the triaxial angle γ\gamma <5<5^{\circ} is good agreement obtained for both the total decay rate and the 2+^{+} branching ratio.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Modified two-potential approach to tunneling problems

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    One-body quantum tunneling to continuum is treated via the two-potential approach, dividing the tunneling potential into external and internal parts. We show that corrections to this approach can be minimized by taking the separation radius inside the interval determined by simple expressions. The resulting two-potential approach reproduces the resonance energy and its width, both for narrow and wide resonances. We also demonstrate that, without losing its accuracy, the two-potential approach can be modified to a form resembling the R-matrix theory, yet without any uncertainties of the latter related to the choice of the matching radius.Comment: 7 two-column pages, 3 figures, extra-explanation added, Phys. Rev. A, in pres

    Endoplasmic reticulum dysfunction in neurological disease.

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    Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) dysfunction might have an important part to play in a range of neurological disorders, including cerebral ischaemia, sleep apnoea, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, the prion diseases, and familial encephalopathy with neuroserpin inclusion bodies. Protein misfolding in the ER initiates the well studied unfolded protein response in energy-starved neurons during stroke, which is relevant to the toxic effects of reperfusion. The toxic peptide amyloid β induces ER stress in Alzheimer's disease, which leads to activation of similar pathways, whereas the accumulation of polymeric neuroserpin in the neuronal ER triggers a poorly understood ER-overload response. In other neurological disorders, such as Parkinson's and Huntington's diseases, ER dysfunction is well recognised but the mechanisms by which it contributes to pathogenesis remain unclear. By targeting components of these signalling responses, amelioration of their toxic effects and so the treatment of a range of neurodegenerative disorders might become possible

    A pp-adic RanSaC algorithm for stereo vision using Hensel lifting

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    A pp-adic variation of the Ran(dom) Sa(mple) C(onsensus) method for solving the relative pose problem in stereo vision is developped. From two 2-adically encoded images a random sample of five pairs of corresponding points is taken, and the equations for the essential matrix are solved by lifting solutions modulo 2 to the 2-adic integers. A recently devised pp-adic hierarchical classification algorithm imitating the known LBG quantisation method classifies the solutions for all the samples after having determined the number of clusters using the known intra-inter validity of clusterings. In the successful case, a cluster ranking will determine the cluster containing a 2-adic approximation to the "true" solution of the problem.Comment: 15 pages; typos removed, abstract changed, computation error remove