847 research outputs found

    The role of apoptosis in bispecific antibody-mediated T-cell cytotoxicity.

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    In this report we describe the role of apoptosis in the process of tumour cell killing by bispecific monoclonal antibody (BsMAb)-redirected cytolytic T cells. The BsMAb used, BIS-1, has dual specificity for the CD3 complex on T cells and the pancarcinoma-associated 38 kDa transmembrane antigen EGP-2. BIS-1 allows activated T cells to specifically recognise and kill EGP-2-positive but not EGP-2-negative target cells. An assay was developed to quantify apoptosis in cells by separation of 3H-thymidine-labelled low-molecular, i.e. fragmented, from high-molecular, i.e. non-fragmented DNA. The presence of low molecular weight DNA was measured both within the target cells and in the cell-free supernatant. After exposure to BIS-1-redirected, -activated T cells, apoptosis was observed in EGP-2-positive target cells but not in EGP-2-negative target cells. Also no DNA fragmentation proved to be induced in the activated effector cells during assay. The degree of EGP-2-positive target DNA fragmentation depended on the concentration of BsMAb, the E/T ratio and the incubation time. Using a low E/T ratio (1/1), DNA fragmentation in and 51Cr release from target cells showed similar characteristics and kinetics. At higher E/T ratio (20/1), the 51Cr release from the target cells increased to a greater extent than the percentage fragmented target cell DNA. Inhibitors of DNA fragmentation added to the cytotoxicity assay inhibited not only DNA fragmentation, but also the release of chromium-51 from the target cells, suggesting that apoptosis and cell lysis are closely related in BsMAb-mediated cell killing

    Immunomodulatory effects of intravenous BIS-1 F(ab')2 administration in renal cell cancer patients.

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    We report the immunomodulatory effects of an intravenous treatment with F(ab')2 fragments of the bispecific monoclonal antibody BIS-1 during subcutaneous recombinant interleukin 2 (rIL-2) therapy of renal cell cancer (RCC) patients. BIS-1 is directed against both the CD3 antigen on T cells and the EGP-2 molecule on carcinoma cells and some normal epithelia. The amount of BIS-1 F(ab')2 bound to peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) increased dose-dependently. This occupation degree was highest at the end of the 2 h infusion and rapidly decreased subsequently. During the first hour of BIS-1 F(ab')2 infusion the number of PBLs decreased slowly. This was followed by an increase in serum tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) concentrations and a rapid decrease in the numbers of peripheral blood lymphocytes, monocytes and eosinophils. In our view, the most likely explanation for the observed decrease in occupation degree of BIS-1 F(ab')2 and the rise in TNF-alpha levels is based on the assumption that BIS-1-carrying T cells leave the circulation. The CD3 antigens on these extravasated T cells become cross-linked by EGP-2 antigens, inducing TNF-alpha secretion. This results in an enhanced decrease in the numbers of PBLs, monocytes and eosinophils. These preliminary results suggest that BIS-1 F(ab')2 treatment during IL-2 therapy may induce local T-cell activation

    Characterization of BIS20x3, a bi-specific antibody activating and retargeting T-cells to CD20-positive B-cells

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    This paper describes a bi-specific antibody, which was called BIS20x3. It retargets CD3ɛ-positive cells (T-cells) to CD20-positive cells and was obtained by hybrid–hybridoma fusion. BIS20x3 could be isolated readily from quadroma culture supernatant and retained all the signalling characteristics associated with both of its chains. Cross-linking of BIS20x3 on Ramos cells leads to DNA fragmentation percentages similar to those obtained after Rituximab-cross-linking. Cross-linking of BIS20x3 on T-cells using cross-linking F(ab′)2-fragments induced T-cell activation. Indirect cross-linking of T-cell-bound BIS20x3 via Ramos cells hyper-activated the T-cells. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that BIS20x3 effectively re-targets T-cells to B-cells, leading to high B-cell cytotoxicity. The results presented in this paper show that BIS20x3 is fully functional in retargeting T-cells to B-cells and suggest that B-cell lymphomas may represent ideal targets for T-cell retargeting bi-specific antibodies, because the retargeted T-cell is maximally stimulated in the presence of B-cells. Additionally, since B-cells may up-regulate CD95/ Fas expression upon binding of CD20-directed antibodies, B-cells will become even more sensitive for T-cell mediated killing via CD95L/ Fas L, and therefore supports the intention to use T-cell retargeting bi-specific antibodies recognizing CD20 on B-cell malignancies as a treatment modality for these diseases. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Transport of argon ions in an inductively coupled high-density plasma reactor

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    The first direct observation of the velocity distribution of the metastable Ar1*~2G9/2! ions in the presheath of an inductively coupled plasma has been achieved by using the Doppler shifted laser induced fluorescence technique. Drift of the ions along the electric field in the presheath is observed and distribution functions of the velocity in both parallel and perpendicular directions, relative to the E field, are deduced at 5 and 40 mTorr. Present results show that in high density plasmas the velocity distribution of the metastable ions is directly related to that of the ground state argon ions. Neutral gas temperature of around 600 K is also measured from the absorption profile of a diode laser beam, set on one of the 772.4 nm argon lines

    Phase I study of intravenously applied bispecific antibody in renal cell cancer patients receiving subcutaneous interleukin 2.

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    In a phase I trial the toxicity and immunomodulatory effects of combined treatment with intravenous (i.v.) bispecific monoclonal antibody BIS-1 and subcutaneous (s.c.) interleukin 2 (IL-2) was studied in renal cell cancer patients. BIS-1 combines a specificity against CD3 on T lymphocytes with a specificity against a 40 kDa pancarcinoma-associated antigen, EGP-2. Patients received BIS-1 F(ab')2 fragments intravenously at doses of 1, 3 and 5 micrograms kg-1 body weight during a concomitantly given standard s.c. IL-2 treatment. For each dose, four patients were treated with a 2 h BIS-1 infusion in the second and fourth week of IL-2 therapy. Acute BIS-1 F(ab')2-related toxicity with symptoms of chills, peripheral vasoconstriction and temporary dyspnoea was observed in 2/4 and 5/5 patients at the 3 and 5 micrograms kg-1 dose level respectively. The maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of BIS-1 F(ab')2 was 5 micrograms kg-1. Elevated plasma levels of tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) and interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) were detected at the MTD. Flow cytometric analysis showed a dose-dependent binding of BIS-1 F(ab')2 to circulating T lymphocytes. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), isolated after treatment with 3 and 5 micrograms kg-1 BIS-1, showed increased specific cytolytic capacity against EGP-2+ tumour cells as tested in an ex vivo performed assay. Maximal killing capacity of the PBMCs, as assessed by adding excess BIS-1 to the assay, was shown to be decreased after BIS-1 infusion at 5 micrograms kg-1 BIS-1 F(ab')2. A BIS-1 F(ab')2 dose-dependent disappearance of circulating mononuclear cells from the peripheral blood was observed. Within the circulating CD3+ CD8+ lymphocyte population. LFA-1 alpha-bright and HLA-DR+ T-cell numbers decreased preferentially. It is concluded that i.v. BIS-1 F(ab')2, when combined with s.c. IL-2, has a MTD of 5 micrograms kg-1. The treatment endows the T lymphocytes with a specific anti-EGP-2-directed cytotoxic potential

    Concepts and characteristics of the 'COST Reference Microplasma Jet'

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    Biomedical applications of non-equilibrium atmospheric pressure plasmas have attracted intense interest in the past few years. Many plasma sources of diverse design have been proposed for these applications, but the relationship between source characteristics and application performance is not well-understood, and indeed many sources are poorly characterized. This circumstance is an impediment to progress in application development. A reference source with well-understood and highly reproducible characteristics may be an important tool in this context. Researchers around the world should be able to compare the characteristics of their own sources and also their results with this device. In this paper, we describe such a reference source, developed from the simple and robust micro-scaled atmospheric pressure plasma jet (μ-APPJ) concept. This development occurred under the auspices of COST Action MP1101 'Biomedical Applications of Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas'. Gas contamination and power measurement are shown to be major causes of irreproducible results in earlier source designs. These problems are resolved in the reference source by refinement of the mechanical and electrical design and by specifying an operating protocol. These measures are shown to be absolutely necessary for reproducible operation. They include the integration of current and voltage probes into the jet. The usual combination of matching unit and power supply is replaced by an integrated LC power coupling circuit and a 5 W single frequency generator. The design specification and operating protocol for the reference source are being made freely available

    Neurofilament light chain, a biomarker for polyneuropathy in systemic amyloidosis

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    OBJECTIVE: To study serum neurofilament light chain (sNfL) in amyloid light chain (AL) amyloidosis patients with and without polyneuropathy (PNP) and to corroborate previous observations that sNfL is increased in hereditary transthyretin-related (ATTRv) amyloidosis patients with PNP. METHODS: sNfL levels were assessed retrospectively in patients with AL amyloidosis with and without PNP (AL/PNP+ and AL/PNP-, respectively), patients with ATTRv amyloidosis and PNP (ATTRv/PNP+), asymptomatic transthyretin (TTR) gene mutation carriers (TTRv carriers) and healthy controls. Healthy controls (HC) were age- and sex-matched to both AL/PNP- (HC/AL) and TTRv carriers (HC/TTRv). The single-molecule array (Simoa) assay was used to assess sNfL levels. RESULTS: sNfL levels were increased both in 10 AL/PNP+ patients (p  I) had the highest sNfL levels compared to patients with early PNP (PND-score I) (p = .05). sNfL levels did not differ between TTRv carriers and HC/TTRv individuals. In the group comprising all healthy controls and in the group of TTRv carriers, sNfL levels correlated with age. CONCLUSION: sNfL levels are increased in patients with PNP in both AL and ATTRv amyloidosis and are related to severity of PNP in ATTRv amyloidosis. sNfL is a promising biomarker to detect PNP, not only in ATTRv but also in AL amyloidosis

    Complementary and conventional medicine: a concept map

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    BACKGROUND: Despite the substantive literature from survey research that has accumulated on complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in the United States and elsewhere, very little research has been done to assess conceptual domains that CAM and conventional providers would emphasize in CAM survey studies. The objective of this study is to describe and interpret the results of concept mapping with conventional and CAM practitioners from a variety of backgrounds on the topic of CAM. METHODS: Concept mapping, including free sorts, ratings, and multidimensional scaling was used to organize conceptual domains relevant to CAM into a visual "cluster map." The panel consisted of CAM providers, conventional providers, and university faculty, and was convened to help formulate conceptual domains to guide the development of a CAM survey for use with United States military veterans. RESULTS: Eight conceptual clusters were identified: 1) Self-assessment, Self-care, and Quality of Life; 2) Health Status, Health Behaviors; 3) Self-assessment of Health; 4) Practical/Economic/ Environmental Concerns; 5) Needs Assessment; 6) CAM vs. Conventional Medicine; 7) Knowledge of CAM; and 8) Experience with CAM. The clusters suggest panelists saw interactions between CAM and conventional medicine as a critical component of the current medical landscape. CONCLUSIONS: Concept mapping provided insight into how CAM and conventional providers view the domain of health care, and was shown to be a useful tool in the formulation of CAM-related conceptual domains
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