1,138 research outputs found

    What determines banks’ market power? Akerlof versus Herfindahl

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    We introduce a model analyzing how asymmetric information problems in a bank-loan market may evolve over the age of a borrowing firm. The model predicts a life-cycle pattern for banks’interest rate markup. Young firms pay a low or negative markup, thereafter the markup increases until it falls for old firms. Furthermore, the pattern of the life-cycle depends on the informational advantage of the inside bank and when more dispersed borrower information yields fiercer bank competition. By applying a new measure of the informational advantage of inside banks and a large sample of small Nor-wegian firms, we find empirical support for the predicted markup pattern. We disentangle effects of asymmetric information (Akerlof effect)from effects of a concentrated banking market(Herfindahl effect). Our results indicate that the interest rate markups are not influenced by bank market concentration.Banking, risk-pricing, lock-in

    Kickass Companies:Leveraging business models with great leadership

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    This paper is based on a study of 755 Danish SMEs and further in-depth case studies of 12 of these. Itsobjective was to identify a model of components and relationships among the very best, most efficient,high-performing SMEs. We call these Kickass Companies. The result is a model made up of six interrelated dimensions, which together illustrate what makes up a Kickass Company:You need willpowerYou need to be there for your customersYou strive to be the bestSuccess is a “we thing”You need to be able to accelerateUse motivating KPIsFollowing these six dimensions might not be a guarantee of success, and not all components will be implementable in all types of companies. However, the empirical evidence here suggests that, if companies think along these lines of doing business, their probability of success will be higher than otherwise

    Astrocytic GABA transporter activity modulates excitatory neurotransmission

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    Astrocytes are ideally placed to detect and respond to network activity. They express ionotropic and metabotropic receptors, and can release gliotransmitters. Astrocytes also express transporters that regulate the extracellular concentration of neurotransmitters. Here we report a previously unrecognized role for the astrocytic GABA transporter, GAT-3. GAT-3 activity results in a rise in astrocytic Na(+) concentrations and a consequent increase in astrocytic Ca(2+) through Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchange. This leads to the release of ATP/adenosine by astrocytes, which then diffusely inhibits neuronal glutamate release via activation of presynaptic adenosine receptors. Through this mechanism, increases in astrocytic GAT-3 activity due to GABA released from interneurons contribute to 'diffuse' heterosynaptic depression. This provides a mechanism for homeostatic regulation of excitatory transmission in the hippocampus

    Merkekonseptets betydning for merkeutvidelser

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    For Ă„ skape vekst hos en merkevare blir det ofte benyttet en vekstrategi med merkeutvidelser. En merkeutvidelse vil i de fleste tilfeller plassere merkevaren inn i en ny produktkategori. Det vi har sett pĂ„ i denne oppgaven er om det Ă„ plassere en merkevare inn i en ny fjern produktkategori har en sammenheng med valgt merkekonsept. Er det lettere for et av de tre konseptene: symbolsk, funksjonelt eller opplevelsesbasert Ă„ komme med nye merkeutvidelser i fjerntliggende produktkategorier? Dette testet vi ved Ă„ se om det var en forskjell mellom Ă„ kun presentere et merke innen et av merkekonseptene og en utvidelse, versus merket sammen med merkevarestrategien sekvensiell merkeutvidelse. Problemstillingen til oppgaven lyder derfor som fĂžlger: “Hvilken effekt har et merkekonsept pĂ„ merkets mulighet til Ă„ utvide til fjerne produktkategorier?”. For Ă„ besvare forskningsspĂžrsmĂ„let er studien delt i to deler med tilhĂžrende hypoteser. For innsamling av data benyttet vi oss av kvantitativ metode med et eksperimentelt design pĂ„ studiet. FĂžrste del baseres pĂ„ en spĂžrreundersĂžkelse, hvor vi ser pĂ„ hvilket konsept som gjĂžr det dĂ„rligst med den fjerne merkeutvidelsen. Dette konseptet ble tatt med videre i del to for Ă„ se om vi kunne endre holdningen til samme nivĂ„ som det beste konseptet. I del to har vi testet hypotesen med et eksperiment. En av gruppene ble utsatt for en “historie” med sekvensielle utvidelser fra mormerket fĂžr den fjerne merkeutvidelse vi egentlig ser pĂ„. I den andre gruppen ble de kun presentert for mormerket med den fjerne merkeutvidelsen. Resultatene fra undersĂžkelsene viser mange interessante funn. I del Ă©n viste resultatene at det symbolske konseptet sin fjerne utvidelse gjorde det dĂ„rligst, og det opplevelsesbaserte konseptet best. Dette var motsatt av hva teorien tilsier og vi fikk ikke stĂžtte for hypotesen i fĂžrste del. Vi tok med oss den symbolske fjerne utvidelsen videre til del to og benyttet strategien sekvensiell merkeutvidelse for Ă„ minske gapet mellom mormerket og utvidelsen. Dette utgjorde en betydelig forskjell i resultatene. Basert pĂ„ denne manipulasjonen endret holdningen respondentene hadde til den fjerne utvidelsen seg sĂ„pass at den overgikk holdningen for det opplevelsesbaserte konseptet i del Ă©n. I tillegg viste funnene med sekvensiell merkeutvidelse at omdĂžmmet til mormerket ikke lenger har en pĂ„virkning pĂ„ holdningen til utvidelsen slik som tidligere. Et generelt funn for alle konsepter og utvidelser er at innovativitetsgraden til respondentene ikke har en signifikant pĂ„virkning pĂ„ holdningen. Om dette er tilfelle eller et resultat av dĂ„rlig operasjonalisering stiller vi oss kritiske til

    Thermoelectric Power of Ion Exchange Membrane Cells Relevant to Reverse Electrodialysis Plants

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    A thermoelectric cell is designed and experiments are carried out in order to measure Seebeck coefficients of ion exchange membranes at different constant concentrations of NaCl in water. The purpose of the investigation is to explore how a temperature gradient may be applied to increase the efficiency of saline power plants, in particular, of the process of reverse electrodialysis (RED). To evaluate measurements and RED applications, we derive an expression for the thermoelectric potential for a cell with a single membrane and for a RED unit cell. The Seebeck coefficient is interpreted in terms of the Peltier heat of the cell, and further expressed in terms of transported entropies. We find the Seebeck coefficient of the cell, after correcting for temperature polarization, by gradually increasing the membrane thickness. The contribution to the Seebeck coefficient from the membrane varied between 1.41 and 0.98 mV/K in FUMASEP FKS-PET-75 cation exchange membranes, and between 0.56 and 0.48 mV/K in FUMASEP FAD-PET-75 anion exchange membranes. The precision in the results is 1%, for NaCl concentrations between 0.03 and 0.60 mol/kg. Measurements on the RED unit cell with water samples taken from realistic fresh- and salt-water sources confirmed that a temperature difference has a significant effect, increasing the emf by 1.3% per kelvin of temperature difference

    The two faces of user involvement: Everyday life and local context

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    In most developed countries, healthcare systems are increasingly faced with political demands to involve users in the planning and development of their services. This article reports findings from an ethnographic fieldwork that investigated an inter-organizational project involving user representation. The project was set up to develop an educational programme for people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). By investigating user representatives’ experiences, our aim was to bring to light more general determinants and conditions of user involvement in health services. Drawing on an analytical framework within everyday life sociology, the analysis explored the dual concept of “conditions and conditionality”, metaphorically described in this article as “the two faces of user involvement”. From one perspective, everyday life experiences – living with RA, encounters with the health system and professional identities and work life – conditioned user representatives’ participation in the project. From another perspective, the local institutional context and interactions within the project framework conditioned the way in which users are involved. The ways in which these conditions changed over time are described, in relation to the specific spatial, temporal and social developments in both the everyday lives of the user representatives and in the local project
