331 research outputs found

    Theoretical modelling of laminated composite plates

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    Formulation of appropriate governing equations, simpler than the three-dimensional equations of elasticity yet capable of predicting, fairly accurately, all important response parameters such as stress and strain, is attempted in modelling a structural component. Several theoretical models are available in the literature for the analyses of plates. The emergence of fibre-reinforced plastics as an attractive form of structural construction, added a new complexity to the modelling considerations of laminates by requiring the estimation of the interlaminar stresses and strains. In this paper, modelling considerations of laminated composite plates are discussed. The classical laminated plate theory and higher-order shear deformation models are reviewed to bring out their interlaminar stress predictive capabilities, and some new modelling possibilities are indicated

    Design considerations with reference to glass/ carbon fibre reinforced polymer composites as structural materials

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    Composite materials involving fibre reinforcement are replacing traditional materials at a rapid rate, The driving force for this change is extraordinary properties that can be obtained when the material is in the fibre form. The inherently superior fibre properties combined with a matrix phase 9f complementary properties result in a high performance composite. Thus the fibre reinforced composites have brought about an extraordinary facility in design engineering, in effect forcing the design-analyst to create different material for each application as he pursues the objective of minimizing weight and cost an:d maximizing safety and operational life. The fields of application of compositeS cover a wide range from sports, agriculture, automobiles of electronics and aerospace. In this paper, design considerations with reference to glass/carbon fibre reinforced polymer composites are discussed

    Modeling of plate flexure satisfying normal stress conditions at the plate surfaces

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    Modeling of plate flexure, based on cubic variation of inplane displacements and quartic variation of the normal displacement has been discussed. Displacement functions satisfy the zero shear stress condition at top and bottom surfaces of the plate. The normal stress condition at the surfaces of the plate and the elemental equilibrium eqUlltions are enforced through the use of the Lagrangian multipliers in the variational procedure used. Several new models are available as special cases in this formulation. An illustrative example of a simply-supported plate subjected to sinusoidal loading is included to indicate relative merits of the special cases

    Torsional vibrations of multi-cell tubes

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    This paper presents torsional vihraTion analYJis of multi-cell tubes. The main difference between the single and multi-cell tube analysis lies in the determination of the cross-sectional constants. Derivation of cross-sectional constants, involved in the governing equations, is illustrated by considering a four-cell tube. The improvement, in the estimation of the natural frequency by the present proposal, is brought out by comparing the theoretical value with the experimental observation in a specific case

    A comparative study of the consistent and simplified finite element analyses of Eigenvalue, problems

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    Classical displacement method of the finite element analysis of eigenvalue problems requires the use of consistent and conforming elements. However, simpler approaches based on relaxing the condition of consistency of the element descriptions, such as lumped inertia force method and others are also found to yield satisfactory results. In this paper we make a comparative study of the consistent and simplified approaches with reference to four representative problems. In the simplified approach studied in this paper, the contribution of straining modes in the derivation of the mass and geometric stiffness matrices is neglected and this simplifies their derivation substantially. The results indicate that this simplification introduces only small errors in the eigenvalues

    Structural behaviour of tapered rods subjected to axial compressive loads in the post-buckling range

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    The equation governing the behaviour of rods of variable cross-section subjected to compressive load" is deduced using the classical assumption-that the plane sectioIis of the rod before bending remain plane even after bending; the stress-strain relationship can be either the conventional Ramberg-Osgood Law or the alternative form developed by Rao and Krishna Murthy; the deformations are considered to be large, 'The governing equation is nonlinear and an iterative' method is used to obtain numerical results. A dass of rods whose variation of the cross-section ,can be represented by I=I0(1-βS)n(where s is the curvilinear coordinate) are considered to study,the post-buckling behnviour. Numerical results have been obtained for various values of the geometric parameters involved in the problem, and the results are in good agreement with those available in the literature

    Assessment of accuracies of finite eigenvalues

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    Sistem Rekomendasi pada Buku dengan Menggunakan Tags and Latent Factors

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    Sistem Rekomendasi atau Recommender System, bertujuan untuk membantu user dengan cara memberikan rekomendasi kepada user ketika dihadapkan dengan jumlah informasi yang besar. Rekomendasi yang diberikan diharapkan dapat membantu user dalam proses pengambilan keputusan, seperti buku apa yang akan dibaca. Dengan adanya rekomendasi yang tepat, user akan memiliki preferensi tambahan ketika mencari buku. Dalam pengerjaan Tugas Akhir ini, penulis menggunakan Tags and Latent Factors yang merupakan algoritma tambahan pada metode Matrix Factorization yang membantu sistem rekomendasi dalam meningkatkan akurasi prediksi sehingga mampu menebak minat user dan mampu memberikan rekomendasi. Tags berfungsi sebagai jembatan yang memungkinkan user untuk lebih memahami hubungan yang tidak diketahui antara item dan user itu sendiri, sedangkan latent factors bertujuan untuk membentuk kesamaan antara user dan item dimana kesamaan ini berupa antar user yang tertarik atau menyukai item yang sama. Pada Tugas akhir ini akan dilakukan skenario pengujian dimana nilai dari hasil pengujian akan menjadi parameter akurat atau tidaknya sebuah sistem dengan menggunakan Mean Absolute Error (MAE) . Diberikan 3 buah skenario pengujian dengan menggunakan 3 jenis dan jumlah data berbeda dan didapatkan 3 nilai hasil pengujian akhir dengan nilai masing-masing 0.41, 0.38, dan 0.38 dimana 3 nilai tersebut memiliki selisih yang tidak terlalu besar. Dan dapat disimpulkan bahwa Tags and Latent Factors dapat digunakan untuk memberikan rekomendasi pada buku

    General theory of cylindrical vibrations tubes. Part IV. Uncoupled torsional vibrations of open tubes

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    Based on the ease in satisfying the free edge boundary conditio/I, open tubes are classified into two types, A and B. Type B tubes have more complicated free-edge boundary condition than that of type A tubes. An alternate formulation is evolved for type B tubes; this makes the free-edge boundary condition as simple as in type A tubes. A simply-supported open tube with the cross-section given by p=S/2π sin 2πS/S, is analysed exactly as well as by using approximation equations; errors in using the first order approximation equations are discussed. A simply-supported open tube of I-section, representative of type B tubes, is analysed by using first and second approximation equations