136 research outputs found

    Relations between distributions of random vibratory processes and distributions of their envelopes

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    summary:The knowledge of the relations between the distribution of a random vibratory process and that of its envelope is required in many engineering applications. Under the assumption that the vibratory process is of narrow band type and the phase is uniformly distributed over the interval (0,2π)(0, 2\pi), the integral transform giving the relation between the two distributions in question may be derived considering that the distribution of the envelope is known and the distribution function of the vibratory process is to be estimated. The aim of the paper is to summarize some most useful types of distribution functions which are important in the technical practice. Analytical expressions for the distributions of the corresponding vibratory processes are given for ten one-parametric distributions and for distributions with threeshold values, all related to the envelope processes. Approximate analytical description using the Gram-Charlier series may be used for cases where the analytical solution is inaccessible. This procedure is shown for three two-parametric distributions and for the generalized three- and four-parametric gamma-distributions


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    Chopped-pot (chop pot) is a poker term and a critical opening metaphor for this article. Applied action research steps and these extensions are necessary for practice during a pandemical situation in unstable and challenging teaching at universities in Czechia. Forms of teaching, personal contact and process of monitoring students’ results have changed dynamically. Mass influence of pandemic situation stopped actions at schools and many institutions all over the world. In Czechia, there has been transferred all practical and cognitive (theoretical) subjects to cyberspace. Due to the lack of government information, public fear and low digital literacy level, students have been learning in virtual classes and individual consultations. Many of them have lost contact with their critical practice and opportunities to transfer their knowledge into the school environment. We tried to modify classical action research approaches to new conditions in cyberspace and use it for pre-service and teachers’ innovation from an innovative perspective. In the methodological part, there is research presented from a full semester of gradual teachers’ development. The constructed research tool was tested in virtual conditions and monitored activities and the progress of development in teachers’ self-reflection for their future daily practice. The mixed design of research tools and a combination of the postproduction process of data open scientific feedback for their subjective inquiries in the individual personal development of educational staff in Czechia via action research model

    Some general properties of elliptically symmetric and some related random processes

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    Advanced Computational Tool for Flue Gas Cleaning System Design in Thermal Processing of Waste

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    Disertační práce spočívá v popisu vývoje výpočtového nástroje pro analýzu a sofistikovaný návrh systému čištění spalin z termického zpracování odpadů. Posouzením aparátové skladby procesu čištění spalin z pohledu energetické náročnosti, teplotního průběhu spalinové cesty, a zajištění splnění emisních limitů umožní nástroj sledování vlivu systému čištění spalin na energetickou účinnost současné spalovny odpadů. Práce navazuje na již vytvořené výpočtové systémy. Její výstup bude integrován do podoby softwarového systému s uživatelsky přívětivým rozhraním. Tvorba výpočtového systému vychází z rešerše provedené v předmětné oblasti. V práci jsou uvedeny soubory provozních hodnot a výpočtových vztahů popisující současné technologie využívané pro snižování škodlivých emisí ve spalinách z termického zpracování odpadu.The thesis describes the development of a computational tool that allows sophisticated analysis and design of flue gas cleaning technologies for thermal treatment of waste. The assessment of a technological composition of the process in terms of energy consumption, temperature of the flue gas stream and ensuring the fulfilment of emission limits allows estimating the influence of flue gas cleaning system on parameters of an up-to-date waste incinerator. The work is based on an already created computational system. Its output will be integrated into a software system with a user-friendly interface. Creation of the computational system is based on the performed research in the given area. The work presents sets of operational values and relationships describing current technologies used to reduce harmful emissions in the flue gas from thermal treatment of waste.


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    The article deals with the value orientation of teachers in the Czech Republic, who attempt to extend their formal education in the process of lifelong learning. The quality of the teacher directly influences the quality of the educational process, therefore the qualification of teachers has become the front theme of the international organisations. Lifelong Learning Centres as parts of the universities offer the programmes for teachers to extend their formal qualification. The primary aim of the article is to analyse teachers’ value orientation reflected by the formal education


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    Queries, activities and those sufficient solutions of teaching and learning situations are daily bread of the teaching profession. Thus, in learning of future teachers exist possibilities how to influence the progress of the teachers’ identity construction with self-creative and critical tools which are connected to the complexity of the personality. However, action research helps to deeply understand techniques which are behind the line of the traditional point of view and helps to understand the situations from the pragmatic way of natural learning in the process of preparation at the university. The research aim is focused on the support of integration of the action research as a tool for the teachers’ preparation in the good practice of the university environment. Mixed research methods are based on the narrative corpus which consists of the coded interviews and specific tasks connected to the educational preparation. Results reflect the current various ways of developing future teachers and their impact on future teachers‘ identities.

    Propoasl of a laboratory workplace for verifying the NMR principle

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem laboratorní úlohy, která má ověřit základní principy nukleární magnetické rezonance. V teoretické části projektu jsou shrnuty základní poznatky o nukleární magnetické rezonanci (NMR) a popsán postup, jímž se vyhodnocují výsledky získané z NMR signálu. Návrhová část je zaměřena na sestavení blokového schématu NMR spektrometru, návrh rezonančního obvodu a NMR sond. V praktické části je specifikován technologický postup výroby NMR sond a jejich následné nastavení. V experimentální části jsou vyhodnoceny výsledky srovnání navrhovaných sond.This project deals with the design of a laboratory workplace for verifying the basic principles of nuclear magnetic resonance. In the theoretical part of the project a basic knowledge of nuclear magnetic resonance are summarized, and the process of evaluation the results obtained from NMR signal is described. The proposed part of work is aimed at a design of a NMR spectrometer block diagram and a proposal of a resonant circuit and NMR probes. In the practical part the technologic process of the probes production and their settings are specified. The results of the designed probes comparison are in the last, measuring, part.

    Numerical Analysis of the Temperature Field in Luminaires

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    This paper contains a calculation of the thermal field caused by electro-heat in lighting devices. After specifying the heat sources, a thermal analysis is make using the finite element method and the equivalent thermal scheme method. The calculated results have been verified experimentally

    The polyfunctional house in Šumperk

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    Předmětem diplomové práce je vypracování projektové dokumentace provádění stavby polyfunkčního domu. Budoucí objekt se bude nacházet v Šumperku v ul. Šumavská a plně zapadá do okolní zástavby. Objekt je samostatně stojící, je nepodsklepený a má pět nadzemních podlaží. Konstrukční systém je primárně stěnový, jen některé prvky jsou skeletové. Střecha objektu je plochá a nebude provozní. V prvním nadzemním podlaží se nachází snack bar a dvě prodejny, dále se v prvním podlaží nachází technické zázemí a společně prostory pro bytové jednotky. Ve druhém nadzemním podlaží se nachází kancelářské prostory pro dvě společnosti. Ve výších podlažích se nachází prostory pro bydlení. Dohromady se zde bude nacházet patnáct bytových jednotek.The subject of this thesis is the implementation of the project documentation construction of polyfunctional house. The future object will be located in Šumperk Street Šumavská and fits seamlessly into the surrounding buildings. The building is detached, it has five floors and no basement. Construction system is primarily wall, only some elements of the framed. The roof of the object is flat and will not be operational. On the first floor there is a snack bar and two shops are also located on the first floor of technical facilities and common areas for residential units. On the second floor is office space for the two companies. In the amounts of ground floors for living spaces. Altogether there will be located fifteen housing units.