5 research outputs found


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    Predmet ovog završnog rada je ustroj državne uprave u Republici Hrvatskoj. Pravilan ustroj državne uprave osigurava učinkovito provođenje zakonskih i podzakonskih akata, a u današnje vrijeme uvjeti za učinkovitost stvaraju se ako je sama državne uprava u skladu sa europskim i svjetskim standardima čemu se u Republici Hrvatskoj posvećuje velika pozornost. Unutarnje ustrojstvo države uprave u Republici Hrvatskoj propisuje Vlada. Dakle, predmet ovoga rada, ustroj državne uprave, promatran je u sklopu s njezinim glavnim načelima, ustroju i funkcioniraju. Svako tijelo državne uprave se analizira ta da se dobije detaljniji uvid u cijelu srž same problematike državne uprave. Obrađeni su svi dostupni i relevantni izvori te se pri njihovoj obradi koristilo nekoliko metoda. Cijelo se istraživanje podijelilo u teorijski i praktični dio. U teorijskom dijelu se obrađuju osnovni aspekti ustroja državne uprave tj. modernizacija, normiranje, tijela, te načela dok se u praktičnom dijelu provelo istraživanje ureda državne uprave u Slavonskom brodu, tj. na praktičnom primjeru se željelo istražiti sve ono što je prikazano teorijskim dijelom.The subject of this final work is the organization of the state administration in the Republic of Croatia. The proper organization of state administration ensures effective implementation of laws and bylaws, and nowadays conditions for effectiveness are created if the state administration itself in line with European and international standards which are in the Republic of Croatia is given much attention. The internal organization of state administration in the Republic of Croatia prescribed by the Government. Every government body to analyze this to get a deeper insight into the whole essence of the problem of the state administration. The study included all available and relevant sources and in their processing used several methods. All the research is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part deals with basic aspects of the organization of the state administration, ie. The modernization, standardization, authorities and principles while the practical part of the research carried out by the state administrative office in Slavonski Brod, i.e. the practical example to investigate everything that is presented theoretical part

    Frekvencija mikronukleusa u limfocitima periferne krvi osoba izloženih osiromašenom uranu

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    One of the negative environmental impacts of the last armed conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina was the use of radioactive ammunition containing depleted uranium. The United Nations Environment Programme measurements detected higher radioactivity at several examined sites in Bosnia and Herzegovina. One of those places is in the area of Hadžiæi, close to Sarajevo. This research included an evaluation of genetic load in human lymphocytes due to exposure to depleted uranium. The study included individuals who were located in the area of Hadžići and who were directly exposed to depleted uranium. The control blood samples were taken from individuals who lived in West Herzegovina which is considered environmentally uncontaminated. The results of the micronucleus cytochalasin-B test in peripheral blood lymphocytes showed increased micronuclei frequencies in the exposed group.Jedan od genotoksina, prisutnih u okolišu kao posljedica ratnih djelovanja u Bosni i Hercegovini jest osiromašeni uran. Njegovo porijeklo veže se za upotrebu radioaktivne antitenkovske municije s osiromašenim uranom. UNEP-ova mjerenja otkrila su povećanu radioaktivnost na nekoliko ispitanih lokaliteta od kojih je jedan na području Hadžića, u blizini Sarajeva. Naše istraživanje obuhvatilo je evaluaciju genetičkog opterećenja u humanim limfocitima periferne krvi osoba koje su bile nastanjene na području Hadžića te bile direktno izložene osiromašenom uranu. Kao kontrola u istraživanju, uzeta je krv od osoba nastanjenih na području zapadne Hercegovine, koja se smatra ekološki nekontaminiranom. Korištena je metoda mikronukleus-citokalazin B testa, a frekvencije mikronukleusa ispitanika iz obje populacije međusobno su komparirane. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju povećanu frekvenciju mikronukleusa među ispitanicima eksponirane populacije

    Pulmonary arterial hypertension diagnosed during pregnancy – echocardiography as a tool for management

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    Introduction: Despite advanced therapies for pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), maternal mortality in women with PAH and their offspring remains high (30-56% and 11-28%) and is especially high during the post-partum period1,2. Case report: 39-years-old woman was presented in 24th week of pregnancy with moderate dyspnea and cyanosis without peripheral edema. ECG showed right ventricular strain and NT-proBNP was 1300 ng/L. Echocardiogram showed severe precapillary pulmonary hypertension with systolic pulmonary pressure (PAP) 103 mmHg, reduced stroke volume (SVI 29 ml/m2), normal cardiac output (CI 2.6 L/min/m2) and mildly reduced systolic function of the right ventricle (FAC 30%, PMI TDI 0.8) with normal central venous pressure (CVP) 3 mmHg. Right heart catheterization confirmed echocardiographic hemodynamic measurements (mean pulmonary pressure 61 mmHg, pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) 9.4 WU) and the vasoreactivity test was negative. Epoprostenol was initiated, titrated up to 22 ng/kg/min and on 30th week planned caesarean section was performed with NO inhalations, noradrenalin and dobutamine. Fortunately, standby supportive therapy - ECMO and high urgency lung transplantation, was not needed. The baby did well. The patient was extubated on the same day and sildenafil was added. The patient was discharged after 4 weeks. After 2 months epoprostenol was switched to treprostinil up to 26 ng/kg/min and macitentan was added. NT-proBNP stabilized at 170 ng/L. Echocardiography was performed weekly to monitor CI, CVP and right systolic function indexes. Favorable echocardiographic dynamics after therapy were observed: mean PAP 60 mmHg to 45-50 mmHg, PVR from 10 WU to 7 WU, stroke volume normalized and CVP remained normal. However, right ventricular systolic function improved but did not normalize (Table 1). In conclusion, with complete echocardiographic hemodynamic assessment and thorough clinical assessment high-risk pregnancies in patients with severe PAH can be managed. In addition, FAC, MPI TDI, 3D ejection fraction and RV free strain better assess right ventricular systolic function than TAPSE

    Enforcement in Tax law

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    Ovršni postupak u poreznom pravu podrazumijeva dio porezno-dužničkog odnosa u kojem porezno tijelo provodi postupak prisilne naplate poreznog duga na temelju ovršnih i vjerodostojnih isprava. Za potrebe poreznog prava, ovršni je postupak uređen Općim poreznim zakonom, međutim u skladu s člankom 138. OPZ-a, na ovrhu se primjenjuju odredbe Ovršnog zakona, te drugi zakoni. Poseban fokus rada bit će usmjeren na načela ovršnog postupka u poreznom pravu, a akcent je stavljen na načelo zaštite dužnika radi potrebe zaštite dužnikove imovine. Pored načela ovršnog postupka u poreznom pravu detaljno će izlagati o subjektima koji provode ovršni postupak i „nad“ kojima se isti provodi.Enforcement in tax law implies a part of the tax-debt relationship in which the tax authority conducts the procedure of compulsory collection of the tax debt on the basis of enforceable and credible documents. For the purposes of tax law enforcement proceedings are governed by the General Tax Code, however, in accordance with Article 138 of the CPC, the provisions of the Enforcement Act and other laws apply to enforcement. A special focus will be on the principle of enforceability in the tax law, and the accent is placed on the principle of protection of the debtor for the purpose of protecting the debtor's property. In addition to the principle of enforceability in the tax law, it will be subjected in detail to the entities conducting enforcement proceedings and the "over" to which it is enforced

    Enforcement in Tax law

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    Ovršni postupak u poreznom pravu podrazumijeva dio porezno-dužničkog odnosa u kojem porezno tijelo provodi postupak prisilne naplate poreznog duga na temelju ovršnih i vjerodostojnih isprava. Za potrebe poreznog prava, ovršni je postupak uređen Općim poreznim zakonom, međutim u skladu s člankom 138. OPZ-a, na ovrhu se primjenjuju odredbe Ovršnog zakona, te drugi zakoni. Poseban fokus rada bit će usmjeren na načela ovršnog postupka u poreznom pravu, a akcent je stavljen na načelo zaštite dužnika radi potrebe zaštite dužnikove imovine. Pored načela ovršnog postupka u poreznom pravu detaljno će izlagati o subjektima koji provode ovršni postupak i „nad“ kojima se isti provodi.Enforcement in tax law implies a part of the tax-debt relationship in which the tax authority conducts the procedure of compulsory collection of the tax debt on the basis of enforceable and credible documents. For the purposes of tax law enforcement proceedings are governed by the General Tax Code, however, in accordance with Article 138 of the CPC, the provisions of the Enforcement Act and other laws apply to enforcement. A special focus will be on the principle of enforceability in the tax law, and the accent is placed on the principle of protection of the debtor for the purpose of protecting the debtor's property. In addition to the principle of enforceability in the tax law, it will be subjected in detail to the entities conducting enforcement proceedings and the "over" to which it is enforced