11 research outputs found


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    Čimbenici uspjeha organizacije nisu samo inovacije, upravljanje, dobar marketing, financijsko planiranje i druge strategije, neÅ”to Å”to je joÅ” važnije je organizacijska kultura. Stvaranje jedinstvene kulture organizacije koja motivira zaposlenike i usklađuje ih s ciljevima organizacije jedan je od velikih izazova za organizaciju i menadžment. U danaÅ”njem svijetu digitalizacije, gdje mnogi zaposlenici ni ne rade na istom mjestu, potrebno je odrediti norme i vrijednosti koje će svi zaposlenici dijeliti. Izvrsna organizacijska kultura daje organizaciji prednost među konkurencijom jer ju je teÅ”ko kopirati i imitirati. Kada organizacija ima jasnu kulturu, to jest jasne vrijednosti, ponaÅ”anja koja su visoko integrirana u rad, imati će pozitivne utjecaje na organizaciju i veći utjecaj na organizacijsku učinkovitost. Cilj rada je upoznati se sa važnostima organizacijske kulture uz povezivanje tema nogometa i organizacijske kulture. Kultura sportskog tima dodaje posebnu dimenziju organizacijskoj kultura jer postoji jaka timska kultura. U sportskim timovima svima su poznati njezini vidljivi simboli poput grba ili himne, no kultura kluba ide puno dalje od vidljivih elemenata. Najvažnije vrijednosti nogometnih klubova su ambicija i zajedniÅ”tvo, poniznost, usklađenost, jedinstvenost. Klubovi se od ostalih vrsta organizacija razlikuju po tome Å”to djeluju među različitim generacijama i osobljem različitih sprema. Kultura organizacije vezana je za organizaciju, gradi se sa njome, a ljudski potencijal bitni je dio kulture organizacija.The success factors of an organization are not only innovation, management, good marketing, financial planning, and other strategies, but what is even more important is the organizational culture. Creating a unique corporate culture that motivates employees and positions them with the organization's goals is one of the biggest challenges for the organization and management. In today's digitized world, where many employees do not even work in the same place, it is necessary to establish the norms and values that all employees will share. An excellent organizational culture allows the organization to win over the competition because it is difficult to copy and imitate one's culture. When an organization has a great culture, with values, and behaviors that are greatly merged into work, they will have positive impacts on the organization and a greater impact on organizational effectiveness. The objective of this final work is to show the importance of organizational culture while connecting the topics of football and organizational culture. Sports teams add a special dimension to organizational culture because there is a strong team feeling. In sports teams, everyone is familiar with the club's visible symbols such as the coat of arms or the anthem, but the culture of the club goes much further than the visible elements. The most important values of football clubs are ambition and community, humility, conformity, and uniqueness. Clubs differ from other types of organizations in that they operate among different generations and staff of different backgrounds. The culture of the organization is built together with the organization and human potential is an essential part of the company's culture

    Impact of innovation on economic growth and development

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    Jedan od najvažnijih parametara gospodarskog rasta i razvoja, ali i povećanja produktivnosti i konkurentnosti jest ljudski kapital i njegovo znanje. Ulaganje u znanje ima za rezultat stvaranje inovativnih proizvoda i procesa. Inovacije su pokretač moderne ekonomije, pomažu pretvoriti ideje i znanje u proizvode i usluge, odnosno u neÅ”to komercijalno i korisno. Inovacije i njihov razvoj postale su jedan od primarnih ciljeva svih suvremenih poduzeća. Smatraju se temeljem rasta i napretka. Poduzeća koja ulažu u inovacije obično postižu veći i brži rast od onih poduzeća koja ne inoviraju i ne ulažu u inovacije. Gospodarski rast dinamički je proces povećanja domaćeg proizvoda ili nacionalnog dohotka u nekom gospodarstvu, dok je gospodarski razvoj proces gospodarskog rasta koji je ujedno praćen promjenama ekonomske i socijalne strukture druÅ”tva, poboljÅ”anjem kvalitete života i standarda te preraspodjelom dohotka i druÅ”tvene moći. U doba suvremenog informatičkog napretka inovacije postaju stalan pratilac gospodarskog rasta i razvoja. Postoji dugoročna povezanost između inovacija i gospodarskog rasta i razvoja, a u ovom diplomskom radu analizirat ćemo između ostalog koliko je jaka njihova povezanost.One of the most important parameters of economic growth and development, but also of increasing productivity and competitiveness, is human capital and its knowledge. Investing in knowledge results in the creation of innovative products and processes. Innovation is the driver of the modern economy, helping to turn ideas and knowledge into products and services, or into something commercial and useful. Innovation and their development have become one of the primary goals of all modern enterprises. They are considered on the basis of growth and progress. Firms investing in innovation tend to achieve greater and faster growth than those that do not innovate and do not invest in innovation. Economic growth is a dynamic process of increasing a domestic product or national income in an economy, while economic development is a process of economic growth that is accompanied by changes in the economic and social structure of society, improving the quality of life and standards, and the redistribution of income and social power. In the age of modern IT advancement, innovations have become a constant companion for economic growth and development. There is a long-term connection between innovation and economic growth and development, and in this thesis we will analyze, among other things, how strong their connection is

    Antibiotic Use, Incidence and Risk Factors for Orthopedic Surgical Site Infections in a Teaching Hospital in Madhya Pradesh, India

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    Orthopedic surgeries contribute to the overall surgical site infection (SSI) events worldwide. In India, SSI rates vary considerably (1.6–38%); however, there is a lack of a national SSI surveillance system. This study aims to identify the SSI incidence, risk factors, antibiotic prescription and susceptibility patterns among operated orthopedic patients in a teaching hospital in India. Data for 1205 patients were collected from 2013 to 2016. SSIs were identified based on the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control guidelines. The American Society for Anesthesiologists classification system was used to predict patients’ operative risk. Univariable and multivariable backward stepwise logistic regressions were performed. Overall, 7.6% of patients developed SSIs over three years. The most common SSIs causative microorganism was Staphylococcus aureus (7%), whose strains were resistant to penicillin (100%), erythromycin (80%), cotrimoxazole (80%), amikacin (60%) and cefoxitin (60%). Amikacin was the most prescribed antibiotic (36%). Male sex (OR 2.64; 95%CI 1.32–5.30), previous hospitalization (OR 2.15; 95%CI 1.25–3.69), antibiotic prescription during hospitalization before perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis (OR 4.19; 95%CI 2.51–7.00) and postoperative length of stay > 15 days (OR 3.30; 95%CI 1.83–5.95) were identified as significant risk factors. Additionally, preoperative shower significantly increased the SSI risk (OR 4.73; 95%CI 2.72–8.22), which is unconfirmed in the literature so far


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    Čimbenici uspjeha organizacije nisu samo inovacije, upravljanje, dobar marketing, financijsko planiranje i druge strategije, neÅ”to Å”to je joÅ” važnije je organizacijska kultura. Stvaranje jedinstvene kulture organizacije koja motivira zaposlenike i usklađuje ih s ciljevima organizacije jedan je od velikih izazova za organizaciju i menadžment. U danaÅ”njem svijetu digitalizacije, gdje mnogi zaposlenici ni ne rade na istom mjestu, potrebno je odrediti norme i vrijednosti koje će svi zaposlenici dijeliti. Izvrsna organizacijska kultura daje organizaciji prednost među konkurencijom jer ju je teÅ”ko kopirati i imitirati. Kada organizacija ima jasnu kulturu, to jest jasne vrijednosti, ponaÅ”anja koja su visoko integrirana u rad, imati će pozitivne utjecaje na organizaciju i veći utjecaj na organizacijsku učinkovitost. Cilj rada je upoznati se sa važnostima organizacijske kulture uz povezivanje tema nogometa i organizacijske kulture. Kultura sportskog tima dodaje posebnu dimenziju organizacijskoj kultura jer postoji jaka timska kultura. U sportskim timovima svima su poznati njezini vidljivi simboli poput grba ili himne, no kultura kluba ide puno dalje od vidljivih elemenata. Najvažnije vrijednosti nogometnih klubova su ambicija i zajedniÅ”tvo, poniznost, usklađenost, jedinstvenost. Klubovi se od ostalih vrsta organizacija razlikuju po tome Å”to djeluju među različitim generacijama i osobljem različitih sprema. Kultura organizacije vezana je za organizaciju, gradi se sa njome, a ljudski potencijal bitni je dio kulture organizacija.The success factors of an organization are not only innovation, management, good marketing, financial planning, and other strategies, but what is even more important is the organizational culture. Creating a unique corporate culture that motivates employees and positions them with the organization's goals is one of the biggest challenges for the organization and management. In today's digitized world, where many employees do not even work in the same place, it is necessary to establish the norms and values that all employees will share. An excellent organizational culture allows the organization to win over the competition because it is difficult to copy and imitate one's culture. When an organization has a great culture, with values, and behaviors that are greatly merged into work, they will have positive impacts on the organization and a greater impact on organizational effectiveness. The objective of this final work is to show the importance of organizational culture while connecting the topics of football and organizational culture. Sports teams add a special dimension to organizational culture because there is a strong team feeling. In sports teams, everyone is familiar with the club's visible symbols such as the coat of arms or the anthem, but the culture of the club goes much further than the visible elements. The most important values of football clubs are ambition and community, humility, conformity, and uniqueness. Clubs differ from other types of organizations in that they operate among different generations and staff of different backgrounds. The culture of the organization is built together with the organization and human potential is an essential part of the company's culture

    Trends and patterns of antibiotic prescribing at orthopedic inpatient departments of two private-sector hospitals in Central India: A 10-year observational study.

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    BackgroundFrequent antibiotic prescribing in departments with high infection risk like orthopedics prominently contributes to the global increase of antibiotic resistance. However, few studies present antibiotic prescribing patterns and trends among orthopedic inpatients.AimTo compare and present the patterns and trends of antibiotic prescription over 10 years for orthopedic inpatients in a teaching (TH) and a non-teaching hospital (NTH) in Central India.MethodsData from orthopedic inpatients (TH-6446; NTH-4397) were collected using a prospective cross-sectional study design. Patterns were compared based on the indications and corresponding antibiotic treatments, mean Defined Daily Doses (DDD)/1000 patient-days, adherence to the National List of Essential Medicines India (NLEMI) and the World Health Organization Model List of Essential Medicines (WHOMLEM). Antibiotic prescriptions were analyzed separately for the operated and the non-operated inpatients. Linear regression was used to analyze the time trends of antibiotic prescribing; in total through DDD/1000 patient-days and by antibiotic groups.ResultsThird generation cephalosporins were the most prescribed antibiotic class (TH-39%; NTH-65%) and fractures were the most common indications (TH-48%; NTH-48%). Majority of the operated inpatients (TH-99%; NTH-97%) were prescribed pre-operative prophylactic antibiotics. The non-operated inpatients were also prescribed antibiotics (TH-40%; NTH-75%), although few of them had infectious diagnoses (TH-8%; NTH-14%). Adherence to the NLEMI was lower (TH-31%; NTH-34%) than adherence to the WHOMLEM (TH-65%; NTH-62%) in both hospitals. Mean DDD/1000 patient-days was 16 times higher in the TH (2658) compared to the NTH (162). Total antibiotic prescribing increased over 10 years (TH-Ī² = 3.23; NTH-Ī² = 1.02).ConclusionSubstantial number of inpatients were prescribed antibiotics without clear infectious indications. Adherence to the NLEMI and the WHOMLEM was low in both hospitals. Antibiotic use increased in both hospitals over 10 years and was higher in the TH than in the NTH. The need for developing and implementing local antibiotic prescribing guidelines is emphasized

    Ten-year trends of antibiotic prescribing in surgery departments of two private sector hospitals in Central India: a prospective observational study

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    Abstract Background Inappropriate antibiotic use contributes to the global rise of antibiotic resistance, prominently in low- and middle-income countries, including India. Despite the considerable risk of surgical site infections, there is a lack of antibiotic prescribing guidelines and long-term studies about antibiotic prescribing in surgery departments in India. Therefore, this study aimed to analyse 10 yearsā€™ antibiotic prescribing trends at surgery departments in two tertiary-care hospitals in Central India. Methods Data was prospectively collected from 2008 to 2017 for surgery inpatients in the teaching (TH-15,016) and the non-teaching hospital (NTH-14,499). Antibiotics were classified based on the World Health Organization (WHO) Access Watch Reserve system and analysed against the diagnoses and adherence to the National List of Essential Medicines India (NLEMI) and the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines (WHOMLEM). Total antibiotic use was calculated by DDD/1000 patient days. Time trends of antibiotic prescribing were analysed by polynomial and linear regressions. Results The most common indications for surgery were inguinal hernia (TH-12%) and calculus of the kidney and ureter (NTH-13%). The most prescribed antibiotics were fluoroquinolones (TH-20%) and 3rd generation cephalosporins (NTH-41%), and as antibiotic prophylaxis, norfloxacin (TH-19%) and ceftriaxone (NTH-24%). Access antibiotics were mostly prescribed (57%) in the TH and Watch antibiotics (66%) in the NTH. Culture and susceptibility tests were seldom done (TH-2%; NTH-1%). Adherence to the NLEMI (TH-80%; NTH-69%) was higher than adherence to the WHOMLEM (TH-77%; NTH-66%). Mean DDD/1000 patient days was two times higher in the NTH than in the TH (185 vs 90). Overall antibiotic prescribing significantly increased in the TH (Ī²1 =13.7) until 2012, and in the NTH (Ī²2 =0.96) until 2014, and after that decreased (TH, Ī²2= -0.01; NTH, Ī²3= -0.0005). The proportion of Watch antibiotic use significantly increased in both hospitals (TH, Ī²=0.16; NTH, Ī²=0.96). Conclusion Total antibiotic use decreased in the last three (NTH) and five years (TH), whereas consumption of Watch antibiotics increased over 10 years in both hospitals. The choice of perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis was often inappropriate and antibiotic prescribing was mostly empirical. The results of this study confirmed the need for antibiotic prescribing guidelines and implementation of antimicrobial stewardship programs

    Antibiotic Use, Incidence and Risk Factors for Orthopedic Surgical Site Infections in a Teaching Hospital in Madhya Pradesh, India

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    Orthopedic surgeries contribute to overall surgical site infection (SSI) events worldwide. In India, SSI rates vary considerably depending on geographical location (1.6–38%); however, there is a lack of a national SSI surveillance system.. This study aims to identify the SSI incidence, risk factors, antibiotic prescription and susceptibility patterns among operated orthopedic patients in a teaching hospital in India. Data for 1205 patients were collected from 2013 to 2016. SSIs were identified based on the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention’s guidelines. The American Society for Anesthesiologists classification system was used to predict patients’ operative risk. Univariable and multivariable backward stepwise logistic regressions were performed to identify risk factors for SSIs. Overall, 7.6% patients developed SSIs over three years. Out of 68 samples sent for culture and susceptibility testing, 22% were culture positive. The most common SSI-causing microorganism was Staphylococcus aureus (7%), whose strains were resistant to penicillin (100%), erythromycin (80%), cotrimoxazole (80%), amikacin (60%) and cefoxitin (60%). Amikacin was the most prescribed antibiotic (36%). Male sex (OR 2.64; 95%CI 1.32–5.30), previous hospitalization (OR 2.15; 95%CI 1.25–3.69), prescription of antibiotics during hospitalization before perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis (OR 4.19; 95%CI 2.51–7.00) and postoperative length of stay >15 days (OR 3.30; 95%CI 1.83–5.95) were identified as significant risk factors for orthopedic SSIs. Additionally, a preoperative shower significantly increased the risk of SSIs (OR 4.73; 95% CI 2.72–8.22), which is unconfirmed in the literature so far

    Antibiotic Use, Incidence and Risk Factors for Orthopedic Surgical Site Infections in a Teaching Hospital in Madhya Pradesh, India

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    Orthopedic surgeries contribute to the overall surgical site infection (SSI) events worldwide. In India, SSI rates vary considerably (1.6ā€“38%); however, there is a lack of a national SSI surveillance system. This study aims to identify the SSI incidence, risk factors, antibiotic prescription and susceptibility patterns among operated orthopedic patients in a teaching hospital in India. Data for 1205 patients were collected from 2013 to 2016. SSIs were identified based on the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control guidelines. The American Society for Anesthesiologists classification system was used to predict patientsā€™ operative risk. Univariable and multivariable backward stepwise logistic regressions were performed. Overall, 7.6% of patients developed SSIs over three years. The most common SSIs causative microorganism was Staphylococcus aureus (7%), whose strains were resistant to penicillin (100%), erythromycin (80%), cotrimoxazole (80%), amikacin (60%) and cefoxitin (60%). Amikacin was the most prescribed antibiotic (36%). Male sex (OR 2.64; 95%CI 1.32ā€“5.30), previous hospitalization (OR 2.15; 95%CI 1.25ā€“3.69), antibiotic prescription during hospitalization before perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis (OR 4.19; 95%CI 2.51ā€“7.00) and postoperative length of stay > 15 days (OR 3.30; 95%CI 1.83ā€“5.95) were identified as significant risk factors. Additionally, preoperative shower significantly increased the SSI risk (OR 4.73; 95%CI 2.72ā€“8.22), which is unconfirmed in the literature so far

    Social Protection Interventions for TB-Affected Households: A Scoping Review.

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    Tuberculosis (TB) and poverty are inextricably linked. Catastrophic costs of TB illness drive TB-affected households into worsening impoverishment and hamper treatment success. The WHO's End TB Strategy recommends social protection for TB-affected households to mitigate financial shock and improve TB outcomes. This scoping review maps the landscape of social protection interventions for people with TB and their households in low- and middle-income countries with high TB burden. A systematic search of Medline, Embase, PubMed, and Web of Science for relevant articles was performed, supplemented with a gray literature search of key databases. Articles were included if they described social protection available to people with TB and TB-affected households in a low- or middle-income country. Data were synthesized in tabular form, and descriptive narrative outlined the successes and challenges of the social protection interventions identified. The search identified 33,360 articles. After abstract screening, 74 articles underwent full text screening, and 49 were included in the final analysis. Forty-three types of social protection were identified, of which 24 were TB specific (i.e., only people with TB were eligible). Varying definitions were used to describe similar social protection interventions, which limited cross-study comparison. Intervention successes included acceptability and increased financial autonomy among recipients. Challenges included delays in intervention delivery and unexpected additional bank transfer fees. A wide range of acceptable social protection interventions are available, with cash transfer schemes predominating. Use of standardized definitions of social protection interventions would facilitate consolidation of evidence and enhance design and implementation in future

    Izazovi vinskog sektora u Republici Hrvatskoj

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    Vino je oduvijek okupljalo ljude, uz vino se ljudi druže, o vinu se uvijek može razgovarati, vino u ljudima pobuđuje razne emocije. Tako je i ova knjiga nastala kao rezultat dugogodiÅ”nje suradnje kolega znanstvenika, a započela je jednim doktoratom. Tijekom tog su doktorskog istraživanja doktorandica, njezine mentorice, članovi povjerenstva i drugi kolege počeli o vinu i vinskom sektoru neobavezno razgovarati u raznim formalnim i neformalnim prigodama. Vinske su rasprave najprije dovele do nekoliko zajedno napisanih i objavljenih znanstvenih radova, dvaju sveučiliÅ”nih znanstvenih projekata, a potom i do uviđanja potrebe i želje za zajedničkim radom na knjizi. Urednici su tada pozvali autore da se zajedno upuste u pisanje znanstvene knjige posvećene vinu i vinarstvu. U radu na ovoj knjizi u konačnici je sudjelovalo 15 autora koji su se kroz tri glavna dijela knjige dotakli nekih od prepoznatih izazova vinskog sektora. Iako su vinogradarstvo i vinarstvo poljoprivredna i gospodarska aktivnost prisutna tisućljećima, tek im je u posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća posvećena značajnija istraživačka pozornost iz ekonomske perspektive. Rezultat rada vinogradara i vinara proizvodno je specifičan te podložan emocionalnim i kvalitativnim procjenama, ali je s ciljem dugotrajnog i uspjeÅ”nog poslovanja potrebno dobro razumjeti i njegovu ekonomsku dimenziju. Promjene u svim sektorima gospodarstva, a posebno u poljoprivredi, koje su rezultat globalizacije, klimatskih i okoliÅ”nih promjena, tehničkog napretka, promjena u logističkim i opskrbnim lancima i posljedično kretanjima dobara u globalnoj trgovini, razvoja informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije, promjena u strukturi i dostupnosti radne snage, značajno i ubrzano utječu na sektor čije je osnovno obilježje dugotrajan proizvodni proces. Tako je i u Republici Hrvatskoj gdje se vinogradarstvo i vinarstvo uspjeÅ”no razvijaju te su važan dio lokalne tradicije, ali su posljednjih godina pod sve snažnijim pritiskom konkurenata, klimatskih promjena, promjena potroÅ”ačkih navika i drugih ekonomskih izazova. U knjizi su kroz ukupno 12 poglavlja sistematizirani i prikazani rezultati istraživanja autora iz različitih područja teorijske i poslovne ekonomije i ekonomske agronomije. Zahvaljujući značajnom trudu autora i ostvarenim istraživačkim doprinosima, ova knjiga je, prema zaključcima recenzenata, zaslužila kategorizaciju znanstvenog uredničkog djela. Autori su, kroz svoja druženja, rasprave, zajednički trud i rad identificirali i analizirali neke od ključnih izazova s kojima se vinski sektor susreće te su, piÅ”ući poglavlja u knjizi, predložili potencijalna rjeÅ”enja