111 research outputs found

    Spontán beerdősülő területek és a nagytestű növényevők hatása: lehetőség a fenntartható gazdálkodásra

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    A hazai erdőtelepítési programok hatására egyre több területen jelennek meg faültetvények,melyek a természetközeli erdőtársulásokhoz képest több szempontbó l is sérülékenyebbek a bolygatásokkal szemben. Ezekben a növényevő nagyvadfajok által a főfafajon tapasztalható vadrágás a változatos kínálatú erdőkben tapasztalható érték többszöröse lehet. Vizsgálatunkban egy akác ültetvényt és egy beerdősülő területet hasonlítottunk össze a főfafajra nehezedő „növényevő - nyomás” szempontjából. A fásszárú növénykínálat összetétele és a vadrágás felmérése mellett fitomassza becslést és preferencia vizsgálatokat is végeztünk mindkét területen. Eredményeink igazolták, hogy a változatos és bőséges kínálatot nyújtó cserjeszint valóban képes csökkenteni a főfafajon jelentkező vadrágás mértékét. A jövőben érdemesebb tehát átgondolni az elegyes szerkezetű erdők előnyeit az élőhely-kezelési munkák és az erdőtelepítések során is

    Vadföldi növények szerepe a gímszarvas táplálékában Valkón.

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    Red deer is an emblematic species of Hungarian game management. In the maintenance of good quality deer populations establishment of a network of food plots in the hunting area can be a helpful tool. Since cultivation of game plots can be very expensive, information on the utilisation of the plots and the forages provided there is needed. In our study we investigated the utilisation of four game plots by red deer in Valkó from May 2008 to February 2009. Our study aim was to determine the intensity of area use by deer on food plots and reveal the proportion of food plot forage in the diet of red deer individuals visiting the food plot. We carried out seasonal faeces counts and microhistological faeces analyses. We found that red deer appear in food plots in every season, although there were differences in the deer dropping density between different game plots. The proportion of rye (Secale cereale) available in all food plots sampled and that of maize (Zea mays) provided as winter supplementary food was very low in the diet of deer. Generally, both components represented less than 10 % of the individual diet. We suggest that in the diet of red deer food plot forage - or at least rye - should not be fundamental. Nevertheless, we have no information on the potential positive physiological impacts of consumed food plot forage. We recommend cultivating more various plant food resources in game plots to make those plots more attractive to deer. We also propose establish and maintain diverse understory in the forest because it usually solves as basic food supply for deer

    Analysis of game damage on the basis of judiciary documents in Nógrád county between 2015 and 2019

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    The common use of habitats by people and game species has been causing conflicts for a long time. With the intensification of agriculture, the level of agricultural damage has also increased. In many cases farmers and game managers try to solve their related disagreements in court, often unsuccessfully. The aim of our research was to find out the reasons for these difficulties and to show possible solutions. We studied 55 judiciary documents in three courts in Nógrád County. Red deer was involved in 42 cases of damages (76%), wild boar 33 (60%), roe deer 21 (38%) and mouflon 3 (5%), caused mainly in maize (23,64%), forest, sunflower (12,73% for both) and grassland (5,45%). Proceedings lasted for 13,65 months on average; their median was 8 months. The average claim of farmers was 1 514 610 HUF, its median was 783 000 HUF. At the end of the suits, farmers received the whole compensation in 8 cases (14,55%) and they got part of the relief on ten occasions (18,18%). Suits were ceased 14 times (25,45%) and no compensation was paid in 23 cases (41,82%). Ignorance of law and unprofessional expertise of farmers negatively influenced the judicial proceedings. Both farmers and game managers should be informed about the exact steps of the procedure for solving these long-lasting conflicts

    Paradicsomtörköly bálaszilázs takarmány etetési hasznosulása vadaskerti körülmények között.

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    The supplementary winter feeding is a widespread practice in Europe and parts of North America. The role of feeding is maintenance of high game population density, maintenance of body condition or reduction of winter mortality. Feeding may also be carried out to reduce the environmental damage caused by game species during winter. The secondary products from the food industry can provide potential winter extra-food for game species due to their relatively low price and valuable nutrient content. To know whether these secondary products can be utilisable food for game we collected information about the diet composition of game species. Actually, we investigated the proportion of tomato pulp silage in the diet of different large game species in intensively managed game preserves during winter. The study was carried out in two game preserves (Bodony and Bárna). The study was conducted in Bodony from November 2009 to March 2010. In this period 23 bales of tomato pulp silage (each was one ton) were placed on three different feeding plots in the game preserve. In Bárna investigations were carried out between December 2010 and May 2011. In this game preserve 44 bales of tomato pulp silage were placed on six feeders. We collected faecal droppings of different large game species around feeders and along transects between them. The diet composition of game species was determined by microhistological faeces analysis. In both areas all amples investigated contained of tomato. In approx. 60% of samples was dominated by tomato pulp silage. The red deer consumed the tomato pulp in the highest, while mouflon in the lowest proportion. Nevertheless, the proportion of tomato in the samples ranged between 36-89%. Our results suggest that supplementary winter feeding could be very important for large game species in intensively managed game preserves with dense game populations. The secondary products from the food industry could provide suitable quality supplementary food for large game species. However, we emphasise the fundamental importance of the natural food resources of the habitat

    Vadföldek használata és a vadföldi növényzet fogyasztása Valkón.

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    Cultivation of game plots is a common traditional practice in Hungarian game management. However, it has significant costs. Efficiency of this measure therefore, should be controlled. In our study we investigated the utilisation of four game plots and food plot forage (rye, Secale cereale) in Valkó throughout an entire year from April 2007 to March 2008. Our study aim was to determine the intensity of area use by deer on food plots and estimate the biomass of the food plot forage consumed. We conducted faeces counts in every 2 or 4 week. We also measured the difference between the total biomass of grazed and ungrazed plant individuals and that of enclosed (untouched) and control (grazed) sampling areas. We found that red deer appear in food plots in every season, although there were clear differences in the deer dropping density between different periods. The highest values of the intensity of area use in game plots were revealed in autumn (October-November). However, in the first half of the year there was no significant difference in the deer faces density between the game plots and control forest areas. Similarly, significantly more plant biomass was consumed (has disappeared) from the food plot forage during the September-October period (30-90 kg/ha/day) than in the other parts of the year (0-10 kg/ha/day). We suggest that food plot forage – or at least rye – has no fundamental dietary significance for red deer. Since the utilisation of game plots and food plot forage became the highest in the roaring period in autumn, importance of social factors in visiting game plots can be more fundamental than that of dietary ones. We think that it is hard to prove the clear dietary benefits of food plot forage for red deer at a population level. However, increasing effectiveness of trophy hunting during the roaring season could be an achievable and more easily measurable goal of game plot management

    Vadfajok hatása egy szálaló üzemmódú száraz tölgyes felújulására

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