39 research outputs found

    Potentials for Beekeeping Expansion in the Caribbean

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    The advantage of increased beekeeping is that it is a small-scale farm and rural activity which can be established at low cost, and does not require private land ownership at all. In the Caribbean, the Dominican Republic is by far the largest honey producer, with substantial production of beeswax, both of which move into the overseas market, generating hard currency. The recent development of pollen export in that country is another important source of foreign currency. A first step required is the development of a source of package bees and queens, and the needed hardware for hives and associated activities. A second and major step is to inventory the local nectar and pollen plants, as well as time of nectar flow. Bees make honey from nectar, not pollen as a forester erroneously reported in a U.S. Department of Agriculture report. The first author has prepared such a study for Puerto Rico, and a preliminary one for the Caribbean area

    Non-Traditional Agriculture for the Caribbean

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    Non-traditional agriculture is a multi-phased approach to the production of farm crops, and their marketing. Here we refer only to plant crops, not animal. There are parallel approaches required to insure maximum possibility of a successful and continuing program. Rather than being compartmentalized, techniques required include information on production possibilities, market needs, packing and grading standards, shipment to markets and subsequent sales. Best results usually follow from using a crop somewhat familiar in cultural requirements to those grown by local farmers, and one for which there is an existing market. Packaging and grading must be uniform and are often best served by being done at one central point. One of the promising areas of production is the harvesting of marketable forest understory plants concurrently with planting of small plots of the same plant to produce a marketable volume

    Uncultivated Nuts of the United States

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    A handbook of nuts and nutlike seeds from trees and shrubs that are not cultivated in orchards but generally grow wild or that are sometimes grown as ornamentals. Descriptions, illustrations, and range maps help the reader to identify species. The nuts and seeds are also discussed as a renewable resource of present or potential use to human beings

    Herbs for the home garden

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    Press bulletin containing information on suitable varieties of herbs for gardening in New Mexico

    The influence of NPK levels on the growth and tuber development of cassava in tanksi

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    9 p.métodos utilizados en el cultivo de la yuca (Manihot utilissima pohl) están experimentando cambios ya que el cultivo pasa de una cultura jardín del patio trasero a gran escala manejado cultivos

    Sweet pea variety trials in Honduras

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    1 p.Guisantes frescos son generalmente considerados un artículo de lujo en Honduras, y son supuestamente un cultivo difícil y caro de producir, debido a los bajos rendimientos y los ataques de hongos. El Departamento de Horticultura de la Escuela Agrícola Panamericana se ha comprometido a estudiar medios para aumentar los rendimientos de este cultivo como parte de su programa de verduras

    Deficiency symptoms in nutrient pot experiments with cassava

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    10 p.La yuca (Manihot utilissirna Pohl) es una planta económica de la que el centro de origen en general se cree que Brasil (6) y whichi ha sido utilizado por los pobladores indígenas de América del Sur, Central América y las Islas del Caribe desde los tiempos pre-colombinos (4) veces

    Fungus Diseases of Papaya in the U.S. Virgin Islands

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    Corynespora cassiicola (Berk. & Curt.) Wei, and a, species of Botryodiplodia were consistently isolated from various tissues of Carica papaya plants affected by the papaya decline disease. Young papaya plants of the 'Solo' variety were successfully inoculated with the aforementioned fungi. Most of the symptoms of the decline disease developed on papaya plants after inoculation with Corynespora. Severe stem necrosis of papaya plants resulted from inoculation with Botryodiplodia. C. cassiicola loses its virulence after series transfers through artificial media

    Pineapple studies in the u. s. Virgin Islands

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    8 p.Cantidades sustanciales de piñas frescas se consumen en la Virgen EE.UU. Islas. Especialmente de diciembre a junio, cuando más de 300.000 turistas visitar las islas. Para satisfacer esta demanda, las piñas son importadas de Puerto Rico