4 research outputs found

    Morphological and agronomic characteristics of domestic varieties of chilli pepper

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    Obzirom na tradiciju uzgoja, dobru prilagodbu okolišnim uvjetima te zadovoljavajuću kvalitetu i prinos, na Sortnoj listi Republike Hrvatske kao čuvane sorte uvrštene su tri domaće sorte feferona, 'Feferon žuti ljuti', 'Feferon crveni ljuti' i 'Feferon zeleni blagi'. Analiza morfoloških i gospodarskih svojstva prema standardnim deskriptorima za rod Capsicum pokazatelj je sličnosti i različitosti između sorti koji može doprinijeti njihovoj popularizaciji. Domaće sorte feferona uspoređene su s hibridnom sortom 'Yanka' u istraživanju provedenom na pokušalištu Visokog gospodarskog učilišta u Križevcima tijekom proljetno-ljetnog razdoblja 2016. godine. Sorte se razlikuju u većini promatranih morfoloških svojstava i svim gospodarskim svojstvima. Sorta 'Yanka' ima 31 do 46 % veći prinos u odnosu na domaće sorte među kojima je najveći prinos ostvarila sorta 'Feferon zeleni blagi', a najmanji sorta 'Feferon žuti ljuti'. Sorta 'Yanka' ima najmanji udio suhe tvari perikarpa (13,5 %) i najmanji odnos mase svježeg i suhog ploda (1,1:1), dok su najveće vrijednosti ovih svojstava zabilježene kod sorte 'Feferon crveni ljuti' (26,2 %), odnosno, sorte 'Feferon zeleni blagi' (2,7:1).Considering to tradition of cultivation, good adaptation to environmental conditions and satisfactory quality and yield, three domestic varieties of chilli pepper, 'Feferon žuti ljuti', 'Feferon crveni ljuti' i 'Feferon zeleni blagi' were listed on the List of Varieties of the Republic of Croatia as conservation varieties. The analysis of morphological and agronomic characteristics according to standard descriptors for the genus Capsicum is an indicator of the similarities and differences between varieties that can contribute to their popularization. Domestic varieties of chilli pepper were compared with the hybrid variety 'Yanka' in a research conducted at trial field of the Križevci College of Agriculture during the spring-summer period of 2016. The varieties differ in most observed morphological properties and all agronomic properties. The hybrid variety 'Yanka' has a 31 to 46% higher yield than domestic varieties, among which the highest yield has the variety 'Feferon zeleni blagi', and the smallest variety 'Feferon žuti ljuti'. The variety 'Yanka' has the lowest proportion of pericarp dry matter (13.5 %) and the lowest ratio of fresh and dried fruit mass (1.1:1), while the highest values of these parameters had variety 'Feferon crveni ljuti' (26.18%) and variety 'Feferon zeleni blagi' (2.7:1), respectively

    Morphological and agronomic characteristics of domestic varieties of chilli pepper

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    Obzirom na tradiciju uzgoja, dobru prilagodbu okolišnim uvjetima te zadovoljavajuću kvalitetu i prinos, na Sortnoj listi Republike Hrvatske kao čuvane sorte uvrštene su tri domaće sorte feferona, 'Feferon žuti ljuti', 'Feferon crveni ljuti' i 'Feferon zeleni blagi'. Analiza morfoloških i gospodarskih svojstva prema standardnim deskriptorima za rod Capsicum pokazatelj je sličnosti i različitosti između sorti koji može doprinijeti njihovoj popularizaciji. Domaće sorte feferona uspoređene su s hibridnom sortom 'Yanka' u istraživanju provedenom na pokušalištu Visokog gospodarskog učilišta u Križevcima tijekom proljetno-ljetnog razdoblja 2016. godine. Sorte se razlikuju u većini promatranih morfoloških svojstava i svim gospodarskim svojstvima. Sorta 'Yanka' ima 31 do 46 % veći prinos u odnosu na domaće sorte među kojima je najveći prinos ostvarila sorta 'Feferon zeleni blagi', a najmanji sorta 'Feferon žuti ljuti'. Sorta 'Yanka' ima najmanji udio suhe tvari perikarpa (13,5 %) i najmanji odnos mase svježeg i suhog ploda (1,1:1), dok su najveće vrijednosti ovih svojstava zabilježene kod sorte 'Feferon crveni ljuti' (26,2 %), odnosno, sorte 'Feferon zeleni blagi' (2,7:1).Considering to tradition of cultivation, good adaptation to environmental conditions and satisfactory quality and yield, three domestic varieties of chilli pepper, 'Feferon žuti ljuti', 'Feferon crveni ljuti' i 'Feferon zeleni blagi' were listed on the List of Varieties of the Republic of Croatia as conservation varieties. The analysis of morphological and agronomic characteristics according to standard descriptors for the genus Capsicum is an indicator of the similarities and differences between varieties that can contribute to their popularization. Domestic varieties of chilli pepper were compared with the hybrid variety 'Yanka' in a research conducted at trial field of the Križevci College of Agriculture during the spring-summer period of 2016. The varieties differ in most observed morphological properties and all agronomic properties. The hybrid variety 'Yanka' has a 31 to 46% higher yield than domestic varieties, among which the highest yield has the variety 'Feferon zeleni blagi', and the smallest variety 'Feferon žuti ljuti'. The variety 'Yanka' has the lowest proportion of pericarp dry matter (13.5 %) and the lowest ratio of fresh and dried fruit mass (1.1:1), while the highest values of these parameters had variety 'Feferon crveni ljuti' (26.18%) and variety 'Feferon zeleni blagi' (2.7:1), respectively

    Influence of temperature on germination of seed of grain legumes

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    Kvaliteta sjemena od presudnog je značaja za poljoprivrednu proizvodnju. Osnovni pokazatelji kvalitete sjemena su vlaga, masa 1000 sjemenki, čistoća, energija klijanja, klijavost i zdravstveno stanje. Energija klijanja i klijavost sjemena ispituju se prema točno propisanoj metodici ovisno o biljnoj vrsti. Za svaku biljnu vrstu propisana je podloga za naklijavanje, temperatura u procesu klijanja, broj dana potrebnih za očitavanje energije i klijavosti sjemena., te predtretman ako se radi o sjemenu koje ima izraženo svojstvo dormantnosti. Temperature ispitivanja klijavosti prilagođene su optimalnim temperaturama u vrijeme sjetve određene biljne vrste, no posljednjih godina zbog klimatskih prilika često se dogodi da su temperature u vrijeme sjetve zrnatih mahunarki osjetno niže u odnosu na višegodišnji prosjek. Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi utjecaj različitih temperatura na energiju klijanja i klijavost sjemena zrnatih mahunarki. Ispitivanje energije klijanja i klijavosti sjemena graška (Pisum sativum L.), stočnog graška jarog i ozimog (Pisum arvense L.), graha zrnaša visokog i niskog (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), graha mahunara visokog i niskog (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), boba (Vicia faba L.) i soje (Glycine max L.) provedeno je standardnom metodom u pijesku na tri temperature 15 °C, 20 °C i 25 °C. Propisana temperatura ispitivanja klijavosti kod svih vrsta je 25 °C, osim kod boba i graška 20 °C. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je klijavost sjemena na temperaturi od 15 °C niska kod svih ispitivanih vrsta, osim kod boba i ozimog stočnog graška, dok je energija klijanja sjemena graha zrnaša, graha mahunara i soje 0 %. Temperatura od 20 °C negativno je utjecala na energiju klijanja i klijavost sjemena graha zrnaša, graha mahunara i jarog stočnog graška, dok je kod boba, ozimog stočnog graška i soje utjecaj temperature bio pozitivan na oba pokazatelja kvalitete sjemena. Sjeme graška, jarog stočnog graška, graha zrnaša i graha mahunara imalo je najvišu energiju klijanja i klijavost na temperaturi od 25 °C. Niske temperature u vrijeme nicanja mogu izazvati značajne štete na usjevima zrnatih mahunarki jer je kod većine vrsta energija klijanja 0 %, a klijavost sjemena vrlo niska.Seed quality is crucial for agricultural production. The basic indicators of seed quality are moisture, weight of 1000 seeds, purity, germination energy, germination and health. Germination energy and seed germination are tested according to a precisely prescribed methodology depending on the plant species. For each plant species, the substrate for germination is prescribed, the temperature in the process of germination, the number of days required to read the energy and germination of seeds, and pre-treatment if the seed has a pronounced dormant property. Germination testing temperatures are adjusted to optimal temperatures at the time of sowing a particular plant species, but in recent years due to climatic conditions it often happens that temperatures at the time when grain legumes are sown are significantly lower than the multi-year average. The aim of the research is to determine the influence of different temperatures on germination energy and germination of grain legume seeds. Testing of germination energy and germination of seeds of peas, fodder peas (spring and winter), grain beans (high and low), green beans (high and low), broad beans and soybeans was performed by the standard method in sand at three temperatures 15 °C, 20 °C and 25 °C. The prescribed germination testing temperature for all species is 25 °C, except for broad beans which is 20 °C. Research results show that seed germination at a temperature of 15 ° C is low in all tested species, except for spring peas and broad beans, while the germination energy of grain bean seeds, green beans and soybeans is 0%. The temperature of 20 °C had a negative effect on the germination energy and germination of seeds of grain beans, green beans and spring fodder peas, while in broad beans, winter fodder peas and soybeans the effect of temperature was positive on both seed quality indicators. Seeds of peas, grain beans and green beans had the highest germination energy and germination at a temperature o f 25 ° C. Low t temperatures a t t he time of germination can cause significant damage to grain legume crops because in most species the germination energy is 0% and the germination of seeds is very low

    Morphological and agronomic characteristics of domestic varieties of chilli pepper

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    Obzirom na tradiciju uzgoja, dobru prilagodbu okolišnim uvjetima te zadovoljavajuću kvalitetu i prinos, na Sortnoj listi Republike Hrvatske kao čuvane sorte uvrštene su tri domaće sorte feferona, 'Feferon žuti ljuti', 'Feferon crveni ljuti' i 'Feferon zeleni blagi'. Analiza morfoloških i gospodarskih svojstva prema standardnim deskriptorima za rod Capsicum pokazatelj je sličnosti i različitosti između sorti koji može doprinijeti njihovoj popularizaciji. Domaće sorte feferona uspoređene su s hibridnom sortom 'Yanka' u istraživanju provedenom na pokušalištu Visokog gospodarskog učilišta u Križevcima tijekom proljetno-ljetnog razdoblja 2016. godine. Sorte se razlikuju u većini promatranih morfoloških svojstava i svim gospodarskim svojstvima. Sorta 'Yanka' ima 31 do 46 % veći prinos u odnosu na domaće sorte među kojima je najveći prinos ostvarila sorta 'Feferon zeleni blagi', a najmanji sorta 'Feferon žuti ljuti'. Sorta 'Yanka' ima najmanji udio suhe tvari perikarpa (13,5 %) i najmanji odnos mase svježeg i suhog ploda (1,1:1), dok su najveće vrijednosti ovih svojstava zabilježene kod sorte 'Feferon crveni ljuti' (26,2 %), odnosno, sorte 'Feferon zeleni blagi' (2,7:1).Considering to tradition of cultivation, good adaptation to environmental conditions and satisfactory quality and yield, three domestic varieties of chilli pepper, 'Feferon žuti ljuti', 'Feferon crveni ljuti' i 'Feferon zeleni blagi' were listed on the List of Varieties of the Republic of Croatia as conservation varieties. The analysis of morphological and agronomic characteristics according to standard descriptors for the genus Capsicum is an indicator of the similarities and differences between varieties that can contribute to their popularization. Domestic varieties of chilli pepper were compared with the hybrid variety 'Yanka' in a research conducted at trial field of the Križevci College of Agriculture during the spring-summer period of 2016. The varieties differ in most observed morphological properties and all agronomic properties. The hybrid variety 'Yanka' has a 31 to 46% higher yield than domestic varieties, among which the highest yield has the variety 'Feferon zeleni blagi', and the smallest variety 'Feferon žuti ljuti'. The variety 'Yanka' has the lowest proportion of pericarp dry matter (13.5 %) and the lowest ratio of fresh and dried fruit mass (1.1:1), while the highest values of these parameters had variety 'Feferon crveni ljuti' (26.18%) and variety 'Feferon zeleni blagi' (2.7:1), respectively