5 research outputs found

    Validation of HPLC Method for Determination of some Vitamins in a Multivitamin Product

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    Charles University in Prague Faculty of pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of pharmaceutical chemistry and drug analysis Candidate: Mgr. Kristýna Stehlíková Consultant: RNDr. Milan Mokrý, CSc. Title of Thesis: Validation of HPLC method for determination of some vitamins in a multivitamin product. A method for simultaneous determination of concentrations of vitamins B1 (thiamine), B3 (nicotinamide), B6 (pyridoxine) and vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in a multivitamin product by means of HPLC was validated. Linearity, precision (carried out as repaetibility), accuracy, specificity and robustness were used as validation parameters. Linearity was carried out with the assistance of method of dilution of standard solutions of vitamins in range 50 - 150% of expected concentrations of particular vitamins. Solution of a multivitamin was prepared six-times for the precision experiment and then relative standard deviation was calculated. The relative standard deviation stayed in the range of 0.9 -1,61%. Accuracy was verified by analysis of model samples prepared by addition of known amount of particular vitamins to placebo. Yield varied between 97-105%. During the specificity experiments it was not found any interefence among the other compounds presented in the multivitamin product. Necessity of keeping given..

    The History of the State District Archive in Hradec Králové since its Foundation

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    Práce s názvem "Historie Státního okresního archivu Hradec Králové" od jeho počátků do současnosti je zaměřena na obecnou historii archivu. I když se práce především zaobírá historií této instituce, v začátku se objevuje i stručná historie města Hradce Králové. Další kapitoly jsou věnovány osobnostem města a poté se již dostaneme přímo k samotné historii Státního okresního archivu Hradec Králové.The paperwork titled "The History of State District Archive of Hradec Králové" from its inception until the present is aimed on the general history of this institution. Although the paperwork deals mainly with the history of the institution, a brief history of Hradec Králové is also mentioned in its beginning. The other chapters are dedicated to personalities of the city and then we finally get to the history of State District Archive of Hradec Králové itself.Fakulta filozofická1.Představení práce. 2. Posudek vedoucí práce a oponentky. 3. Diskuse.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Validation of HPLC Method for Determination of some Vitamins in a Multivitamin Product

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    Charles University in Prague Faculty of pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of pharmaceutical chemistry and drug analysis Candidate: Mgr. Kristýna Stehlíková Consultant: RNDr. Milan Mokrý, CSc. Title of Thesis: Validation of HPLC method for determination of some vitamins in a multivitamin product. A method for simultaneous determination of concentrations of vitamins B1 (thiamine), B3 (nicotinamide), B6 (pyridoxine) and vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in a multivitamin product by means of HPLC was validated. Linearity, precision (carried out as repaetibility), accuracy, specificity and robustness were used as validation parameters. Linearity was carried out with the assistance of method of dilution of standard solutions of vitamins in range 50 - 150% of expected concentrations of particular vitamins. Solution of a multivitamin was prepared six-times for the precision experiment and then relative standard deviation was calculated. The relative standard deviation stayed in the range of 0.9 -1,61%. Accuracy was verified by analysis of model samples prepared by addition of known amount of particular vitamins to placebo. Yield varied between 97-105%. During the specificity experiments it was not found any interefence among the other compounds presented in the multivitamin product. Necessity of keeping given..