291 research outputs found

    Komparativna analiza dokumenata pripremljenih za tisak i prilagodba istih za web

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    Obrada dokumenata i prilagodba istih za različite proizvodne situacije u tisku je jedna od temeljnih vještina kojom svaki grafički dizajner treba ovladati. Međutim razvojem novih digitalnih tehnologija za obradu i prikaz istih na različitim uređajima te vještine postaju sve kompleksnije. Cilj ovog završnog rada je istražiti sličnosti i razlike kod pripreme i prilagodbe dokumenata za različite proizvodne situacije u tisku te u kolikoj mjeri se isti mogu poslužiti i za prikaz na webu kod različitih uređaja. Za potrebe ovog rada biti će napravljene vlastite ilustracije koje će se zatim prilagođavati različitim medijima


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    Predmet ovog završnog rada je ustroj državne uprave u Republici Hrvatskoj. Pravilan ustroj državne uprave osigurava učinkovito provođenje zakonskih i podzakonskih akata, a u današnje vrijeme uvjeti za učinkovitost stvaraju se ako je sama državne uprava u skladu sa europskim i svjetskim standardima čemu se u Republici Hrvatskoj posvećuje velika pozornost. Unutarnje ustrojstvo države uprave u Republici Hrvatskoj propisuje Vlada. Dakle, predmet ovoga rada, ustroj državne uprave, promatran je u sklopu s njezinim glavnim načelima, ustroju i funkcioniraju. Svako tijelo državne uprave se analizira ta da se dobije detaljniji uvid u cijelu srž same problematike državne uprave. Obrađeni su svi dostupni i relevantni izvori te se pri njihovoj obradi koristilo nekoliko metoda. Cijelo se istraživanje podijelilo u teorijski i praktični dio. U teorijskom dijelu se obrađuju osnovni aspekti ustroja državne uprave tj. modernizacija, normiranje, tijela, te načela dok se u praktičnom dijelu provelo istraživanje ureda državne uprave u Slavonskom brodu, tj. na praktičnom primjeru se željelo istražiti sve ono što je prikazano teorijskim dijelom.The subject of this final work is the organization of the state administration in the Republic of Croatia. The proper organization of state administration ensures effective implementation of laws and bylaws, and nowadays conditions for effectiveness are created if the state administration itself in line with European and international standards which are in the Republic of Croatia is given much attention. The internal organization of state administration in the Republic of Croatia prescribed by the Government. Every government body to analyze this to get a deeper insight into the whole essence of the problem of the state administration. The study included all available and relevant sources and in their processing used several methods. All the research is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part deals with basic aspects of the organization of the state administration, ie. The modernization, standardization, authorities and principles while the practical part of the research carried out by the state administrative office in Slavonski Brod, i.e. the practical example to investigate everything that is presented theoretical part


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    The projection of insured deposits level in banks is of the key importance for the financial planning of the Deposit Insurance Fund as an integral part of the deposit insurance system. On the one hand, in a situation when banks fail, Deposit Insurance Fund are used for payouts of insured deposits in those banks or for financing processes of resolution such banks, which represents a real outflow of the Fund. On the other hand, the main regular inflows into the Deposit Insurance Fund are realized from insurance premiums which, as a rule, are calculated on the basis of insured deposits in all banks. The research problem posed in this paper is how to predict changes in the level of insured deposits in banks, that is, how this level in banks changes in relation to the total assets of the banking sector. The research covered the period from 2009 to 2021. The level of insured deposits in banks was set as the dependent variable and the level of bank assets was set as the independent variable. The research was conducted on the banks operating in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The research confirmed the significant conditionality of the growth of insured deposits with the growth of the bank assets, and also opened up some new directions for further research in terms of the influence of other elements on the financial planning of the Deposit Insurance Fund and the presence of moral hazard in the banking sector

    Regional disproportion encapsulated - Case studies of Južno pomoravlje and Timočka krajina regions of Serbia

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    Present discourses consider regionalisation as an inevitable strategic action in guiding development processes that have the spatial implications. In Serbia, where regional disproportions have been growing larger during the last two decades, some of the major issues that brought to the relative lagging back of the country in comparison to its surroundings can be summed up as: extremely uneven regional development which exceeds the ratio 1: 10 between its most and least developed regions; weak territorial cohesion; insufficiently used, underused or wrongly used territorial capital; and the issue of competitiveness. In the paper we especially focus on the most lagging back regions in Serbia, i.e. Južno pomoravlje - in the south, and Timočka krajina - in the east part of the country. Juzno pomoravlje is featured by territorial fragmentation (intra-regional differences) and insufficient integration in Serbia as a whole, as well as by unfavourable socio-economic conditions which get worse in the period of transition. Timočka krajina is a region with prolonged economic stagnation, which is, above all, manifested in the constant depopulation and emptying-out of its settlements, especially in the mountain, remote, and border parts of the region. Both regions have recently been prioritised in elaboration by the Regional spatial plans, and some of the findings will be presented her

    Regional disproportion encapsulated - Case studies of Južno pomoravlje and Timočka krajina regions of Serbia

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    Present discourses consider regionalisation as an inevitable strategic action in guiding development processes that have the spatial implications. In Serbia, where regional disproportions have been growing larger during the last two decades, some of the major issues that brought to the relative lagging back of the country in comparison to its surroundings can be summed up as: extremely uneven regional development which exceeds the ratio 1: 10 between its most and least developed regions; weak territorial cohesion; insufficiently used, underused or wrongly used territorial capital; and the issue of competitiveness. In the paper we especially focus on the most lagging back regions in Serbia, i.e. Južno pomoravlje - in the south, and Timočka krajina - in the east part of the country. Juzno pomoravlje is featured by territorial fragmentation (intra-regional differences) and insufficient integration in Serbia as a whole, as well as by unfavourable socio-economic conditions which get worse in the period of transition. Timočka krajina is a region with prolonged economic stagnation, which is, above all, manifested in the constant depopulation and emptying-out of its settlements, especially in the mountain, remote, and border parts of the region. Both regions have recently been prioritised in elaboration by the Regional spatial plans, and some of the findings will be presented her

    Numerical verification of delta shock waves for pressureless gas dynamics

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    AbstractThe subject of this paper is theoretical analysis and numerical verification of delta shock wave existence for pressureless gas dynamic system. The existence of overcompressive delta shock wave solution in the framework of Colombeau generalized functions is proved. This result is verified numerically by specially designed procedure that is based on wave propagation method implemented in CLAWPACK. The method is coupled with dynamic refinement mesh. We also consider a strictly hyperbolic system obtained from the original one by perturbation and change of variables. The same numerical procedure is applied to the perturbed problem. The obtained numerical results in both cases confirm theoretical expectations

    Problems of spatial-functional organization of Južno Pomoravlje region's network of settlements

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    During the elaboration of the Regional spatial plan of the municipalities of Južno Pomoravlje (Region Južno Pomoravlje) a special attention was paid to its network of settlements. Demographical and functional determinants of this network were analyzed based on the relevant theoretical-methodological concepts and qualitative-quantitative indicators. Settlement network of Južno Pomoravlje was considered as a subsystem of the Republic of Serbia's settlements' system. Correlation and causality between processes of spatial and socio-economic migration of population and functional transformation of settlements have been highlighted, which caused differentiation of the Region's municipalities to: urban cores - peri-urban rings - suburban more or less urbanized villages and rural surroundings. Models of decentralized concentration and micro-developing nuclei are proposed as instruments for decentralization of the Region or its municipalities. Based on the level of spatial-functional integration of settlements, regional as well as municipal and micro-functional - micro-regional structures have been identified. This paper gives conceptual and strategic proposals of spatial-functional organization of Južno Pomoravlje, which are based on settlements' determinants. Authors suggest that functional premises define determinants for the Regional spatial plan and steer the sectoral and strategic decisions

    Frekvencija mikronukleusa u limfocitima periferne krvi osoba izloženih osiromašenom uranu

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    One of the negative environmental impacts of the last armed conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina was the use of radioactive ammunition containing depleted uranium. The United Nations Environment Programme measurements detected higher radioactivity at several examined sites in Bosnia and Herzegovina. One of those places is in the area of Hadžiæi, close to Sarajevo. This research included an evaluation of genetic load in human lymphocytes due to exposure to depleted uranium. The study included individuals who were located in the area of Hadžići and who were directly exposed to depleted uranium. The control blood samples were taken from individuals who lived in West Herzegovina which is considered environmentally uncontaminated. The results of the micronucleus cytochalasin-B test in peripheral blood lymphocytes showed increased micronuclei frequencies in the exposed group.Jedan od genotoksina, prisutnih u okolišu kao posljedica ratnih djelovanja u Bosni i Hercegovini jest osiromašeni uran. Njegovo porijeklo veže se za upotrebu radioaktivne antitenkovske municije s osiromašenim uranom. UNEP-ova mjerenja otkrila su povećanu radioaktivnost na nekoliko ispitanih lokaliteta od kojih je jedan na području Hadžića, u blizini Sarajeva. Naše istraživanje obuhvatilo je evaluaciju genetičkog opterećenja u humanim limfocitima periferne krvi osoba koje su bile nastanjene na području Hadžića te bile direktno izložene osiromašenom uranu. Kao kontrola u istraživanju, uzeta je krv od osoba nastanjenih na području zapadne Hercegovine, koja se smatra ekološki nekontaminiranom. Korištena je metoda mikronukleus-citokalazin B testa, a frekvencije mikronukleusa ispitanika iz obje populacije međusobno su komparirane. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju povećanu frekvenciju mikronukleusa među ispitanicima eksponirane populacije

    Dental status of adults in the eastern region of Republika Srpska

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    Introduction. A significant change in frequency and characteristics of oral diseases in developed countries has been detected recently. The aim of this study was to determine the dental status of teeth in adults in the eastern region of Republika Srpska and to determine possible difference in the prevalence of dental diseases according to the demographic characteristics. Materials and Methods. The study included 182 respondents aged 35-44 years and 185 respondents aged 65-74 years, selected randomly from four municipalities in the eastern region of Republika Srpska. Dental examinations were conducted according to the standards and criteria developed by the World Health Organization. Dental status, determined by DMFT index, was analyzed according to the gender and place of residence (urban/rural). Results. The mean DMFT index was 20.2 in the age group 35-44 years and 28.5 in subjects aged 65-74 years. The dominant component of the index in both studied groups was the number of extracted teeth. For subjects aged 65-74 years from rural areas a significantly higher DMFT index as compared to the residents in urban regions (p<0.05) was reported. Females had fewer caries lesions (p<0.05) and greater number of restored (p<0.01) teeth as compared to male respondents in the age group 35-44 years. On the other hand, in the older population study group, females had lower number of restored teeth (p<0.01), higher number of missing teeth (p<0.01) and higher DMFT index (p<0.2001) as compared to males. Conclusion. The present results indicate that the prevalence of caries in adults in the eastern region of Republika Srpska is very high

    Recent changes of spatial and functional organization of urban regions and cities in Serbia

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    This paper summarizes the results of recent explorations of spatial and functional organization of Serbia based on identification of its urban regions (UR). Network of settlements was treated as a complex, open and dynamical system of urban regions, functional urban areas (FUR) and daily urban systems (DUS). These complex systems have been developed under the conditions of continuous redistribution of population and more/less synchronized processes of deagrarization, deindustrialization and urbanization with general socioeconomic flows. Determination of urban regions is theoretically and methodically based on principles of regionalization and recent doctrines of regional development, contemporary spatial planning and social and economics disciplines of social geography. Results to a great extent identify and scientifically explain problems of the development of spatial and functional organization of urban regions in Serbia