5 research outputs found

    Finally eating soup with a knife? A historical perspective on the US Army's 2006 counterinsurgency doctrine

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    In 2006, the US Army adopted a new counterinsurgency (COIN) doctrine, Field Manual 3-24. The doctrine establishes new guidelines for conducting operations such as those currently taking place in Afghanistan and Iraq, where its validity is being tested. It is also a turning point in the US Army’s doctrinal approach to such operations as it fully embraces the “small war” approach to COIN. Earlier post-Vietnam Army doctrine has had an ambivalent view of the small war approach, which is contrary to the Army’s traditional preference for fighting big-scale, conventional wars. While earlier post-Vietnam COIN doctrines have used the conflicts in Vietnam and El Salvador as models, FM 3-24 takes into account many other possible forms of insurgency as well. It also recognizes more clearly the key role of popular legitimacy and accets a potentially much more extensive degree of Army involvement. Furthermore, FM 3-24 wholeheartedly argues that political concerns should take precedence over strictly military ones when applying force. COIN operations are viewed as a long-term commitment. The doctrine may help to fill a gap in US military capabilities, but this ultimately requires a change in the Army’s mindset and in US national strategic culture

    Supermaktens begrensning: perspektiver pĂĄ Bush-doktrinens utvikling

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    Under presidentperioden til Bush jr. la administrasjonen hans frem to nasjonale sikkerhetsstrategier; The National Security Strategy of The United States; NSS 2002 og NSS 2006. Denne utgaven av IFS Info inneholder 4 separate analyser som sammenligner sentrale aspekter ved de to strategidokumentene, og med det som utgangspunkt drøfter signaler i de to strategidokumentene med hensyn til forholdet mellom kontinuitet og endring i amerikansk utenriks- og sikkerhetspolitikk. I første artikkel spør Svein Melby om global maktpolitikk i ferd med å gjenerobre posisjonen som hovedpremiss for utformingen av amerikansk sikkerhets- og utenrikspolitikk, eller om anti-terrorkrigen fortsatt vil styre Bush-administrasjonens strategiske prioriteringer. Johannes Rø drøfter hvilken betydning forkjøpskrigen spiller i de to sikkerhetsstrategiene. Olof Kronvall vurderer i hvilken grad USA ser sikkerhetspolitisk samarbeid som nødvendig og verdifullt, om de i så fall er beredt til å ta hensyn til alliertes interesser i utformingen av egen sikkerhetspolitikk, eller om de snarere ignorerer samarbeid og koalisjoner i troen på sin egen militære og økonomisk styrke? Til sist gjør Anders Romarheim en analyse av sikkerhetsstrategienes bruk av begrepene sikkerhet og demokrati, og deres omtale av enkeltstater

    Family therapy in poorly controlled juvenile IDDM: effects on diabetic control, self-evaluation and behavioural symptoms

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    Diabetic control, behavioural symptoms and self-evaluation were assessed in 25 children with IDDM who were in poor metabolic control (P group), before and subsequent to one of two treatment conditions: family therapy and conventional treatment (C). In addition, data were collected from 12 patients in optimal control (O group). Prior to treatment the patients in poor control were rated higher than those in the O group for symptoms indicating somatization and internalization of conflict and showed a gloomier self-image. The O group patients had fewer behavioural symptoms and a more positive self-image than non-diabetic reference groups. Diabetic control improved after family therapy only. Furthermore, the family therapy group improved on a combined measure of behavioural symptoms and one aspect of self-evaluation (relations to parents and family). The results suggest that IDDM may either interfere with or foster the child's development towards autonomy, depending on family interaction patterns which affect the child's behaviour and self-esteem. Family therapy is a treatment option which can mediate improved diabetic control by changing family relationships to allow for a better balance between parental and self-care of the child with poorly controlled IDDM