20 research outputs found

    Analyzing the ER stress response in ALS patient derived motor neurons identifies druggable neuroprotective targets

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a degenerative motor neuron (MN) disease with severely limited treatment options. Identification of effective treatments has been limited in part by the lack of predictive animal models for complex human disorders. Here, we utilized pharmacologic ER stressors to exacerbate underlying sensitivities conferred by ALS patient genetics in induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived motor neurons (MNs). In doing so, we found that thapsigargin and tunicamycin exposure recapitulated ALS-associated degeneration, and that we could rescue this degeneration via MAP4K4 inhibition (MAP4K4i). We subsequently identified mechanisms underlying MAP4K4i-mediated protection by performing phosphoproteomics on iPSC-derived MNs treated with ER stressors ±MAP4K4i. Through these analyses, we found JNK, PKC, and BRAF to be differentially modulated in MAP4K4i-protected MNs, and that inhibitors to these proteins could also rescue MN toxicity. Collectively, this study highlights the value of utilizing ER stressors in ALS patient MNs to identify novel druggable targets

    Therapeutic Implications of GIPC1 Silencing in Cancer

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    GIPC1 is a cytoplasmic scaffold protein that interacts with numerous receptor signaling complexes, and emerging evidence suggests that it plays a role in tumorigenesis. GIPC1 is highly expressed in a number of human malignancies, including breast, ovarian, gastric, and pancreatic cancers. Suppression of GIPC1 in human pancreatic cancer cells inhibits in vivo tumor growth in immunodeficient mice. To better understand GIPC1 function, we suppressed its expression in human breast and colorectal cancer cell lines and human mammary epithelial cells (HMECs) and assayed both gene expression and cellular phenotype. Suppression of GIPC1 promotes apoptosis in MCF-7, MDA-MD231, SKBR-3, SW480, and SW620 cells and impairs anchorage-independent colony formation of HMECs. These observations indicate GIPC1 plays an essential role in oncogenic transformation, and its expression is necessary for the survival of human breast and colorectal cancer cells. Additionally, a GIPC1 knock-down gene signature was used to interrogate publically available breast and ovarian cancer microarray datasets. This GIPC1 signature statistically correlates with a number of breast and ovarian cancer phenotypes and clinical outcomes, including patient survival. Taken together, these data indicate that GIPC1 inhibition may represent a new target for therapeutic development for the treatment of human cancers

    Aggression and courtship differences found in Drosophila melanogaster from two different microclimates at Evolution Canyon, Israel

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    Abstract Aggression and courtship behavior were examined of wild Drosophila melanogaster flies isolated from two contrasting microclimates found at Evolution Canyon in Mt. Carmel, Israel: an African-like dry tropical Slope (AS) and a European-like humid temperate Slope (ES), separated by 250 meters. Studies were carried out to ask whether behavioral differences existed between the two populations obtained from opposite slopes with divergent microclimates in Israel. First, we measured and compared intraslope aggression between same sex fly pairings collected from the same slope. Both male and female flies displayed similar fighting abilities from both slopes. ES males, however, from the humid biome, showed a tendency to lunge more per aggressive encounter, compared with AS males from the dry biome. Next, we tested interslope aggression by pairing flies from opposite slopes. ES males displayed higher numbers of lunges, and won more fights against their AS opponents. We also observed enhanced courtship performances in ES compared to AS males. The fighting and courtship superiority seen in ES males could reinforce fitness and pre-mating reproductive isolation mechanisms that underlie incipient sympatric speciation. This may support an evolutionary advantage of adaptively divergent fruit fly aggression phenotypes from different environments

    Image_3_Analyzing the ER stress response in ALS patient derived motor neurons identifies druggable neuroprotective targets.TIF

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a degenerative motor neuron (MN) disease with severely limited treatment options. Identification of effective treatments has been limited in part by the lack of predictive animal models for complex human disorders. Here, we utilized pharmacologic ER stressors to exacerbate underlying sensitivities conferred by ALS patient genetics in induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived motor neurons (MNs). In doing so, we found that thapsigargin and tunicamycin exposure recapitulated ALS-associated degeneration, and that we could rescue this degeneration via MAP4K4 inhibition (MAP4K4i). We subsequently identified mechanisms underlying MAP4K4i-mediated protection by performing phosphoproteomics on iPSC-derived MNs treated with ER stressors ±MAP4K4i. Through these analyses, we found JNK, PKC, and BRAF to be differentially modulated in MAP4K4i-protected MNs, and that inhibitors to these proteins could also rescue MN toxicity. Collectively, this study highlights the value of utilizing ER stressors in ALS patient MNs to identify novel druggable targets.</p

    Image_5_Analyzing the ER stress response in ALS patient derived motor neurons identifies druggable neuroprotective targets.TIF

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a degenerative motor neuron (MN) disease with severely limited treatment options. Identification of effective treatments has been limited in part by the lack of predictive animal models for complex human disorders. Here, we utilized pharmacologic ER stressors to exacerbate underlying sensitivities conferred by ALS patient genetics in induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived motor neurons (MNs). In doing so, we found that thapsigargin and tunicamycin exposure recapitulated ALS-associated degeneration, and that we could rescue this degeneration via MAP4K4 inhibition (MAP4K4i). We subsequently identified mechanisms underlying MAP4K4i-mediated protection by performing phosphoproteomics on iPSC-derived MNs treated with ER stressors ±MAP4K4i. Through these analyses, we found JNK, PKC, and BRAF to be differentially modulated in MAP4K4i-protected MNs, and that inhibitors to these proteins could also rescue MN toxicity. Collectively, this study highlights the value of utilizing ER stressors in ALS patient MNs to identify novel druggable targets.</p

    Image_6_Analyzing the ER stress response in ALS patient derived motor neurons identifies druggable neuroprotective targets.TIF

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a degenerative motor neuron (MN) disease with severely limited treatment options. Identification of effective treatments has been limited in part by the lack of predictive animal models for complex human disorders. Here, we utilized pharmacologic ER stressors to exacerbate underlying sensitivities conferred by ALS patient genetics in induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived motor neurons (MNs). In doing so, we found that thapsigargin and tunicamycin exposure recapitulated ALS-associated degeneration, and that we could rescue this degeneration via MAP4K4 inhibition (MAP4K4i). We subsequently identified mechanisms underlying MAP4K4i-mediated protection by performing phosphoproteomics on iPSC-derived MNs treated with ER stressors ±MAP4K4i. Through these analyses, we found JNK, PKC, and BRAF to be differentially modulated in MAP4K4i-protected MNs, and that inhibitors to these proteins could also rescue MN toxicity. Collectively, this study highlights the value of utilizing ER stressors in ALS patient MNs to identify novel druggable targets.</p

    Video_3_Analyzing the ER stress response in ALS patient derived motor neurons identifies druggable neuroprotective targets.AVI

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a degenerative motor neuron (MN) disease with severely limited treatment options. Identification of effective treatments has been limited in part by the lack of predictive animal models for complex human disorders. Here, we utilized pharmacologic ER stressors to exacerbate underlying sensitivities conferred by ALS patient genetics in induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived motor neurons (MNs). In doing so, we found that thapsigargin and tunicamycin exposure recapitulated ALS-associated degeneration, and that we could rescue this degeneration via MAP4K4 inhibition (MAP4K4i). We subsequently identified mechanisms underlying MAP4K4i-mediated protection by performing phosphoproteomics on iPSC-derived MNs treated with ER stressors ±MAP4K4i. Through these analyses, we found JNK, PKC, and BRAF to be differentially modulated in MAP4K4i-protected MNs, and that inhibitors to these proteins could also rescue MN toxicity. Collectively, this study highlights the value of utilizing ER stressors in ALS patient MNs to identify novel druggable targets.</p

    Table_1_Analyzing the ER stress response in ALS patient derived motor neurons identifies druggable neuroprotective targets.XLSX

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a degenerative motor neuron (MN) disease with severely limited treatment options. Identification of effective treatments has been limited in part by the lack of predictive animal models for complex human disorders. Here, we utilized pharmacologic ER stressors to exacerbate underlying sensitivities conferred by ALS patient genetics in induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived motor neurons (MNs). In doing so, we found that thapsigargin and tunicamycin exposure recapitulated ALS-associated degeneration, and that we could rescue this degeneration via MAP4K4 inhibition (MAP4K4i). We subsequently identified mechanisms underlying MAP4K4i-mediated protection by performing phosphoproteomics on iPSC-derived MNs treated with ER stressors ±MAP4K4i. Through these analyses, we found JNK, PKC, and BRAF to be differentially modulated in MAP4K4i-protected MNs, and that inhibitors to these proteins could also rescue MN toxicity. Collectively, this study highlights the value of utilizing ER stressors in ALS patient MNs to identify novel druggable targets.</p

    Image_2_Analyzing the ER stress response in ALS patient derived motor neurons identifies druggable neuroprotective targets.TIF

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a degenerative motor neuron (MN) disease with severely limited treatment options. Identification of effective treatments has been limited in part by the lack of predictive animal models for complex human disorders. Here, we utilized pharmacologic ER stressors to exacerbate underlying sensitivities conferred by ALS patient genetics in induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived motor neurons (MNs). In doing so, we found that thapsigargin and tunicamycin exposure recapitulated ALS-associated degeneration, and that we could rescue this degeneration via MAP4K4 inhibition (MAP4K4i). We subsequently identified mechanisms underlying MAP4K4i-mediated protection by performing phosphoproteomics on iPSC-derived MNs treated with ER stressors ±MAP4K4i. Through these analyses, we found JNK, PKC, and BRAF to be differentially modulated in MAP4K4i-protected MNs, and that inhibitors to these proteins could also rescue MN toxicity. Collectively, this study highlights the value of utilizing ER stressors in ALS patient MNs to identify novel druggable targets.</p