4,862 research outputs found

    SgpDec : Cascade (de)compositions of finite transformation semigroups and permutation groups

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    We describe how the SgpDec computer algebra package can be used for composing and decomposing permutation groups and transformation semigroups hierarchically by directly constructing substructures of wreath products, the so called cascade products.Final Accepted Versio

    Long-Term Testing and Properties of Acrylic for the Daya Bay Antineutrino Detectors

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    The Daya Bay reactor antineutrino experiment has recently measured the neutrino mixing parameter sin22{\theta}13 by observing electron antineutrino disappearance over kilometer-scale baselines using six antineutrino detectors at near and far distances from reactor cores at the Daya Bay nuclear power complex. Liquid scintillator contained in transparent target vessels is used to detect electron antineutrinos via the inverse beta-decay reaction. The Daya Bay experiment will operate for about five years yielding a precision measurement of sin22{\theta}13. We report on long-term studies of poly(methyl methacrylate) known as acrylic, which is the primary material used in the fabrication of the target vessels for the experiment's antineutrino detectors. In these studies, acrylic samples are subjected to gaseous and liquid environmental conditions similar to those experienced during construction, transport, and operation of the Daya Bay acrylic target vessels and detectors. Mechanical and optical stability of the acrylic as well as its interaction with detector liquids is reported.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures Submitted to JINS

    Outcomes of ovulation induction-intrauterine insemination in lean, overweight, and obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome

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    Objective: To compare pregnancy rates between lean, overweight, and obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) undergoing ovulation induction-intrauterine insemination (OI-IUI). Design: Retrospective cohort study Setting: Academic training program Patient(s): All women with PCOS undergoing OI-IUI from January 2000 to November 2013. Interventions: Ovulation induction-intrauterine insemination with oral (oral OI-IUI) or combined oral and injectable (combined OI-IUI) agents. Main Outcome Measures: Clinical pregnancy rates (CPR) per IUI were compared in 198 women undergoing oral OI-IUI and combined OI-IUI. Multivariate logistic regression was used to calculate the odds of clinical pregnancy while adjusting for potential confounders. Results were expressed as adjusted odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI), using lean women as the referent population. Results: In lean PCOS patients undergoing combined OI-IUI, the unadjusted CPR was 52%; CPR was comparatively lower in overweight (22%), obese (27%) and morbidly obese (21%) women for all cycles. Adjusting for age and duration of infertility, the odds of clinical pregnancy after combined OI-IUI was significantly diminished in overweight (OR=0.27 CI=0.12-0.63), obese (OR=0.41, CI=0.20-0.83) and morbidly obese women (OR=0.33 CI=0.14-0.78) as compared to the lean PCOS referent. A similar but non-significant trend was identified in women undergoing oral OI-IUI. Conclusion: Lean women with PCOS have a higher CPR after combined OI-IUI as compared to their overweight, obese, and morbidly obese counterparts. Patients with a lean PCOS phenotype may preferentially benefit from this treatment approach

    High Temperature Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior of Ti-6Al-4V

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    Experimental evaluation of high temperature, Fatigue Crack Growth Rate (FCGR) data for Ti-6A1-4V, a titanium alloy, is presented. The FCGR data were measured at room temperature, 175, 230, 290 and 345°C using the Direct Current Potential Difference (DCPD) technique. Compact Tension (CT) specimens were used in the program and crack growth rates (da/dN) vs. Mode I stress intensity factor ranges (ΔΚ) were plotted as a function of temperature. A temperature rise from 175 to 345°C did not cause a substantial increase in crack growth rates within the Stage II region where a linear relationship describes the behavior. Fonnation of secondary cracks, observed at higher temperatures, may have slowed the crack propagation as observed in the fractography

    Covariant Quark Model for the Baryons

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    A family of simply solvable covariant quark models for the baryons is presented. With optimal parameter choices the models reproduce the empirical spectra of the baryons in all flavor sectors to an accuracy of a few percent. Complete spectra are obtained for all states of the strange, charm and beauty hyperons with L≀2L \leq 2. The magnetic moments and axial coupling constants of the ground state baryons correspond to those of conventional quark models. We construct current-density operators that are consistent with empirical nucleon form factors at low and medium energies.Comment: 32pages, LateX, 3 figures(postscript

    PMS53 Association Between Teriparatide Adherence and Health Care Utilization and Costs in Real World United States Kyphoplasty/Vertebroplasty Patients

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    I-fibrinogen as an oncophilic radiodiagnostic agent: distribution kinetics in tumour-bearing mice.

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    Fibrinogen radioiodinated by the iodine monochloride method was tested as a tumour radiodiagnostic agent in mice. The I-fibrinogen cleared from the blood of tumour-bearing mice more rapidly than from that of normal mice, but it cleared from the whole body more slowly, suggesting it accumulated in a substantial tumour-related compartment in the abnormal mice. The tumour concentration steadily increased for 4 h after injection, at which time it reached a peak concentration of 11-4% of the injected dose/g. This concentration was higher than the peak concentration for Ga-citrate (not reached until 24 h) or any other oncophilic radiopharmaceutical tested in this tumour model. The early accumulation is consistent with the use of 123I as a tracer label for fibrinogen. A combination of the large tumour concentration of I-fibrinogen, an increased catabolic rate induced by chemical modification, and the exceptional nuclear properties of 123I for scintigraphic imaging, could lead to a very useful radiodiagnostic procedure for cancer

    The Word Problem for Omega-Terms over the Trotter-Weil Hierarchy

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    For two given ω\omega-terms α\alpha and ÎČ\beta, the word problem for ω\omega-terms over a variety V\boldsymbol{\mathrm{V}} asks whether α=ÎČ\alpha=\beta in all monoids in V\boldsymbol{\mathrm{V}}. We show that the word problem for ω\omega-terms over each level of the Trotter-Weil Hierarchy is decidable. More precisely, for every fixed variety in the Trotter-Weil Hierarchy, our approach yields an algorithm in nondeterministic logarithmic space (NL). In addition, we provide deterministic polynomial time algorithms which are more efficient than straightforward translations of the NL-algorithms. As an application of our results, we show that separability by the so-called corners of the Trotter-Weil Hierarchy is witnessed by ω\omega-terms (this property is also known as ω\omega-reducibility). In particular, the separation problem for the corners of the Trotter-Weil Hierarchy is decidable

    A practical high current 11 MeV production of high specific activity 89Zr

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    Introduction Zr-89 is a useful radionuclide for radiolabeling proteins and other molecules.1,2 There are many reports of cyclotron production of 89Zr by the 89Y (p,n) reaction. Most irradiations use thin metal backed deposits of Y and irradiation currents up to 100 ”A or thicker amounts of Y or Y2O3 with ~ 20 ”A irradiations.3,4 We are working to develop high specific activity 89Zr using a low energy 11 MeV cyclotron. We have found that target Y metal contains carrier Zr and higher specific activities are achieved with less Y. The goal of this work was to optimize yield while minimizing the amount of Y that was irradiated. Material and Methods All irradiations were done using a Siemens Eclipse 11 MeV proton cyclotron. Y foils were used for the experiments described here. Y2O3 was tried and abandoned due to lower yield and poor heat transfer. Yttrium metal foils from Alfa Aesar, ESPI Metals and Sigma Aldrich, 0.1 to 1 mm in thickness, were tested. Each foil was irradiated for 10 to 15 minutes. The targets to hold the Y foils were made of aluminum and were designed to fit within the “paper burn” unit of the Siemen’s Eclipse target station, allowing the Y target body to be easily inserted and removed from the system. Several Al targets of 2 cm diam. and 7.6 cm long were tested with the face of the targets from 11, 26 or 90o relative to the beam to vary watts cm−2 on the foil. The front of the foils was cooled by He convection and the foil backs by conduction to the Al target body. The target body was cooled by conduction to the water cooled Al sleeve of the target holder. Results and Conclusion The best target was two stacked, 0.25 mm thick, foils to stop beam. 92% of the 89Zr activity was in the front 0.25 mm Y foil. With the greatest slant we could irradiate up to 30 ”A of beam on tar-get. However, the 13×30 mm dimensions of the foil was more mass (0.41 g) and lower specific activity than was desired. Redesign of the target gave a target 90o to the beam with 12×12 mm foils (0.15 g/foil) that were undamaged with up to 30 ”A irradiation when two foils were used. This design has a reduction in beam at the edges of ~10%. With this design, a single Y foil, 0.25 mm thick sustained over 31 ”A of beam and a peak power on target of 270 watts cm−2. The product was radionuclidically pure 89Zr after all 89mZr and small amounts of 13N produced from oxygen at the surface had decayed (TABLE 1). Our conclusion is that the optimum target is a single 0.25 mm thick Y foil to obtain the greatest specific activity at this proton energy. This produces 167 MBq of 89Zr at EOB with a 15 minute and 31 ”A irradiation. We are continuing to redesign the clamp design to reduce losses at the edge of the beam
