141 research outputs found
Wirkungen der Behandlung von multiplen mathematischen Lösungswegen auf Leistungen und Selbstregulation von Lernenden
Im DFG-Projekt MultiMa (Multiple Lösungen im selbständigkeitsorientierten Mathematikunterricht) wird die Entwicklung von multiplen Lösungen
bei der Bearbeitung von realitätsbezogenen Aufgaben untersucht. Im vorliegenden Beitrag berichten wir über den Ablauf und erste Ergebnisse einer
quasi-experimentellen Feldstudie, in der die Wirkungen von multiplen Lösungen auf Leistungen und kognitive, strategische sowie motivational-affektive Merkmale untersucht wird. In der aktuellen Phase des Projekts (zur ersten Phase siehe Schukajlow & Krug, in press) werden die multiplen Lösungen untersucht, die durch die Verwendung verschiedener mathematischer Verfahren beim Modellieren entwickelt werden können
Fatores associados à manutenção do uso da internet, estudo longitudinal EpiFloripa Idoso
OBJECTIVE: To describe the use of the internet and to identify the sociodemographic and health factors associated with changes in the use of the internet over four years in older adults participating in the Brazilian EpiFloripa Idoso study. METHODS: This is a longitudinal home-based, population-based study with 1,197 older adults who live in the urban area of FlorianĂłpolis, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil. We applied a faceto-face interview. We describe the use of internet according to frequency, place, devices, and motives of the use of the internet. To identify factors associated with changes in the use of the internet, we categorized the outcome as: non-use of the internet, stopped using the internet, started using the internet, and kept using the internet. The independent variables were sex, age, family income, education level, family arrangement, marital status, presence of caregiver, paid work, and cognitive impairment screening. We used multinomial logistic regression with risk ratio (RR) estimates and their respective confidence intervals (95%CI). RESULTS: The prevalence of the use of internet increased from 22.9% in 2009–2010 to 26.6% in 2013–2014. Of the total number of older adults who participated in the study, 7.5% started using the internet, 3.2% stopped using it, 19.1% kept their use, and 70.2% kept their non-use in the analyzed period. Of the older adults who used the internet, most used it every day or almost every day of the week, in their own home, on desktop or portable computers, mainly to send and receive messages, to search for information to learn or investigate something, to find information about goods and services, and to use news, social networking, and health information websites. The factors associated with the use of internet over four years were: being male (RR = 2.19, 95%CI 1.48–3.26), higher monthly family income (RR = 3.53, 95%CI 1.35–9.23), higher education level (RR = 2.64, 95%CI 1.57–4.43), and no presence of caregiver (RR = 0.08, 95%CI 0.02–0.31). CONCLUSIONS: Although the use of the internet is increasing among older adults, most of the population is still digitally excluded, especially women with lower income and education level. Strategies that promote the digital inclusion of older adults should be stimulated, aiming to universalize the use of the internet, and they should take into account socioeconomic and gender inequalities.OBJETIVO: Descrever o uso de internet e identificar os fatores sociodemográficos e de saĂşde associados a mudanças no uso de internet ao longo de quatro anos em idosos participantes do estudo EpiFloripa Idoso. MÉTODOS: Estudo longitudinal de base populacional e domiciliar com 1.197 idosos residentes na área urbana de FlorianĂłpolis, SC. Aplicou-se entrevista face a face. A descrição do uso de internet foi realizada segundo a frequĂŞcia, o local, os aparelhos e os motivos de uso da internet. Para identificar os fatores associados a mudanças no uso de internet, o desfecho foi categorizado em: manteve o nĂŁo uso de internet; passou a nĂŁo usar internet; passou a usar internet; e manteve o uso de internet. As variáveis independentes foram sexo, idade, renda familiar, escolaridade, arranjo familiar, status conjugal, presença de cuidador, trabalho remunerado e rastreamento de dĂ©ficit cognitivo. Utilizou-se regressĂŁo multinomial logĂstica com estimativas de razĂŁo risco relativo (RRR) e seus respectivos intervalos de confiança (IC95%). RESULTADOS: A prevalĂŞncia de uso de internet aumentou de 22,9% em 2009–2010 para 26,6% em 2013–2014. Do total de idosos participantes do estudo, 7,5% passaram a usar internet, 3,2% deixaram de usar, 19,1% mantiveram o uso e 70,2% mantiveram o nĂŁo uso no perĂodo analisado. Dos idosos que usavam internet, a maioria usava todos os dias ou quase todos os dias da semana, em sua prĂłpria casa, em computadores de mesa ou portáteis, com o principal objetivo de enviar e receber mensagens, buscar informações para aprender ou investigar alguma coisa, encontrar informações sobre bens e serviços e usar sites de notĂcias, de redes sociais e de informações sobre saĂşde. Os fatores associados Ă manutenção, ao longo de quatro anos, do uso da internet foram: ser do sexo masculino (RRR = 2,19; IC95% 1,48–3,26), ter maior renda salarial mensal familiar (RRR = 3,53; IC95% 1,35–9,23), ter maior escolaridade (RRR = 2,64; IC95% 1,57–4,43) e nĂŁo ter cuidador (RRR = 0,08; IC95% 0,02–0,31). CONCLUSĂ•ES: Apesar de o uso da internet estar aumentando entre os idosos, a maior parte dessa população ainda Ă© digitalmente excluĂda, especialmente as mulheres de menor renda e escolaridade. EstratĂ©gias que promovam a inclusĂŁo digital de idosos devem ser estimuladas visando Ă universalização do uso de internet e devem levar em consideração as desigualdades socioeconĂ´micas e de gĂŞnero
Effect of Acute Ozone Induced Airway Inflammation on Human Sympathetic Nerve Traffic: A Randomized, Placebo Controlled, Crossover Study
Background: Ozone concentrations in ambient air are related to cardiopulmonary perturbations in the aging population. Increased central sympathetic nerve activity induced by local airway inflammation may be one possible mechanism. Methodology/Principal Findings: To elucidate this issue further, we performed a randomized, double-blind, cross-over study, including 14 healthy subjects (3 females, age 22-47 years), who underwent a 3 h exposure with intermittent exercise to either ozone (250 ppb) or clean air. Induced sputum was collected 3 h after exposure. Nineteen to 22 hours after exposure, we recorded ECG, finger blood pressure, brachial blood pressure, respiration, cardiac output, and muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) at rest, during deep breathing, maximum-inspiratory breath hold, and a Valsalva maneuver. While the ozone exposure induced the expected airway inflammation, as indicated by a significant increase in sputum neutrophils, we did not detect a significant estimated treatment effect adjusted for period on cardiovascular measurements. Resting heart rate (clean air: 59 +/- 62, ozone 60 +/- 62 bpm), blood pressure (clean air: 121 +/- 3/71 +/- 2 mmHg; ozone: 121 +/- 2/71 +/- 2mmHg), cardiac output (clean air: 7.42 +/- 0.29 mmHg; ozone: 7.98 +/- 0.60 l/min), and plasma norepinephrine levels (clean air: 213 +/- 21 pg/ml; ozone: 202 +/- 16 pg/ml), were similar on both study days. No difference of resting MSNA was observed between ozone and air exposure (air: 2362, ozone: 2362 bursts/min). Maximum MSNA obtained at the end of apnea (air: 44 +/- 4, ozone: 48 +/- 4 bursts/min) and during the phase II of the Valsalva maneuver (air: 64 +/- 5, ozone: 57 +/- 6 bursts/min) was similar. Conclusions/Significance: Our study suggests that acute ozone-induced airway inflammation does not increase resting sympathetic nerve traffic in healthy subjects, an observation that is relevant for environmental health. However, we can not exclude that chronic airway inflammation may contribute to sympathetic activation
Programa intergeracional de estimulação cognitiva: BenefĂcios relatados por idosos e monitores participantes
We investigated the benefits perceived by older people and monitors participants of the intergenerational program intergenerational of maintenance, stimulation/rehabilitation cognitive, mediated by the use of computers and physical activity “Oficina da Lembrança”. We performed a descriptive qualitative research with ten elderly and six monitors participants of Oficina da Lembrança. We applied semi-structured interviews, which were interpreted by content analysis. The elderly related: learning the use of computers, improved memory, socialization, having leisure activity, weight loss, improved quality of life, health and socialization. Monitors: contact with elderly, improvement of the relationship with people and patients, preparation for different situations and acquiring more knowledge about the elderly. In conclusion, Oficina da Lembrança can provide several benefits to its practitioners and monitors, especially the intergenerationality.Investigaram-se os benefĂcios percebidos pelos idosos e monitores participantes do programa intergeracional de manutenção, estimulação e/ou reabilitação cognitiva, mediado pelo uso de computadores e prática de atividades fĂsicas “Oficina da Lembrança”. Realizou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa descritiva, com dez idosos e seis monitores participantes da Oficina da Lembrança. Aplicou-se entrevista semiestruturada, interpretada pela análise de conteĂşdo. Os idosos relataram: aprendizagem do uso de computadores, melhora da memĂłria, sociabilização, ter atividade de lazer, emagrecimento, melhora da qualidade de vida, saĂşde e sociabilização. Monitores: contato com idosos, melhora da relação com pessoas/pacientes, preparação para situações diversas e conhecimentos sobre idosos. Conclui-se que a Oficina da Lembrança pode proporcionar vários benefĂcios para seus praticantes e para seus monitores, principalmente a intergeracionalidade
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