28 research outputs found

    In situ N2O emissions are not mitigated by hippuric and benzoic acids under denitrifying conditions

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    This research was financially supported under the National Development Plan, through the Research Stimulus Fund, administered by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (Grant numbers RSF10/RD/SC/716 and 11S138).peer-reviewedRuminant urine patches deposited onto pasture are a significant source of greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O) from livestock agriculture. Increasing food demand is predicted to lead to a rise in ruminant numbers globally, which, in turn will result in elevated levels of urine-derived N2O. Therefore mitigation strategies are urgently needed. Urine contains hippuric acid and together with one of its breakdown products, benzoic acid, has previously been linked to mitigating N2O emissions from urine patches in laboratory studies. However, the sole field study to date found no effect of hippuric and benzoic acid concentration on N2O emissions. Therefore the aim of this study was to investigate the in situ effect of these urine constituents on N2O emissions under conditions conducive to denitrification losses. Unadulterated bovine urine (0 mM of hippuric acid, U) was applied, as well as urine amended with either benzoic acid (96 mM, U + BA) or varying rates of hippuric acid (8 and 82 mM, U + HA1, U + HA2). Soil inorganic nitrogen (N) and N2O fluxes were monitored over a 66 day period. Urine application resulted in elevated N2O flux for 44 days. The largest N2O fluxes accounting for between 13% (U) and 26% (U + HA1) of total loss were observed on the day of urine application. Between 0.9 and 1.3% of urine-N was lost as N2O. Cumulative N2O loss from the control was 0.3 kg N2O–N ha− 1 compared with 11, 9, 12, and 10 kg N2O–N ha− 1 for the U, U + HA1, U + HA2, and U + BA treatments, respectively. Incremental increases in urine HA or increase in BA concentrations had no effect on N2O emissions. Although simulation of dietary manipulation to reduce N2O emissions through altering individual urine constituents appears to have no effect, there may be other manipulations such as reducing N content or inclusion of synthetic inhibitory products that warrant further investigation.Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marin

    Improving and disaggregating N2O emission factors for ruminant excreta on temperate pasture soils

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    pre-printCattle excreta deposited on grazed grasslands are a major source of the greenhouse gas (GHG) nitrous oxide (N2O). Currently, many countries use the IPCC default emission factor (EF) of 2% to estimate excreta-derived N2O emissions. However, emissions can vary greatly depending on the type of excreta (dung or urine), soil type and timing of application. Therefore three experiments were conducted to quantify excreta-derived N2O emissions and their associated EFs, and to assess the effect of soil type, season of application and type of excreta on the magnitude of losses. Cattle dung, urine and artificial urine treatments were applied in spring, summer and autumn to three temperate grassland sites with varying soil and weather conditions. Nitrous oxide emissions were measured from the three experiments over 12 months to generate annual N2O emission factors. The EFs from urine treated soil was greater (0.30–4.81% for real urine and 0.13–3.82% for synthetic urine) when compared with dung (− 0.02–1.48%) treatments. Nitrous oxide emissions were driven by environmental conditions and could be predicted by rainfall and temperature before, and soil moisture deficit after application; highlighting the potential for a decision support tool to reduce N2O emissions by modifying grazing management based on these parameters. Emission factors varied seasonally with the highest EFs in autumn and were also dependent on soil type, with the lowest EFs observed from well-drained and the highest from imperfectly drained soil. The EFs averaged 0.31 and 1.18% for cattle dung and urine, respectively, both of which were considerably lower than the IPCC default value of 2%. These results support both lowering and disaggregating EFs by excreta type.This research was financially supported under the National Development Plan, through the Research Stimulus Fund, administered by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (Grant numbers RSF10/RD/SC/716 and 11S138)

    An evaluation of urine patch simulation methods for nitrous oxide emission measurement

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    peer-reviewedGlobal nitrous oxide (N2O) inventory estimates for pasture systems are refined based on measurements of N2O loss from simulated urine patches. A variety of methods are used for patch simulation but they frequently use a uniform wetted area (UWA), often smaller than a bovine urine patch. However, natural patches follow non-uniform infiltration patterns expanding naturally from a point of deposit with a non-wetted zone of influence. Using 2 litres of urine the UWA method was compared, using a 0·156 m2 collar, with a naturally expanding effective area (NEEA) method, using a 0·462 m2 collar under high (HL) and low (LL) N2O loss conditions. The method chosen affects urine nitrogen (N) loading to the soil. Under HL the UWA method induced a N2O-N loss of 280·6 mg/patch, significantly less than the 434·8 mg/patch loss for the NEEA method, for the same simulated urination. Under LL there was no method effect. Efforts should be made to employ patch simulation methods, which mimic natural deposits and can be achieved, at least in part, by: (a) Using a urine volume and N content similar to that of the animal of interest. (b) Allowing natural infiltration of the chosen urine volume to permit tapering towards the edges. (c) Measuring from the zone of influence in addition to the wetted area, i.e. the patch effective area

    The interactive effects of various nitrogen fertiliser formulations applied to urine patches on nitrous oxide emissions in grassland

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    peer-reviewedPasture-based livestock agriculture is a major source of greenhouse gas (GHG) nitrous oxide (N2O). Although a body of research is available on the effect of urine patch N or fertiliser N on N2O emissions, limited data is available on the effect of fertiliser N applied to patches of urinary N, which can cover up to a fifth of the yearly grazed area. This study investigated whether the sum of N2O emissions from urine and a range of N fertilisers, calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) or urea ± urease inhibitor ± nitrification inhibitor, applied alone (disaggregated and re-aggregated) approximated the N2O emission of urine and fertiliser N applied together (aggregated). Application of fertiliser to urine patches did not significantly increase either the cumulative yearly N2O emissions or the N2O emission factor in comparison to urine and fertiliser applied separately with the emissions re-aggregated. However, there was a consistent trend for approximately 20% underestimation of N2O loss generated from fertiliser and urine applied separately when compared to figures generated when urine and fertiliser were applied together. N2O emission factors from fertilisers were 0.02%, 0.06%, 0.17% and 0.25% from urea ± dicyandiamide (DCD), urea + N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT) + DCD, urea + NBPT and urea, respectively, while the emission factor for urine alone was 0.33%. Calcium ammonium nitrate and urea did not interact differently with urine even when the urea included DCD. N2O losses could be reduced by switching from CAN to urea-based fertilisers

    Full Inversion Tillage (FIT) during pasture renewal as a potential management strategy for enhanced carbon sequestration and storage in Irish grassland soils

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    peer-reviewedIt has been suggested that the sequestration of CO2 by agricultural soils offers a means to reduce atmospheric greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations and in turn mitigate the impacts of climate change. Carbon sequestration by grassland soils, which account for more than 60% of agricultural land use in Ireland, could contribute to a successful net reduction of atmospheric GHG emissions in accordance with the COP21 Paris Agreement. However, current estimates of soil carbon sequestration are variable and it is likely that many permanent grasslands are close to saturation. A literature search shows that soil carbon sequestration is enhanced by a variety of different management strategies, although one option that has only been examined to date in New Zealand is full inversion tillage (FIT) during grassland renovation. FIT involves inverting topsoil, generally to depths of 30 cm, resulting in the movement of C-deficient subsoil to the surface and the burying of carbon-rich topsoil. In this review, we hypothesise that over the next ~30 years the new topsoil could incorporate large amounts of soil organic carbon (SOC) from the re-seeded sward vegetation and that the buried carbon will be retained. We assess the current capability of Irish grassland soils to sequester carbon and suggest a potential role of FIT during grassland renovation. An analysis of the distribution of grasslands in Ireland using the Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) suggests that ~26% of Ireland's agricultural grasslands are suitable for FIT

    Nitrogen fertilisers with urease inhibitors reduce nitrous oxide and ammonia losses, while retaining yield in temperate grassland

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    peer-reviewedNitrogen fertilisation, although a cornerstone of modern agricultural production, negatively impacts the environment through gaseous losses of nitrous oxide (N2O), a potent greenhouse gas (GHG), and ammonia (NH3), a known air pollutant. The aim of this work was to assess the feasibility of urea treated with urease inhibitors to reduce gaseous N losses in temperate grassland, while maintaining or improving productivity compared to conventional fertiliser formulations. Urease inhibitors were N-(n-butyl)-thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT) (urea + NBPT) and N-(n-propyl)-thiophosphoric triamide (NPPT) (urea+ NBPT + NPPT), while conventional fertilisers were urea and calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN). N2O emission factors were 0.06%, 0.07%, 0.09% and 0.58% from urea + NBPT, urea, urea + NBPT + NPPT and CAN, respectively, with CAN significantly higher than all the urea formulations, which were not significantly different from each other. Ammonia loss measured over one fertiliser application was significantly larger from urea, at 43%, compared with other formulations at 13.9%, 13.8% and 5.2% from urea + NBPT, urea + NBPT + NPPT and CAN, respectively. Changing fertiliser formulation had no significant impact on grass yield or N uptake in four out of five harvests. In the last harvest urea + NBPT significantly out-yielded urea, but not CAN or urea + NBPT + NPPT. Overall, urea treated with either one or both urease inhibitors significantly reduced emissions of N2O and NH3, while preserving yield quantity and quality. Therefore, changing fertiliser formulation to these products should be encouraged as a strategy to reduce GHG and air pollution from agricultural practices in temperate climate

    Increasing soil pH reduces fertiliser derived N2O emissions in intensively managed temperate grassland

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    peer-reviewedSoil pH is generally considered a master variable, controlling a wide range of physical, chemical and biological properties, including a significant effect on microbial processes responsible for production and consumption of nitrous oxide (N2O), a potent greenhouse gas. Evidence of this pH impact on microbial denitrification mainly stems from observations in controlled laboratory experiments, while the results from field studies are mainly short-term, more variable and circumstantial. Soil pH is also one of the main factors controlling the availability of soil phosphorous (P), which has been also linked with N2O emissions. Here, we utilised an existing intensive grassland liming and P trial to investigate the effect of longer-term lime and P management and their interaction on N2O emissions and grassland productivity. The treatment plots were subject to different liming and P fertilisation strategies over 8 years and had a wide gradient of soil pH (5.1–6.9) and extractable P (2.3–8.3 mg kg−1). All plots received a total of 300 kg ha−1 of fertiliser nitrogen (N), applied in 8 splits across the growing season. N2O emissions, soil mineral N and grass yields were measured over 12-month period. We found a negative linear relationship between soil pH and cumulative N2O emissions, with a decrease in N2O emissions up to 39 % from limed plots compared to the unlimed control. The same effect was observed in relation to N2O emission factors and yield-scaled N2O emissions. Extractable soil P content had positive effect on yields, but no effect of P or P and pH interaction was observed in terms of direct N2O emissions or yield-scaled N2O emissions. We estimated that the increase in soil pH of grasslands in Ireland over the last 12 years potentially reduced national N2O emissions by 95 Gg CO2-eq yr−1, with potential for a further reduction by up to 254 Gg CO2-eq yr−1 if all the remaining acidic soils are brought up to optimal pH

    Nitrous oxide emission factors from an intensively grazed temperate grassland: a comparison of cumulative emissions determined by eddy covariance and static chamber methods

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    Quantifying nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from grazed pastures can be problematic due to the presence of hotspots and hot moments of N2O from animal excreta and synthetic fertilisers. In this study, we quantified field scale N2O emissions from a temperate grassland under a rotational grazing management using eddy covariance (EC) and static chamber techniques. Measurements of N2O by static chambers were made for four out of nine grazing events for a control, calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN), synthetic urine (SU) + CAN and dung + CAN treatments. Static chamber N2O flux measurements were upscaled to the field scale (FCH FIELD) using site specific emission factors (EF) for CAN, SU+CAN and dung + CAN. Mean N2O EFs were greatest from the CAN treatment while dung + CAN and SU + CAN emitted similar N2O-N emissions. Cumulative N2O-N emissions over the study period measured by FCH FIELD measurements were lower than gap-filled EC measurements. Emission factors of N2O from grazing calculated by FCH FIELD and gap-filled were 0.72% and 0.96%, respectively. N2O-N emissions were derived mainly from animal excreta (dung and urine) contributing 50% while N2O-N losses from CAN and background accounted for 36% and 14%, respectively. The study highlights the advantage of using both the EC and static chamber techniques in tandem to better quantify both total N2O-N losses from grazed pastures while also constraining the contribution of individual N sources. The EC technique was most accurate in quantifying N2O emissions, showing a range of uncertainty that was seven times lower relative to that attributed to static chamber measurements, due to the small chamber sample size per treatment and highly variable N2O flux measurements over space and time

    Effects of urease and nitrification inhibitors on yields and emissions in grassland and spring barley

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    We thank the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (Grant No. 11/S/138), the Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research Initiative for Ireland (Grant No. 10/RD/SC/716), Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, Northern Ireland and the Walsh Fellowship Scheme for the funding provide to Ms Mary Harty and Ms Leanne Roche.Conference paper presented to the International Fertiliser Society at a Conference in Cambridge, United Kingdom, on 9th December 2016.In trials conducted in the temperate maritime climate of Ireland on a range of acidic soils, calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) and urea gave comparable yield performance. There was little evidence of reduced yields by using urea for grassland or spring barley. Our finding that urea produced annual yields that were not significantly different from CAN differs from previous studies which found that yields from urea were lower than those from ammonium nitrate or nitrate based fertiliser in the UK. However, there are also published results from trials conducted in temperate Irish grassland showing equal yield performance of CAN and urea in the 1970s. Based on yield performance and the cost of fertiliser there is scope to dramatically increase the level of urea usage in straight and blended fertilisers in the temperate maritime climate of Ireland in both grassland and spring barley. Such an increase will bring substantial benefits in terms of reducing direct nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from fertiliser applied to soil, particularly in poorly draining soils subject to high levels of precipitation. Nitrogen recovery by plants tends to be more sensitive to differences in fertiliser efficiency than is yield. Although yields did not differ between urea and CAN; urea had a lower nitrogen recovery indicating that urea usage will also result in a reduced level of fertiliser use efficiency. Reduced efficiency is less tangible to farmers who tend to be primarily concerned with dependable yield results. Reduced efficiency is a problem nonetheless, particularly as it is closely linked to NH3 emissions in urea usage. European countries including Ireland have committed to reduce national NH3 emissions to comply with the revised National Emission Ceilings Directive (2001/81/EC) in Europe. Increased urea usage, which looks attractive from a yield, cost and direct N2O perspective in Ireland, runs counter to meeting these commitments. Additionally, NH3 is a source of indirect N2O emissions that will negate some of the N2O savings from urea. Due to the issues of yield dependability, fertiliser efficiency, N2O and NH3 emissions the urease inhibitor N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT) is a particularly attractive option for making urea use more efficient by addressing its key weakness in the area of variable NH3 loss and efficiency. The urease inhibitor NBPT along with the nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide (DCD) were tested with urea in comparison with calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN). The nitrification inhibitor DCD was very effective in reducing fertiliser N associated N2O emissions. Indeed, its usage allowed N2O levels to be reduced to levels comparable to where no application of N fertiliser was made at some site-years. However, at the DCD incorporation rate tested, DCD contributed to variability in NH3 loss from urea and suppressed both yield response and fertiliser efficiency. Use of the urease inhibitor NBPT in addition to DCD went a substantial way to resolving these shortcomings. Continuing work is needed to tailor the rate of existing and new urease and nitrification inhibitors to optimise the balance between suppression of gaseous N emissions, agronomic performance and economic considerations.We thank the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (Grant No. 11/S/138), the Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research Initiative for Ireland (Grant No. 10/RD/SC/716), Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, Northern Ireland and the Walsh Fellowship Scheme for the funding provide to Ms Mary Harty and Ms Leanne Roche