15 research outputs found

    SorCS1-mediated sorting in dendrites maintains neurexin axonal surface polarization required for synaptic function

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    The pre- and postsynaptic membranes comprising the synaptic junction differ in protein composition. The membrane trafficking mechanisms by which neurons control surface polarization of synaptic receptors remain poorly understood. The sorting receptor Sortilin-related CNS expressed 1 (SorCS1) is a critical regulator of trafficking of neuronal receptors, including the presynaptic adhesion molecule neurexin (Nrxn), an essential synaptic organizer. Here, we show that SorCS1 maintains a balance between axonal and dendritic Nrxn surface levels in the same neuron. Newly synthesized Nrxn1α traffics to the dendritic surface, where it is endocytosed. Endosomal SorCS1 interacts with the Rab11 GTPase effector Rab11 family-interacting protein 5 (Rab11FIP5)/Rab11 interacting protein (Rip11) to facilitate the transition of internalized Nrxn1α from early to recycling endosomes and bias Nrxn1α surface polarization towards the axon. In the absence of SorCS1, Nrxn1α accumulates in early endosomes and mispolarizes to the dendritic surface, impairing presynaptic differentiation and function. Thus, SorCS1-mediated sorting in dendritic endosomes controls Nrxn axonal surface polarization required for proper synapse development and function.status: publishe

    SorCS1-mediated sorting in dendrites maintains neurexin axonal surface polarization required for synaptic function.

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    The pre- and postsynaptic membranes comprising the synaptic junction differ in protein composition. The membrane trafficking mechanisms by which neurons control surface polarization of synaptic receptors remain poorly understood. The sorting receptor Sortilin-related CNS expressed 1 (SorCS1) is a critical regulator of trafficking of neuronal receptors, including the presynaptic adhesion molecule neurexin (Nrxn), an essential synaptic organizer. Here, we show that SorCS1 maintains a balance between axonal and dendritic Nrxn surface levels in the same neuron. Newly synthesized Nrxn1α traffics to the dendritic surface, where it is endocytosed. Endosomal SorCS1 interacts with the Rab11 GTPase effector Rab11 family-interacting protein 5 (Rab11FIP5)/Rab11 interacting protein (Rip11) to facilitate the transition of internalized Nrxn1α from early to recycling endosomes and bias Nrxn1α surface polarization towards the axon. In the absence of SorCS1, Nrxn1α accumulates in early endosomes and mispolarizes to the dendritic surface, impairing presynaptic differentiation and function. Thus, SorCS1-mediated sorting in dendritic endosomes controls Nrxn axonal surface polarization required for proper synapse development and function

    A Modular Organization of LRR Protein-Mediated Synaptic Adhesion Defines Synapse Identity

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    Pyramidal neurons express rich repertoires of leucine-rich repeat (LRR)-containing adhesion molecules with similar synaptogenic activity in culture. The in vivo relevance of this molecular diversity is unclear. We show that hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons express multiple synaptogenic LRR proteins that differentially distribute to the major excitatory inputs on their apical dendrites. At Schaffer collateral (SC) inputs, FLRT2, LRRTM1, and Slitrk1 are postsynaptically localized and differentially regulate synaptic structure and function. FLRT2 controls spine density, whereas LRRTM1 and Slitrk1 exert opposing effects on synaptic vesicle distribution at the active zone. All LRR proteins differentially affect synaptic transmission, and their combinatorial loss results in a cumulative phenotype. At temporoammonic (TA) inputs, LRRTM1 is absent; FLRT2 similarly controls functional synapse number, whereas Slitrk1 function diverges to regulate postsynaptic AMPA receptor density. Thus, LRR proteins differentially control synaptic architecture and function and act in input-specific combinations and a context-dependent manner to specify synaptic properties.status: publishe

    An Input-Specific Orphan Receptor GPR158-HSPG Interaction Organizes Hippocampal Mossy Fiber-CA3 Synapses

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    Pyramidal neuron dendrites integrate synaptic input from multiple partners. Different inputs converging on the same dendrite have distinct structural and functional features, but the molecular mechanisms organizing input-specific properties are poorly understood. We identify the orphan receptor GPR158 as a binding partner for the heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) glypican 4 (GPC4). GPC4 is enriched on hippocampal granule cell axons (mossy fibers), whereas postsynaptic GPR158 is restricted to the proximal segment of CA3 apical dendrites receiving mossy fiber input. GPR158-induced presynaptic differentiation in contacting axons requires cell-surface GPC4 and the co-receptor LAR. Loss of GPR158 increases mossy fiber synapse density but disrupts bouton morphology, impairs ultrastructural organization of active zone and postsynaptic density, and reduces synaptic strength of this connection, while adjacent inputs on the same dendrite are unaffected. Our work identifies an input-specific HSPG-GPR158 interaction that selectively organizes synaptic architecture and function of developing mossy fiber-CA3 synapses in the hippocampus.status: publishe

    Downregulation of the ATP-binding cassette transporter 2 (Abca2) reduces Amyloid-β production by altering Nicastrin maturation and intracellular localization

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    Clinical, pharmacological, biochemical and genetic evidences support the notion that alteration of cholesterol homeostasis strongly predisposes to Alzheimers disease (AD). The ATP-binding-cassette-transporter-2 (Abca2), which plays a role in intracellular sterol trafficking, has been genetically linked to AD. It is unclear how these two processes are related. Here we demonstrate that down-regulation of Abca2 in mammalian cells leads to decreased Amyloid-β (Aβ) generation. In vitro studies revealed altered γ-secretase complex formation in Abca2 knock out cells due to the altered levels, post-translational modification and subcellular localization of Nicastrin. Reduced Abca2 levels in mammalian cells in vitro, in Drosophila melanogaster and in mice resulted in altered γ-secretase processing of APP, and thus the generation of Aβ, without affecting Notch cleavage.status: publishe

    Synapse type-specific proteomic dissection identifies IgSF8 as a hippocampal CA3 microcircuit organizer

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    Excitatory and inhibitory neurons are connected into microcircuits that generate circuit output. Central in the hippocampal CA3 microcircuit is the mossy fiber (MF) synapse, which provides powerful direct excitatory input and indirect feedforward inhibition to CA3 pyramidal neurons. Here, we dissect its cell-surface protein (CSP) composition to discover novel regulators of MF synaptic connectivity. Proteomic profiling of isolated MF synaptosomes uncovers a rich CSP composition, including many CSPs without synaptic function and several that are uncharacterized. Cell-surface interactome screening identifies IgSF8 as a neuronal receptor enriched in the MF pathway. Presynaptic Igsf8 deletion impairs MF synaptic architecture and robustly decreases the density of bouton filopodia that provide feedforward inhibition. Consequently, IgSF8 loss impairs excitation/inhibition balance and increases excitability of CA3 pyramidal neurons. Our results provide insight into the CSP landscape and interactome of a specific excitatory synapse and reveal IgSF8 as a critical regulator of CA3 microcircuit connectivity and function.status: publishe

    Synapse type-specific proteomic dissection identifies IgSF8 as a hippocampal CA3 microcircuit organizer

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    Mossy fiber synapses are key in CA3 microcircuit function. Here, the authors profile the mossy fiber synapse proteome and cell-surface interactome. They uncover a diverse repertoire of cell-surface proteins and identify the receptor IgSF8 as a regulator of CA3 microcircuit connectivity and function

    Structural Mechanism for Modulation of Synaptic Neuroligin-Neurexin Signaling by MDGA Proteins.

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    (Neuron 95, 896–913; August 16, 2017) After publication, we noticed a number of minor errors within the main text and Figures 1 and 4 that escaped our attention during the proofreading of the manuscript. In the top left panel in Figure 1C, FnIII loop C'E is incorrectly labeled as CE. In the legend to Figure 3A, the buried surface area of Site II is incorrectly stated as 859 Å , while the correct value is 1,000 Å . In Figure 4B, residue Glu294 (E294) is incorrectly labeled as Asp294 (D294). This error is also present in the main text paragraph “MDGA and NRX Share Binding Interfaces on NL.” The errors have no effect on any of the conclusions in the paper, and the main text and Figures 1 and 4 have now been corrected online. The authors apologize for any confusion the errors may have caused. [formula presented] [formula presented]. 7 2

    Structural Mechanism for Modulation of Synaptic Neuroligin-Neurexin Signaling by MDGA Proteins

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    Neuroligin-neurexin (NL-NRX) complexes are fundamental synaptic organizers in the central nervous system. An accurate spatial and temporal control of NL-NRX signaling is crucial to balance excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission, and perturbations are linked with neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders. MDGA proteins bind NLs and control their function and interaction with NRXs via unknown mechanisms. Here, we report crystal structures of MDGA1, the NL1-MDGA1 complex, and a spliced NL1 isoform. Two large, multi-domain MDGA molecules fold into rigid triangular structures, cradling a dimeric NL to prevent NRX binding. Structural analyses guided the discovery of a broad, splicing-modulated interaction network between MDGA and NL family members and helped rationalize the impact of autism-linked mutations. We demonstrate that expression levels largely determine whether MDGAs act selectively or suppress the synapse organizing function of multiple NLs. These results illustrate a potentially brain-wide regulatory mechanism for NL-NRX signaling modulation.status: publishe