24 research outputs found

    Innovation and Venture Capital Policy in Brazil and South Africa

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    This paper examines what constrains and what augments innovation in emerging markets, with a focus on the role of venture capital. It analyses what policy options are open to the government to facilitate innovation. To do this it looks at two country case studies: Brazil and South Africa

    Genetic Drivers of Heterogeneity in Type 2 Diabetes Pathophysiology

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    Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a heterogeneous disease that develops through diverse pathophysiological processes1,2 and molecular mechanisms that are often specific to cell type3,4. Here, to characterize the genetic contribution to these processes across ancestry groups, we aggregate genome-wide association study data from 2,535,601 individuals (39.7% not of European ancestry), including 428,452 cases of T2D. We identify 1,289 independent association signals at genome-wide significance (P \u3c 5 × 10-8) that map to 611 loci, of which 145 loci are, to our knowledge, previously unreported. We define eight non-overlapping clusters of T2D signals that are characterized by distinct profiles of cardiometabolic trait associations. These clusters are differentially enriched for cell-type-specific regions of open chromatin, including pancreatic islets, adipocytes, endothelial cells and enteroendocrine cells. We build cluster-specific partitioned polygenic scores5 in a further 279,552 individuals of diverse ancestry, including 30,288 cases of T2D, and test their association with T2D-related vascular outcomes. Cluster-specific partitioned polygenic scores are associated with coronary artery disease, peripheral artery disease and end-stage diabetic nephropathy across ancestry groups, highlighting the importance of obesity-related processes in the development of vascular outcomes. Our findings show the value of integrating multi-ancestry genome-wide association study data with single-cell epigenomics to disentangle the aetiological heterogeneity that drives the development and progression of T2D. This might offer a route to optimize global access to genetically informed diabetes care

    Genetic drivers of heterogeneity in type 2 diabetes pathophysiology

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    Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a heterogeneous disease that develops through diverse pathophysiological processes1,2 and molecular mechanisms that are often specific to cell type3,4. Here, to characterize the genetic contribution to these processes across ancestry groups, we aggregate genome-wide association study data from 2,535,601 individuals (39.7% not of European ancestry), including 428,452 cases of T2D. We identify 1,289 independent association signals at genome-wide significance (P &lt; 5 × 10-8) that map to 611 loci, of which 145 loci are, to our knowledge, previously unreported. We define eight non-overlapping clusters of T2D signals that are characterized by distinct profiles of cardiometabolic trait associations. These clusters are differentially enriched for cell-type-specific regions of open chromatin, including pancreatic islets, adipocytes, endothelial cells and enteroendocrine cells. We build cluster-specific partitioned polygenic scores5 in a further 279,552 individuals of diverse ancestry, including 30,288 cases of T2D, and test their association with T2D-related vascular outcomes. Cluster-specific partitioned polygenic scores are associated with coronary artery disease, peripheral artery disease and end-stage diabetic nephropathy across ancestry groups, highlighting the importance of obesity-related processes in the development of vascular outcomes. Our findings show the value of integrating multi-ancestry genome-wide association study data with single-cell epigenomics to disentangle the aetiological heterogeneity that drives the development and progression of T2D. This might offer a route to optimize global access to genetically informed diabetes care.</p

    Large-scale association analysis provides insights into the genetic architecture and pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes

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    To extend understanding of the genetic architecture and molecular basis of type 2 diabetes (T2D), we conducted a meta-analysis of genetic variants on the Metabochip involving 34,840 cases and 114,981 controls, overwhelmingly of European descent. We identified ten previously unreported T2D susceptibility loci, including two demonstrating sex-differentiated association. Genome-wide analyses of these data are consistent with a long tail of further common variant loci explaining much of the variation in susceptibility to T2D. Exploration of the enlarged set of susceptibility loci implicates several processes, including CREBBP-related transcription, adipocytokine signalling and cell cycle regulation, in diabetes pathogenesis

    The South African feature film industry: A comparative analysis

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    Although South Africa has the required competency to become a significant player in the international film market, the industry faces a number of obstacles and few South African films enjoy commercial success. It is worth considering what kind of film industry would be most beneficial for South Africa and how government and other stakeholders can help achieve this outcome. The United States and the United Kingdom have embarked on different development paths, with varying degrees of success. It is useful to analyse these industry benchmarks and uncover lessons that could help plot a course for South African film. Although the South African government has recently proved willing to support and accommodate the sector, this paper argues that a shift in emphasis may be necessary if long-term sustainability is to be achieved. Without negating the importance the cultural aspects of film, policy makers should also consider encouraging the production of commercially viable films through distribution promotion and audience development

    Kiihdyttämöpalvelut opiskelijayrittäjyyden tukena : Case: LAMK StartUp Accelerator

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    Opinnäytetyö käsittelee opiskelijayrittäjyyden tukemista kiihdyttämöpalveluiden avulla. Opinnäytetyö tehtiin toimeksiantona LAMK StartUp Accelerator -hankkeelle, joka rakentaa Lahden ammattikorkeakouluun monialaisen yrityskiihdyttämön. Tavoitteena oli selvittää, minkälaisia palveluita yrityskiihdyttämö tarvitsee, jotta se voi tukea opiskelijayrittäjää. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli kehittää opiskelijayrittäjyyttä sekä yrityskiihdyttämöpalveluita Lahden ammattikorkeakoulussa. Opinnäytetyö tehtiin kvalitatiivisena eli laadullisena tutkimuksena, jonka kohderyhmänä olivat Lahden ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijayrittäjät. Opiskelijayrittäjällä tarkoitetaan jo yrittäjänä toimivaa ja siihen omalla toiminnallaan tähtäävää opiskelijaa. Aineistonkeruumenetelmänä käytettiin teemahaastatteluita, joista saatu aineisto analysoitiin teemoittelun avulla. Tutkimustulosten perusteella opiskelijayrittäjät tarvitsevat kiihdyttämöltä konkreettisia palveluita, joilla he voivat kehittää liiketoimintaansa ja omaa osaamistaan yrittäjinä. Tärkeimmiksi palveluiksi nousivat yritystoiminnan aloittamisen kannalta tarvittavat yleiset tiedot ja taidot, mentorointi, lakimiespalvelut ja rahoitusneuvonta. Opinnäytetyö osoittaa, että kiihdyttämöpalveluille on tarvetta Lahden ammattikorkeakoulussa. Opinnäytetyön tuloksia hyödyntämällä yrityskiihdyttämö voi suunnitella palvelunsa opiskelijayrittäjille sopiviksi.The study explores how enterprise accelerator services can support student entrepreneurship. The study was commissioned by LAMK StartUp Accelerator project, which aims to build a multidisciplinary enterprise accelerator in Lahti University of Applied Sciences. The study was done with two goals in mind. One was to research what services the enterprise accelerator should provide to support student entrepreneurs. The second goal was to develop both student entrepreneurship and enterprise accelerator services in Lahti University of Applied Sciences. The study was done by using qualitative methods. The data was obtained by an interview study presented to the student entrepreneurs of Lahti University of Applied Sciences. In this study, the student entrepreneur is defined to mean both students already working as entrepreneurs and students planning and seeking to become entrepreneurs by using their entrepreneurial attitude. The data was analyzed with thematic analysis. The study results show that student entrepreneurs need concrete services that they can use for developing their own business and entrepreneurial competence. The most valuable enterprise accelerator services based on the respondents are general knowhow of starting a business, mentoring, legal counseling and financial management services. The study finds that enterprise accelerator services are needed by the student entrepreneurs of Lahti University of Applied Sciences. The study offers the LAMK enterprise accelerator-to-be a possibility to use the results as a base for planning the student entrepreneurship services

    How demand sophistication (de-)limits economic upgrading : comparing the film industries of South Africa and Nigeria (Nollywood)

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    More sophisticated demand is typically seen as an enabler of economic upgrading. This study questions this linearity and extends demand theory through a case analysis of the film industry in two developing countries. When unsophisticated local demand results in well-matched supply- and demand-side elements, benefits do accrue. Low exposure to technically superior products in Nigeria allowed a fully fledged film value chain to develop, as consumers were willing to support lower quality output. Although the industry is too weak to seriously threaten incumbents from the developed world on the global stage, it has substantial impact in its home country. In contrast, if demand is far more sophisticated than supply, local industry will struggle to respond to broad-based demand signals and will achieve accelerated learning only in niche areas. South Africa has become a niche producer in the global film industry rather than film producer in its own right partly because the widespread demand for Hollywood-quality products could not be met by local supply capabilities

    Innovation and Venture Capital Policy in Brazil and South Africa

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    This paper examines what constrains and what augments innovation in emerging markets, with a focus on the role of venture capital. It analyses what policy options are open to the government to facilitate innovation. To do this it looks at two country case studies: Brazil and South Africa

    How Demand Sophistication (De-)limits Economic Upgrading: Comparing the Film Industries of South Africa and Nigeria (Nollywood)

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    More sophisticated demand is typically seen as an enabler of economic upgrading. This study questions this linearity and extends demand theory through a case analysis of the film industry in two developing countries. When unsophisticated local demand results in well-matched supply- and demand-side elements, benefits do accrue. Low exposure to technically superior products in Nigeria allowed a fully fledged film value chain to develop, as consumers were willing to support lower quality output. Although the industry is too weak to seriously threaten incumbents from the developed world on the global stage, it has substantial impact in its home country. In contrast, if demand is far more sophisticated than supply, local industry will struggle to respond to broad-based demand signals and will achieve accelerated learning only in niche areas. South Africa has become a niche producer in the global film industry rather than film producer in its own right partly because the widespread demand for Hollywood-quality products could not be met by local supply capabilities.Demand, economic upgrading, global value chain, film industry, international business,