156 research outputs found

    Conditions of labour migrants in the Republic of Serbia: Preliminary perspective

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    Problemi stranih radnih migranata ne zauzimaju značajno mesto u politici Vlade Republike Srbije. Politika Vlade je pre svega usmerena ka problemima dijaspore i srpskih radnih migranata u inostranstvu. Što se tiče nacionalne politike prema strancima, ona se s jedne strane bavi suzbijanjem ilegalnih imigranata, a s druge strane inkluzijom i readmisijom srpskih izbeglica. Međutim, u Srbiji je neophodan razvoj migratornih politika budući da one čine deo nacionalne strategije evrointegracija. Stoga smatramo da je izuzetno važno da se privuče pažnja i na ovaj aspekt problema migracija, odnosno na problem stranih radnih migranata u Srbiji. U ovom tekstu nastojale smo da damo osnovni pregled procedura, zakona i migratornih strategija koje postoje unutar nacionalne politike, ističući nedovoljnost i manjkavost u tretiranju pitanja stranih radnih migranata.Issue of foreign labour migrants in Serbia does not occupy very prominent place in Serbian governmental policies. These policies are mainly focused towards Serbian Diaspora and Serbian labour migrants working abroad. Conversely, national policies on foreigners in Serbia are mostly concentrated on suppression of illegal immigrants and inclusion and readmission of Serbian refugees. The development of Serbian migratory policies represents part of national Euro-integration strategy. Therefore we find relevant to draw attentions to this topic. In this paper we outline basic national legislation procedures, laws and migratory strategies and give review of basic national and other bodies. Furthermore, we focus on gaps in processing problems of labour migrants in Serbia

    Performance of Diversity System Output Signal in Mobile Cellular System in the Presence of alpha-mu all Short Term Fading and Gamma Long Term Fading

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    In this paper, wireless mobile communication system with macrodiversity reception is considered. Macrodiversity system is consisting of macrodiversity selection combining (SC) receiver and three microdiversity SC receivers. Propagation channel suffers alpha-mu short term fading and Gamma long term fading resulting in system performance degradation. Analytical closed form expression for average level crossing rate (LCR) of macrodiversity SC receiver output signal envelope is obtained Mathematical results are analyzed, presenting the influence of long term fading parameters and short term fading parameters on average level crossing rate. Obtained results can be used in the process of simulation and design of real-world environments mobile cellular telecommunication systems

    Air kerma to HP(3) conversion coefficients for exp osure of the human eye lens to the selected standard X-RAY beam qualities

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    International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) has decreased the annual dose limit for the eye lens from 150 mSv down to 20 mSv for occupational exposures. The operational quantity Hp (3) has been defined for eye lens dosimetry, while cylindrical phantom approximating the shape of a head was suggested for calibration purposes. The aim of the work was to provide a set of conversion coefficients that could contribute to improving the overall quality of eye lens dose assessment. The work investigated the air kerma to Hp(3,iota)conversion coefficients, Hp(3,iota)/Ka (in Sv/Gy), based on Monte Carlo simulations for a standard beam qualities, different angulations and suitable cylindrical phantom. For incident angles iota from 0(o\) to 90(o)., the conversion coefficients Hp(3,iota)/Ka were in the range 0.44-0.88 for N-40, 0.72-1.06 for N-60, 0.91-1.63 for N-80, 1.08-1.52 for N-100, 1.22- 1.62 for N-120 and 0.14-1.56 for N-150 beam quality. The conversion factors Hp(3)/Ka provided in this work are related to standard beam qualities readily available in the calibration laboratories and are suitable for application in numerous workplace situations in medicine and industry.3rd International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research (RAD), Jun 08-12, 2015, Budva, Montenegr

    Air kerma to HP(3) conversion coefficients for exp osure of the human eye lens to the selected standard X-RAY beam qualities

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    International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) has decreased the annual dose limit for the eye lens from 150 mSv down to 20 mSv for occupational exposures. The operational quantity Hp (3) has been defined for eye lens dosimetry, while cylindrical phantom approximating the shape of a head was suggested for calibration purposes. The aim of the work was to provide a set of conversion coefficients that could contribute to improving the overall quality of eye lens dose assessment. The work investigated the air kerma to Hp(3,iota)conversion coefficients, Hp(3,iota)/Ka (in Sv/Gy), based on Monte Carlo simulations for a standard beam qualities, different angulations and suitable cylindrical phantom. For incident angles iota from 0(o\) to 90(o)., the conversion coefficients Hp(3,iota)/Ka were in the range 0.44-0.88 for N-40, 0.72-1.06 for N-60, 0.91-1.63 for N-80, 1.08-1.52 for N-100, 1.22- 1.62 for N-120 and 0.14-1.56 for N-150 beam quality. The conversion factors Hp(3)/Ka provided in this work are related to standard beam qualities readily available in the calibration laboratories and are suitable for application in numerous workplace situations in medicine and industry.3rd International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research (RAD), Jun 08-12, 2015, Budva, Montenegr

    Two metallothionein gene family members in buckwheat: Expression analysis in flooding stress using Real Time RT-PCR technology

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    Metalotioneini (MT) pripadaju velikoj grupi proteina male molekulske težine bogatih cisteinom, izražene sposobnosti za vezivanje jona metala, uključenih u procese održavanja homeostaze metalnih jona i detoksifikacije od teških metala. U radu je analizirana struktura dva transkripta gena za MT tipa 3 poreklom iz semena heljde u razviću. Razlike su nađene pre svega u okviru 3’- UTR sekvenci. Nakon analiza sekvenci urađena je analiza ekspresije tokom hipoksije korišćenjem tehnologije Real Tme RT-PCR.Metallothioneins (MTs) are an extensive and diverse family of small cysteine-rich proteins with metal-binding ability that are involved in metal homeostasis and detoxification. Two cDNA clones of the MT3 type, differing in 3’ UTRs, were isolated from the developing buckwheat seed cDNA library. Following sequence analyses, expression profiles during flooding stress were monitored by Real Time RT PCR technology

    Guest workers: From their own perspective. Narratives about life and the socio-economic position of migrant workers

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    Na osnovu sprovedenih terenskih istraživanja u istočnoj i jugoistočnoj Srbiji u radu se ispituju životne priče gastarbajtera kao materijal važan za antropološko i folklorističko istraživanje njihovog iskustva, vrednosti i identiteta. U ovom radu interesuje nas da, dajući glas samim gastarbajterima, na osnovu njihovih životnih priča izdvojimo i uočimo karakteristike različitih migracionih talasa koji su bili motivisani željom za boljim životom i materijalnim blagostanjem, ali i posebnim dodatnim motivima za iseljenje u zavisnosti od političkih i socio-ekonomskih uslova u zemlji matici. Nadalje, interesuje nas proces akulturacije u različitim zemljama useljenja. Konačno, razmotrićemo i priče gastarbajtera-povratnika i razloge za odluku da se vrate u domovinu.Based on fieldwork conducted in Eastern Serbia (Knjaževac and Kučevo with surrounding regions), this paper analyzes the life stories of migrant workers as material crucial for anthropological and folkloristic research into experiences, values and attitudes of the members of a certain culture. The term 'guest worker' (ser. gastarbajter, i.e. ger. gastarbeit) was used to designate temporary migrants who served as labor at the time of the reconstruction of Western Europe after World War II. A large number of migrant workers decided to stay in the host countries, and work migrations are still a common occurrence today. Based on the life stories of guest workers, in this paper we will attempt to map out the specific characteristics of different waves of migration. While all the waves of migration had a common cause - the desire for a better life and material stability - there were certain additional motives which depended on the political and socio-economic conditions in the home country. Furthermore, we are interested in the process of acculturation in different host countries, focusing on the differences in social policy regarding immigrants, the geographic distance from Serbia and the number of compatriots in the host country. Finally, we will address the narratives of guest workers who have returned, focusing on the reasons they decided to come back to their home country and the ways in which they settled down after their return

    Prisustvo i rasprostranjenost virusa paprike u Srbiji

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    A two-year investigation (2009-2010) of the presence and distribution of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) viruses in Serbia revealed that viruses occur each year in open-field production. Disease incidence, as estimated by the number of symptomatic plants in the field, highly varied depending on the year and sampling locality. Disease incidence ranged from 20% to 60%. Four viruses: Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Potato virus Y (PVY), Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) and Pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV), of which PVY was predominant, were detected by serological testing of pepper samples collected from many localities in Serbia. Molecular detection of PVY was performed based on amplification of a 975 bp fragment in all tested samples, using the specific primers PVYc/PVYd that amplify the gene for P1 protein. The RT-PCR products derived from the four isolates (PL-28-09, PL-15-09, PL-3-10, PL-108-10) of PVY were sequenced (KC288142, KC288143, KC288144, and KC288144, respectively) and compared with the PVY sequences available in GenBank. Sequence analysis, conducted with MEGA5 software, revealed 99.8-100% nt identity among the four Serbian PVY isolates from pepper. The sequences of PVY isolates from Serbia share the highest nucleotide and amino acid identity with isolates from Slovenia, Croatia, Germany, and tobbaco isolate from Serbia. All of the four Serbian isolates were clustered in sub-group N-1 with other European isolates of necrotic strains.Dvogodišnjim poučavanjima (2009-2010) prisustva i rasprostranjenosti virusa u usevu paprike u Srbiji utvrđeno je da se virusi javljaju svake godine u proizvodnji paprike na otvorenom polju. Intenzitet zaraze bio je različit i kretao se od 20% do 60%, u zavisnosti od ispitivane godine i lokaliteta gajenja paprike. Serološkim testiranjem uzoraka paprike prikupljenih u više lokaliteta u Srbiji, tokom 2009 i 2010. godine detektovani su Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Potato virus Y (PVY), Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) and Pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV), pri čemu je PVY bio dominantan. Specifičnim prajmerima PVYc/PVYd uz upotrebu RT-PCR metode umnožen je deo genoma od oko 975 bp koji kodira P1 protein. Amplifikovani fragmenti su sekvencirani i prijavljeni u GenBank bazu podataka, gde su im dodeljeni pristupni brojevi PL-28-09 (KC288142), PL-15-09 (KC288143), PL-3-10 (KC288144), PL-108-10 (KC288144). Proračunom genetičke sličnosti sekvenci izolata dobijenih u ovom radu utvrđen je visok stepen nukleotidne sličnosti, koji se kretao od 99,8-100%. Ispitivane sekvence PVY izolata iz Srbije dele najveću nukleotidnu i aminokiselinsku sličnost sa izolatima iz Slovenije, Hrvatske, Nemačke i izolatom duvana iz Srbije. Svi ispitivani izolati sa paprike poreklom iz Srbije grupisani su u subklaster nekrotičnih izolata poreklom iz Evrope

    Proračun specifične apsorbovane frakcije u pojedinim organizma čovečjeg tela prilikom primene radiofarmaceutika Xe-133

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    Монте Карло симулације су изведене за процену дозу приликом третмана са радиофармацеутиком 133Xe. Овај радиофармацеутик се користи у третманима у нуклеарној медицини, као индикација за кардиоваскуларне и плућне болести. Циљ овог рада је био да се процени специфична апсорбована фракција (САФ) када је овај радиофармацеутик инкорпориран у плућима. За ту сврху је развијен воксел фантом (торакса) и упоређен је са ORNL фантомом. Сви прорачуни и симулације врше помоћу MCNP5/Х кода.Monte Carlo simulations were performed to estimate dose for treatment with radiopharmaceutical 133Xe. This radiopharmaceutical is used in treatments in nuclear medicine as an indication for cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the specific absorbed fraction (SAF) when this radiopharmaceutical is incorporated in the lungs. For this purpose, a Vauxhall phantom (toraxa) is developed and was compared to the ORNL phantom. All calculations and simulations are done using the MCNP5/X code.Зборник радова : XXIX симпозијум ДЗЗСЦГ : Сребрно језеро, 27-29. септембар 2017. годин