25 research outputs found

    Healthcare resource utilization and medical costs for children with interstitial lung diseases (chILD) in Europe

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    Background No data on healthcare utilisation and associated costs for the many rare entities of children's interstitial lung diseases (chILD) exist. This paper portrays healthcare utilisation structures among individuals with chILD, provides a pan-European estimate of a 3-month interval per-capita costs and delineates crucial cost drivers. Methods Based on longitudinal healthcare resource utilisation pattern of 445 children included in the Kids Lung Register diagnosed with chILD across 10 European countries, we delineated direct medical and non-medical costs of care per 3-month interval. Country-specific utilisation patterns were assessed with a children-tailored modification of the validated FIMA questionnaire and valued by German unit costs. Costs of care and their drivers were subsequently identified via gamma-distributed generalised linear regression models. Results During the 3 months prior to inclusion into the registry (baseline), the rate of hospital admissions and inpatient days was high. Unadjusted direct medical per capita costs (euro19 818) exceeded indirect (euro1 907) and direct non-medical costs (euro1 125) by far. Country-specific total costs ranged from euro8 713 in Italy to euro28 788 in Poland. Highest expenses were caused by the disease categories 'diffuse parenchymal lung disease (DPLD)-diffuse developmental disorders' (euro45 536) and 'DPLD-unclear in the non-neonate' (euro47 011). During a follow-up time of up to 5 years, direct medical costs dropped, whereas indirect costs and non-medical costs remained stable. Conclusions This is the first prospective, longitudinal study analysing healthcare resource utilisation and costs for chILD across different European countries. Our results indicate that chILD is associated with high utilisation of healthcare services, placing a substantial economic burden on health systems

    Szervtranszplantáció gyermekkorban

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    Absztrakt: A gyermekkorban végzett szervátültetés mára hazánkban is minden, az átültetésre alkalmas gyermek számára elérhetővé vált. Fontos ismernünk és tudnunk, hogy a végállapotú szervelégtelenség kialakulásához vezető okok szinte minden szerv esetében jelentősen különböznek a felnőttekéitől. Gyermekkorban mindezek mellett mind sebészi, mind gyermekgyógyászi oldalról más kihívásokkal kell megküzdenünk, mint a felnőtteknél (a szervek és a recipiens mérete, más és más formában zajló infekciók, az immunszuppresszív szerek eltérő farmakokinetikája és farmakodinamikája, noncompliance). A gyermekkori szervtranszplantáció ugyanakkor az elmúlt évtizedek egyik sikertörténete, amely csak sok szakterület gondos és összehangolt munkájával érheti el eredményeit. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(46): 1948–1956. | Abstract: Paediatric organ transplantation today is considered and accepted and widely available therapy in children with end-stage organ failure. It is important to know that in childhood, diseases leading to end-stage organ failure differ from those in adults. Beside this, in children there are different surgical and paediatric challenges before and after transplantation (size differences of the patient and donor organ, special and paediatric infections, different pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of immunosuppressive drugs, noncompliance). However, paediatric organ transplantation in the last decades became a success story of the Hungarian health care owing to several working groups in Hungary and outside the country. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(46): 1948–1956

    Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha G308α Gene Polymorphism and Essential Hypertension: A Meta-Analysis Involving 2244 Participants

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    BACKGROUND: The tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFα) G308A gene polymorphism has been implicated in susceptibility to essential hypertension (EH), but study results are still controversial. OBJECTIVE AND METHODS: The present meta-analysis is performed to investigate the relationship between the TNFα G308A gene polymorphism and EH. Electronic databases were searched and seven separate studies on the association of the TNF α G308A gene polymorphism with EH were analyzed. The meta-analysis involved 1092 EH patients and 1152 controls. The pooled odds ratios (ORs) and their corresponding 95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated by a fixed or random effect model. RESULTS: A significant relationship between the TNFα G308A gene polymorphism and EH was found in an allelic genetic model (OR: 1.45, 95% CI: 1.17 to 1.80, P = 0.0008), a recessive genetic model (OR: 3.181, 95% CI: 1.204 to 8.408, P = 0.02), and a homozygote model (OR: 3.454, 95% CI: 1.286 to 9.278, P = 0.014). No significant association between them was detected in both a dominant genetic model (OR: 1.55, 95% CI: 0.99 to 2.42, P = 0.06) or a heterozygote genetic model (OR: 1.45, 95% CI: 0.90 to 2.33, P = 0.13). CONCLUSION: The TNFα G308A gene polymorphism is associated with EH susceptibility

    Study of Transplanted Adolescents with a Focus on Resilience

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    Transzplantált serdülők reziliencia fókuszú vizsgálata

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