877 research outputs found

    The role of universities in social transformation

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    Self-employment in Germany and the UK: Labor market regulation, risk-management and gender in comparative perspective

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    Within the wide range of new forms of work self-employment seems to be a distinct feature concerning a growing part of the male and female labor force in industry and services in both Germany and the UK. Especially the growth of different forms of solo selfemployment is subject to pessimistic as well as optimistic interpretations of the future quality of work and life as well as gender equality. Sound knowledge on the extent and nature of this type of work, however is rare - our comparative analysis therefore seeks to highlight the development of solo self-employment and strategies of risk-management in Germany and the UK. Concentrating on the cultural industries as an emblematic section of the global new economy, it is based on a secondary analysis of national quantitative and qualitative data and on own empirical research. After an introductory summary of the main strands of scientific debate on self-employment, we will first present an overview of volume and structure of solo self-employment growth on the one side, and of social risks tied to this employment status on the other side. We will secondly highlight collective and individual strategies of risk-management from within a regulatory approach. The results of this analysis show that self-employment growth, though a cross-national phenomenon, displays nation specific characteristics if development in time, branch distribution, social risk, and gender are looked at. At the same time new ways of both individual and collective riskmanagement are emerging. These strategies, however vary in extend and sustainability, indicating an ongoing influence of different national labor market regulations and gender regimes. --

    Who's the Boss? One-Way Conversations between Bacteria

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    Bacteria communicate via extracellular signals. Most signaling studied so far has been bidirectional. A recent study shows that when Bacillus subtilis build a multicellular biofilm, some conversations are unidirectional

    Irony as a Method of Neoclassical Sociology : Toward a Reconstruction of IvĂĄn SzelĂ©nyi’s Methodology

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    IvĂĄn SzelĂ©nyi is one of the most successful and accomplished contemporary sociologists originating from Central and Eastern Europe. His oeuvre – reflexive sociology of intellectuals – is based on what he together with his students calls ‘Irony as a Method of Neoclassical Sociology’. Although this methodological approach has attracted some attention, it is still little understood. To overcome this limitation, one needs to inspect SzelĂ©nyi’s approach to inquiry, including the different aspects of his mental model such as his take on ontology, epistemology, methodology, training, qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis, rhetoric, nature of knowledge, knowledge accumulation, goodness and quality criteria, hegemony, control, axiology, call to action, inquirer posture, ethics, reflexivity, accommodation, and commensurability. Analyses of these methodological foundations, which Bourdieu and his co-workers in their book from 1991, The Craft of Sociology, have also called the “system of intellectual habits”, form the sub-sections of my thesis that aims at a reconstruction of SzelĂ©nyi’s method of ironic inquiry. The thesis is organized into three main chapters. It starts with an overview of how ‘irony’ has been (ab)used in humanities and social sciences and provides the reader with a conceptual background and a comparative context. The overview ends with a brief introduction to how SzelĂ©nyi together with his co-authors has explained the nature of irony as a method of neoclassical sociology. The second chapter presents the materials and methods of my research. After arguing how the “new rules of sociological method”, as put forward by Giddens in 1976, are applicable in my study, I offer an overview of its underlying assumptions. This will be followed by explanations of the specifics of the theoretical research tradition followed in this research, arguments about why I flirt with rational ‘reconstruction’ as a research approach, how it, in turn, relates to ‘ethnomethodological indifference’ and to the ‘sociology of sociology’ as a sub-category of sociology of knowledge and science studies. I suggest that my research comes closest to the ‘deviant case study’ in terms of empirical research design. I will provide explanations on the selection of study material following the Quality of Reporting of Meta-analyses (QUOROM) standard for meta-analysis on data collection (in terms of selected texts and conducted interviews) and analysis techniques (applying sociological discourse analysis for the ‘suspicious’ interpretation and objective hermeneutics for the ‘empathic’ one). The second chapter will also point out some methodological limitations of my research. The longest part of the dissertation, presented in the third chapter, is devoted to a comprehensive analysis of the methodological foundations of Ivan SzelĂ©nyi’s scholarship. More specifically, in order to understand and explain irony as a method of neoclassical sociology, I will classify and discuss critically his take on the above-mentioned methodological aspects from ontology to accommodation and commensurability. I call these elements collectively his metaphysical pathos – a term coined by Arthur O. Lovejoy in 1936. Although Lovejoy was reluctant to give it a precise definition, preferring to identify five principal types instead, the concept has come to signify ‘unconscious mental habits’ – the implicit and explicit assumptions of an individual, a generation, or an era. The term was made more widely known outside the history of ideas by Alvin Gouldner, who reformulated it as “a set of sentiments which those subscribing to the theory could only dimly sense”. The concept has a more specific meaning in this thesis – I interpret it as the ‘mental model’ of an author of sociological and theoretical texts. In other words, I do not see the metaphysical pathos as any broader constellation of inquirer presuppositions – most of which have been covered in detail by the four dimensions of Ritzer’s metatheoretical frame – but rather as the (un)conscious mental habits brought about by methodological choices, assumptions, and foundations of scholarship. In the concluding chapter, I will reflect on my efforts to reconstruct SzelĂ©nyi’s metaphysical pathos, which should allow us to improve our understanding of irony as a method of neoclassical sociology. The research puzzle I wish to solve is how SzelĂ©nyi’s thought-provoking sociological research has benefited from an ironic edge, even if such an approach has seldom been taken seriously as a method. At a more general level, SzelĂ©nyi’s way of using irony as anticipated thought provocation and/or intellectual intrigue that combines effectively critical theory and post-positivism, on the one hand, and elements of human and social sciences, on the other, shows that arts with its subjective qualitative analysis and sciences with its objective quantitative analysis are inseparable.IvĂĄn SzelĂ©nyi Ă€r en av de mest framgĂ„ngsrika och etablerade samtida sociologerna med ursprung i Central- och Östeuropa. Hans verk – en reflexiv sociologi om de intellektuella – bygger pĂ„ vad han tillsammans med sina elever kallar ironi som metod för neoklassisk sociologi. Även om detta metodologiska tillvĂ€gagĂ„ngssĂ€tt har vĂ€ckt viss uppmĂ€rksamhet Ă€r dess egentliga innebörd relativt okĂ€nd. För att bĂ€ttre förstĂ„ SzelĂ©nyis metod mĂ„ste man undersöka den mentala modell som hans forskning utgĂ„r ifrĂ„n, dvs. hans uppfattning om ontologi, epistemologi, metodologi, utbildning, kvalitativ analys, kvantitativ analys, retorik, kunskapens natur, kunskapsackumulering, kriterierna för vetenskaplighet och kvalitet, hegemoni, kontroll, axiologi, forskningens politiska implikationer, forskarens roll, etik, reflexivitet samt förenligheten och jĂ€mförbarheten av olika vetenskapliga paradigm. Dessa metodologiska grundvalar har av Bourdieu och hans medarbetare i boken The Craft of Sociology frĂ„n 1991 Ă€ven kallats "systemet av intellektuella vanor". De analyseras i olika delar av min avhandling, som syftar till en rekonstruktion av SzelĂ©nyis metod för ironisk undersökning. Avhandlingen sönderfaller i tre huvudkapitel och inleds med en översikt över hur "ironi" har (miss)brukats inom humaniora och samhĂ€llsvetenskap, och förser lĂ€saren med en konceptuell bakgrund och ett jĂ€mförande sammanhang. Översikten avslutas med en kort inledning till hur SzelĂ©nyi och hans medförfattare har framstĂ€llt ironin som metod för neoklassisk sociologi. Det andra kapitlet presenterar materialet och metoderna för min undersökning. Efter att ha argumenterat för min tillĂ€mpning av "de nya reglerna för sociologisk metod", som Giddens lade fram 1976, redogör jag för min studies underliggande antaganden. DĂ€refter följer en nĂ€rmare presentation av den teoretiska forskningstradition som den anknyter sig till, en motivering till att övervĂ€ga en rationell "rekonstruktion" som forskningsmetod, en förklaring över hur den i sin tur relaterar sig till "etnometodologisk likgiltighet" och till "sociologins sociologi" som en underkategori av kunskapssociologi och veten-skapsstudier. Jag föreslĂ„r att min undersökning stĂ„r nĂ€rmast den "avvikande fallstudien" nĂ€r det gĂ€ller empirisk forskningsdesign. Dess empiriska material har valts enligt standarden QUOROM – kvalitet pĂ„ rapportering av meta-analyser (Quality of Reporting of Meta-analyses) för metaanalys, pĂ„ data-insamling (nĂ€r det gĂ€ller utvalda texter och genomförda intervjuer) och pĂ„ analystekniker (dĂ€r sociologisk diskursanalys tillĂ€mpas för en "misstĂ€nksam" tolkning och objektiv hermeneutik för en "empatisk" tolkning). I det andra kapitlet pekas ocksĂ„ pĂ„ de metodologiska begrĂ€nsningarna av min studie. Avhandlingens lĂ€ngsta del, som upptar det tredje kapitlet, innehĂ„ller en analys av de metodologiska grunderna för Ivan SzelĂ©nyis forskargĂ€rning. För att förstĂ„ och förklara ironi som metod för neoklassisk sociologi klassificerar och diskuterar jag kritiskt hans syn pĂ„ ovannĂ€mnda metodologiska aspekter – frĂ„n ontologi till förenligheten och jĂ€mförbarheten av olika vetenskapliga paradigm. Jag kallar dessa element sammanfattningsvis hans "metafysiska patos" – en term som myntades av Arthur O. Lovejoy 1936. Även om Lovejoy var ovillig att ge den en exakt definition och föredrog att istĂ€llet identifiera fem huvudtyper, har begreppet kommit att hĂ€nvisa till "omedvetna mentala vanor" – de implicita och explicita antagandena som kĂ€nnetecknar en individ, en gene-ration eller en epok. Utanför idĂ©historien blev termen mer allmĂ€nt kĂ€nd nĂ€r Alvin Gouldner omformulerade den som "en uppsĂ€ttning böjelser (sentiments) som de som stödjer en teori bara svagt kunde förnimma". I denna avhandling anvĂ€nds begreppet i en mer specifik betydelse, dvs. med hĂ€nvisning till den "mentala modellen" av en författare av sociologiska och teoretiska texter. Med andra ord ser jag inte det metafysiska patoset som nĂ„gon bredare konstellation av frĂ„gestĂ€llningar – varav de flesta ingĂ„r i de fyra dimensionerna i Ritzers metateoretiska schema – utan snarare som de (o)medvetna mentala vanor som utmynnar i metodologiska val, antaganden och i utgĂ„ngspunkterna för forskningsarbete. I det avslutande kapitlet reflekterar jag över mitt försök att rekonstruera SzelĂ©nyis metafysiska patos i syfte att bĂ€ttre förstĂ„ ironi som metod inom neoklassisk sociologi. Jag vill visa hur SzelĂ©nyis tankevĂ€ckande sociologiska forskning gynnats av en ironisk udd, Ă€ven om ironin inte brukar tas pĂ„ allvar som metod. SzelĂ©nyi anvĂ€nder ironi som avsiktlig provokation och/eller intellektuell intrig som i praktiken kombinerar kritisk teori och postpositivism Ă„ ena sidan samt element i humaniora och samhĂ€llsvetenskap Ă„ den andra. PĂ„ detta sĂ€tt visar han att humaniora och vetenskap, med subjektiv och kvalitativ respektive objektiv och kvantitativ analys, Ă€r oskiljaktiga

    Patient-specific modelling of cortical spreading depression applied to migraine studies

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    Migraine is a common neurological disorder and one-third of migraine patients suffer from migraine aura, a perceptual disturbance preceding the typically unilateral headache. Cortical spreading depression (CSD), a depolarisation wave that originates in the visual cortex and propagates across the cortex to the peripheral areas, has been suggested as a correlate of visual aura by several studies. The complex and highly individual-specific characteristics of the brain cortex suggest that the geometry might have a significant impact on CSD propagation. In this thesis, we combine two existing models, a detailed neurological model for the electrophysiological component of CSD and a reaction-diffusion model accounting for the potassium diffusion, the driving force of CSD propagation. In the process, we integrate two aspects of CSD that occur at different time scales: the electrophysiological dynamics features a temporal scale in the order of milliseconds, while the extracellular potassium dynamics that triggers CSD propagation features is on the scale of minutes. As a result we obtain a multi-scale PDE-ODE model. In addition, we incorporate patient-specific data in the CSD model: (i) a patient-specific brain geometry obtained from magnetic resonance imaging, and (ii) personalised conductivity tensors derived from diffusion tensor imaging data. To study the role of the geometry in CSD propagation, we define geometric and CSD-dependent quantities of interest (QoI) that we evaluate in two case studies. Even though the geometry does not seem to have a major impact on the CSD propagation, some QoI are promising candidates to aid in the classification of healthy individuals and migraine patients. Finally, to account for the lack of experimental data for validation and selection of the model parameters, we apply different techniques of uncertainty quantification to the CSD model and analyse the impact of various parameter choices on the model outcome

    Solo self-employment in comparative perspective: growth trends and characteristics in relation to labour market regulation in Germany and the UK

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    Die Vergleichsstudie zur Arbeitsmarktforschung untersucht die Entwicklung der EinzelselbstĂ€ndigkeit im Zuge der Arbeitsmarktregulierung in Deutschland und Großbritannien. Die AusfĂŒhrungen basieren auf empirischem Datenmaterial fĂŒr den Zeitraum 1979 bis 1998. Die Betrachtung umfasst Befunde zum (1) Umfang und Struktur der SelbstĂ€ndigkeit, (2) den Arbeitsstunden, (3) dem Einkommen, (4) den Arbeitsbedingungen sowie (5) den sozialen Risiken. Der Anstieg des selbstĂ€ndigen ArbeitsverhĂ€ltnisses in Deutschland und Großbritannien offenbart Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede hinsichtlich der Struktur und der Arbeitsbedingungen. WĂ€hrend die EinzelselbstĂ€ndigkeit in Großbritannien bereits in den 1980er Jahren zunimmt, setzt diese Entwicklung in Deutschland erst in den 1990er Jahren ein. Dies ist auf eine starke AbhĂ€ngigkeit der deutschen SelbstĂ€ndigkeit vom Wachstum des industriellen Dienstleistungssektors zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren. Die Differenzen lassen sich insbesondere mit der jeweiligen Arbeitsmarktregulierung erklĂ€ren: Der deutsche koordinierte Arbeitsmarkt basiert auf einem starken Schutz des NormalarbeitsverhĂ€ltnisses und verhindert so flexible Unternehmenspraktiken. Ferner verzögert ein deutlich regulierter Zugang zur SelbstĂ€ndigkeit im industriellen Sektor einen Anstieg selbstĂ€ndiger ErwerbstĂ€tigkeiten vor dem Wachstum des Dienstleistungssektors, der sich schließlich durch geringere NormalarbeitsverhĂ€ltnisse auszeichnet. Der britische unkoordinierte Arbeitsmarkt hingegen blockiert nicht den Anstieg der SelbstĂ€ndigkeit im industriellen Sektor. Zusammenfassend lĂ€sst sich feststellen, dass die Entwicklung der EinzelselbstĂ€ndigkeit in Deutschland und Großbritannien auf unterschiedlichen Wachstumsdynamiken basiert und nicht die gleiche Sektorverteilung aufweist. Zudem ist die EinzelselbstĂ€ndigkeit in Großbritannien durch eine stĂ€rkere Einkommenspolarisation sowie durch differentere Arbeitsbedingungen zwischen den Geschlechtern geprĂ€gt als in Deutschland. (ICG2

    Warum hat "Marianne" so viele Diener? Zum Wachstum des französischen öffentlichen Dienstes entgegen internationalen Trends

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    Der öffentliche Dienst Frankreichs ist bis zum Jahr 2005 stetig gewachsen. Diese Entwicklung widerspricht nicht nur einem internationalen Trend zur Reduzierung öffentlichen Personals, sondern auch den BemĂŒhungen französischer Regierungen zur Verkleinerung und Reform des öffentlichen Dienstes. Das vorliegende Arbeitspapier fĂŒhrt diesen Widerspruch auf strukturelle BeharrungskrĂ€fte des französischen öffentlichen Dienstes und auf eine Dezentralisierungsstrategie zurĂŒck. Gleichzeitig untersucht es die Frage, ob die geringe quantitative ReaktionsfĂ€higkeit des öffentlichen Dienstes auf Kostendruck und Effizienzprobleme durch einen qualitativen Wandel der BeschĂ€ftigungsverhĂ€ltnisse kompensiert wurde. Dabei kommt es zu einem ambivalenten Ergebnis: WĂ€hrend sich auf der zentralstaatlichen Ebene kaum personelle Reformen durchsetzen ließen, wurde im kommunalen öffentlichen Dienst, der am stĂ€rksten gewachsen ist, in starkem Umfang Gebrauch von nicht-verbeamteten BeschĂ€ftigten und von flexibleren Formen des Personalmanagements gemacht. Das Arbeitspapier kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass Reformen des öffentlichen Dienstes in Frankreich am ehesten von außen zu erwarten sind, d.h. vom kommunalen Rand des öffentlichen Dienstes oder aus anderen Feldern der öffentlichen Verwaltung. -- Despite an international trend towards the downsizing of public sector workforces, the French 'Fonction Publique' has increased in size until the year 2005. This development is astonishing insofar as successive French governments put considerable efforts in the reduction of public personnel. In a first step, this working paper analyses possible causes of this contradictory development and pays special attention to structural reform obstacles and the impact of the French decentralisation strategy. In a second step, the paper looks into the question if the low quantitative flexibility of public employment in France was compensated for by a qualitative change of employment relationships. The findings of this endeavour are ambivalent: Whereas on the level of central government reforms of personnel policies were hardly possible, public employment on the municipal level not only increased substantially but was also characterised by a more flexible approach towards human resources management. It can be concluded that reforms of public employment in France are most likely to be inspired from the outside, i.e. either from the municipal margin of the public sector or from other fields of public administration.

    The Incentive Effects of Performance Measures and Target Setting.

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    Lavish executive compensation packages, and bonuses awarded to executives by financial institutions that only just received government bailouts, have fueled the currently popular perception that compensation is primarily determined by powerful managers granting themselves excessive compensation tenuously related with performance. This thesis challenges the widespread public notion that managerial power represents the primary determinant of compensation design by examining to what extent choices about performance measures, targets, and incentives are informed by agency theory. The first essay uses data from a firm’s general ledger to examine how this firm updates sales targets and how managers respond to this process. I document that the firm uses current sales performance (i.e. target ratcheting) and information from subjective appraisals to set nextperiod targets that challenge each manager in his or her own right. Despite the firm’s effort to limit managers’ ability to manipulate performance, I document adverse consequences of target ratcheting, i.e. managers who perform well slow down performance at the end of the year to mitigate target updates. The second essay examines investigates whether CEOs appointed from outside the firm are provided with different incentives than CEO successors selected from within the firm to address potential distortions in intertemporal decisionmaking. Outside successors are allegedly prone to short-termism due to their greater outside employment options and their inclination to focus on ‘quick wins’ to swiftly build reputation. I document that firms aim to lengthen the horizon of outside successors by de-emphasizing bonuses (contingent on current earnings) and emphasizing long-term compensation (contingent on future earnings and/or stock price). The third essay examines whether firms provide optimally weak incentives when they lack undistorted performance measures. I argue that firms that use nonfinancials together with summary financial measures in CEO bonus plans do not completely alleviate the congruence problems that would originate from a sole reliance on financials. I document that firms that increase incentives reduce the weight on nonfinancials in their CEO bonus plans.

    Patient-specific modellling of cortical spreading depression applied to migraine studies.

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    254 p.-La migraña es un trastorno neurolĂłgico muy comĂșn. Un tercio de los pacientes que sufren migraña experimentan lo que se denomina aura, una serie de alteraciones sensoriales que preceden al tĂ­pico dolor de cabeza unilateral. Diversos estudios apuntan a la existencia de una correlaciĂłn entre el aura visual y la depresiĂłn cortical propagada (DCP), una onda de despolarizaciĂłn que tiene su origen en el cĂłrtex visual para propagarse, a continuaciĂłn, por todo el cĂłrtex hacia las zonas perifĂ©ricas. La complejidad y la elevada especificidad de las caracterĂ­sticas del cĂłrtex cerebral sugieren que la geometrĂ­a podrĂ­a tener un impacto significativo en la propagaciĂłn de la DCP. En esta tesis hemos combinado dos modelos existentes: un modelo neurolĂłgico pormenorizado para el componente electrofisiolĂłgico de la DCP y un modelo de reacciĂłn-difusiĂłn que tiene en consideraciĂłn la difusiĂłn del potasio, el impulsor de la propagaciĂłn de la DCP. Durante el proceso, hemos integrado dos aspectos de la DCP que tienen lugar en diferentes escalas de tiempo: la dinĂĄmica electrofisiolĂłgica seguirĂ­a un patrĂłn temporal del orden de milisegundos, mientras que la dinĂĄmica del potasio extracelular que acciona las funciones de propagaciĂłn de la DCP se medirĂ­a en una escala de minutos. Como resultado, obtendremos un modelo multiescalar EDP-EDO. Asimismo, hemos incorporado los datos especĂ­ficos del paciente en el modelo DCP: (i) la geometrĂ­a cerebral especĂ­fica de un paciente obtenida a travĂ©s de resonancia magnĂ©tica, y (ii) los tensores de conductividad personalizados obtenidos a travĂ©s de diffusion tensor images. A fin de estudiar el papel que desempeña la geometrĂ­a en la propagaciĂłn de la DCP, hemos definido las cantidades de interĂ©s (CdI) relacionadas con la geometrĂ­a y las que dependen de la DCP y las hemos evaluado en dos casos prĂĄcticos. Si bien la geometrĂ­a no parece tener un impacto significativo en la propagaciĂłn de la DCP, algunas CdI han resultado ser unas candidatas muy prometedoras para facilitar la clasificaciĂłn de individuos sanos y pacientes con migraña. Finalmente, para justificar la carencia de datos experimentales para la validaciĂłn y selecciĂłn de los parĂĄmetros del modelo, hemos aplicado diversas tĂ©cnicas de cuantificaciĂłn de la incertidumbre al modelo DCP y hemos analizado el impacto de las diversas elecciones de parĂĄmetros en el resultado del modelo.Migraine is a common neurological disorder and one-third of migraine patients suffer from migraine aura, a perceptual disturbance preceding the typically unilateral headache. Cortical spreading depression (CSD), a depolarisation wave that originates in the visual cortex and propagates across the cortex to the peripheral areas, has been suggested as a correlate of visual aura by several studies. The complex and highly individual-specific characteristics of the brain cortex suggest that the geometry might have a significant impact on CSD propagation. In this thesis, we combine two existing models, a detailed neurological model for the electrophysiological component of CSD and a reaction-diffusion model accounting for the potassium diffusion, the driving force of CSD propagation. In the process, we integrate two aspects of CSD that occur at different time scales: the electrophysiological dynamics features a temporal scale in the order of milliseconds, while the extracellular potassium dynamics that triggers CSD propagation features is on the scale of minutes. As a result we obtain a multi-scale PDE-ODE model. In addition, we incorporate patient-specific data in the CSD model: (i) a patient-specific brain geometry obtained from magnetic resonance imaging, and (ii) personalised conductivity tensors derived from diffusion tensor imaging data. To study the role of the geometry in CSD propagation, we define geometric and CSD-dependent quantities of interest (QoI) that we evaluate in two case studies. Even though the geometry does not seem to have a major impact on the CSD propagation, some QoI are promising candidates to aid in the classification of healthy individuals and migraine patients. Finally, to account for the lack of experimental data for validation and selection of the model parameters, we apply different techniques of uncertainty quantification to the CSD model and analyse the impact of various parameter choices on the model outcom
