879 research outputs found

    A high-Resolution Catalog of Cometary Emission Lines

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    Using high-resolution spectra obtained with the Hamilton echelle spectrograph at Lick Observatory, we have constructed a catalog of emission lines observed in comets Swift-Tuttle and Brorsen-Metcalf. The spectra cover the range between 3800 Å and 9900 Å with a spectral resolution of λ/Δλ~42000. In the spectra, we catalog 2997 emission lines of which we identify 2438. We find cometary lines due to H, O, C_2, CN, NH_2, C_3, H_2O^+, CH, and CH^+. We list 559 unidentified lines compiled from the two spectra and comment on possibilities for their origins

    Non-detection of the OH Meinel system in comet P/Swift-Tuttle

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    We report a search for emissions from the OH Meinel system in high-resolution near-infrared spectra of comet P/Swift-Tuttle. Because of the large cometary heliocentric velocity and high resolution of the spectrograph, the cometary lines should be well separated from the bright OH sky lines. Contrary to the findings of Tozzi et al. (1994) - who report seeing cometary OH at intensities comparable to the sky emissions in their low-resolution spectra - we find no OH in these spectra with an upper limit of 5% the value of the night sky lines. The non-detection of these cometary lines is consistent with theoretical calculations of expected emission strengths from prompt and fluorescent emission from cometary OH

    Magnetic fields of intermediate mass T Tauri stars

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    Aims. In this paper, we aim to measure the strength of the surface magnetic fields for a sample of five intermediate mass T Tauri stars and one low mass T Tauri star from late-F to mid-K spectral types. While magnetic fields of T Tauri stars at the low mass range have been extensively characterized, our work complements previous studies towards the intermediate mass range; this complementary study is key to evaluate how magnetic fields evolve during the transition from a convective to a radiative core. Methods. We studied the Zeeman broadening of magnetically sensitive spectral lines in the H-band spectra obtained with the CRIRES high-resolution near-infrared spectrometer. These data are modelled using magnetic spectral synthesis and model atmospheres. Additional constraints on non-magnetic line broadening mechanisms are obtained from modelling molecular lines in the K band or atomic lines in the optical wavelength region. Results. We detect and measure mean surface magnetic fields for five of the six stars in our sample: CHXR 28, COUP 107, V2062 Oph, V1149 Sco, and Par 2441. Magnetic field strengths inferred from the most magnetically sensitive diagnostic line range from 0.8 to 1.8 kG. We also estimate a magnetic field strength of 1.9 kG for COUP 107 from an alternative diagnostic. The magnetic field on YLW 19 is the weakest in our sample and is marginally detected, with a strength of 0.8 kG. Conclusions. We populate an uncharted area of the pre-main-sequence HR diagram with mean magnetic field measurements from high-resolution near-infrared spectra. Our sample of intermediate mass T Tauri stars in general exhibits weaker magnetic fields than their lower mass counterparts. Our measurements will be used in combination with other spectropolarimetric studies of intermediate mass and lower mass T Tauri stars to provide input into pre-main-sequence stellar evolutionary models.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The Far-Ultraviolet Spectra of TW Hya. II. Models of H2 Fluorescence in a Disk

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    We measure the temperature of warm gas at planet-forming radii in the disk around the classical T Tauri star (CTTS) TW Hya by modelling the H2 fluorescence observed in HST/STIS and FUSE spectra. Strong Ly-alpha emission irradiates a warm disk surface within 2 AU of the central star and pumps certain excited levels of H2. We simulate a 1D plane-parallel atmosphere to estimate fluxes for the 140 observed H2 emission lines and to reconstruct the Ly-alpha emission profile incident upon the warm H2. The excitation of H2 can be determined from relative line strengths by measuring self-absorption in lines with low-energy lower levels, or by reconstructing the Ly-alpha profile incident upon the warm H2 using the total flux from a single upper level and the opacity in the pumping transition. Based on those diagnostics, we estimate that the warm disk surface has a column density of log N(H2)=18.5^{+1.2}_{-0.8}, a temperature T=2500^{+700}_{-500} K, and a filling factor of H2, as seen by the source of Ly-alpha emission, of 0.25\pm0.08 (all 2-sigma error bars). TW Hya produces approximately 10^{-3} L_\odot in the FUV, about 85% of which is in the Ly-alpha emission line. From the H I absorption observed in the Ly-alpha emission, we infer that dust extinction in our line of sight to TW Hya is negligible.Comment: Accepted by ApJ. 26 pages, 17 figures, 6 table

    Specification and Supervision of System Performance in Yeast Bioprocesses

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    Three different case studies addressing the specification of system performance and estimation of optimal cultivation policies are examined for different yeast cultivation systems. In the first case, the industrial production of baker ’s yeast in bubble columns serves as illustration of primary model conception and exemplifies task-oriented reduction of model complexity. Within this simplified model-supported framework, different optimization techniques, that maximize process productivity, are demonstrated and compared in a second case study, the invertase production with a recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain. Finally, in the third case, the integration of specific process constrains of physical nature proper of the bioprocess is demonstrated on the optimal production of the protein GAL80 with the yeast Kluyveromyces lactis

    Accretion-powered Stellar Winds as a Solution to the Stellar Angular Momentum Problem

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    We compare the angular momentum extracted by a wind from a pre-main-sequence star to the torques arising from the interaction between the star and its Keplerian accretion disk. We find that the wind alone can counteract the spin-up torque from mass accretion, solving the mystery of why accreting pre-main-sequence stars are observed to spin at less than 10% of break-up speed, provided that the mass outflow rate in the stellar winds is ~10% of the accretion rate. We suggest that such massive winds will be driven by some fraction Ï”\epsilon of the accretion power. For observationally constrained typical parameters of classical T-Tauri stars, Ï”\epsilon needs to be between a few and a few tens of percent. In this scenario, efficient braking of the star will terminate simultaneously with accretion, as is usually assumed to explain the rotation velocities of stars in young clusters.Comment: Accepted by ApJ Letter

    Simultaneous Multi-Wavelength Observations of Magnetic Activity in Ultracool Dwarfs. I. The Complex Behavior of the M8.5 Dwarf TVLM513-46546

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    [Abridged] We present the first simultaneous radio, X-ray, ultraviolet, and optical spectroscopic observations of the M8.5 dwarf TVLM513-46546, with a duration of 9 hours. These observations are part of a program to study the origin of magnetic activity in ultracool dwarfs, and its impact on chromospheric and coronal emission. Here we detect steady quiescent radio emission superposed with multiple short-duration, highly polarized flares; there is no evidence for periodic bursts previously reported for this object, indicating their transient nature. We also detect soft X-ray emission, with L_X/L_bol~10^-4.9, the faintest to date for any object later than M5, and a possible weak X-ray flare. TVLM513-46546 continues the trend of severe violation of the radio/X-ray correlation in ultracool dwarfs, by nearly 4 orders of magnitude. From the optical spectroscopy we find that the Balmer line luminosity exceeds the X-ray luminosity by a factor of a few, suggesting that, unlike in early M dwarfs, chromospheric heating may not be due to coronal X-ray emission. More importantly, we detect a sinusoidal H-alpha light curve with a period of 2 hr, matching the rotation period of TVLM513-46546. This is the first known example of such Balmer line behavior, which points to a co-rotating chromospheric hot spot or an extended magnetic structure, with a covering fraction of about 50%. This feature may be transitory based on the apparent decline in light curve peak during the four observed maxima. From the radio data we infer a large scale steady magnetic field of ~100 G, in good agreement with the value required for confinement of the X-ray emitting plasma. The radio flares, on the other hand, are produced in a component of the field with a strength of ~3 kG and a likely multi-polar configuration.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    The Angular Momentum Evolution of 0.1-10 Msun Stars From the Birthline to the Main Sequence

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    (Abridged) Projected rotational velocities (vsini) have been measured for a sample of 145 stars with masses between 0.4 and >10 Msun (median mass 2.1 Msun) located in the Orion star-forming complex. These measurements have been supplemented with data from the literature for Orion stars with masses as low as 0.1 Msun. The primary finding from analysis of these data is that the upper envelope of the observed values of angular momentum per unit mass (J/M) varies as M^0.25 for stars on convective tracks having masses in the range ~0.1 to ~3 Msun. This power law extends smoothly into the domain of more massive stars (3 to 10 Msun), which in Orion are already on the ZAMS. This result stands in sharp contrast to the properties of main sequence stars, which show a break in the power law and a sharp decline in J/M with decreasing mass for stars with M <2 Msun. A second result of our study is that this break is seen already among the PMS stars in our Orion sample that are on radiative tracks, even though these stars are only a few million years old. A comparison of rotation rates seen for stars on either side of the convective-radiative boundary shows that stars do not rotate as solid bodies during the transition from convective to radiative tracks.Comment: to appear in Ap

    The Magnetic Fields of Classical T Tauri Stars

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    We report new magnetic field measurements for 14 classical T Tauri stars (CTTSs). We combine these data with one previous field determination in order to compare our observed field strengths with the field strengths predicted by magnetospheric accretion models. We use literature data on the stellar mass, radius, rotation period, and disk accretion rate to predict the field strength that should be present on each of our stars according to these magnetospheric accretion models. We show that our measured field values do not correlate with the field strengths predicted by simple magnetospheric accretion theory. We also use our field strength measurements and literature X-ray luminosity data to test a recent relationship expressing X-ray luminosity as a function of surface magnetic flux derived from various solar feature and main sequence star measurements. We find that the T Tauri stars we have observed have weaker than expected X-ray emission by over an order of magnitude on average using this relationship. We suggest the cause for this is actually a result of the very strong fields on these stars which decreases the efficiency with which gas motions in the photosphere can tangle magnetic flux tubes in the corona.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figure
