77 research outputs found
Az optimális élmény objektív markerei és az optimális élmény megteremtésében szerepet játszó személyiségtényezők = The objective markers of optimal experience and the personality factors which promote flow
A flow képesség mérésére kidolgozásra került a Flow Képesség és Flow Kapacitás Kérdőív felnőtt és serdülőkori változata, majd a 6-18 éves korosztály számára érzelmi intelligencia tesztek is kifejlesztésre kerültek. A flow élmény alapdimenzióinak kérdőíves feltárását is célul tűztük ki. Az elméleti alapokon nyugvó, mégis empirikusan kimunkált mérőeszköz több fázison keresztül, számos vizsgálat mentén került kidolgozásra. A flow élmény fiziológiai markereinek ellenőrzésére 3 vizsgálat került lebonyolításra, a személyiségtényezők vizsgálatával párhuzamosan. Az eredmények szerint, kizárólag a flow helyzetben a spektrális aktivitás növekszik a tevékenység első szakaszában, majd a teljesítmény fenntartása mellett az aktivitásszint csökken. A GBR eredmények megerősítik a szimpatikus aktivációval magyarázott korábbi kutatásokat, mivel a flow helyzetben a megemelkedett GBR az arousal magas szintjét jelzi. A szívfrekvencia szignifikánsan nagyobb flow helyzetben, amely alacsonyabb szívritmus-variabilitást jelezhet. A vizsgálatok során a személyiségtényezőkkel való összefüggést is elemeztük. A flow élmény jellemző arckifejezésének feltárására Ekman rendszerét használtuk, a videóval rögzített arckifejezések elemzésére, a flow és antiflow helyzetekben egyaránt, dinamikus megközelítéssel. Az eredmények alapján összességében elmondható, hogy a flow helyzetben kódolt érzelmek és arckifejezések átlaga a szorongás és unalom helyzetek között található. | The Flow Ability and Flow Capacity Questionnaire was developed for measuring flow ability among adults and adolescents, then several emotional intelligence tests were established for the ages between 6-18. Instead of the establishment of a measuring tool of flow ability we invented a questionnaire of the basic dimensions of flow experience. The new tool is based on the theory but it has an empirical establishment through more phases along the studies. In order to check the physiological markers of flow, 3 studies were conducted. According to the results in the flow situation there is an increasing spectral activity in the first phase of the activity, then align with maintain the performance, this activity level decreases. Aligned with the sympathetic activation, our EDA results are corresponding with the previous research, so during flow and increased EDA can be registered, as the signal of the high arousal level. Heart Frequency is significantly higher in the flow situation, which may sign a decreased heart rate variability. In the studies we analyzed the correspondence with the personality characteristics also. For revealing the special facial patterns of flow experience, Ekman’s FACS was used to analyze the facial patterns took down during flow and antiflow states, following a dynamic approach. According to the results we can summarize that the coded emotions during flow and the mean of the facial patterns can be found between the anxiety and boredom situations
3-Year-Old Children Selectively Generalize Object Functions Following a Demonstration from a Linguistic In-group Member: Evidence from the Phenomenon of Scale Error
The present study investigated 3-year-old children’s learning processes about object functions. We built on children’s tendency to commit scale errors with tools to explore whether they would selectively endorse object functions from a linguistic in-group over an out-group model. Participants (n = 37) were presented with different object sets, and a model speaking either in their native or a foreign language demonstrated how to use the presented tools. In the test phase, children received the object sets with two modifications: the original tool was replaced by one that was too big to achieve the goal but was otherwise identical, and another tool was added to the set that looked different but was appropriately scaled for goal attainment. Children in the Native language condition were significantly more likely to commit scale errors – that is, choose the over-sized tool – than children in the Foreign language condition (48 vs. 30%). We propose that these results provide insight into the characteristics of human-specific learning processes by showing that children are more likely to generalize object functions to a category of artifacts following a demonstration from an in-group member
Lympho-myeloid és hemopoietikus szervek fejlődésbiológiája: embryomanipuláció = Development of the lympho-myeloid and hemopoietic organs: embryo manipulation
A pályázat fő célja volt a bursai szekréciós dendritikus (BSDC), a follikuláris dendritikus (FDC) és a Langerhans sejtek (LC) eredetének és differenciálódásának vizsgálata. BSDC véreredetű sejtek terminális differenciálódásuk függ az anyai eredetű antigénektől. A A fertőző bursa betegséget okozó vírus először a BSDC-ben mutatható ki, bizonyítva, hogy a BSDC az elsőrendű célsejtje a vírusoknak. 5-fluorouracil okozta heterophil depléció eliminálja a vírusfertőzés okozta mortalitást és a súlyos klinikai tüneteket és emeli a BSDC-k számát. A heterophil granulocyták a BSDC-vel együtt jelentős szerepet játszanak a fertőző bursa betegség (Gumboro) klinikai tüneteinek kialakulásában. Az LC haptén kezelés hatására kivándorolnak az epidermisből és subcután előforduló lymphoid nodulusokban jelennek meg. A lép ellipszoidhoz-asszociált sejtei (EAC) hemopoietikus eredetűek. Az EAC az egyetlen olyan phagocyta tulajdonságú sejt, amely internalizálja a β-galactozidázt ez pedig elindítja az EAC migrációját a T dependens területek (PALS) és a csíracentrumok felé. Monoklonális antitest (E5G12) felismeri az EAC-t és az FDC-t is, mely lehetőséget adott kettős festésre (β-gal hisztokémia és E5G12 immuncytokémia). A kettős festés egyértelmű bizonyítékot szolgáltatott arra, hogy a lép csíracentrumok FDC-jei EAC eredetűek. A csirke embryok vérében perifériás vér fibrocyták jelen vannak, melyek hozzájárulnak a lép organogenesiséhez. Ez a munka vezetett az a lép ellipszoidok körüli Schweigger-Seidel hüvely tokjának felfedezéséhez. A csirkék gastrointestinalis traktusában oesophagealis és pylorus tonsillak kerültek leírásra. | The origin and differentiation of bursal secretory dendritic (BSDC), follicular dendritic (FDC), and Langerhans cells (LC) have been studied. BSDC are blood-borne hemopoietic cells, and their differentiation depends on maternal antigen. The antibody against infectious bursal disease viruses indicates that the BSDC are primary targets of the IBDV. Depletion of heterophil granulocytes by 5-fluorouracil results in elimination of major clinical symptoms and mortality, increase the number of BSDC. After hapten treatment the Langerhans cells migrate out of the epidermis and appear in the subcutaneous lymph nodules. The splenic ellipsoid-associated cells (EAC) are blood-borne cells. They exclusively internalize the β-galactosidase, which initiate their migration to the T dependent region (PALS) and germinal centers. Monoclonal antibody E5G12, recognizes EAC and splenic FDC. Double-staining (β-galactosidase histochemistry) and E5G12 immunocytochemistry provided clearcut evidence that the EAC were precursors of FDC. No double labeled cells were found in the GC of the GALT, which might indicate that the origin of splenic and GALT FDC have had different origin. The presence of the avian peripheral blood fibrocytes in the circulation contribute to the splenic extracellular matrix, which forms arround the ellipsoid a discontinuous sheath, what we called "capsule of Schweigger-Seidel sheath" (CSS). We have identified oesophageal and duodenal tonsils, which are specific for the birds
Avian coronavirus infection induces mannose-binding lectin production in dendritic cell precursors of chicken lymphoid organs
The aim of this immunocytochemical study was to compare mannose-binding lectin (MBL) production induced by avian coronavirus in the spleen and caecal tonsil (CT). One-day-old specific-pathogen-free (SPF) chickens were experimentally infected with six QX field isolates and the H120 vaccine strain. In the negative control birds, the spleen was MBL negative, while the CT showed scattered MBL-positive cells in close proximity and within the surface epithelium and germinal centre (GC)-like cell clusters. MBL was detectable in the ellipsoid-associated cells (EACs) and cell clusters in the periarterial lymphoid sheath (PALS) by 7 days post infection (dpi). In both organs, the MBL-positive cells occupy antigen-exposed areas, indicating that GC formation depends on resident precursors of dendritic cells. The majority of MBL-positive EACs express the CD83 antigen, providing evidence that coronavirus infection facilitated the maturation of dendritic cell precursors. Surprisingly, co-localisation of MBL and CD83 was not detectable in the CT. In the spleen (associated with circulation), the EACs producing MBL and expressing CD83 are a common precursor of both follicular (FDC) and interdigitating dendritic cells (IDC). In the CT (gut-associated lymphoid tissue, GALT) the precursors of FDC and IDC are MBL-producing cells and CD83-positive cells, respectively. In the CT the two separate precursors of lymphoid dendritic cells provide some ‘autonomy’ for the GALT
miR-21, miR-29a, and miR-106b: serum and tissue biomarkers with diagnostic potential in metastatic testicular cancer
The imperative need for sensitive and precise tools is underscored in cancer diagnostics, with biomarkers playing a pivotal role in facilitating early detection and tumor diagnosis. Despite their classical pathological classification, testicular tumors lack valuable markers, emphasizing the necessity to identify and apply serum tumor markers in clinical management. Unfortunately, existing biomarkers exhibit limited sensitivities and specificities. Recent years have witnessed the discovery of novel RNA molecules, presenting a potential breakthrough as diagnostic tools and promising biomarkers. This report presents compelling evidence supporting the detection of early testicular cancer by applying a set of nine microRNAs (miRNAs), establishing them as valuable serum biomarkers for diagnosis. We developed a standardized serum-based measurement protocol and conducted comprehensive statistical analyses on the dataset to underscore the diagnostic accuracy of the miRNA pool. Notably, with a sensitivity exceeding 93%, miR-21, miR-29a, and miR-106b surpass classical serum tumor markers in the context of testicular cancer. Specifically, these miRNAs are poised to enhance clinical decision-making in testicular cancer detection and hold the potential for assessing tumor growth in monitoring chemotherapy outcomes
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