331 research outputs found

    The Association Between the Bared-Teeth Display and Social Dominance in Captive Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)

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    Humans use smiles — widely observed emotional expressions — in a variety of social situations, of which the meaning varies depending on social relationship and the context in which it is displayed. The homologue of the human smile in non-human primates — both due to morphological and functional similarities — is the bared-teeth display (BT). According to the power asymmetry hypothesis (PAH), species with strict linear dominance hierarchies are predicted to produce distinct communicative signals to avoid escalations of social conflicts. Hence, while the BT in a despotic species is predicted to be expressed from low- to high-ranking individuals, signaling submission, the BT in a tolerant species is predicted to be expressed in multiple contexts, regardless of rank. We tested this hypothesis in a group of 8 captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), a species commonly characterized as rather despotic. An investigation of 11,774 dyadic social interactions revealed this chimpanzee group to have a linear dominance hierarchy, with moderate steepness. A Bayesian GLMM — used to test the effects of social contexts and rank relationships of dyads on the use of the BT display — indicated multi-contextual use of the BT which is contingent on the rank relationship. We also found that slight morphological and/or acoustic variants (i.e., silent bared-teeth and vocalized bared-teeth) of the BT display may have different communicative meanings. Our findings are in line with the prediction derived from the PAH for a moderately despotic species, and the view that the human smile originated from the primate BT display

    Off-axis electron holography of magnetic nanostructures: magnetic behavior of Mn rich nanoprecipitates in (Mn,Ga)As system

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    The Lorentz off-axis electron holography technique is applied to study the magnetic nature of Mn rich nanoprecipitates in (Mn,Ga)As system. The effectiveness of this technique is demonstrated in detection of the magnetic field even for small nanocrystals having an average size down to 20 nm.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Актуальні питання правового забезпечення соціального захисту військовослужбовців

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    Крет, Ю. М. Актуальні питання правового забезпечення соціального захисту військовослужбовців / Юлія Миколаївна Крет // Сучасні проблеми правового, економічного та соціального розвитку держави : тези доп. ХІ Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Вінниця, 9 груд. 2022 р.) / МВС України, Харків. нац. ун-т внутр. справ, Наук. парк «Наука та безпека». – Вінниця, 2022. – С. 225-226.Відзначено, що соціальний захист військовослужбовців складається з системи соціальних гарантій, що повинна враховувати систему загальнообов’язкового державного соціального страхування та своєрідну систему соціального захисту військових, що знаходяться в особливо небезпечних умовах. Шляхи удосконалення отримання соціальних благ та послуг залежать від визначення джерел їх фінансування, реформування організаційних умов їх надання( інституціональна складова) та правових підстав їх визначення.It was noted that the social protection of military personnel consists of a system of social guarantees, which should take into account the system of mandatory state social insurance and a peculiar system of social protection of military personnel who are in particularly dangerous conditions. Ways of improving the receipt of social benefits and services depend on determining the sources of their financing, reforming the organizational conditions for their provision (institutional component) and the legal basis for their determination.Отмечено, что социальная защита военнослужащих состоит из системы социальных гарантий, которая должна учитывать систему общеобязательного государственного социального страхования и своеобразную систему социальной защиты находящихся в особо опасных условиях военных. Пути совершенствования получения социальных благ и услуг зависят от определения источников финансирования, реформирования организационных условий их предоставления (институциональная составляющая) и правовых оснований их определения

    Gender bias in the allocation of student grants

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    People that score high on psychopathic traits are less likely to yawn contagiously

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    Considerable variation exists in the contagiousness of yawning, and numerous studies have been conducted to investigate the proximate mechanisms involved in this response. Yet, findings within the psychological literature are mixed, with many studies conducted on relatively small and homogeneous samples. Here, we aimed to replicate and extend upon research suggesting a negative relationship between psychopathic traits and yawn contagion in community samples. In the largest study of contagious yawning to date (N = 458), which included both university students and community members from across 50 nationalities, participants completed an online study in which they self-reported on their yawn contagion to a video stimulus and completed four measures of psychopathy: the primary and secondary psychopathy scales from the Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale (LSRPS), the psychopathy construct from the Dirty Dozen, and the Psychopathic Personality Traits Scale (PPTS). Results support previous findings in that participants that yawned contagiously tended to score lower on the combined and primary measures of psychopathy. That said, tiredness was the strongest predictor across all models. These findings align with functional accounts of spontaneous and contagious yawning and a generalized impairment in overall patterns of behavioral contagion and biobehavioral synchrony among people high in psychopathic traits

    All that meets the eye: the contribution of reward processing and pupil mimicry on pupillary reactions to facial trustworthiness

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    The present work investigates pupillary reactions induced by exposure to faces with different levels of trustworthiness. Participants' (N = 69) pupillary changes were recorded while they viewed white male faces with a neutral expression varying on facial trustworthiness. Results suggest that reward processing and pupil mimicry are relevant mechanisms driving participants' pupil reactions. However, when including both factors in one statistical model, pupil mimicry seems to be a stronger predictor than reward processing of participants' pupil dilation. Results are discussed in light of pupillometry evidence.Action Contro