433 research outputs found

    Wave-train induced unpinning of weakly anchored vortices in excitable media

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    A free vortex in excitable media can be displaced and removed by a wave-train. However, simple physical arguments suggest that vortices anchored to large inexcitable obstacles cannot be removed similarly. We show that unpinning of vortices attached to obstacles smaller than the core radius of the free vortex is possible through pacing. The wave-train frequency necessary for unpinning increases with the obstacle size and we present a geometric explanation of this dependence. Our model-independent results suggest that decreasing excitability of the medium can facilitate pacing-induced removal of vortices in cardiac tissue.Comment: Published versio

    Dynamics of lattice spins as a model of arrhythmia

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    We consider evolution of initial disturbances in spatially extended systems with autonomous rhythmic activity, such as the heart. We consider the case when the activity is stable with respect to very smooth (changing little across the medium) disturbances and construct lattice models for description of not-so-smooth disturbances, in particular, topological defects; these models are modifications of the diffusive XY model. We find that when the activity on each lattice site is very rigid in maintaining its form, the topological defects - vortices or spirals - nucleate a transition to a disordered, turbulent state.Comment: 17 pages, revtex, 3 figure

    Classification of phase transitions and ensemble inequivalence, in systems with long range interactions

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    Systems with long range interactions in general are not additive, which can lead to an inequivalence of the microcanonical and canonical ensembles. The microcanonical ensemble may show richer behavior than the canonical one, including negative specific heats and other non-common behaviors. We propose a classification of microcanonical phase transitions, of their link to canonical ones, and of the possible situations of ensemble inequivalence. We discuss previously observed phase transitions and inequivalence in self-gravitating, two-dimensional fluid dynamics and non-neutral plasmas. We note a number of generic situations that have not yet been observed in such systems.Comment: 42 pages, 11 figures. Accepted in Journal of Statistical Physics. Final versio

    Theory of spiral wave dynamics in weakly excitable media: asymptotic reduction to a kinematic model and applications

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    In a weakly excitable medium, characterized by a large threshold stimulus, the free end of an isolated broken plane wave (wave tip) can either rotate (steadily or unsteadily) around a large excitable core, thereby producing a spiral pattern, or retract causing the wave to vanish at boundaries. An asymptotic analysis of spiral motion and retraction is carried out in this weakly excitable large core regime starting from the free-boundary limit of the reaction-diffusion models, valid when the excited region is delimited by a thin interface. The wave description is shown to naturally split between the tip region and a far region that are smoothly matched on an intermediate scale. This separation allows us to rigorously derive an equation of motion for the wave tip, with the large scale motion of the spiral wavefront slaved to the tip. This kinematic description provides both a physical picture and exact predictions for a wide range of wave behavior, including: (i) steady rotation (frequency and core radius), (ii) exact treatment of the meandering instability in the free-boundary limit with the prediction that the frequency of unstable motion is half the primary steady frequency (iii) drift under external actions (external field with application to axisymmetric scroll ring motion in three-dimensions, and spatial or/and time-dependent variation of excitability), and (iv) the dynamics of multi-armed spiral waves with the new prediction that steadily rotating waves with two or more arms are linearly unstable. Numerical simulations of FitzHug-Nagumo kinetics are used to test several aspects of our results. In addition, we discuss the semi-quantitative extension of this theory to finite cores and pinpoint mathematical subtleties related to the thin interface limit of singly diffusive reaction-diffusion models

    Exact correlation functions of Bethe lattice spin models in external fields

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    We develop a transfer matrix method to compute exactly the spin-spin correlation functions of Bethe lattice spin models in the external magnetic field h and for any temperature T. We first compute the correlation function for the most general spin - S Ising model, which contains all possible single-ion and nearest-neighbor pair interactions. This general spin - S Ising model includes the spin-1/2 simple Ising model and the Blume-Emery-Griffiths (BEG) model as special cases. From the spin-spin correlation functions, we obtain functions of correlation length for the simple Ising model and BEG model, which show interesting scaling and divergent behavior as T approaches the critical temperature. Our method to compute exact spin-spin correlation functions may be applied to other Ising-type models on Bethe and Bethe-like lattices.Comment: 19 page

    A thermodynamically self-consistent theory for the Blume-Capel model

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    We use a self-consistent Ornstein-Zernike approximation to study the Blume-Capel ferromagnet on three-dimensional lattices. The correlation functions and the thermodynamics are obtained from the solution of two coupled partial differential equations. The theory provides a comprehensive and accurate description of the phase diagram in all regions, including the wing boundaries in non-zero magnetic field. In particular, the coordinates of the tricritical point are in very good agreement with the best estimates from simulation or series expansion. Numerical and analytical analysis strongly suggest that the theory predicts a universal Ising-like critical behavior along the λ\lambda-line and the wing critical lines, and a tricritical behavior governed by mean-field exponents.Comment: 11 figures. to appear in Physical Review

    Carotenoids Play a Positive Role in the Degradation of Heterocycles by Sphingobium yanoikuyae

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    BACKGROUND: Microbial oxidative degradation is a potential way of removing pollutants such as heterocycles from the environment. During this process, reactive oxygen species or other oxidants are inevitably produced, and may cause damage to DNA, proteins, and membranes, thereby decreasing the degradation rate. Carotenoids can serve as membrane-integrated antioxidants, protecting cells from oxidative stress. FINDINGS: Several genes involved in the carotenoid biosynthetic pathway were cloned and characterized from a carbazole-degrading bacterium Sphingobium yanoikuyae XLDN2-5. In addition, a yellow-pigmented carotenoid synthesized by strain XLDN2-5 was identified as zeaxanthin that was synthesized from β-carotene through β-cryptoxanthin. The amounts of zeaxanthin and hydrogen peroxide produced were significantly and simultaneously enhanced during the biodegradation of heterocycles (carbazole < carbazole + benzothiophene < carbazole + dibenzothiophene). These higher production levels were consistent with the transcriptional increase of the gene encoding phytoene desaturase, one of the key enzymes for carotenoid biosynthesis. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Sphingobium yanoikuyae XLDN2-5 can enhance the synthesis of zeaxanthin, one of the carotenoids, which may modulate membrane fluidity and defense against intracellular oxidative stress. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the positive role of carotenoids in the biodegradation of heterocycles, while elucidating the carotenoid biosynthetic pathway in the Sphingobium genus
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