9 research outputs found


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    This research analyses Thai students' perceptions and challenges in learning BIPA. Research respondents for this study were 14 international students from Thailand who enrolled in Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing (BIPA) at Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar. Observations, open-ended questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and classroom recordings were used to obtain data and analyzed using the descriptive qualitative method. The findings indicated that BIPA students encountered several challenges in language skills, language components and cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Therefore, simple instructions and examples are needed to help them learn the Indonesian language. Moreover, having more practice with Indonesian students also helps them understand the Indonesian language

    Effective Strategies Employed by School Teachers to Promote Students’ Critical Thinking Skills

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    Abstract: Developing students’ critical thinking skill is highly important nowadays to provide students’ skills in encountering various challenges in their life. Objectives: This study investigates the strategies employed by teachers during the teaching and learning processes to promote students’ critical skills. Methods: This study used a qualitative research approach conducted in a senior high school consisting of 50 teachers and 5 teachers were selected as the participants of this research. The data were collected by conducting semi-structured interviews and the data were analyzed descriptively. Findings: This study found several strategies employed by the teachers in enhancing students’ critical thinking skills. Conclusions: The Findings of this study provide implications to enrich the body of knowledge relevant to the theories concerning effective strategies to develop students’ critical thinking skills.Keywords: learning strategy, senior high school teachers, critical thinking skills.Abstrak: Pengembangan keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa saat ini sangat penting untuk membekali siswa dalam menghadapi berbagai tantangan dalam hidupnya. Tujuan: Studi ini mengkaji strategi yang digunakan oleh guru selama proses belajar mengajar untuk meningkatkan keterampilan kritis siswa. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif yang dilakukan di sebuah sekolah menengah atas yang terdiri dari 50 guru dan 5 guru terpilih sebagai partisipan penelitian ini. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara semi terstruktur dan data dianalisis secara deskriptif. Temuan: Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa beberapa strategi digunakan oleh guru dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa. Kesimpulan: Temuan penelitian ini memberikan implikasi untuk memperkaya khazanah pengetahuan yang relevan dengan teori-teori tentang strategi yang efektif untuk mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa.Kata kunci: strategi pembelajaran, guru SMA, keterampilan berpikir kritis. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpp.v12.i2.20220

    Developing Addie Model: Speaking for Informal Interaction Based on OBE Curriculum

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    Coursebook plays an essential role in English language teaching. It is a guide to the prescribed curriculum and syllabus. However, the coursebook does not always match the needs of students and lecturers. This study aims to develop a speaking coursebook using the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) model based on OBE Curriculum. Researchers used Research and Development (RD) in which the data were collected through questionnaire and interview. There were 26 students and two lecturers in the English Language Education Study Program. From the finding, the design and development of the coursebook are highly influenced by the result of the needs analysis. From the impact of the need analysis, the researchers developed the coursebook for Speaking for Informal Interaction that provides achievable teaching ideas for lecturers, including speaking activities, vocabulary, grammar, dialogue examples, exercise (individual, pair, or group work), and lesson learned related to the topics discussed. The result of validation from experts (design, content, and language), students, and lecturers agreed that the coursebook had met the criteria of a good coursebook. The results of this study can later be effectively used to support the achievement of student communicative competence, especially in the Speaking for Informal Interaction course

    The difficulties of the students of the English Department of the Faculty of Letters of Udayana University in translating Balinese cultural concepts into English

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    The students at the English Department of Faculty of Letters of Udayana University take the translation class since it is required by the curriculum. They learn translation for two semesters. Moreover, they also learn about Balinese culture as a subject which is also included in the curriculum. So far, studies on translation at the English Department are in the form of product analysis. Therefore, they have not been able to provide necessary insight of the core of the problems faced by the students in doing the translation task. By using think-aloud protocols, therefore, it was hoped that the difficulty of the subjects in translating Balinese cultural concepts would be revealed. The purpose of this study is aimed to describe the difficulties in translating Balinese cultural concepts into English. This study was a case study designed to find out the difficulties of the subjects in translating Balinese cultural concepts into English. The design of this study was non-participant observation. The writer used think–aloud protocols in examining and describing the difficulties of the students in translating Balinese cultural concepts into English. The source of data were the students’ think-aloud protocols in translating Balinese cultural concepts as tape recorded and transcribed and their answer to the questions in the interview session. The data were the students’ think-aloud protocols which reflected the difficulties in translating Balinese cultural concepts. The participants of this study were the best ten students of the English Department Faculty of Letters Udayana University who are asked to translate two culture-bound texts about Balinese culture. The findings of this study proved that some subjects still had problem in translating cultural concepts that was indicated by their failure to translate the concept of the cultural term. Moreover, some subjects had problem when they adopted the English structure. The writer suggested that the teacher have to teach the Balinese cultural concepts so that the students would be able to translate the concepts into the most appropriate translation. Furthermore, the students should carefully reread the whole translation and check for the semantic, stylistics, etc. It may help the students in producing a good translation product

    The difficulties of the students of the English Department of the Faculty of Letters of Udayana University in translating Balinese cultural concepts into English

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    The students at the English Department of Faculty of Letters of Udayana University take the translation class since it is required by the curriculum. They learn translation for two semesters. Moreover, they also learn about Balinese culture as a subject which is also included in the curriculum. So far, studies on translation at the English Department are in the form of product analysis. Therefore, they have not been able to provide necessary insight of the core of the problems faced by the students in doing the translation task. By using think-aloud protocols, therefore, it was hoped that the difficulty of the subjects in translating Balinese cultural concepts would be revealed. The purpose of this study is aimed to describe the difficulties in translating Balinese cultural concepts into English. This study was a case study designed to find out the difficulties of the subjects in translating Balinese cultural concepts into English. The design of this study was non-participant observation. The writer used think–aloud protocols in examining and describing the difficulties of the students in translating Balinese cultural concepts into English. The source of data were the students’ think-aloud protocols in translating Balinese cultural concepts as tape recorded and transcribed and their answer to the questions in the interview session. The data were the students’ think-aloud protocols which reflected the difficulties in translating Balinese cultural concepts. The participants of this study were the best ten students of the English Department Faculty of Letters Udayana University who are asked to translate two culture-bound texts about Balinese culture. The findings of this study proved that some subjects still had problem in translating cultural concepts that was indicated by their failure to translate the concept of the cultural term. Moreover, some subjects had problem when they adopted the English structure. The writer suggested that the teacher have to teach the Balinese cultural concepts so that the students would be able to translate the concepts into the most appropriate translation. Furthermore, the students should carefully reread the whole translation and check for the semantic, stylistics, etc. It may help the students in producing a good translation product

    Think-Aloud Protocol Analysis: Revealing The Student's Problem in Reading Comprehension

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    Readers should integrate information from the text they are reading with their existing knowledge since reading is a process of building meaning and language expansion. Without improving reading abilities, it is hard to succeed in the teaching and learning process and develop a more thorough understanding, a perceptive attitude, and creative thinking to reach reading achievement. The purpose of this study is to outline the issues that cropped up while reading. In this descriptive-qualitative study, the researchers identified, analyzed, and characterized the readers' mental processes for reading comprehension. Thirty students were taken randomly from three classes enrolled in the Intermediate Reading Course of the English Language Education Study Program, Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar. The finding showed that the students encountered four main problems: Inability to understand word, phrase, and sentence processing (78.1%); having weak syntactic parsing (83.3%), less inference (81.7), and inadequate self-monitoring (84%). The reading lecturers are suggested to determine the student’s reading comprehension needs and employ relevant tips in the reading course, such as creating good connections, making predictions, visualizing, making inferences, self-questioning, and summarizing. The results are expected to give a useful contribution to strengthen reading theory and the lecturers in analyzing students’ reading comprehension problems

    The english material needs of economics and business students

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    This paper aims to describe the analysis of the English Course for Economics and Business students focus on target needs and learning needs. This study involved 260 students from 4 universities in Bali. Data were obtained from questionnaires and interviews. The data which had been collected were then tabulated and analyzed by using descriptive method. The findings of this study showed that conducting needs analysis to ESP course is important as the basis for designing syllabus and material because there was no material available on the market that could fully fit the students’ needs. The economics topic was needed by the students (47%) and (53 %) got difficulty in recognizing core words, and interpret patterns or sequences of words and their meanings systematically. There were 46% of students want to improve their macro skill especially in detecting discourse markers, guessing the meaning of words from context, and activating schemata to interpret the text. The input needed by students was a business text (42 %). Pair work as a procedure desired by the students (35 %). Moreover, having group work as a setting (41%) and (38 %) felt that the lecturer must give an example on the instruction and assignment