248 research outputs found

    Microtubule-dependent Organization of Vaccinia Virus Core-derivd Early mRNAs into Distinct Cytoplasmic Structures.

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    Vaccinia virus (vv) early transcription can be reconstituted in vitro from purified virions; in this assay mRNAs are made inside the viral core and subsequently extruded. Although the in vitro process has been extensively characterized, relatively little is known about vv early transcription in vivo. In the present study the fate of vv early mRNAs in infected HeLa cells was followed by BrUTP transfection and confocal and electron microscopy. The extruded vv early mRNAs were found to be organized into unique granular cytoplasmic structures that reached a size up to 1 μm. By EM these structures appeared as amorphous electron-dense cytoplasmic aggregates that were surrounded by ribosomes. Confocal images showed that the RNA structures were located some distance away from intracellular cores and that both structures appeared to be aligned on microtubules (MTs), implying that MT tracks connected mRNAs and cores. Accordingly, intact MTs were found to be required for the typical punctate organization of viral mRNAs. Biochemical evidence supported the notion that vv mRNAs were MT associated and that MT depletion severely affected viral (but not cellular) mRNA synthesis and stability. By confocal microscopy the viral mRNA structures appeared to be surrounded by molecules of the translation machinery, showing that they were active in protein synthesis. Finally, our data suggest a role for a MT and RNA-binding viral protein of 25 kDa (gene L4R), in mRNA targeting away from intracellular cores to their sites of cytoplasmic accumulation

    Understanding national culture effects on user behavior in integrative IS implementations

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    AbstractThis study examines how national culture manifests itself in integrative IS implementations and how it influences user behavior. Adopting a case survey approach, a sample of 70 cases encompassing 18 countries/regions, 18 industries and over 25 different integrative IT systems resulted in 481 instances of national culture dimensions, manifestations and effects. These were analysed through the lens of Hofstede's five national culture dimensions. Three types of national culture manifestations were identified, namely trust and respect, management culture and conflict. Management style and implementation ownership were identified as effects of national culture on user resistance

    African swine fever virus assembles a single membrane derived from rupture of the endoplasmic reticulum

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    Collective evidence argues that two members of the nucleocytoplasmic large DNA viruses (NCLDVs) acquire their membrane from open membrane intermediates, postulated to be derived from membrane rupture. We now study membrane acquisition of the NCLDV African swine fever virus. By electron tomography (ET), the virion assembles a single bilayer, derived from open membrane precursors that collect as ribbons in the cytoplasm. Biochemically, lumenal endoplasmic reticulum (ER) proteins are released into the cytosol, arguing that the open intermediates are ruptured ER membranes. ET shows that viral capsid assembles on the convex side of the open viral membrane to shape it into an icosahedron. The viral capsid is composed of tiny spikes with a diameter of ∼5nm, connected to the membrane by a 6nm wide structure displaying thin striations, as observed by several complementary electron microscopy imaging methods. Immature particles display an opening that closes after uptake of the viral genome and core proteins, followed by the formation of the mature virion. Together with our previous data, this study shows a common principle of NCLDVs to build a single internal envelope from open membrane intermediates. Our data now provide biochemical evidence that these open intermediates result from rupture of a cellular membrane, the ER. © 2015 John WileyDeutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft personal grant KR2173 to Jacomine Krijnse Locker. German Andres is supported by the ‘Amarouto Program for senior scientists from the Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid’ and by grants BFU2009-08085 and AGL2013-48998-C2- 2-R from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y CompetitividadPeer Reviewe

    HIV-1 Buds Predominantly at the Plasma Membrane of Primary Human Macrophages

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    HIV-1 assembly and release are believed to occur at the plasma membrane in most host cells with the exception of primary macrophages, for which exclusive budding at late endosomes has been reported. Here, we applied a novel ultrastructural approach to assess HIV-1 budding in primary macrophages in an immunomarker-independent manner. Infected macrophages were fed with BSA-gold and stained with the membrane-impermeant dye ruthenium red to identify endosomes and the plasma membrane, respectively. Virus-filled vacuolar structures with a seemingly intracellular localization displayed intense staining with ruthenium red, but lacked endocytosed BSA-gold, defining them as plasma membrane. Moreover, HIV budding profiles were virtually excluded from gold-filled endosomes while frequently being detected on ruthenium red–positive membranes. The composition of cellular marker proteins incorporated into HIV-1 supported a plasma membrane–derived origin of the viral envelope. Thus, contrary to current opinion, the plasma membrane is the primary site of HIV-1 budding also in infected macrophages

    Three-dimensional architecture and biogenesis of membrane structures associated with hepatitis C virus replication

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    All positive strand RNA viruses are known to replicate their genomes in close association with intracellular membranes. In case of the hepatitis C virus (HCV), a member of the family Flaviviridae, infected cells contain accumulations of vesicles forming a membranous web (MW) that is thought to be the site of viral RNA replication. However, little is known about the biogenesis and three-dimensional structure of the MW. In this study we used a combination of immunofluorescence- and electron microscopy (EM)-based methods to analyze the membranous structures induced by HCV in infected cells. We found that the MW is derived primarily from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and contains markers of rough ER as well as markers of early and late endosomes, COP vesicles, mitochondria and lipid droplets (LDs). The main constituents of the MW are single and double membrane vesicles (DMVs). The latter predominate and the kinetic of their appearance correlates with kinetics of viral RNA replication. DMVs are induced primarily by NS5A whereas NS4B induces single membrane vesicles arguing that MW formation requires the concerted action of several HCV replicase proteins. Three-dimensional reconstructions identify DMVs as protrusions from the ER membrane into the cytosol, frequently connected to the ER membrane via a neck-like structure. In addition, late in infection multi-membrane vesicles become evident, presumably as a result of a stress-induced reaction. Thus, the morphology of the membranous rearrangements induced in HCV-infected cells resemble those of the unrelated picorna-, corona- and arteriviruses, but are clearly distinct from those of the closely related flaviviruses. These results reveal unexpected similarities between HCV and distantly related positive-strand RNA viruses presumably reflecting similarities in cellular pathways exploited by these viruses to establish their membranous replication factories

    Complex membrane remodeling during virion assembly of the 30,000 years-old Mollivirus sibericum

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    International audienceCellular membranes ensure functional compartmentalization by dynamic fusion-fission remodeling and are often targeted by viruses during entry, replication, assembly and egress. Nucleocytoplasmic large DNA viruses (NCLDVs) can recruit host-derived open membrane precursors to form their inner viral membrane. Using complementary 3D-electron microscopy techniques including focused-ion beam scanning electron microscopy and electron tomography, we show that the giant Mollivirus sibericum utilizes the same strategy but also displays unique features. Indeed, assembly is specifically triggered by an open cisterna with a flat pole in its center and open curling ends that grow by recruitment of vesicles, never reported for NCLDVs. These vesicles, abundant in the viral factory (VF), are initially closed but open once in close proximity to the open curling ends of the growing viral membrane. The flat pole appears to play a central role during the entire virus assembly process. While additional capsid layers are assembled from it, it also shapes the growing cisterna into immature crescent-like virions and is located opposite to the membrane elongation and closure sites, thereby providing virions with a polarity. In the VF, DNA-associated filaments are abundant and DNA is packed within virions, prior to particle closure. Altogether, our results highlight the complexity of the interaction between giant viruses and their host. Mollivirus assembly relies on the general strategy of vesicle recruitment, opening and shaping by capsid layers similar to all NCLDVs studied until now. However, the specific features of its assembly suggests that the molecular mechanisms for cellular membrane remodeling and persistence are unique.ImportanceSince the first giant virus Mimivirus was identified, other giant representatives are isolated regularly around the World and appear to be unique in several aspects. They belong to at least four viral families and the ways they interact with their hosts remain poorly understood. We focused on Mollivirus sibericum, the sole representative of "Molliviridae" which was isolated from a 30,000 years-old permafrost sample, and exhibits spherical virions of complex composition. In particular, we show that (i) assembly is initiated by a unique structure containing a flat pole positioned at the center of an open cisterna; (ii) core packing involves another cisterna-like element seemingly pushing core proteins into particles being assembled; (iii) specific filamentous structures contain the viral genome before packaging. Altogether, our findings increase our understanding on how complex giant viruses interact with their host and provide the foundation for future studies to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of Mollivirus assembly

    Whole Cell Cryo-Electron Tomography Reveals Distinct Disassembly Intermediates of Vaccinia Virus

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    At each round of infection, viruses fall apart to release their genome for replication, and then reassemble into stable particles within the same host cell. For most viruses, the structural details that underlie these disassembly and assembly reactions are poorly understood. Cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET), a unique method to investigate large and asymmetric structures at the near molecular resolution, was previously used to study the complex structure of vaccinia virus (VV). Here we study the disassembly of VV by cryo-ET on intact, rapidly frozen, mammalian cells, infected for up to 60 minutes. Binding to the cell surface induced distinct structural rearrangements of the core, such as a shape change, the rearrangement of its surface spikes and de-condensation of the viral DNA. We propose that the cell surface induced changes, in particular the decondensation of the viral genome, are a prerequisite for the subsequent release of the vaccinia DNA into the cytoplasm, which is followed by its cytoplasmic replication. Generally, this is the first study that employs whole cell cryo-ET to address structural details of pathogen-host cell interaction

    The palisade layer of the poxvirus core is composed of flexible A10 trimers

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    Due to its asymmetric shape, size and compactness, the structure of the infectious mature virus (MV) of vaccinia virus (VACV), the best-studied poxvirus, remains poorly understood. Instead, subviral particles, in particular membrane-free viral cores, have been studied with cryo-electron microscopy. Here, we compared viral cores obtained by detergent stripping of MVs with cores in the cellular cytoplasm, early in infection. We focused on the prominent palisade layer on the core surface, combining cryo-electron tomography, subtomogram averaging and AlphaFold2 structure prediction. We showed that the palisade is composed of densely packed trimers of the major core protein A10. Trimers display a random order and their classification indicates structural flexibility. A10 on cytoplasmic cores is organized in a similar manner, indicating that the structures obtained in vitro are physiologically relevant. We discuss our results in the context of the VACV replicative cycle, and the assembly and disassembly of the infectious MV