333 research outputs found

    Sentenza 238/2014 of the Italian Constitutional Court and the International Rule of Law

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    The German-Italian dispute over the scope of sovereign immunities and claims of reparations for war crimes committed by German armed forces during World War II in Italy is in many ways specific and historically contingent. At the same time, it touches upon a number of fundamental challenges which the international community has to address in the interest of furthering the international rule of law. In this working paper both authors adress the question whether the current law of sovereign immunities should be changed or interpreted in a manner as to allow for exceptions from State immunities in cases of grave violations of human rights. While the first part of the paper focusses on the perspective of general international law the second part adresses the question through the lense of European law. Both authors agree that unilateral efforts to push for what many consider a progressive development of international law actually may entail adverse effects for the international rule of law and thus may even contribute to a broader crisis of the international legal order

    Efflorescence of Ammonium Sulfate and Coated Ammonium Sulfate Particles: Evidence for Surface Nucleation

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    Using optical microscopy, we investigated the efflorescence of ammonium sulfate (AS) in aqueous AS and in aqueous 1:1 and 8:1 (by dry weight) poly(ethylene glycol)-400 (PEG-400)/AS particles deposited on a hydrophobically coated slide. Aqueous PEG-400/AS particles exposed to decreasing relative humidity (RH) exhibit a liquid−liquid phase separation below 90% RH with the PEG-400-rich phase surrounding the aqueous AS inner phase. Pure aqueous AS particles effloresced in the RH range from 36.3% to 43.7%, in agreement with literature data (31−48% RH). In contrast, aqueous 1:1 (by dry weight) PEG-400/AS particles with diameters of the AS phase from 7.2 to 19.2 μm effloresced between 26.8% and 33.9% RH and aqueous 8:1 (by dry weight) PEG-400/AS particles with diameters of the AS phase from 1.8 to 7.3 μm between 24.3% and 29.3% RH. Such low efflorescence relative humidity (ERH) values have never been reached before for AS particles of this size range. We show that these unprecedented low ERHs of AS in PEG-400/AS particles could not possibly be explained by the presence of low amounts of PEG-400 in the aqueous AS phase, by a potential inhibition of water evaporation via anomalously slow diffusion through the PEG coating, or by different time scales between various experimental techniques. High-speed photography of the efflorescence process allowed the development of the AS crystallization fronts within the particles to be monitored with millisecond time resolution. The nucleation sites were inferred from the initial crystal growth sites. Analysis of the probability distribution of initial sites of 31 and 19 efflorescence events for pure AS and 1:1 (by dry weight) PEG-400/AS particles, respectively, showed that the particle volume can be excluded as the preferred nucleation site in the case of pure AS particles. For aqueous 1:1 (by dry weight) PEG-400/AS particles preferential AS nucleation in the PEG phase and at the PEG/AS/substrate contact line can be excluded. On the basis of this probability analysis of efflorescence events together with the AS ERH values of pure aqueous AS and aqueous PEG-400/AS particles aforementioned, we suggest that in pure aqueous AS particles nucleation starts at the surface of the particles and attribute the lower ERH values observed for aqueous PEG-400/AS particles to the suppression of the surface-induced nucleation process. Our results suggest that surface-induced nucleation is likely to also occur during the efflorescence of atmospheric AS aerosol particles, possibly constituting the dominating nucleation pathway

    Experimental evidence for excess entropy discontinuities in glass-forming solutions

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    Glass transition temperatures T_g are investigated in aqueous binary and multi-component solutions consisting of citric acid, calcium nitrate (Ca(NO_3)_2), malonic acid, raffinose, and ammonium bisulfate (NH_4HSO_4) using a differential scanning calorimeter. Based on measured glass transition temperatures of binary aqueous mixtures and fitted binary coefficients, the T_g of multi-component systems can be predicted using mixing rules. However, the experimentally observed T_g in multi-component solutions show considerable deviations from two theoretical approaches considered. The deviations from these predictions are explained in terms of the molar excess mixing entropy difference between the supercooled liquid and glassy state at T_g. The multi-component mixtures involve contributions to these excess mixing entropies that the mixing rules do not take into account

    A Versatile Processing Chain for Experimental TanDEM-X Product Evaluation

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    TanDEM-X is a high-resolution interferometric mission with the main goal of providing a global digital elevation model (DEM) of the Earth surface by means of single-pass X-band SAR interferometry. It is, moreover, the first genuinely bistatic spaceborne SAR mission, and, independently of its usual quasi-monostatic configuration, includes many of the peculiarities of bistatic SAR. An experimental, versatile, and flexible interferometric chain has been developed at DLR Microwaves and Radar Institute for the scientific exploitation of TanDEM-X data acquired in non-standard configurations. The paper describes the structure of the processing chain and focusses on some essential aspects of its bistatic part

    Test of Time Dilation Using Stored Li+ Ions as Clocks at Relativistic Speed

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    We present the concluding result from an Ives-Stilwell-type time dilation experiment using 7Li+ ions confined at a velocity of beta = v/c = 0.338 in the storage ring ESR at Darmstadt. A Lambda-type three-level system within the hyperfine structure of the 7Li+ triplet S1-P2 line is driven by two laser beams aligned parallel and antiparallel relative to the ion beam. The lasers' Doppler shifted frequencies required for resonance are measured with an accuracy of < 4 ppb using optical-optical double resonance spectroscopy. This allows us to verify the Special Relativity relation between the time dilation factor gamma and the velocity beta to within 2.3 ppb at this velocity. The result, which is singled out by a high boost velocity beta, is also interpreted within Lorentz Invariance violating test theories

    Calcium Dynamics in Basal Dendrites of Layer 5A and 5B Pyramidal Neurons Is Tuned to the Cell-Type Specific Physiological Action Potential Discharge

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    Layer 5 (L5) is a major neocortical output layer containing L5A slender-tufted (L5A-st) and L5B thick-tufted (L5B-tt) pyramidal neurons. These neuron types differ in their in vivo firing patterns, connectivity and dendritic morphology amongst other features, reflecting their specific functional role within the neocortical circuits. Here, we asked whether the active properties of the basal dendrites that receive the great majority of synaptic inputs within L5 differ between these two pyramidal neuron classes. To quantify their active properties, we measured the efficacy with which action potential (AP) firing patterns backpropagate along the basal dendrites by measuring the accompanying calcium transients using two-photon laser scanning microscopy in rat somatosensory cortex slices. For these measurements we used both “artificial” three-AP patterns and more complex physiological AP patterns that were previously recorded in anesthetized rats in L5A-st and L5B-tt neurons in response to whisker stimulation. We show that AP patterns with relatively few APs (3APs) evoke a calcium response in L5B-tt, but not L5A-st, that is dependent on the temporal pattern of the three APs. With more complex in vivo recorded AP patterns, the average calcium response was similar in the proximal dendrites but with a decay along dendrites (measured up to 100 μm) of L5B-tt but not L5A-st neurons. Interestingly however, the whisker evoked AP patterns—although very different for the two cell types—evoke similar calcium responses. In conclusion, although the effectiveness with which different AP patterns evoke calcium transients vary between L5A-st and L5B-tt cell, the calcium influx appears to be tuned such that whisker-evoked calcium transients are within the same dynamic range for both cell types

    Intelligent vehicle diagnosis using variable test sequences

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag beschreibt ein System zur Diagnose elektrischer Systeme im Fahrzeug. Zur Ermittlung der Fehlerkandidaten kommt ein wahrscheinlichkeitsbasiertes Verfahren auf Basis von Bayes-Netzen zum Einsatz. Ausgehend von den Fehlerkandidaten werden automatisch Prüfanweisungen zur Eingrenzung der Fehlerursache generiert und zu einer Sequenz kombiniert, die eine kosten- und zeitoptimale Fehlersuche ermöglicht. Eine Besonderheit der eingesetzten Verfahren ist, dass sie ohne vorher erstelltes Expertenwissen (wie es bei heutigen Systemen üblich ist) auskommen. Im Beitrag wird gezeigt, wie das Diagnosesystem fahrzeugindividuelle und variantenspezifische Informationen automatisch berücksichtigen kann und dadurch in der Lage ist, exaktere Diagnosen und präzisere Prüfanweisungen ausgeben zu können, als dies heute möglich ist.This article introduces a system for the diagnosis of electrical systems in vehicles. The system utilizes probability based detection of failure causes based on Bayesian Networks. Test steps for concluding to the failure cause are generated automatically for each failure candidate. These test steps will then be combined to a sequence leading to a cost and time optimal failure search. The specialty of the utilized methods is that they are independent of manually built expert knowledge bases like it is utilized in nowadays systems. This article shows how the diagnosis system can take information about the individual vehicle and its specific variant into account. Thus the system is able to deliver a more exact diagnosis and more precise test steps than nowadays systems do

    Cloning and characterization of an adenoviral vector for highly efficient and doxycycline – suppressible expression of bioactive human single – chain interleukin 12 in colon cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Interleukin-12 (IL-12) is well characterized to induce cellular antitumoral immunity by activation of NK-cells and T-lymphocytes. However, systemic administration of recombinant human IL-12 resulted in severe toxicity without perceptible therapeutic benefit. Even though intratumoral expression of IL-12 leads to tumor regression and long-term survival in a variety of animal models, clinical trials have not yet shown a significant therapeutic benefit. One major obstacle in the treatment with IL-12 is to overcome the relatively low expression of the therapeutic gene without compromising the safety of such an approach. Our objective was to generate an adenoviral vector system enabling the regulated expression of very high levels of bioactive, human IL-12. RESULTS: High gene expression was obtained utilizing the VP16 herpes simplex transactivator. Strong regulation of gene expression was realized by fusion of the VP16 to a tetracycline repressor with binding of the fusion protein to a flanking tetracycline operator and further enhanced by auto-regulated expression of its fusion gene within a bicistronic promoter construct. Infection of human colon cancer cells (HT29) at a multiplicity of infection (m.o.i.) of 10 resulted in the production of up to 8000 ng/10(6 )cells in 48 h, thus exceeding any published vector system so far. Doxycycline concentrations as low as 30 ng/ml resulted in up to 5000-fold suppression, enabling significant reduction of gene expression in a possible clinical setting. Bioactivity of the human single-chain IL-12 was similar to purified human heterodimeric IL-12. Frozen sections of human colon cancer showed high expression of the coxsackie adenovirus receptor with significant production of human single chain IL-12 in colon cancer biopsies after infection with 3*10(7 )p.f.u. Ad.3r-scIL12. Doxycycline mediated suppression of gene expression was up to 9000-fold in the infected colon cancer tissue. CONCLUSION: VP16 transactivator-mediated and doxycycline-regulated expression of the human interleukin-12 gene enables highly efficient and tightly controlled cytokine expression in human cancer. These data illustrate the potential of the described adenoviral vector system for the safe and superior expression of therapeutic genes in the treatment of colorectal cancer and other malignancies