15 research outputs found

    Spatial Distribution of Lightning Strikes to Ground During Small Thunderstorms in Florida

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    The spatial patterns of the strike points produced by cloud-to-ground lightning under three small thunderstorms have been analyzed to determine the area flash density as a function of radius from the storm center, the distribution of the nearest-neighbor distances, and the distribution of the horizontal distances between successive flashes. The storm average flash densities range from about 0.8 to 1.6 Fl/km squared, and the average lightning fluxes range from 0.03 to 0.05 Fl/km squared/min. The mean nearest-neighbor distances are about 0.7 km and smaller, but are still in good agreement with a theory that assumes an infinite and uniform flash density. The mean distance between successive flashes ranges from 3.2 to 4.2 km, and a sizable fraction of this variation could be due to channel geometry

    The spatial variations of lightning during small Florida thunderstorms

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    Networks of field mills (FM's) and lightning direction finders (LDF's) were used to locate lightning over the NASA KSC on three storm days. Over 90 percent of all cloud-to-ground (CG) flashes that were detected by the LDF's in the study area were also detected by the LDF's. About 17 percent of the FM CG events could be fitted to either a monopole or a dipole charge model. These projected FM charge locations are compared to LDF locations, i.e., the ground strike points. It was found that 95 percent of the LDF points are within 12 km of the FM charge, 75 percent are within 8 km, and 50 percent are within 4 km. For a storm on 22 Jul. 1988, there was a systematic 5.6 km shift between the FM charge centers and the LDF strike points that might have been caused by the meteorological structure of the storm

    Comparison of the KSC-ER Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Surveillance System (CGLSS) and the U.S. National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN)

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    The NASA Kennedy Space Center (KSC) and Air Force Eastern Range (ER) are located in a region of Florida that experiences the highest area density of lightning strikes to ground in the United States, with values approaching 16 fl/km 2/yr when accumulated in 10x10 km (100 sq km) grids (see Figure 1). Consequently, the KSC-ER use data derived from two cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning detection networks to detect hazardous weather, the "Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Surveillance System" (CGLSS) that is owned and operated by the Air Force and the U.S. National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN) that is owned and operated by Vaisala, Inc. These systems are used to provide lightning warnings for ground operations and to insure mission safety during space launches at the KSC-ER. In order to protect the rocket and shuttle fleets, NASA and the Air Force follow a set of lightning safety guidelines that are called the Lightning Launch Commit Criteria (LLCC). These rules are designed to insure that vehicles are not exposed to the hazards of natural or triggered lightning that would in any way jeopardize a mission or cause harm to the shuttle astronauts. Also, if any CG lightning strikes too close to a vehicle on a launch pad, it can cause time-consuming mission delays due to the extensive retests that are often required for vehicles and/or payloads when this occurs. If any CG lightning strike is missed or mis-located by even a small amount, the result could have significant safety implications, require expensive retests, or create unnecessary delays or scrubs in launches. Therefore, it is important to understand the performance of each lightning detection system in considerable detail

    Comparison of the KSC-ER Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Surveillance System (CGLSS) and the U.S. National Lightning Detection Network(TradeMark)(NLDN)

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    The NASA Kennedy Space Center (KSC) and Air Force Eastern Range (ER) use data from two cloud-to-ground lightning detection networks, CGLSS and NLDN, during ground and launch operations at the KSC-ER. For these applications, it is very important to understand the location accuracy and detection efficiency of each network near the KSC-ER. If a cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning strike is missed or mis-located by even a small amount, the result could have significant safety implications, require expensive retests, or create unnecessary delays or scrubs in launches. Therefore, it is important to understand the performance of each lightning detection system in considerable detail. To evaluate recent upgrades in the CGLSS sensors in 2000 and the entire NLDN in 2002- 2003, we have compared. measurements provided by these independent networks in the summers of 2005 and 2006. Our analyses have focused on the fraction of first strokes reported individually and in-common by each network (flash detection efficiency), the spatial separation between the strike points reported by both networks (relative location accuracy), and the values of the estimated peak current, Ip, reported by each network. The results within 100 km of the KSC-ER show that the networks produce very similar values of Ip (except for a small scaling difference) and that the relative location accuracy is consistent with model estimates that give median values of 200-300m for the CGLSS and 600-700m for the NLDN in the region of the KSC-ER. Because of differences in the network geometries and sensor gains, the NLDN does not report 10-20% of the flashes that have a low Ip (2 kA =0 kA)

    Small Negative Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Reports at the KSC-ER

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    '1he NASA Kennedy Space Center (KSC) and Air Force Eastern Range (ER) use data from two cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning detection networks, the CGLSS and the NLDN, and a volumetric lightning mapping array, LDAR, to monitor and characterize lightning that is potentially hazardous to ground or launch operations. Data obtained from these systems during June-August 2006 have been examined to check the classification of small, negative CGLSS reports that have an estimated peak current, [I(sup p)] less than 7 kA, and to determine the smallest values of I(sup p), that are produced by first strokes, by subsequent strokes that create a new ground contact (NGC), and by subsequent strokes that remain in a pre-existing channel (PEC). The results show that within 20 km of the KSC-ER, 21% of the low-amplitude negative CGLSS reports were produced by first strokes, with a minimum I(sup p) of-2.9 kA; 31% were by NGCs, with a minimum I(sup p) of-2.0 kA; and 14% were by PECs, with a minimum I(sup p) of -2.2 kA. The remaining 34% were produced by cloud pulses or lightning events that we were not able to classify

    Lightning Charge Retrievals: Dimensional Reduction, LDAR Constraints, and a First Comparison w/ LIS Satellite Data

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    A "dimensional reduction" (DR) method is introduced for analyzing lightning field changes whereby the number of unknowns in a discrete two-charge model is reduced from the standard eight to just four. The four unknowns are found by performing a numerical minimization of a chi-squared goodness-of-fit function. At each step of the minimization, an Overdetermined Fixed Matrix (OFM) method is used to immediately retrieve the best "residual source". In this way, all 8 parameters are found, yet a numerical search of only 4 parameters is required. The inversion method is applied to the understanding of lightning charge retrievals. The accuracy of the DR method has been assessed by comparing retrievals with data provided by the Lightning Detection And Ranging (LDAR) instrument. Because lightning effectively deposits charge within thundercloud charge centers and because LDAR traces the geometrical development of the lightning channel with high precision, the LDAR data provides an ideal constraint for finding the best model charge solutions. In particular, LDAR data can be used to help determine both the horizontal and vertical positions of the model charges, thereby eliminating dipole ambiguities. The results of the LDAR-constrained charge retrieval method have been compared to the locations of optical pulses/flash locations detected by the Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS)

    Rationales for the Lightning Flight-Commit Criteria

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    Since natural and artificially-initiated (or "triggered") lightning are demonstrated hazards to the launch of space vehicles, the American space program has responded by establishing a set of Lightning Flight Commit Criteria (LFCC), also known as Lightning Launch Commit Criteria (LLCC), and associated Definitions to mitigate the risk. The LLCC apply to all Federal Government ranges and similar LFCC have been adopted by the Federal Aviation Administration for application at state-operated and private spaceports. The LLCC and Definitions have been developed, reviewed, and approved over the years of the American space program, progressing from relatively simple rules in the mid-twentieth century (that were inadequate) to a complex suite for launch operations in the early 21st century. During this evolutionary process, a "Lightning Advisory Panel (LAP)" of top American scientists in the field of atmospheric electricity was established to guide it. Details of this process are provided in a companion document entitled "A History of the Lightning Launch Commit Criteria and the Lightning Advisory Panel for America s Space program" which is available as NASA Special Publication 2010-216283. As new knowledge and additional operational experience have been gained, the LFCC/LLCC have been updated to preserve or increase their safety and to increase launch availability. All launches of both manned and unmanned vehicles at all Federal Government ranges now use the same rules. This simplifies their application and minimizes the cost of the weather infrastructure to support them. Vehicle operators and Range safety personnel have requested that the LAP provide a detailed written rationale for each of the LFCC so that they may better understand and appreciate the scientific and operational justifications for them. This document provides the requested rationale

    High-speed video observations of positive ground flashes produced by intracloud lightning

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    High-speed video recordings of two lightning flashes confirm that positive cloud-to-ground (CG) strokes can be produced by extensive horizontal intracloud (IC) discharges within and near the cloud base. These recordings constitute the first observations of CG leaders emanating from IC discharges of either polarity. In one case, the discharge began with a negative leader that propagated horizontally, went upward and produced an IC discharge. After the beginning of the IC discharge, a positive leader emanated from the lowest portion of the IC discharge, and initiated a positive return stroke. In the other case, the IC discharge began with a positive leader and then initiated a downward-propagating positive leader that contained recoil processes and produced a bright return stroke followed by a long continuing luminosity. These observations help to understand the complex genesis of positive CG flashes, why IC lightning commonly precedes them and why extensive horizontal channels are often involved. Citation: Saba, M. M. F., L. Z. S. Campos, E. P. Krider, and O. Pinto Jr. (2009), High-speed video observations of positive ground flashes produced by intracloud lightning, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L12811, doi: 10.1029/2009GL038791.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient铆fico e Tecnol贸gico (CNPq)Funda莽茫o de Amparo 脿 Pesquisa do Estado de S茫o Paulo (FAPESP