281 research outputs found

    Metode Analisis Pengukuran Kinerja Keuangan pada Perusahaan di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    One purpose of investors to invest is to obtain the return. Stocks are selected investment instruments that many investors because the stock is able to provide the level of profit. Stock prices reflect the value of a company. If the company achieve a good performance, the company's stock will be much in demand by investors. Accomplishments achieved either company can be seen in the financial statements published by the company issuer. Issuer is obliged to publish financial statements in certain periods. This financial report is useful for investors to assist in making investment decisions, like selling, buying, or planting stock. In general, financial performance measurement is done by using Return On Investment (ROI), Earnings Per Share (EPS) and Return On Equity (ROE). In addition to using the financial performance analysis, financial analysis method newly developed for the measurement of performance is the Economic Value Added (EVA) and Market Value Added (MVA)

    Komitmen Organisasi, Model Kepemimpinan Manajerial dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Kinerja

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    The make-up of officer performance influenced by various factor both for coming from itself officer and also coming from institution environment. Factors coming in officer self among others organizational commitment. While factor from outside can be in the form of the managerial performance. Organizational commitment have the influence to officer performance. Commitment employees of institution can be made one of the guarantees to take care of the continuity of institution. A leader claimed have to have the ability lead and intellectual ability is which no doubt so that in deciding policy well accepted in organization led. With the existence of adequate leadership managerial, hence officer will have the good perception so that all his action will be made by peer or its example subordinate in working

    Peningkatan Kinerja Berbasis pada Komitmen Organisasi dengan Strategi dan Inovasi

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    Researcher trying to do research of social area specially related to make-up of organizational effectifity, make-up of organizational effectifity become important because representing one of the target of organization. Existence of resource human being in organization represents one of the important aspect especially with the organizational effectifity. Important human resource in make-up of organizational effectifity because of invesment in conducted human resource by much organization is by dozens and this matter designate that human resource represent important shares. More and many good organization of conciousness or unconscious stay in the tight emulation atmosfir. Hence no doubt again that situation in this time more and more to require high flexibility because of speed the happening of change. In face of emulation which more and more to tighten and more and more to have nuance of is make-up of the performa, organization find its improvement by way of improving effectifity from organization

    Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Bank Muamalat Indonesia dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan Laba Rugi dan Nilai Tambah (Survei pada PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia)

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    The limitations of SFAS 59, the accounting standard guidelines for Islamic banks do not comply with the principle of full disclosure, led to the information presented in the financial statements are not accurate, especially with regard to the ability of Islamic banks to generate profits. The purpose of this study, to analyze the differences in the financial performance of Islamic banks using the income approach and the value -added based on financial ratios. The results showed that by using a value-added approach, the ratio of financial performance (ROA, ROE, and the ratio of total income to total earning assets) there are differences in quantitative, value-added approach is greater than the income approach

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Pemetaan Ruang Tertutup menggunakan Kamera RGB-D

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    Pemetaan dipandang sebagai salah satu hal yang menjadi kunci utama untuk membuat sebuah robot agar sepenuhnya bersifat otomatis. Apabila sebuah robot memiliki fitur pemetaan, maka robot tersebut dapat melakukan perencanaan rute dari suatu lokasi ke lokasi lainnya pada area kerja yang belum ditentukan sebelumnya, dimana hal tersebut merupakan kondisi yang umumnya ditemukan pada aplikasi nyata. Penelitian ini berfokus kepada penerapan kamera RGB-D untuk keperluan pembuatan peta pada ruang tertutup. Jenis kamera RGB-D yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Kinect Xbox 360. Sistem ini memiliki tiga bagian utama yaitu RGB-D registration, camera pose estimation, serta laser scan based depth measurement. Bagian RGB-D registration digunakan agar pada setiap piksel RGB terdapat nilai depth yang sesuai. Hal tersebut diperlukan karena letak dari sensor RGB dan depth pada Kinect tidak sama. Luaran dari proses tersebut akan digunakan oleh camera pose estimation. Camera pose estimation digunakan untuk mengestimasi heading (paralel terhadap lantai) serta pergerakan maju Kinect. Estimasi heading didapatkan dengan cara menghitung transformasi fitur-fitur corner yang didapat dari sekuen citra RGB, sedangkan estimasi pergerakan maju didapatkan dari perubahan informasi depth Kinect. Bagian laser scan based depth measurement digunakan untuk melakukan konversi informasi citra depth Kinect ke dalam representasi laser scan (LiDAR) sehingga dapat digunakan untuk proses pembuatan peta. Pengujian dilakukan pada ruangan dengan dimensi 10.81 x 15.15 m. Evaluasi dilakukan dengan cara membandingkan luas area sebenarnya dengan luas yang diukur dari peta yang dibuat. Perbandingan yang dilakukan meliputi dua hal yaitu uncovered area dan excessed area. Dari hasil percobaan, algoritma FAST menghasilkan total error (uncovered area ditambah excessed area) sebesar 8.27 m², GFtT sebesar 8.18 m², dan Harris sebesar 8.54 m², terhadap luasan area aktual sebesar 27.873 m². Berdasarkan hasil percobaan tersebut, penggunaan algoritma GFtT memberikan performa yang lebih baik, yaitu nilai total error yang paling kecil, apabila dibandingkan dengan FAST maupun Harris. ================================================================================================ Mapping is seen as one of the main objectives in-order to make a fully automatic robot. If a robot has mapping features, the robot can do route planning from one location to another in a undetermined work area, which is a condition commonly found in real applications. This research focuses on applying RGB-D in closed space mapping system. The RGB-D camera which has been used is Kinect Xbox 360. This system has three main parts, namely RGB-D registration, camera pose estimation, and laser scan based depth measurement. The RGB-D registration section is used so that in each RGB pixel there is an appropriate depth value. This is necessary because the location of the RGB and depth sensor on the Kinect is different. The output of the process will be used by camera pose estimation. Camera pose estimation is used to estimate headings (parallel to the floor) and the forward movement of Kinect. The heading estimation is obtained by calculating the transformation of corner features obtained from the RGB image sequence, while the forward movement estimation is obtained from changes in Kinect depth information. The laser scan based depth measurement section is used to convert depth Kinect image information into laser scan representation (LiDAR) so that it can be used for the map making process. Tests has been carried out in rooms with dimensions of 10.81 x 15.15 m. Evaluation is done by comparing the actual area with the area measured from the map made. Comparisons has been done considering two things, namely uncovered area and excessed area. From the results of the experiment, FAST algorithm gave a total error (uncovered area plus excessed area) of 8.18 m², GFtT a total error of 8.18 m², and Harris a total error of 8.54 m² on the actual area of 27.873 m². Based on the result, which is smaller total error, GFtT gave a better performance compared to FAST and Harris


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    This study aims to determine the effect of the quality of human resources, the benefits of information technology and internal control systems on the reliability of financial reporting. The population in this study were LPD employees who were in the Pupuan sub-district. The sample collection technique used purposive sampling in order to obtain a sample size of 60 people. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the results and discussion, it can be concluded that all research variables, namely the quality of human resources, the benefits of information technology, and the internal control system have an influence on the reliability of financial reporting
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