431 research outputs found

    Gravitational waves from coalescing binaries: detection strategies and Monte Carlo estimation of parameters

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    The paper deals with issues pertaining the detection of gravitational waves from coalescing binaries. We introduce the application of differential geometry to the problem of optimal detection of the `chirp signal'. We have also carried out extensive Monte Carlo simulations to understand the errors in the estimation of parameters of the binary system. We find that the errors are much more than those predicted by the covariance matrix even at a high SNR of 10-15. We also introduce the idea of using the instant of coalescence rather than the time of arrival to determine the direction to the source.Comment: 28 pages, REVTEX, 12 figures (bundled via uufiles command along with this paper) submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Gravitational Waves from coalescing binaries: Estimation of parameters

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    The paper presents a statistical model which reproduces the results of Monte Carlo simulations to estimate the parameters of the gravitational wave signal from a coalesing binary system. The model however is quite general and would be useful in other parameter estimation problems.Comment: LaTeX with RevTeX macros, 4 figure

    Estimation of parameters of gravitational waves from coalescing binaries

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    In this paper we deal with the measurement of the parameters of the gravitational wave signal emitted by a coalescing binary signal. We present the results of Monte Carlo simulations carried out for the case of the initial LIGO, incorporating the first post-Newtonian corrections into the waveform. Using the parameters so determined, we estimate the direction to the source. We stress the use of the time-of-coalescence rather than the time-of-arrival of the signal to determine the direction of the source. We show that this can considerably reduce the errors in the determination of the direction of the source.Comment: 5 pages, REVTEX, 2 figures (bundled via uufiles command along with this paper) submitted to Praman

    Hypercontractivity on the qq-Araki-Woods algebras

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    Extending a work of Carlen and Lieb, Biane has obtained the optimal hypercontractivity of the qq-Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroup on the qq-deformation of the free group algebra. In this note, we look for an extension of this result to the type III situation, that is for the qq-Araki-Woods algebras. We show that hypercontractivity from LpL^p to L2L^2 can occur if and only if the generator of the deformation is bounded.Comment: 17 page

    Gravitational Waves from Mergin Compact Binaries: How Accurately Can One Extract the Binary's Parameters from the Inspiral Waveform?

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    The most promising source of gravitational waves for the planned detectors LIGO and VIRGO are merging compact binaries, i.e., neutron star/neutron star (NS/NS), neutron star/black hole (NS/BH), and black hole/black-hole (BH/BH) binaries. We investigate how accurately the distance to the source and the masses and spins of the two bodies will be measured from the gravitational wave signals by the three detector LIGO/VIRGO network using ``advanced detectors'' (those present a few years after initial operation). The combination M(M1M2)3/5(M1+M2)1/5{\cal M} \equiv (M_1 M_2)^{3/5}(M_1 +M_2)^{-1/5} of the masses of the two bodies is measurable with an accuracy 0.1%1%\approx 0.1\%-1\%. The reduced mass is measurable to 10%15%\sim 10\%-15\% for NS/NS and NS/BH binaries, and 50%\sim 50\% for BH/BH binaries (assuming 10M10M_\odot BH's). Measurements of the masses and spins are strongly correlated; there is a combination of μ\mu and the spin angular momenta that is measured to within 1%\sim 1\%. We also estimate that distance measurement accuracies will be 15%\le 15\% for 8%\sim 8\% of the detected signals, and 30%\le 30\% for 60%\sim 60\% of the signals, for the LIGO/VIRGO 3-detector network.Comment: 103 pages, 20 figures, submitted to Phys Rev D, uses revtex macros, Caltech preprint GRP-36

    Role of initial data in spherical collapse

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    We bring out here the role of initial data in causing the black hole and naked singularity phases as the final end state of a continual gravitational collapse. The collapse of a type I general matter field is considered, which includes most of the known physical forms of matter. It is shown that given the distribution of the density and pressure profiles at the initial surface from which the collapse evolves, there is a freedom in choosing rest of the free functions, such as the velocities of the collapsing shells, so that the end state could be either a black hole or a naked singularity depending on this choice. It is thus seen that it is the initial data that determines the end state of spherical collapse in terms of these outcomes, and we get a good picture of how these phases come about.Comment: 5 pages, Revtex4, Revised version, To appear in Physical Review

    Gravitational collapse in asymptotically Anti-de Sitter/de Sitter backgrounds

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    We study here the gravitational collapse of a matter cloud with a non-vanishing tangential pressure in the presence of a non-zero cosmological term. Conditions for bounce and singularity formation are derived for the model. It is also shown that when the tangential pressures vanish, the bounce and singularity conditions reduce to that of the dust case studied earlier. The collapsing interior is matched with an exterior which is asymptotically de Sitter or anti de Sitter, depending on the sign of cosmological constant. The junction conditions for matching the cloud to exterior are specified. The effect of the cosmological term on apparent horizons is studied in some detail, and the nature of central singularity is analyzed. We also discuss here the visibility of the singularity and implications for the cosmic censorship conjecture.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, Revtex

    Optimal statistic for detecting gravitational wave signals from binary inspirals with LISA

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    A binary compact object early in its inspiral phase will be picked up by its nearly monochromatic gravitational radiation by LISA. But even this innocuous appearing candidate poses interesting detection challenges. The data that will be scanned for such sources will be a set of three functions of LISA's twelve data streams obtained through time-delay interferometry, which is necessary to cancel the noise contributions from laser-frequency fluctuations and optical-bench motions to these data streams. We call these three functions pseudo-detectors. The sensitivity of any pseudo-detector to a given sky position is a function of LISA's orbital position. Moreover, at a given point in LISA's orbit, each pseudo-detector has a different sensitivity to the same sky position. In this work, we obtain the optimal statistic for detecting gravitational wave signals, such as from compact binaries early in their inspiral stage, in LISA data. We also present how the sensitivity of LISA, defined by this optimal statistic, varies as a function of sky position and LISA's orbital location. Finally, we show how a real-time search for inspiral signals can be implemented on the LISA data by constructing a bank of templates in the sky positions.Comment: 22 pages, 15 eps figures, Latex, uses iopart style/class files. Based on talk given at the 8th Gravitational Wave Data Analysis Workshop, Milwaukee, USA, December 17-20, 2003. Accepted for publication in Class. Quant. Gra

    Bayesian Bounds on Parameter Estimation Accuracy for Compact Coalescing Binary Gravitational Wave Signals

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    A global network of laser interferometric gravitational wave detectors is projected to be in operation by around the turn of the century. Here, the noisy output of a single instrument is examined. A gravitational wave is assumed to have been detected in the data and we deal with the subsequent problem of parameter estimation. Specifically, we investigate theoretical lower bounds on the minimum mean-square errors associated with measuring the parameters of the inspiral waveform generated by an orbiting system of neutron stars/black holes. Three theoretical lower bounds on parameter estimation accuracy are considered: the Cramer-Rao bound (CRB); the Weiss-Weinstein bound (WWB); and the Ziv-Zakai bound (ZZB). We obtain the WWB and ZZB for the Newtonian-form of the coalescing binary waveform, and compare them with published CRB and numerical Monte-Carlo results. At large SNR, we find that the theoretical bounds are all identical and are attained by the Monte-Carlo results. As SNR gradually drops below 10, the WWB and ZZB are both found to provide increasingly tighter lower bounds than the CRB. However, at these levels of moderate SNR, there is a significant departure between all the bounds and the numerical Monte-Carlo results.Comment: 17 pages (LaTeX), 4 figures. Submitted to Physical Review

    Detection, Measurement and Gravitational Radiation

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    Here I examine how to determine the sensitivity of the LIGO, VIRGO, and LAGOS gravitational wave detectors to sources of gravitational radiation by considering the process by which data are analyzed in a noisy detector. By constructing the probability that the detector output is consistent with the presence of a signal, I show how to (1) quantify the uncertainty that the output contains a signal and is not simply noise, and (2) construct the probability distribution that the signal parameterization has a certain value. From the distribution and its mode I determine volumes V(P)V(P) in parameter space such that actual signal parameters are in V(P)V(P) with probability PP. If we are {\em designing} a detector, or determining the suitability of an existing detector for observing a new source, then we don't have detector output to analyze but are interested in the ``most likely'' response of the detector to a signal. I exploit the techniques just described to determine the ``most likely'' volumes V(P)V(P) for detector output corresponding to the source. Finally, as an example, I apply these techniques to anticipate the sensitivity of the LIGO and LAGOS detectors to the gravitational radiation from a perturbed Kerr black hole.Comment: 37 pages (plus 6 figures), LaTeX/REVTE