238 research outputs found

    Evolution of oxygen isotopic composition in the inner solar nebula

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    Changes in the chemical and isotopic composition of the solar nebula with time are reflected in the properties of different constituents that are preserved in chondritic meteorites. CR carbonaceous chondrites are among the most primitive of all chondrite types and must have preserved solar nebula records largely unchanged. We have analyzed the oxygen and magnesium isotopes in a range of the CR constituents of different formation temperatures and ages, including refractory inclusions and chondrules of various types. The results provide new constraints on the time variation of the oxygen isotopic composition of the inner (<5 AU) solar nebula - the region where refractory inclusions and chondrules most likely formed. A chronology based on the decay of short-lived 26Al (t1/2 ~ 0.73 Ma) indicates that the inner solar nebula gas was 16O-rich when refractory inclusions formed, but less than 0.8 Ma later, gas in the inner solar nebula became 16O-poor and this state persisted at least until CR chondrules formed ~1-2 Myr later. We suggest that the inner solar nebula became 16O-poor because meter-size icy bodies, which were enriched in 17,18O due to isotopic self-shielding during the ultraviolet photo dissociation of CO in the protosolar molecular cloud or protoplanetary disk, agglomerated outside the snowline, drifted rapidly towards the Sun, and evaporated at the snowline. This led to significant enrichment in 16O-depleted water, which then spread through the inner solar system. Astronomical studies of the spatial and/or temporal variations of water abundance in protoplanetary disks may clarify these processes.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figure

    Forsterite-Bearing Type B CAI with a Relict Eringaite-Bearing Ultra-Refractory CAI

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    Forsterite-bearing Type B (FoB) Ca,Al-rich inclusions (CAIs) are a rare type of coarse-grained igneous CAIs found almost exclusively in CV3 chondrites [1–5]. Here we describe the mineralogy, petrography, and oxygen-isotope compositions of a FoB CAI Al-2 from Allende containing a relict eringaite-bearing ultra-refractory (UR) inclusion. Eringaite is a Sc-rich garnet [Ca_3(Sc,Y,Ti)_2Si_3O_(12)] that has been recently identified in a cluster of UR inclusion fragments within an amoeboid olivine aggregate in Vigarano [6]

    Intra-chondrite Elemental Variations of Fine-grained Matrices in Carbonaceous Chondrites.

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    第3回極域科学シンポジウム/第35回南極隕石シンポジウム 11月30日(金) 国立国語研究所 2階講

    Variations of Chemical Composition of Matrices among Carbonaceous Chondrites.

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    第2回極域科学シンポジウム/第34回南極隕石シンポジウム 11月17日(木) 国立国語研究所 2階講

    Two Generations of Hexagonal CaAl_2Si_2O_8 (Dmisteinbergite) in the Type B2 FUN CAI STP-1

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    Dmisteinbergite (dmist) is a metastable hexag-onal form of CaAl_2Si_2O_8, with space group of P6_3/mcm, a = 5.10Å and c = 14.72Å [1]. First occurrence of meteoritic dmist has been reported in the Allende Type B2 FUN CAI STP-1 [2], where it appears to have crystallized from a ^(16)O-rich (Δ^(17)O ~ −25‰) silicate melt via rapid cooling [3]. Here we report on an-other textural occurrence of dmist in STP-1 - ^(16)O-poor (Δ^(17)O ~ −2‰) fine-grained crystals in alteration zone of the inclusion

    Why igneous wollastonite is so rare in CAIs

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    Primary wollastonite (wo) thought to have crystallized from a liquid is quite rare in CAIs, having been reported in only two igneous inclusions, White Angel and KT-1 [1, 2]. Both of these CAIs exhibit significant mass fractionations in multiple elements and KT-1 is a FUN inclusion, so it is highly desirable to place as many constraints as possible on their formation. Since phase diagrams previously developed for CAIs do not involve wo [3], we use literature data on wo-saturated and wo-free phase diagrams in the system CaO-MgO-Al_2O_3-SiO_2 (CMAS) to establish a basic framework for describing crystallization of wo-bearing CAIs

    Budget impact of modern drugs for the treatment of schizophrenia: regional aspects

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    The article presents the results of comparative pharmacoeconomic analysis of treatment of schizophrenia with antipsychotics of the first and second generation in Khabarovsk territory. Regional «portrait» of the patient with schizophrenia is presented. Results of the analysis of experts’ preferences in prescription of psychotropic drugs in treatment of schizophrenia are given. Sociological, pharmacoeconomic and pharmacoepidemiologic methods of the analysis are chosen for carrying out present research. Analysis of «cost-effectiveness» and «budget impact» are used together for pharmacoeconomic method. The results of the conducted researches have allowed to develop the model of optimization of medicines’ provision for patients with schizophrenia taking into account the regional features

    Thermal Processing of Silicate Dust in the Solar Nebula: Clues from Primitive Chondrite Matrices

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    The most abundant matrix minerals in chondritic meteorites, hydrated phyllosilicates and ferrous olivine crystals, formed predominantly in asteroids during fluid-assisted metamorphism. We infer that they formed from minerals present in three less altered carbonaceous chondrites that have silicate matrices composed largely of micrometer- and nanometer-sized grains of crystalline forsterite, Mg2SiO4, and enstatite MgSiO3, and amorphous, ferromagnesian silicate. Compositional and structural features of enstatite and forsterite suggest that they formed as condensates that cooled below 1300 K at \~1000 K/h. Most amorphous silicates are likely to be solar nebula condensates also, as matrix, which is approximately solar in composition, is unlikely to be a mixture of genetically unrelated materials with different compositions. Since chondrules cooled at 10-1000 K/h, and matrix and chondrules are chemically complementary, most matrix silicates probably formed close to chondrules in transient heating events. Shock heating is favored as nebular shocks capable of melting millimeter-sized aggregates vaporize dust. The crystalline and amorphous silicates in the primitive chondrite matrices share many characteristic features with silicates in chondritic interplanetary dust particles suggesting that most of the crystalline silicates and possibly some amorphous silicates in the interplanetary dust particles are also nebular condensates. Except for small amounts of refractory oxides that formed with Ca-Al-rich inclusions at the inner edge of the disk and presolar dust, most of the crystalline silicate dust that accreted into chondritic asteroids and long-period comets appears to have formed from shock heating at ~2-10 AU. Forsterite crystals around young stars may have a similar origin.Comment: 16 page