421 research outputs found


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    Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate the anti-cancer activity using the phytoconstituents of Indigofera aspalathoides.Methods: The plant extract has been largely used as cell proliferation inhibitors. In this study, specific phytoconstituent has been targeted towardsmatrix metalloproteinases (MMPs).Results: MMPs are group of proteinases that are associated with cell invasion inhibition and also inhibit proliferation. The C-terminal domain ofMMPs mimics the serum protein hemopexin (HPX). According to various literatures, a reason for the failure of MMP as anti-cancer agent is thepresence of this HPX binding at the active site.Conclusion: A novel approach was carried to inhibit this binding by Carotal, (-)-Spathulenol, Tau.-Cadinol proteins from the plant I. aspalathoides. Keywords: Hemopexin, Matrix metalloproteinase, Indigofera aspalathoides, Molecular docking, Carotal, (-)-Spathulenol, Tau.-Cadinol

    Living with multiple myeloma: A focus group study of unmet needs and preferences for survivorship care

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    Purpose: To describe the unmet informational, psychological, emotional, social, practical, and physical needs and preferences for posttreatment survivorship care of individuals living with multiple myeloma to inform the development of relevant, personcentered, survivorship services. Methods: An exploratory, descriptive study using 2 focus groups with 14 participants, 6 to 49 months postdiagnosis. Results: Thematic analysis revealed 7 key themes: information needs, experience with health-care professionals, coping with side effects, communicating with family and friends, dealing with emotions, support needs, and living with the chronicity of myeloma. Participants described key characteristics of survivorship care relevant to their needs and indicated they would like a more whole of person approach to follow-up when the main treatment phases had completed. Conclusion: Participants in this study described unmet needs across a breadth of domains that varied over time. The development of flexible, person-centered approaches to comprehensive survivorship care is needed to address the considerable quality-of-life issues experienced by people living with multiple myeloma. Nurse-led care may offer 1 viable model to deliver enhanced patient experience—providing the vital “link” that people described as missing from their survivorship care

    Cancer-related fatigue in palliative care: a global perspective

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    Cancer-related fatigue (CRF) in a palliative care setting is a distressing symptom that can have a negative impact on a patient's quality of life. A range of setting- and disease-specific factors, unknown aetiology and absence of unilateral guidelines make CRF treatment a challenge for clinicians. In the absence of high-quality evidence in favour of any pharmacological and nonpharmacological measures, except exercise, cognitive behavioural therapy and psychosocial interventions, a personalised integrative oncology approach can lead to effective management. Findings suggest adoption of a severity-based symptom-stage adjusted CRF management care pathway, highlighting best practices to illustrate the lived experience of this symptom. Overcoming barriers by staff training, patient education, facilitating communication and patients' self-care, will increase CRF management effectiveness. Future CRF multisymptom or multidimensional nature investigation trials of its underlying mechanisms and new pharmacological and nonpharmacological strategies applied separately or in combination, will help reveal the best approach to CRF diagnosis, assessment and management


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    A study was carried out to determine the groundwater quality in parts of Perumal Lake, Kurinjipadi Taluk, Cuddalore district, Tamilnadu. Totally, 12 groundwater samples were collected at different parts of study area and 16 water samples from surface reservoirs (Perumal lake) and analyzed for physicochemical parameters (pH, EC, TDS, TH, Na, K, Ca, Mg and Cl, SO4 , HCO3- , NO3 ) in order to understand the hydro geochemistry of the water. The results of analysis were interpreted with geology and geomorphology of the area and also by various geochemical diagrams such as Piper trilinear plot and USSL classification diagram. Suitability of this water for its utility was verified using Indian standards. The result indicates irrespective of the seasons that only one well is suitable for drinking purpose, with remaining suitable for domestic and irrigation purpose. Further, from the results, it is pointed out that most of the well water falls in Na-Cl type indicating the influence of seawater in these wells which was confirmed by Piper plot. According to SAR (alkali hazard) and specific conductance (Salinity hazard) is plotted in USSL diagram, classification of water for irrigation purpose can be determined. Majority of groundwater samples fall in C3S1 zone indicating high salinity and low sodium hazard, satisfactory for plants having moderate salt tolerance on soils. In surface water most of the samples fall in C2S1 indicates medium salinity and low sodium hazard

    Time-resolved Adaptive Direct FEM Simulation of High-lift Aircraft Configurations

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    Our simulation methodology is referred to as Direct FEM Simulation (DFS), or General Galerkin (G2) and uses a finite element method (FEM) with piecewise linear approximation in space and time, and with numerical stabilization in the form of a weighted least squares method based on the residual. The incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations (NSE) are discretized directly, without applying any filter. Thus, the method does not result in Large Eddy Simulation (LES) filtered solutions, but is instead an approximation of a weak solution satisfying the weak form of the NSE. In G2 we have a posteriori error estimates for quantities of interest that can be expressed as functionals of a weak solution. These a posteriori error estimates, which form the basis for our adaptive mesh refinement algorithm, are based on the solution of an associated adjoint problem with a goal quantity (the aerodynamic forces in this work) as data, similarly to an optimal control problem. We provide references to related work below. The methodology and software have been previously validated for a number of turbulent flow benchmark problems, including one of the HiLiftPW-2 high Reynolds number cases. The DFS method is implemented in the Unicorn solver, which uses the open source software framework FEniCS-HPC, designed for automated solution of partial differential equations on massively parallel architectures using the FEM. In this chapter we present adaptive results from the Third AIAA High Lift Prediction Workshop in Denver, Colorado based on our DFS methodology and Unicorn/FEniCS-HPC software. We show that the methodology quantitavely and qualitatively captures the main features of the experiment - aerodynamic forces and the stall mechanism with a novel numerical tripping, with a much coarser mesh resolution and cheaper computational cost than the standard in the field

    The cancer nurse coordinator service in Western Australia: Perspectives of specialist cancer nurse coordinators

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    Objective: In Western Australia the cancer nurse coordinator (CNC) role is unique, state wide and situated in nursing. It requires the domains of clinical expert, resource consultant, educator, change agent, researcher and advocate to facilitate seamless coordination of care for patients across metropolitan, rural and remote geographical areas of Western Australia. This study examined the role, function and impact of CNCs from the perspective of coordinators themselves. Design: Prospective two-phase mixed method study. This paper reports data from the Self Report Activity Questionnaire in Phase one. Setting: The state-wide Western Australian Cancer Nurse Coordinator Service. Subjects: Metropolitan and rural CNCs (n=18) who had worked in the role for at least six months. Results: Overall, CNCs spent 70% of time in clinical consultation and 41% of CNCs reported having an educational role. Most CNCs (71%) noted that at least half of their patients had complex psychosocial needs at referral. Key role-related activities related to direct nursing care and patient education were performed most frequently on a daily basis. Tasks related to care management planning, patient advocacy and multidisciplinary clinical care were performed weekly. Strategic, team communication and professional development activities were performed less frequently. Conclusion: Diversity of the CNC role was demonstrated with findings showing that CNCs fulfilled the core components of the specialist cancer nurse. Given the clear need to provide consistent support to cancer patients in an increasingly individualised and integrated manner, we consider the CNC role a fundamental element of quality cancer care
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