43 research outputs found

    Reactive Control Improvisation

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    Reactive synthesis is a paradigm for automatically building correct-by-construction systems that interact with an unknown or adversarial environment. We study how to do reactive synthesis when part of the specification of the system is that its behavior should be random. Randomness can be useful, for example, in a network protocol fuzz tester whose output should be varied, or a planner for a surveillance robot whose route should be unpredictable. However, existing reactive synthesis techniques do not provide a way to ensure random behavior while maintaining functional correctness. Towards this end, we generalize the recently-proposed framework of control improvisation (CI) to add reactivity. The resulting framework of reactive control improvisation provides a natural way to integrate a randomness requirement with the usual functional specifications of reactive synthesis over a finite window. We theoretically characterize when such problems are realizable, and give a general method for solving them. For specifications given by reachability or safety games or by deterministic finite automata, our method yields a polynomial-time synthesis algorithm. For various other types of specifications including temporal logic formulas, we obtain a polynomial-space algorithm and prove matching PSPACE-hardness results. We show that all of these randomized variants of reactive synthesis are no harder in a complexity-theoretic sense than their non-randomized counterparts.Comment: 25 pages. Full version of a CAV 2018 pape

    A SAT-Based Encoding of the One-Pass and Tree-Shaped Tableau System for LTL

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    A new one-pass and tree-shaped tableau system for LTL sat- isfiability checking has been recently proposed, where each branch can be explored independently from others and, furthermore, directly cor- responds to a potential model of the formula. Despite its simplicity, it proved itself to be effective in practice. In this paper, we provide a SAT-based encoding of such a tableau system, based on the technique of bounded satisfiability checking. Starting with a single-node tableau, i.e., depth k of the tree-shaped tableau equal to zero, we proceed in an incremental fashion. At each iteration, the tableau rules are encoded in a Boolean formula, representing all branches of the tableau up to the current depth k. A typical downside of such bounded techniques is the effort needed to understand when to stop incrementing the bound, to guarantee the completeness of the procedure. In contrast, termination and completeness of the proposed algorithm is guaranteed without com- puting any upper bound to the length of candidate models, thanks to the Boolean encoding of the PRUNE rule of the original tableau system. We conclude the paper by describing a tool that implements our procedure, and comparing its performance with other state-of-the-art LTL solvers

    Petri Net Plans A framework for collaboration and coordination in multi-robot systems

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    Programming the behavior of multi-robot systems is a challenging task which has a key role in developing effective systems in many application domains. In this paper, we present Petri Net Plans (PNPs), a language based on Petri Nets (PNs), which allows for intuitive and effective robot and multi-robot behavior design. PNPs are very expressive and support a rich set of features that are critical to develop robotic applications, including sensing, interrupts and concurrency. As a central feature, PNPs allow for a formal analysis of plans based on standard PN tools. Moreover, PNPs are suitable for modeling multi-robot systems and the developed behaviors can be executed in a distributed setting, while preserving the properties of the modeled system. PNPs have been deployed in several robotic platforms in different application domains. In this paper, we report three case studies, which address complex single robot plans, coordination and collaboration

    Synthesis for robots: guarantees and feedback for robot behavior

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    Robot control for tasks such as moving around obstacles or grasping objects has advanced significantly in the last few decades. However, controlling robots to perform complex tasks is still accomplished largely by highly trained programmers in a manual, time-consuming, and error-prone process that is typically validated only through extensive testing. Formal methods are mathematical techniques for reasoning about systems, their requirements, and their guarantees. Formal synthesis for robotics refers to frameworks for specifying tasks in a mathematically precise language and automatically transforming these specifications into correct-by-construction robot controllers or into a proof that the task cannot be done. Synthesis allows users to reason about the task specification rather than its implementation, reduces implementation error, and provides behavioral guarantees for the resulting controller. This article reviews the current state of formal synthesis for robotics and surveys the landscape of abstractions, specifications, and synthesis algorithms that enable it

    Synthesis for robots: guarantees and feedback for robot behavior

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    Robot control for tasks such as moving around obstacles or grasping objects has advanced significantly in the last few decades. However, controlling robots to perform complex tasks is still accomplished largely by highly trained programmers in a manual, time-consuming, and error-prone process that is typically validated only through extensive testing. Formal methods are mathematical techniques for reasoning about systems, their requirements, and their guarantees. Formal synthesis for robotics refers to frameworks for specifying tasks in a mathematically precise language and automatically transforming these specifications into correct-by-construction robot controllers or into a proof that the task cannot be done. Synthesis allows users to reason about the task specification rather than its implementation, reduces implementation error, and provides behavioral guarantees for the resulting controller. This article reviews the current state of formal synthesis for robotics and surveys the landscape of abstractions, specifications, and synthesis algorithms that enable it

    Learning to Parse Natural Language Commands to a Robot Control System

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    Iterative temporal planning in uncertain environments with partial satisfaction guarantees

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    This paper introduces a motion-planning framework for a hybrid system with general continuous dynamics to satisfy a temporal logic specification consisting of cosafety and safety components in a partially unknown environment. The framework employs a multilayered synergistic planner to generate trajectories that satisfy the specification and adopt an iterative replanning strategy to deal with unknown obstacles. When the discovery of an obstacle renders the specification unsatisfiable, a division between the constraints in the specification is considered. The cosafety component of the specification is treated as a soft constraint, whose partial satisfaction is allowed, while the safety component is viewed as a hard constraint, whose violation is forbidden. To partially satisfy the cosafety component, inspirations are taken from indoor-robotic scenarios, and three types of (unexpressed) restrictions on the ordering of subtasks in the specification are considered. For each type, a partial satisfaction method is introduced, which guarantees the generation of trajectories that do not violate the safety constraints while attending to partially satisfying the cosafety requirements with respect to the chosen restriction type. The efficacy of the framework is illustrated through case studies on a hybrid car-like robot in an office environment

    Synthesis for Human-in-the-Loop Control Systems

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