6 research outputs found

    Importance of culture centre in community : the case of culture centre of Kazlu Ruda municipality

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    Kultūra - žmogaus išsivystymo parametrus atskleidžianti sfera. Žmogus nekultūrinėje terpėje neegzistuoja. Kultūra, kaip veiksminga socialinė jėga, visada buvo labai svarbi Konkrečiuose tyrimuose kultūros būklė dažniausiai fiksuojama per kūrybinę veiklą, tačiau gali būti tiriama ir bendruomeniškumo ugdymo, skatinimo ir raiškos aspektu. Visuomenės pažangos kriterijus - tai klausimas, kokia kultūra palankiau formuoja žmogaus, kaip biosocialinės būtybės, galimybes vystytis, realizuoti savo kūrybines, inovacines galias. Svarbiausią kultūros, kaip sintezuočiausio ir integraliausio reiškinio, kriterijaus lygmenį rodo biologinės ir sociokultūrinės programų ar pradų sąveika žmoguje. Šiame straipsnyje siekiama atskleisti kultūros centrų reikšmę bendruomenei bei jos narių kultūrinei veiklai. Taip pat analizuojama, kaip kultūros centras įgyvendina savo funkcijas bei iškilusius uždavinius. Reikšminiai žodžiai: Bendruomenė; Etninė kultūra; Funkcija; Kaimo Plėtra; Kultūra; Kultūriniai Poreikiai; Kultūros Politika; Kultūros centras; Laisvalaikis; Veikla; Vietos Bendruomenė; Activities; Community; Cultural Needs; Cultural Policy; Cultural center; Culture; Ethnic culture; Function; Leisure; Local Community; Rural DevelopmentCulture is the sphere that reveals the parameters of human evolution. Human being cannot exist in uncultured environment. Culture as the effective social power is always under the spotlight. Specific researches mostly fixate the cultural status through the creative activities; however, it may also be analysed in respect of education, promotion and expression of sociality. Culture includes every material and spiritual value created by particular activities of every personality or the social group. In world history there exist some peculiar codes revealing the ways and potencies of human existence in the society. Culture problems should be the priority sphere of the State, representing humanistic criteria, because it constructs the presumptions for personal self-expression, creation and perfection. There is a lack of miscellaneous cultural researches in Lithuania. Scientific idea has touched some fragments of Lithuanian cultural mosaic. Especially it is scant of more intense look at the cultural phenomena. Profound analysis of Culture Centres is not at the desire able level. A number of difficulties arises due to the problem of definition of cultural object. The valence of the cultural phenomena, the periods of topicality, effect and decline of cultural values of the past, the establishment of relativistic sense and the selection of humanitarian methods have caused the variety of definitions of „culture". This article aims to disclose the importance of Culture Centres to the community and cultural activities of its members through specific analysis how Culture Centre realizes its functions when implementing the established goals in the community

    Importance of Culture Centre in community: the case of culture centre of Kazlu Ruda municipality

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    Kultūra – žmogaus išsivystymo parametrus atskleidžianti sfera. Žmogus nekultūrinėje terpėje neegzistuoja. Kultūra, kaip veiksminga socialinė jėga, visada buvo labai svarbi. Konkrečiuose tyrimuose kultūros būklė dažniausiai fiksuojama per kūrybinę veiklą, tačiau gali būti tiriama ir bendruomeniškumo ugdymo, skatinimo ir raiškos aspektu. Visuomenės pažangos kriterijus – tai klausimas, kokia kultūra palankiau formuoja žmogaus, kaip biosocialinės būtybės, galimybes vystytis, realizuoti savo kūrybines, inovacines galias. Svarbiausią kultūros, kaip sintezuočiausio ir integraliausio reiškinio, kriterijaus lygmenį rodo biologinės ir sociokultūrinės programų ar pradų sąveika žmoguje. Šiame straipsnyje siekiama atskleisti kultūros centrų reikšmę bendruomenei bei jos narių kultūrinei veiklai. Taip pat analizuojama, kaip kultūros centras įgyvendina savo funkcijas bei iškilusius uždaviniusVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Protecting the Heart Against Ischemia/Reperfusion-Induced Necrosis and Apoptosis: the Effect of Anthocyanins

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    Background and Objective. It is well known that cardiomyocyte apoptosis contributes to ischemic heart damage. There is also increasing evidence that the polyphenolic compounds of natural origin, such as anthocyanins, may attenuate ischemia/reperfusion injury though the mechanisms of such protection are not clear. Following our previous studies showing the effect of certain anthocyanins on cytochrome c redox state, mitochondrial functions, and ischemia-induced caspase activation in the heart, here we investigated whether these anthocyanins can rescue cardiac cells from death by the mechanism involving the reduction of cytosolic cytochrome c. Material and Methods. Before global ischemia and reperfusion, isolated rat hearts were preloaded with cyanidin-3-O-glucoside (Cy3G) that has high cytochrome c-reducing capacity or pelargonidin- 3-O-glucoside (Pg3G) that possesses low reducing activity. Cell death was evaluated assessing apoptosis by the TUNEL method or necrosis measuring the release of lactate dehydrogenase into perfusate. Results. The perfusion of hearts with 20-μM Cy3G prevented ischemia/reperfusion-induced apoptosis of cardiomyocytes: the number of TUNEL-positive myocytes was decreased by 73% if compared with the untreated ischemic group. The same effect was observed measuring the activity of lactate dehydrogenase as the measure of necrosis: perfusion with 20-μM Cy3G reduced the level of LDH release into the perfusate to the control level. The perfusion of hearts with 20-μM Pg3G did not prevent ischemia/reperfusion-induced apoptosis as well as necrosis. Conclusions. Cy3G protected the rat heart from ischemia/reperfusion-induced apoptosis and necrosis; meanwhile, Pg3G did not exert any protective effect. The protective effect of Cy3G may be related due to its high capacity to reduce cytosolic cytochrome c

    The Single Intra-Articular Injection of Platelet-Rich Plasma vs. Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs as Treatment Options for Canine Cruciate Ligament Rupture and Patellar Luxation

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    Cranial cruciate ligament rupture (CCLR) and patellar luxation (PL) are common pathologies affecting canines. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are commonly used as a non-surgical treatment plan in these cases. Clinical usage of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is an emerging area of interest in veterinary medicine. There is a lack of studies comparing those two different treatment methods in veterinary medicine. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare the use of oral NSAIDs and single intra-articular injection of PRP on treatment outcomes in cases of canine CCLR and PL. Dogs diagnosed with CCRL (n = 12) and PL (n = 10) were subgrouped by the severity of pathologies and administered treatment: half of the CCRL and PL groups were orally administered NSAIDs and supplements for 14 days, and the other half received a single intra-articular PRP injection into affected stifle joint. We measured serum TNF-α levels and clinical outcomes (lameness scores, painfulness to manipulations, goniometry of stifle joint in flexion and extension, and muscle strength) before treatment, at day 14 and day 28 of treatment. The results of TNF-α concentration indicates a significant difference between groups of differently treated partial CCLR groups on d14 (p = 0.006). Results of group CCLR-P1 on d14 were decreased, while results of group CCLR-P2 on d14 were increased. When comparing TNF-α concentration between all CCLR cases treated with NSAIDs and treated with PRP, there was a significant difference between those groups on d14 (p = 0.001). The results of TNF-α concentration indicates a significant difference between groups of differently treated PL-III on d28 (p = 0.036). Results of group PL-III1 indicate growth of TNF-α concentration, while at the same d28, results of group PL-III2 indicate decreased levels of cytokine, comparing results between the subgroups at the same time point and within subgroups from baseline. Results indicate a significant difference in muscle strength between group CCLR-P1 and group CCLR-P2 on d28 (p = 0.007), indicating an increment in muscle strength in group CCLR-P1 up to d14 and its reduction up to d28, and muscle strength of group CCLR-P2 increasing up to d28. When comparing the muscle strength between all CCLR cases treated with NSAIDs and treated with PRP, there was a significant difference between those groups on d28 (p = 0.007). In conclusion, a single intra-articular injection of PRP has a superior effect on management of inflammatory processes, has better clinical outcomes, and longer duration of action than oral NSAIDs, in the treatment of canine CCRL or PL

    Comparison of Effects of Metformin, Phenformin, and Inhibitors of Mitochondrial Complex I on Mitochondrial Permeability Transition and Ischemic Brain Injury

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    Damage to cerebral mitochondria, particularly opening of mitochondrial permeability transition pore (MPTP), is a key mechanism of ischemic brain injury, therefore, modulation of MPTP may be a potential target for a neuroprotective strategy in ischemic brain pathologies. The aim of this study was to investigate whether biguanides-metformin and phenformin as well as other inhibitors of Complex I of the mitochondrial electron transfer system may protect against ischemia-induced cell death in brain slice cultures by suppressing MPTP, and whether the effects of these inhibitors depend on the age of animals. Experiments were performed on brain slice cultures prepared from 5-7-day (premature) and 2-3-month old (adult) rat brains. In premature brain slice cultures, simulated ischemia (hypoxia plus deoxyglucose) induced necrosis whereas in adult rat brain slice cultures necrosis was induced by hypoxia alone and was suppressed by deoxyglucose. Phenformin prevented necrosis induced by simulated ischemia in premature and hypoxia-induced-in adult brain slices, whereas metformin was protective in adult brain slices cultures. In premature brain slices, necrosis was also prevented by Complex I inhibitors rotenone and amobarbital and by MPTP inhibitor cyclosporine A. The latter two inhibitors were protective in adult brain slices as well. Short-term exposure of cultured neurons to phenformin, metformin and rotenone prevented ionomycin-induced MPTP opening in intact cells. The data suggest that, depending on the age, phenformin and metformin may protect the brain against ischemic damage possibly by suppressing MPTP via inhibition of mitochondrial Complex I