13 research outputs found


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    Until recent days, the problem as if the interest rate will never be finished to be discussed. The interest rate is no longer seen as a problem or a mere economic phenomenon, but it has become a social phenomenon. In analyzing a country's economy, one of the variables commonly used is the interest rate. In a economics theory, interest rates are closely related to other economic variables is the variable growth of money supply and inflation. This paper will discuss further on the matter. By using Error Correction Model (ECM) approach, and took the time span between 1982 to 2011, this paper tries to review further the relationship of the three economic variables above. ECM is used because itis able to explain the relationship between the variables studied both shortterm and also long term relationship. Furthermore,by using the Koyk’s transformation, can be calculated lag time required for the independent variable can affect the dependent variable. This study came to the conclusion that the inflation variable, lag of inflation and lag of growth in the money supply affect the interest rate changes during the observation period between 1983 to 2012, while the growth in the money supply has no effect

    Government Budget, and Health Insurance for Public Health in East Java Province

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    One of the conditions needed for development to be carried out properly is the condition of a healthy community. Without a healthy community, development in one area cannot be done well. Health itself is more a public good than a private good, so in this case government intervention is absolutely necessary. This research tries to look at several factors which are predicted to be able to influence the condition of public health. Some of these factors are the availability of infrastructure in the health sector, the government budget and public participation in health insurance issued by the government. Using data between 2017 and 2019 in 38 districts in East Java Province, it was found that only the public participation variable in health insurance issued by the government had a positive and significant impact, while the other variables did not affect the health condition of the community. The behavior of people in Indonesia who tend to register for health insurance if they have experienced health problems is one indication of a positive relationship between public health conditions and the number of participants in government health insurance


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    Every country in this world must be facing poverty problem in their economic. There are many ways to reduce poverty problems in each country. One of them is using fiscal policies through government expanditure. In Indonesia’s fiscal policies, there are two types of government expanditure. They are: direct government expanditure and indirect expanditure. This paper study about how both of government expanditure will effect the reduce of poverty in East Java Province. The research is coming into conclusion that both of government expanditure will effect poverty in East Java Province, but in the different way. Direct government expanditure will reduce poverty if the government increase this expanditure. In contrary, indirect government expanditure will raise poverty when it is increasin

    Sharia Credit Card, Rules and Reality

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    Credit card is a banking product that is very well known by the public. Almost all banks have credit card products, including banks with sharia principles. One of the banks with sharia principles that have sharia credit cards is BNI Syariah. This study tries to explore more about the use of Islamic credit cards in Indonesia. BNI Syariah Bank was chosen in this case study because it is one of two sharia banks that have sharia credit card products. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach using the case study paradigm. This study came to the conclusion that the use of Islamic credit cards will return to the user. Credit card issuing banks can only supervise by locking a number of merchants who are deemed not to meet the rules in Islamic sharia. In general, the impact of using a credit card will return to the user. If users are able to use credit cards wisely and do not behave consumptively, then there will not be a problem with the use of credit card


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    New Institutional Economics showed that institutions are not only focused on the institutions but the rules of the game in economic activity between actors in the Real estate  sector, both formal and informal institutions. This study aims to determine the role of the institutional system and the real estate  industry in Jember District. Key informants were selected using the snowball method. The data analysis technique use the Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP). This study shows that the institutional system of the Real estate  industry in Jember is dominated by institutional formal than informal institutions. Formal institutions providing legal protection and means of coordination for all developers with other developers, government and society as a prospective buyer. Formal institutions play a greater role than in the informal institutional entire activity in the real estate  industry in Jember.

    Ethnical Barriers Tenaga Kerja Lokal Tambak Garam di Kota Surabaya dalam Perspektif Kualitatif Etnografi

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    This study aims to find out more deeply about obstacles for local labor (ethnic Javanese) as salt farmers in the city of Surabaya. There is an absolute requirement in the use of salt-producing labor in Surabaya City. This research uses qualitative method with ethnography study approach. Data collection technique using indepth interviewing method. The sample used in this research is seven people by using sampling technique snowball sampling that is getting information or data based on recommendation from others who really understand the problem of this research. The result of this research is finding a fact that in the salt production activity in Surabaya City is required to use non-local worker with ethnic Madura on the grounds that only Madurese ethnic workers are willing and able to accept the heavy consequences that have been arranged by the owner of the pond salt in the city of Surabaya. Salt pond owners in the city of Surabaya do not impose barriers to local labor to produce salt, as evidenced by a new innovation by transferring the function of empty land into an artificial salt pond in order to attract local labor


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    The purpose of this research is to find out the relationship between total asset, third-party funds and credit to banking profitability especially Regional Development Bank in Indonesia. Regional Development Bank serve as a research center for the uniqueness of its operatios. Usually, Regional Development Bank only operated in their province area, not in all province throughout the country, so they have a limited compare to other types of bank in Indonesia. In the theoritical framework, we find out that total asset and credit have a positive relationship to profitability while third-party funds in the other way. By using 2009 - 2014 time spam, we come into conclusion that all variables have a relationship to banking profitability simultaneously. Total asset has a positive and significant relationship while third-funds has a negative and significant relationship to bank profitability. Credit variable has a negative relationship but not significant to bank profitability. Key Words: Profitabilitas, Bank Pembangunan Daerah, Panel Data, Fixed Effect Mode

    Analisis Pengaruh Inflasi, Investasi, Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dan Tingkat Pendidikan terhadap Pengangguran di Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat adanya hubungan antara beberapa variabel yang diduga memliki hubungan dengan tingat pengangguran di Indonesia. Variabel yang dimaksud adalah pendidikan, pertumbuhan ekonomi, investasi dan inflasi. Pendekatan panel data dengan metode LSDV dipilih untuk bisa melihat karakteristik masing-masing individu yang diteliti dimana dalam penelitian ini adalah propinsi di Indonesia. Data yang digunakan data panel dari tahun 2005 hingga tahun 2010. Dalam tinjauan teoritis, dapat dikatakan bahwa semua variabel yang diteliti memiliki hubungan yang negatif atau berlawanan dengan tingkat pengangguran. Variabel pendidikan masih menjadi perdebatan dalam kajian teoritis. Beberapa penelitian terdahulu juga menyiratkan bahwa pendidikan masih memiliki hubungan yang bias terhadap tingkat pengangguran. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa semua variabel dinyatakan signifikan kecuali variabel pertumbuhan ekonomi yang dalam penelitian ini tidak signifikan. Sedangkan variabel inflasi signifikan dengan arah yang berbeda dengan hipotesa yang diajukan. Setelah diuji dengan memasukkan nilai kuadrat inflasi ke dalam persamaan, maka diketahui bahwa hubungan inflasi dan pengangguran bersifat non linear. Sedangkan variabel lainnya signifikan dan sesuai dengan telaah teori yang dibangun

    Transaksi Digital Perbankan dan Dampaknya dengan Perekonomian Indonesia

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    The process of analyzing the effect of short-term and long-term non-cash payment systems on economic growth in Indonesia in the form of P.D.B. Non-cash payment systems are represented by debit/debit cards, credit cards/credit cards and electronic money/e-money using time series data (January 2010 – December 2020) with E.C.M.(Error Correction Model). The conclusion obtained shows that the transaction volume of debit/debit cards, credit cards/credit cards and electronic money/e-money in the short term/short term has no effect on economic growth in Indonesia and the volume of card transactions in the long term/long term has negative relationship with economic growth in Indonesia