7 research outputs found

    Ljus i publik vårdmiljö : En forskningsöversikt 2015

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    Denna översikt syftar till att sammanställa befintligt forskningsläge avseende ljusdesign i den publika vårdmiljön. Översikten baseras på databassökningar på vetenskapliga databaser tillgängliga vid Jönköping University under perioden december 2014 - mars 2015. För att skapa bättre ljusmiljöer inom vården är det viktigt att belysningen planeras med omsorg och att olika aspekter hos ljuset och ljuskällans kvalitet beaktas. Det är viktigt att ljuskaraktären i sjukhusets allmänna utrummen gör det möjligt att orientera sig med lätthet och att bedöma hälsotillstånd, men sjukhuset är också en arbetsplats. Det är på arbetsplatsen som vi vistas en stor del av vår vakna tid, och tillgången till naturligt ljus visade sig också vara den enskilt viktigaste faktorn när man undersökte hur olika designelement uppfattades av vårdpersonal. En större tillgång till dagsljus gör personalen mindre stressad och ökar deras välbefinnande. För besökare på sjukhus var ljus i kombination med färg en positiv distraktion samtidigt som det gav vägledning. Patientrummets utformning har studerats i ett flertal studier, men det visade sig att evidensbaserad ljusdesign där ett helhetsgrepp om vårdmiljön tas saknas

    The influence of the lighting environment on performance and well-being in offices

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    This paper presents an experimental study with 47 participants on the influence of lighting on performance and well-being in an office environment. Well-being, alertness and performance were evaluated and measured in two rooms with artificial lighting and one room with day lighting. The evaluations were correlated to cortisol/melatonin saliva samples, illuminance and spectral compo-sition of the lighting. The results show day lighting to have a sustained influence on alertness and performance and it is furthermore concluded that the level of cortisol in saliva was not influenced by the illuminance and did not have an influence on performance. The participants preferred a lighting with different kinds of light sources to a more neutral lightning and gave it higher ratings for well-being.The analysis shows that comfort did not influence alertness

    Criteria influencing the choice of luminaires in office lighting

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    This study is the first to evaluate the different criteria presently used in Sweden for lighting design, and their importance when planning the visual environment. It considers the role of the Swedish lighting designer and the different evaluations of criteria in the office lighting design process. The study aims to investigate whether a designer with an academic education or longer experience would infer more value in perceptual criteria and incorporate research into designs to a larger extent than a designer with less education. The findings suggest that current research needs to be more readily available to practitioners to enhance differentiation of criteria and proposed lighting designs. Education and experience could not be proven to make a difference, but different gender brought with it a divergence in the evaluations

    Lighting Design in Computerised Offices

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    Sharing Experiences along the Northern Lights Route

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    There is something wonderful about a good story. Even better if the story tells us something about ourselves or others. In this way, stories open our eyes to the big world we belong to or illustrate the extraordinary in the ordinary here at home. Sharing stories about people, history and place along the Northern Lights Route has been at the heart of the Our Stories project