57 research outputs found


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    Тhe Species of Superfamily Chalcidoidea – Parasites of Aphidophagous Hoverflies

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    The species of the family Syrphidae are one of the most important predators of the peach leaf aphids on tobacco. In the complex food chain, aphidophagous hoverflies are attacked by a wide range of parasites. During tobacco vegetation, in the Prilep area, we applied the following methods: survey of 20 tobacco stalks and survey of 100 tobacco leaves, in 10 days interval, 2003-2005. The prime material collected from the nature, further is cultivated and analysed under laboratory conditions. Parasited larva of Syrphidae, feeds with aphids and perform its bioregulatory role. Parasite species are activated after the larva of hoverflies is transformed into a puppet stage. They are feeding on tissues and organs of the hoverflies and destroy them. Were identified three parasite species from superfamily Chalcidoidea, eclosed from pupae of hoverflies: Pachyneuron grande (Pteromalidae), Pachyneuron cf. grande (Pteromalidae) and Syrphophagus aeruginosus (Encyrtidae). The most numerous is the parasitic specie P. grande. It was registered as a parasite on: Sphaerophoria scripta, Sphaerophoria rueppelli, Episyrphus balteatus, Scaeva pyrastri and Eupeodes corollae. P. cf. grande is a parasite on: S. scripta and S. rueppelli. S. aeruginosus is a parasite on: S. scripta, S. rueppelli, S. pyrastri and E. balteatus. The emergence of parasitic species depends on the occurrence of host-hoverflies, while the emergence and development of aphidophagous hoverflies depends on the occurrence of the peach leaf aphids on tobacco and climate conditions of the area. This study may contribute in strategies of biological control of plant pests and IPM implementation

    Вредностите и принципите на евроинтеграцијата и проширувањето на Европската унија

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    Европската унија претставува единствена интеграција на суверени европски земји, кои решиле да делат заедничка иднина и да здружуваат дел од својот национален суверенитет. Земјите, членки на ЕУ, дел од своите овластувања за донесување на одлуки, им го делегираат на европските институции што ги имаат создадено, за да можат да ги донесуваат одлуките за специфични работи од заеднички интерес по на ниво на Европа. Трудот ќе ја оствари замислата за еден академски, посветен и темелен пристап кон основната тема и кон реализирање на целта за претставување на евроинтеграцијата како процес и проширувањето како дополнителна компонента со која се содздаваат сите вредности почитувајќи ги принципите на двата процеса. Европската унија претставува суштински дел од политичкиот живот на Европа. Нејзините задачи, обврски и надлежности опфаќаат се поголем спектар на политички, економски и социјални теми. Имено, европската интеграција заслужува најголемо внимание како успешен проект и процес за мирно регулирање на конфликти и остварување на одржлив мир. Терминот, одржлив мир ја истакнува позицијата на ЕУ во однос на целите, наместо на симптомите на конфликтите и насилството. Одржливиот мир се дефинира како истовремено инволвирање на краткорочното решавање на проблемите и долгорочните структурални решенија за превенција од конфликтите, преку интеграција на безбедносните потреби на човекот и промоцијата на доброто глобално владеење. Целта на овој труд во содржинска и компактна форма е да се презентира идејата за формирањето на Европската унија и начинот на функционирањето и одржливоста во сите сфери на општественото живеење и дејствување, да се создаде заедничко европско семејство на наднационална основа и покрај многуте различности. 4 Анализата на трудот ги потенцира основните вредности на евроинтеграцијата и проширувањето како исклучително значајни процеси кои се случуваат повеќе од шест децении и ја дефинираат формата и функцијата на Унијата. Во оваа смисла, една од поентите е да се елаборира и истражува Унијата преку историската димензија со сите попатни обележја и карактеристики. Идејата е да се дефинира Унијата со нејзината суштинска компонента во процесот на севкупното демократско одлучување на институциите и е израз на остварување на правото. Правниот поредок создаден од ЕУ, веќе стана востановена компонента на нашиот политички живот и на општеството. Секоја година, врз основа на спогодбите на Унијата, се донесуваат илјадници одлуки со клучно влијание врз земјите-членки на ЕУ и врз животот на нивните граѓани. Одамна луѓето не се само граѓани на својата земја, град или регион, тие се и граѓани на Унијата. Дури и да е само оваа причина, од клучна важност е тие да се запознаени со правниот поредок што се одразува врз нивното секојдневие.

    Practical view of association between the organizational culture, climate and values

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    Abstract Since the organizations are ran by people than it is understandable that the employees are the resource that could make significant differences in the organizational "run" for profit. From the other side, organizational culture, climate & values could influence the organizational "run" for profit, but very often culture, climate and values are treated and are recognized as separate pillars. For that reason the need of increasing the awareness of the importance of employee's feelings, perceptions, actions, believes, values & behaviors for the organizational success is becoming more and more important. The concern that this paper is covering is how the employees feelings, perceptions, actions, believes could be measured, furthermore, how to be linked to the values, and at the end how to be connected with practices within the companies. The specific of this paper is consisted in the offer of one concept for simple practical implementation & measurement of outcomes


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    Background: Late-life depression encompasses both patients with late-life onset of depression (>60 years) and older adults with a prior and current history of depression. The aim of the study was to analyze the impact of the economic condition and family relations in childhood as risk factors for late-life depression. Subjects and methods: This was an analytical cross-sectional study comprising 120 subjects, 60 patients with unipolar depression and 60 subjects without depressive disorders, diagnosed in accordance with the 10-th International Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders. All participants in the study were above the age of 60 and there was no significant statistical difference in the sex proportion in both groups (p>0.05). Data for the examination were taken from a self-reported questionnaire designed for our aim. The Geriatric Depression Scale was used to measure depressive symptoms. Results: Our results have shown that severe financial difficulties are important events in childhood and are risk factors for depression in the elderly (Chi-square=12.68, df=2, p=0.0018). Our investigation has found the association of family relations with late-life depression. In fact, conflictual relations in the family were more common in the experimental group than in the control group (Chi-square=14.32, df=3, p=0.0025). Furthermore, father’s addiction to alcohol in childhood was associated with depression in later life (p=0.013). The difference in childhood emotional neglect and unequal treatment between siblings in both groups was insufficient to be confirmed statistically, but the examinees with this trauma had a threefold higher chance of having depression later in life (Odds ratio=3.04, 95% CL0.92 < OR<10.65; Yates chi-square=3.2, df=1, p=0.07). Subjects who have estimated their mother (p=0.019) or father (p=0.046) having negative personal character traits had a significantly greater risk for development of late-life depression. Conclusions: Negative socio-economic circumstances as well as family conflicts during childhood are associated with late-life depression. Father\u27s addiction to alcohol and parents’ negative personal character traits are associated with depression in the elderly

    Meat Quality Parameters at Domestic Turkeys Fed Various Dietary Rations

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    In relation to other poultry species, turkeys belong to the largest poultry and the best producers of high-quality poultry meat, because it contains a high percentage of protein, especially essential amino acids and low fat content. Turkeys used for this study were originated from the domestic breed of turkey (white and black). A total of 30 turkeys were grown under the so-called indoor keeping system in Pelagonia region, North Macedonia. The aim of the research was to determine the differences in the body weight in the period of 10 - 90 days and the slaughtering characteristics of turkeys fed with two different rations in relation to the origin of feed proteins (group R - fed with fish flour and group S - fed with whey powder). An analysis of the chemical composition of the large breast muscle (Musculus pectoralis superficialis -MPS) was also performed on samples of the two groups of turkeys. Statistics (ANOVA) on turkey growth (10-90 days) show significant differences in body mass between the two groups of S and R for different feeding intervals. The results of the examinations of the chemical composition of the MPS showed higher values for protein and fat in the meat of turkeys fed with whey powder and were (protein 25% and fat 8.67%) compared to the values of turkeys fed with fish flour and were 23.27 and 6.5% respectively. At the same time, protein and fat values were significantly different among the groups. &nbsp

    Meat quality parameters at domestic turkeys fed various dietary rations

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    Predatory hoverflies are useful pollinators in their adult stage and present a natural enemy of plant pests, especially of aphids in their larval stage.The observations were made with the application of the following methods of catching: check of all leaves of 20 tobacco stalks; and check of 100 tobacco leaves in 10-day intervals during the entire period of vegetation of the tobacco. The collected material was further nourished and analysed under laboratory conditions. The tobacco crop was attacked only by Myzus persicae Sulzer and larvae were reared on tobacco leaves infested with M. persicae in Petri dishes.During a period of three years Sphaerophoria scripta Linnaeus, Sphaerophoria rueppelli Wiedemann and Scaeva pyrastri Linnaeus are represented in great numbers. Under laboratory conditions the larvae from the species S. scripta consumed from 300 up to 365 aphids from the species M. persicae; the larvae from the species S. rueppelli, 280-321 aphids; and those of the species S. pyrastri, 280-563 aphids. These data show their great capacity for eating aphids. With their great voracity, and to preserve their own kind, they control the population of aphids on tobacco, and so have a great impact on the tobacco biocenoses. The aphidophagous Syrphidae are the main predators and they are ranged on the third trophic level of the food chain: tobacco leaf - aphids - aphidophagous hoverflies. In the complex food chain the aphidophagous Syrphidae are being parasitized by many species of parasites and because of that their ecological and economic use is lesser.During the laboratory analyses from 2003-2005 we detected ten parasitic species of the order Hymenoptera, ecloded in the pupae of the aphidophagous Syrphidae: Pachyneuron grande Thomson, Pachyneuron cf. grande Thomson, Syrphophagus aeruginosus Dalman, Diplazon laetatorius Fabricius, Diplazon sp. 2, Diplazon sp. 3, Homotropus sp. 1, Homotropus sp. 2, Sussaba sp. 1, Promethes sp. 1.The parasitism has a negative impact on reducing the population of the future generation of the species Syrphidae. The species S. scripta, S. rueppelli and S. pyrastri can be used as integral protectors of the tobacco leaf aphids, because of their great numbers and their great voracity

    Meat quality parameters at domestic turkeys fed various dietary rations

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    In relation to other poultry species, turkeys belong to the largest poultry and the best producers of high-quality poultry meat, because it contains a high percentage of protein, especially essential amino acids and low fat content. Turkeys used for this study were originated from the domestic breed of turkey (white and black). A total of 30 turkeys were grown under the so-called indoor keeping system in Pelagonia region, North Macedonia. The aim of the research was to determine the differences in the body weight in the period of 10 - 90 days and the slaughtering characteristics of turkeys fed with two different rations in relation to the origin of feed proteins (group R - fed with fish flour and group S - fed with whey powder). An analysis of the chemical composition of the large breast muscle (Musculus pectoralis superficialis -MPS) was also performed on samples of the two groups of turkeys. Statistics (ANOVA) on turkey growth (10-90 days) show significant differences in body mass between the two groups of S and R for different feeding intervals. The results of the examinations of the chemical composition of the MPS showed higher values for protein and fat in the meat of turkeys fed with whey powder and were (protein 25% and fat 8.67%) compared to the values of turkeys fed with fish flour and were 23.27 and 6.5% respectively. At the same time, protein and fat values were significantly different among the groups


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    Epitrix hirtipennis (Melsheimer, 1847) causes damage to tobacco plants throughout the growing season. The most severe damages were observed in the first three weeks after tobacco transplanting. It is very difficult for damaged plants to adapt after transplanting, often resulting in their death. The study was conducted in 2013-2014 in several villages in the southeast and Pelagonia region of the Republic of Macedonia, where tobacco is an abundant crop. During 2013, the major attack was registered in June on sand leaves (3212), bottom leaves (2584), and first middle leaves (1905), with the pest population gradually decreasing on second middle leaves (1218), third middle leaves (894), lower top leaves (649) and top leaves (411). The major attacks in 2013 were determined in Budakovo and Desovo. In 2014, the most intense attack of E. hirtipennis was in Konce on sand leaves with an average of 40.86%, and the average in all regions was 35.71%. The percentage of attacked bottom leaves and first middle leaves was on average 10.55%