27 research outputs found
Differences in all-around result before and after lockdown in men’s artistic gymnastics
Muška sportska gimnastika kao bazičan sport obuhvaća šest sprava gimnastičkog višeboja: tlo, konj s hvataljkama, karike, preskok, paralelne ruče i preču. U mlađim dobnim kategorijama natjecanja se u početcima odvijaju kroz višeboj, a kasnije se, nakon puberteta specijaliziraju pojedine sprave. Kako je uslijed pandemije Covid19 došlo do lockdowna, svijet sporta je morao pronaći alternativu u treninzima ali i kasnije povratku u dvorane i natjecanjima. Stoga je cilj ovoga rada utvrditi razlike u višebojskim rezultatima prije i nakon lockdowna u muškoj sportskoj gimnastici u različitim kategorijama. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 49 natjecatelja u muškoj sportskoj gimnastici, sudionika Prvenstva Hrvatske 2019. godine, prije „lockdowna“ i 2020. godine, nakon „lockdowna“. Razlike u višebojskim rezultatima u 2019. i 2020. godini utvrđene su T-testom za zavisne uzorke na razini statističke značajnosti p<0.05. Rezultati su pokazali da je došlo do statistički značajnih razlika u kategoriji kadeta u „A“ i „C“ programu u višebojskim rezultatima u 2019. i 2020. godini.Men’s artistic gymnastics as a basic sport includes six apparatus of gymnastic all-around: floor, pommel horse, rings, vault, parallel bars, and high bar. In the younger age categories, competitions are initially held like all-around, and later, after puberty, comes specialization. As the Covid19 pandemic led to a lockdown, the world of sports had to find an alternative in training, but also after lockdown in gyms and competitions. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to determine the differences in all-around results before and after the lockdown in men’s gymnastics in different categories. The research involved 49 competitors in men’s gymnastics, participants in the Croatian Championship in 2019, before the “lockdown” and in 2020, after the “lockdown”. Differences in all-around results in 2019 and 2020 were determined by T-test for dependent samples at the level of statistical significance p <0.05. The results showed that there were statistically significant differences in the category of cadets in the “A” and “C” programs in the all-around results in 2019 and 2020
Differences in motor abilities of pupils by level of physical activity in leisure time
Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrðivanje razlika
u motoričkim sposobnostima izmeðu učenika koji su
podijeljeni prema razini tjelesne aktivnosti u slobodnom
vremenu. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 434 dječaka od 5-8
razreda osnovne škole. Uzorak ispitanika obuhvaćao je
učenike koji teritorijalno pripadaju gradovima Sisku i
Petrinji. U istraživanju je izmjereno 15 mjera motoričkih
sposobnosti, 2 mjere morfoloških karakteristika te je
pomoću anketnog upitnika procijenjeno vrijeme
provedeno u kineziološkim aktivnostima u slobodnom
vremenu. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da učenici koji
se bave dodatnim tjelesnim vježbanjem u slobodno
vrijeme imaju bolje rezultate u motorièčkim sposobnostima.
Diskriminativnom analizom utvrðeno je da
se značajna razlika odnosi na uèenike šestog, sedmog i
osmog razreda osnovne škole, dok kod učenika petog
razreda nisu pronaðene značajne razlike. Takoðer,
utvrðeno je da tjelesno neaktivni uèenici u slobodno
vrijeme imaju povećanu tjelesnu masu, a samim time i
više vrijednosti indeksa tjelesne mase (ITM). Učenici koji
u slobodno vrijeme ne provode kineziološke aktivnosti u
trajanju od najmanje 60 minuta dnevno imaju slabije
razvijene motoričke sposobnosti, a nesudjelovanje u
tjelesnoj aktivnosti doprinosi većim vrijednostima
indeksa tjelesne mase (ITM) nego kod učenika koji su
tjelesno aktivni u slobodno vrijeme.The aim of this research is to determine the
difference in motor abilities between students who were
classified according to the level of physical activity in
leisure time. The study included 434 boys from 5th- 8th
grades of primary school. The sample included the pupils
who belong to the territorial towns of Sisak and Petrinja.
The study measured 15 tests of motor skills, two measures
of morphological characteristics and by using the
questionnaire estimated the time spent in kinesiology
activities in leisure time. The results showed that pupils
who are engaged in additional physical exercise in leisure
time have better results in motor abilities. Discriminant
analysis has shown that the significant difference between
pupils of sixth, seventh and eighth grade, while among
the fifth graders significant differences were not found
significant differences. Also, it was found that pupils who
are physically inactive during leisure time have increased
body weight, and therefore more value to the body mass
index (BMI). Pupils who do not spend leisure time in
kinesiology activities at least 60 minutes a day, have less
developed motor skills, and non-participation in physical
activity contributes to higher values of body mass index
(BMI) than for students who are physically active in their
leisure time
Traditionally used methods for kinematic analysis of alpine skiing has limitations regarding data collecting and data processing. Also, analysis of measured parameters, interpretation, and implementation in practice are postponed. Therefore, aim of this paper was to determine differences in the performance of slalom turns between three conditions using a relatively new technology that allows fast data collecting and analysis. Twenty kinematic variables were analysed for each turn (both the left and right) and 26 turns were executed in each condition. All turns were performed by a national skiing demonstrator. Differences were determined by MANOVA (F=71.3; p=.00). Tukey’s post-hoc test showed that the turns performed on the ski simulator differed in every variable from the turns performed in other two condition, and the free skiing turns differed from the corridor turns in the following variables: hip joint angle of abduction of the right leg in the left turn, p=.00; distance of the projection of the centre of mass relative to the right foot in the left turn, p=.00; hip joint angle of flexion of the left leg in the left turn, p=.02; hip joint angle of abduction of the left leg in the left turn, p=.01; distance of the projection of the centre of mass relative to the left foot in the left turn, p=.00; knee angle of flexion of the left leg in the right turn, p=.04). The kinematic parameters obtained using the XSENS suit during slalom turns performed on the ski simulator and ski slope suggested significant differences in the position of the lower extremities, which might be important for situational efficiency and technical performance. Our results can be used to improve the alpine skiing technique. They suggest more precise relations between space parameters, such as body position and the angles between different body segments during a slalom turn. Methodology of research and technology used could contribute to the development of new scientific approaches in biomechanical research of top-level sports.</p
Metric characteristics of a new test for the evaluation of dynamic balance
The aim of the study was to determine psychometric characteristics of a new test for the evaluation of dynamic balance in healthy individuals. The research was conducted on a sample of 60 female students
(21.18±.86 years). The participants performed three trials of the new test for each of the two different ways of walking. The results of reliability have shown high values of factor loadings (.91-.97) and standardized Cronbach’s alpha values (.87-.98), as well as the average inter-item correlation values (full feet walking, tip toe walking and the number of steps) (.78-.94). High values of factor loadings (.88-.97) and the fact that the total explained variance was very high (93.3%), with a relatively small variability between the attempts, suggests that all the rules for consistency of testing have been satisfied and that the new test is reliable enough for its application in practice
Starenje i tjelesna aktivnost
Jedna od osnovnih ljudskih potreba je potreba za
kretanjem. S godinama je uočena tendencija opadanja
razine uključenosti u tjelesne aktivnosti. Ovo smanjenje
razine tjelesne aktivnosti može negativno utjecati na
zdravlje starije populacije (+ 65 godina života), posebice
zbog tjelesnih promjena i drugih štetnih faktora vezanih
uz starenje. Pojam tjelesna aktivnost, za populaciju +65
godina života, obuhvaća transport, slobodno vrijeme,
kućanske poslove, aktivnosti na radnom mjestu, igru,
sportske i rekreativne aktivnosti u kontekstu dnevnih,
društvenih i obiteljskih aktivnosti. Redovita tjelesna
aktivnost kod starije populacije smanjuje rizik od
kardiovaskularnih bolesti, moždanog udara, povišenog
krvnog tlaka, različitih vrsta raka, demencije, astme,
dijabetesa tipa 2 i fraktura. Starije osobe koje su tjelesno
aktivne imaju manju prevalenciju bolesti, višu sposobnost
kardiorespiratornog i mišićnog sustava, zdraviju tjelesnu
masu, gustoću kostiju i manji ukupni mortalitet. Svjetska
zdravstvena organizacija je detektirala tjelesnu
neaktivnost kao veliki javnozdravstveni problem
današnjice. Stoga su objavili skup preporuka, Global
recommendations on physical activity for health, s ciljem
unaprjeđenja cjelokupnog zdravstvenog statusa i
funkcionalnog zdravlja, smanjenja rizika od kroničnih
nezaraznih bolesti, depresije i održavanja kognitivnih
sposobnosti. Navedene preporuke su primjenjive za sve
zdrave odrasle osobe starije od 65 godina, neovisno o
spolu, rasi, vjerskoj pripadnosti ili prihodima. Uz ove
preporuke Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija ističe
potrebu promicanja zdravog starenja na nacionalnoj razini
afirmacijom i implementacijom preporuka kroz
nacionalne politike
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi povezanost morfoloških karakteristika i motoričkih sposobnosti s uspjehom u alpskom skijanju definiranom mjestom na rang listi Hrvatskog skijaškog saveza za kategoriju stariji dječaci u kalendarskoj godini istraživanja. Uzorak je bio sastavljen od 29 hrvatskih alpskih skijaša, testiranih u pripremnom periodu trenažnog ciklusa, prosječne dobi 13.94 godina. Mjereno je jedanaest morfoloških mjera, zatim jedan test za procjenu funkcionalne sposobnosti te četiri testa za procjenu eksplozivne snage. Regresijskom analizom utvrđena je mogućnost postojanja uzročno-posljedičnih odnosa između varijable ranga Hrvatskog skijaškog saveza i primijenjenih testova.. Nakon isključivanja niza varijabli utvrđeno je da je aerobni kapacitet ključan za uspjeh u alpskom skijanju u ovom uzrastu, a time i identifikaciji mladih talenata koji se tek uključuju u alpsko skijanje ili pak pri selekciji mladih sportaša prilikom prelaska u višu kategoriju, odnosno reprezentaciju. Navedeno će dodatno osigurati odabranom broju mladih skijaša kvalitetnije uvjete za trening i natjecanja te mogućnost postizanja vrhunskih sportskih rezultata u seniorskoj dobi.The aim of this research was to determine the relationship between some anthropometric characteristics and motoric abilities with the success in alpine skiing defined by the rank of the older boys in the Croatian Ski Federation for the examined year. Twenty-nine Croatian male alpine skiers were tested on 16 different variables including: eleven morphological parameters, maximal aerobic capacity and four tests to determine the motoric capabilities in the beginning of the season. The possible causative relationship between the success in alpine skiing was determined only for VO2 max. To conclude, aerobic capacity could contribute in the selection of important anthropological characteristics responsible for the success in alpine skiing and identification of young talented alpine skiers, as well as for the promotion of young skiers in the better category or their draft to national representation. The results of this research would also help to provide better training and competitive conditions for the selected young alpine skiers, which could finally lead to the better achievements in the senior age
Učinkovitost intermitentne mehaničke trakcije spram gimnastičkih vježbi kod osoba s križoboljom („lower back pain“)
Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi učinke mehaničke
trakcije nasuprot statičkih vježbi kod osoba s
križoboljom. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 50 ispitanika,
koji su metodom slučajnog odabira podijeljeni u
kontrolnu (17 žena, 8 muškaraca) i eksperimentalnu
skupinu (13 žena i 12 muškaraca). Ispitanici u kontrolnoj
skupini provodili su klasičan fizioterapijski program koji
obuhvaća statičke vježbe. Eksperimentalna skupina
provodila je mehaničku trakciju u trajanju od 15 minuta.
Svi ispitanici dobrovoljno su ispunili anketni upitnik (The
Quebec back pain disability scale – QBPDQ) na početku i
na kraju testiranja. Osim anketnih pitanja u istraživanju je
korišten Thomayerov test te vizualno-analogna skala boli.
Za utvrđivanje razlika između početnog i završnog stanja,
koristio se Wilcoxonov test, dok su se razlike između dva
tretmana utvrdile Man-Whitney testom. Statistička
značajnost postavljena je na p<0.05. Rezultati su pokazali
kako su se primjenom mehaničke trakcije dogodile
značajne promjene u gotovo svim varijablama (p<0.05).
U većini varijabli se nisu dogodile značajne promjene
primjenom medicinske gimnastike. Razlike između dva
tretmana dobivena su samo u Thomayerovom testu,
vađenju hrane iz hladnjaka te u pomicanju stola (p<0.05).
Zaključno, mehanička trakcija se pokazala kao
učinkovitijom metodom za otklanjanje križobolje kod
osoba s problemima u donjem dijelu leđa
Differences in Height and Weight in Young Female Gymnasts
Following the changes in basic anthropological characteristics of the young gymnast can help coaches to recognize how the process of training influence the growth and development of gymnasts. This also can be useful in the specialization of specific apparatus. The aim of this investigation was to find the differences in weight and height between young female gymnasts. The sample consisted of 26 female gymnasts: 10 years old who are competing at different levels – compulsory (16) and free (10) programs. Compulsory program training was three times per week, each lasting two hours. Training in the free program lasted two and a half-hour five times per week. K-S test was used for testing the normality of distribution. Differences between height and weight are calculated by ANOVA at the level of statistical significance of p<0.05. Results show that there is a statistically significant difference in height and weight between categories. Girls from the compulsory program are taller and heavier than girls in free program. The free program is the hardest program and physically more demanding for execution than a compulsory program. It seems that the bigger volume of training influences height and weight.
Keywords: artistic gymnastics, anthropological characteristics, childre
Gimnastičke kretnje izvode se anteriorno-posteriorno;
oko sagitalne, frontalne, transverzalne osi; lijeve i
desne strane tijela. Cilj istraživanja je ispitati utjecaj
dominantne strane, preferiranja polazne noge stoja na
rukama prema kvaliteti tehnike te usporedba odabira
dominantne noge pri izvedbi nekih bazičnih gimnastičkih
elemenata na 59 studentica druge godine Kineziološkog
fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
Kvantitativni podaci izbora dominantne lateralnosti
ukazuju da je 52,5% ispitanica odabralo desnu polaznu
nogu pri izvedbi osnovnog gimnastičkog elementa
tehnike upora - stoja na rukama, a 47,5% lijevu nogu.
Zrcalno simetričan je izbor izvedbe elementa špaga
(47,5% desna noga, 52,5% lijeva noga). Pri izvedbi
tehničkih elemenata upora na spravama odabir
dominantne noge kod ispitanica je desna noga (88,1%-
93,2%), obzirom na vodeći ekstremitet pri vršenju
složenih psihomotornih aktivnosti koji je 100% sluèajeva
desna orijentacija sudionica. Determinacija dominantne
strane tijela utječe na izvedbu tehnike stoja na rukama.
Pravilan odabir dominantne strane u promatranoj grupi
kroz vidljive pokazatelje ukazuje da ispitanice koje za
promatrane elemente odabiru desnu stranu, su ispitanice
koje odabiru polaznu nogu sukladno dominantnoj strani
vodećeg ekstremiteta te postižu kvalitetniju tehniku
izvedbe i bolji rezultat. Definiranje dominantne
motoričke strukture u gimnastici u istraživačkom te
praktičnom smislu ima primjenjivost u razvoju tehnike,
gimnastičkih treninga i nastave Sportske gimnastike
Kineziološkog fakulteta.Gymnastic movements are executed anteriorposterior;
sagittal, frontal and transversal axis; left and
right side of the body. Aim of research is to test influence
of dominant side, preferring handstand starting leg
according to quality of technique and comparison of
dominant leg selection at execution of some basic
gymnastic elements for 59 sophomore year female
students Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb .
Quantitative data on dominant laterality selection
indicate that 52.5% of examinees have chosen right
starting leg performing basic gymnastics element of hand
support technique – handstand and 47.5% have chosen left
starting leg. Selection on execution of split element is
mirror symmetrical (47.5% right leg, 52.5% left leg).
During execution technical elements of hold support on
apparatuses dominant leg selection for examinees is right
leg (88,1%- 93,2%), considering leading extremity during
performance of complex psychomotor activities which is
in 100% of cases right orientation of participants.
Determination of dominant body side influences
performance of handstand technique. Proper selection of
dominant side in observed group through visible
indicators implies that examinees selecting right side for
observed elements, are examinees that select starting leg
according to dominant side of the leading extremity and
are achieving performance technique of better quality and
better result. Defining of dominant motor structure in
gymnastics in both research and practical sense is
applicable in evolution of technique, gymnastic trainings
and teaching of Sports gymnastics at Faculty of