1 research outputs found

    Women in sports journalism

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    Cilj istraživanja u okviru ovog diplomskog rada bio je dobiti uvid u to kako sportske novinarke u Hrvatskoj percipiraju svoju struku. Samo istraživanje napravljeno je zbog zanimanja autorice za položaj žena u sportskom novinarstvu. Korištena je metoda anketnog e-upitnika. Uzorak su činile 23 sportske novinarke. Na početku istraživanja postavljene su tri hipoteze, od kojih su sve tri potvrđene. Hipoteza kako je ženama teže uspjeti u sportskom novinarstvu nego muškarcima potvrđena je u potpunosti, kao i hipoteza da sportske novinarke svoju vanjštinu smatraju nebitnom za posao kojim se bave. Hipoteza koja tvrdi kako su sportske novinarke često suočene s nepovjerenjem u svoju stručnost, djelomično je potvrđena. Možemo zaključiti kako su sportske novinarke zadovoljne stanjem u struci no isto tako vjeruju da bi im bilo lakše da su muškarci. Nadaju se da u budućnosti ima mjesta za napredak te za istu pokazuju velike ambicije.Purpose of research in this thesis was to find out how women sports journalist in Croatia perceive their profession. The research was done because of author's interests in women's position in sports journalism. Electronic survey was used as a method in this research. The sample was consisted of 23 women sports journalists. At the beginning of the research three hypotheses were set. All three of them are confirmed. Hypothesis which claims that it is harder for women to succeed in sports journalism compared to men is completely confirmed, same as the hypothesis which claims that women sports journalists consider their appereance as unimportant for their job. Hypothesis which claims that the women sports journalist are often faced with distrust in their professionalism is partially confirmed. We can conclude that women sports journalists are satisfied with condition in their profession, but they do believe it would be easier for them if they were men. They hope that there will be space for the progress in the future for which they are showing huge ambitious