393 research outputs found

    Lokalna televizija kao biznis - komparativne perspektive komercijalnih televizijskih stanica u Srbiji

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    The aim of this paper is to examine in which way the following factors influence TV ownersā€Ÿ strategies for the development of television as a business in the turbulent media market of Serbia: 1) the size of the news market and local media environment, 2) the response to technological changes, 3) economic status of the television outlet, and 4) clientelism. For the purpose of this case study, in-depth interviews were conducted with the owners of six local commercial TV stations located in different regions in Serbia. The results show that instead of developing professional resources for a highly competitive media environment, TV owners are fighting for bare survival. However, their strategies for the development of television as a business can be divided into two camps: one group expects the help of the state to overcome financial constraints, while the other seeks to develop e-business and web advertising as models of sustainable growth on the market.Cilj ovog rada je da ispita na koji način sledeći faktori utiču na strategije televizijskih vlasnika da razvijaju televiziju kao biznis na turbulentnom medijskom tržiÅ”tu u Srbiji: 1) veličina medijskog tržiÅ”ta i lokalno medijsko okruženje, 2) odgovor na tehnoloÅ”ke promene, 3) ekonomski status tele-vizije i 4) klijentelizam. Za potrebe studije slučaja sprovedeni su dubinski intervjui sa vlasnicima Å”est lokalnih privatnih televizija u različitim regionima Srbije. Rezultati pokazuju da se vlasnici lokalnih televizija, umesto da razvijaju profesionalne resurse za potrebe visoko kompetitivnog medijskog okruženja, bore za opstanak na tržiÅ”tu. Njihove strategije za razvoj televizije kao biznisa podeljene su u dve grupe: jedna grupa vlasnika očekuje pomoć države u prevazilaženju finansijskih poteÅ”koća, dok druga grupa razvija elektronski biznis i internet oglaÅ”avanje kao modele održivog razvoja i rasta na tržiÅ”tu


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    Gastric cancer is the one of the most frequent neoplasms of gastrointestinal tract.Regarding distribution, there is a rare incidence in people under 30, about 10% of patients are under 50; the average mean of patients is between 55 and 65 years. Males suffer more from this disease than females - 2:1 proportionally.The aim of this paper is to establish the importance of gastroscophy as a reliable method for gastric cancer diagnosis as well as to establish the importance of specific parameters (sex, macroscopic result) on survival of patients.This is a retrospective-prospective study. The study included 70 patients with gastric cancer or adenocancer diagnosis. The diagnosis was verified by gastroscophy and pathohistological result.Gastroscophy is a reliable method for gastric cancer diagnosis because early diagnosis is of great importance for survival of these patients. Tumor size, lymphnodaly status and pathohistological results are of great importance for the type of operative procedure to be applied and metastasis as well. Radical lymphodenoctomy with total or subtotal gastrectomy increases the survival rate

    Retrofitting of multi-family buildings towards healthier settlements

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    The subject of the paper is retrofitting of suburban multifamily buildings built in the late fifties and early sixties at Karaburma, Belgrade. According to the data collected by Serbia Statistical Office, about 55 percent of the existing housing units in Belgrade were built during the sixties and seventies and they were designed without consideration of energy demands and consumption. The same problem is present in the case of Karaburma settlement. Buildings were in poor condition until the retrofitting in 2009. The retrofitting was carried out on a significant number of buildings and still takes place in the settlement. The main retrofitting objectives are: the identification of housing typologies related to new userā€™s needs, the complying with new technical regulations in terms of energy efficiency and accessibility for disables. The retrofitting concept was aimed to improve living comfort, especially thermal comfort, in order to achieve energy savings and healthier environments. Solutions for the retrofitting are shown in the paper. The improvement of living comfort and building appearance was achieved by annex of attics, addition of balconies as new structures and organized closing (glazing) of balconies, as well as by laying of thermal insulation on the facade surface and itā€™s painting in different colors resulting in housing diversity. The benefits are in improving energy performances of the buildings and living conditions generally. The results show that significant energy savings and reduction of CO2 emissions can be obtained with different and simple retrofitting measures

    The future of journalism as a system, profession and culture: The perception of journalism students

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    Currently, there is clear need for traditional journalism to redefine itself. The intention of this article is to portray the voices of future journalists in this quest. Therefore, Belgrade University journalism students were assigned to write down their contemplations about the journalism of tomorrow in essayistic form. In order to systematize their narratives, three theoretical understandings of journalism are introduced based on a literature review: journalism as a societal system, profession and culture. The essays were analyzed using quantitative and qualitative content and critical discourse analyses. The students' anticipated changes in journalism understood as a system, profession and culture are discussed, with a special focus on language, in order to deconstruct how students evaluate the future of journalism. Furthermore, the article shows how students perceive their role in redefining journalism

    Combined Use of BSC and DEA Methods for Measuring Organizational Efficiency

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    Although financial indicators are most often used to measure organizational efficiency, contemporary research suggests that more consideration should be given to non-material factors that can be enveloped by different non-parametric techniques. However, there is no method powerful enough to cover all the relevant aspects of the efficiency problem, i.e. each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. The paper discusses possible combined use of Balanced Scorecard (BSC) method and Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) in the measurement of organizational efficiency, starting from the deficiencies of the single method use. The main goal of the research in the paper is to show that by combining these methods certain deficiencies in their independent application are eliminated, as well as to indicate the possibilities and limitations, advantages and disadvantages of their combined application. The paper explains that if BSC method is applied first, as a framework for defining goals and performance measures, and then four interactive DEA models are developed, in order to evaluate efficiency in each of the perspectives, relevant synergetic effects will be achieved. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Energy refurbishment of a public building in Belgrade

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    Statistics show that about 8% of overall EU building sector belongs to Sports and Recreation Building Stock, that represents about one and a half million of these kinds of buildings. Itā€™s been estimated that out of whole building sector these public buildings are accounting up to 10% of total annual energy consumption. Considering that in 2008 overall energy use was about 1,768 [Mtoe], there is the potential to reduce energy consumption of about 21 [Mtoe] on a yearly base in the EU Sport Facility Building Stock which is far away of insignificant (SportE2, 2018). Most of the buildings of this kind were built from 1960 to 1980. At the time of construction, energy efficiency was not taken into consideration, and even if it was taken into account, the equipment and fabrics installed at that time are not efficient now as at the time of installation. Energy sources are mostly traditional, fossil fuel based. Since regulations on energy efficiency are more stringent, these facilities must be renovated and then well maintained in terms of energy consumption. Sport buildings are mostly very well postured to adopt RES technologies, as active features, having in mind large open spaces and large outdoor surfaces. However, this paper investigates use of Passive House technologies in these manmade structures that may be productive in energy saving. The case study includes sport centre built in 1974 in Belgrade, Serbia. Different Passive House measures applied on the building structure and benefits in the sense of reducing total annual energy consumption for space heating, as well as conditions related to the comfort of the indoor environment were simulated in software package Integrated Environmental Solutions Virtual Environment, IES VE 2016, that is approved by USGBC, ASHRAE, CIBSE and U.S. Department of Energy

    Dataset on the energy performance of atrium type hotel buildings

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    The data presented in this article are related to the research article entitled "The Influence of Atrium on Energy Performance of Hotel Building" (Vujosevic and Krstic-Furundzic, 2017) [1], which describes the annual energy performance of atrium type hotel building in Belgrade climate conditions, with the objective to present the impact of the atrium on the hotel building's energy demands for space heating and cooling. This dataset is made publicly available to show energy performance of selected hotel design alternatives, in order to enable extended analyzes of these data for other researchers

    Posao dopisnika iz Brisela - izazovi, problemi i prepreke - Džon Lojd, Kristina Markoni: IzveŔtavanje o EU - vesti, mediji i evropske institucije

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