227 research outputs found

    Produktionsøkonomi ved økologisk opdræt af Holstein tyre og Limousine x Holstein krydsningstyre og -kvier i et græsbaseret produktionssystem

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    Sammenfattende viser resultaterne, at LIM x DH tyre kan opdrættes i et græsbaseret produktionssystem med et forholdsvis fornuftigt restbeløb. Med økologitillæg og forventet slagtepræmie i perioden 2015-2020, kan der opnås et restbeløb til dækning af stald, arbejde og risiko på cirka 1.800 kr. per dyr (ca. 3,50 kr. per dag), selv om der gives et tillæg på 800 kr. per spædkalv i forhold til prisen på en renracet DH-tyr. For LIM x DH kvier kan der opnås et restbeløb på cirka 1.400 kr. per dyr (2,70 kr. per dag). Hvis krydsningstyrene og kvierne ses under et, kan der således opnås et restbeløb på cirka 1.600 kr. per krydsningsdyr (godt 3 kr. per dag) i gennemsnit under de nævnte forudsætninger. Med et restbeløb på 390 kr. per dyr er der ikke økonomi i at opdrætte renracede DH-tyre i et græsbaseret produktionssystem. Restbeløbet vil dog kunne øges med godt 500 kr. per dyr, hvis klassificeringen af tyre-nes fedme kunne hæves fra 1 til 2 med et godt græstilbud af høj kvalitet de sidste uger inden slagtning, eller en eventuel slutfedning på stald

    Centuries-Old DNA from an Extinct Population of Aesculapian Snake (Zamenis longissimus) Offers New Phylogeographic Insight

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    The Aesculapian snake (Zamenis longissimus) is distributed in Central and Southern Europe, the Balkans, Anatolia, and Iran, but had a wider mid-Holocene distribution into Northern Europe. To investigate the genetic affinity of a Danish population that went extinct in historical times, we analysed three ethanol-preserved individuals dating back to 1810 using a silica-in-solution ancient DNA extraction method, combined with next-generation sequencing. Bioinformatic mapping of the reads against the published genome of a related colubrid snake revealed that two of the three specimens contained endogenous snake DNA (up to 8.6% of the reads), and this was evident for tooth, bone, and soft tissue samples. The DNA was highly degraded, observed by very short average sequence lengths (<50 bp) and 11–15% C to T deamination damage at the first 5′ position. This is an effect of specimen age, combined with suboptimal, and possibly damaging, molecular preservation conditions. Phylogeographic analyses of a 1638 bp mtDNA sequence securely placed the two Danish Aesculapian snakes in the Eastern (Balkan glacial refugium) clade within this species, and revealed one previously-undescribed haplotype. These results provide new information on the past distribution and postglacial re-colonization patterns of this species

    Specification and Automated Verification of Real-Time Behaviour —A Case Study

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    In this paper we sketch a method for specification and automaticverification of real-time software properties. The method combinesthe IEC 848 norm and the recent specification techniques TCCS (TimedCalculus of Communicating Systems) and TML (Timed Modal Logic) - supported by an automatic verification tool, Epsilon. The methodis illustrated by modelling a small real-life steam generator example andsubsequent automated analysis of its properties.Keywords: Control system analysis; formal specification; formal verification; real-time systems; standards

    High throughput prediction of chylomicron triglycerides in human plasma by nuclear magnetic resonance and chemometrics

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The lipid content of the chylomicrons is a key biomarker and risk factor of cardiovascular diseases and for the understanding of obesity. A high throughput determination of chylomicrons in human blood plasma is outlined.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The new method, which uses a combination of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) analysis and multivariate calibration analysis (chemometrics), is based on a correlation analysis towards the established standard method (ultracentrifugation and colorimetric test kit) and enables extraordinarily fast, inexpensive, and robust prediction of triglyceride (TG) content in chylomicrons. It is the position and shape of the complex lipid methylene resonance band that determines the chylomicron TG status and this information is extracted by the multivariate regression method.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The resulting method is a relatively simple multivariate model that facilitates parsimonious and accurate prediction of chylomicron lipids from NMR spectra of blood. The chemometric model predicts the chylomicron TG content with a correlation coefficient (R) of 0.96 when plotted against density gradient ultracentrifugation data.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The new rapid method facilitates large scale clinical and nutritional trials with inclusion of diagnostics of chylomicron status and thus creates new opportunities for research in lifestyle diseases and obesity.</p

    Meals based on vegetable protein sources (beans and peas) are more satiating than meals based on animal protein sources (veal and pork) - a randomized cross-over meal test study

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    Background: Recent nutrition recommendations advocate a reduction in protein from animal sources (pork, beef) because of environmental concerns. Instead, protein from vegetable sources (beans, peas) should be increased. However, little is known about the effect of these vegetable protein sources on appetite regulation. Objective: To examine whether meals based on vegetable protein sources (beans/peas) are comparable to meals based on animal protein sources (veal/pork) regarding meal-induced appetite sensations. Design: In total, 43 healthy, normal-weight, young men completed this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, three-way, cross-over meal test. The meals (all 3.5 MJ, 28 energy-% (E%) fat) were either high protein based on veal and pork meat, HP-Meat (19 E% protein, 53 E% carbohydrate, 6 g fiber/100 g); high protein based on legumes (beans and peas), HP-Legume (19 E% protein, 53 E% carbohydrate, 25 g fiber/100 g); or low-protein based on legumes, LP-Legume (9 E% protein, 62 E% carbohydrate, 10 g fiber/100 g). Subjective appetite sensations were recorded at baseline and every half hour using visual analog scales until the ad libitum meal 3 h after the test meal. Repeated measurements analyses and summary analyses were performed using ANCOVA (SAS). Results: HP-Legume induced lower composite appetite score, hunger, prospective food consumption, and higher fullness compared to HP-Meat and LP-Legume (p<0.05). Furthermore, satiety was higher after HP-Legume than HP-Meat (p<0.05). When adjusting for palatability, HP-Legume still resulted in lower composite appetite scores, hunger, prospective consumption, and higher fullness compared to HP-Meat (p<0.05). Furthermore, HP-Legume induced higher fullness than LP-Legume (p<0.05). A 12% and 13% lower energy intake, respectively, was seen after HP-Legume compared to HP-Meat or LP-Legume (p<0.01). Conclusion: Vegetable-based meals (beans/peas) influenced appetite sensations favorably compared to animal-based meals (pork/veal) with similar energy and protein content, but lower fiber content. Interestingly, a vegetable-based meal with low protein content was as satiating and palatable as an animal-based meal with high protein content

    Supplementation with dairy calcium and/or flaxseed fibers in conjunction with orlistat augments fecal fat excretion without altering ratings of gastrointestinal comfort

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    BACKGROUND: Orlistat is a lipase inhibitor which reduced absorption of dietary fat by ~30% thereby inducing a weight loss; however, side effects occur as a consequence of increased colonic fat content. To test the hypothesis that most gastrointestinal side events induced by treatment with orlistat could be prevented/ameliorated by concomitant use of natural dietary components, flaxseed fiber (FF) and/or dairy calcium (Ca), binding liquid fats to more solid complexes. METHODS: A randomized controlled dietary intervention study. Thirty-eight obese adults completed a 1-week run-in period, where all participants were treated with orlistat (60 mg t.i.d) and were hereafter randomized to 12 weeks dietary supplementation with/without 5 g FF (FF+/FF-) and/or 1200 mg dairy calcium (Ca+/Ca-) in conjunction with orlistat. All feces were collected for 3 days, and diet was recorded for 5 days, during run-in and week 4. The primary end-point, gastrointestinal symptoms, was assessed biweekly. At baseline and after 12 weeks, cardiometabolic risk markers and anthropometrics were evaluated as secondary end-points. RESULTS: Both FF and Ca increased fecal fat excretion (P = 0.02 and P = 0.04, respectively). Although fecal fat excretion increased by ~100% in the FF+/Ca + group, and only by ~12% in the FF-/Ca + group, no interaction between FF and Ca was present, suggesting an additive effect. The fecal fat excretion was ~10 g/d higher with FF and Ca (~25 g/d) compared to fecal fat excretion with orlistat alone (~15 g/d). Mean ratings of severity of diarrhea tended to increase with Ca (P = 0.03) but not with FF. No other gastrointestinal symptoms, or a composite score of symptoms, were affected by the dietary supplements. Body weight was reduced in all groups but did not differ between groups, whereas waist circumference was most reduced in the FF+/Ca + group. No effects of dietary supplements on cardiometabolic risk factors were observed, except a slight increase in diastolic blood pressure (P = 0.03) with FF, but not Ca. CONCLUSIONS: Our results do not support an improvement in orlistat-induced gastrointestinal side effects by concomitant use of FF and Ca. However, fecal fat excretion was increased with both FF and Ca in the absence of a worsening of symptoms, warranting further studies powered to detect potential additive weight loss effects. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Ethical Committee of the Capital Region of Denmark reg. no. H-1-2010-110, 02-11-2010 database no. NCT01320228, 21-03-2011. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12986-017-0164-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users
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