1,770 research outputs found

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    A wireless interface for the Pitote tube

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    A pitot tube is a pressure measurement instrument used to measure fluid flow velocity. Most often, pitot tubes are used to determine the speed of aircraft and boats. Before launching a new aircraft design for use in both private and commercial aviation, it must be shown the correct airspeed data is communicated regardless of airflow disruptions. This is achieved through calibration of the pitot tubes. In this dissertation, we focus on developing a wireless interface to achieve a faster and improved data transmission without fuselage alteration. For this purpose, an embedded system was designed. It integrates the STM32F4-Discovery development environment and the ALPHA-TRX433S high performance radio modules. In essence, data is collected and wirelessly transmitted for display

    A wireless interface for the Pitote tube

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    A pitot tube is a pressure measurement instrument used to measure fluid flow velocity. Most often, pitot tubes are used to determine the speed of aircraft and boats. Before launching a new aircraft design for use in both private and commercial aviation, it must be shown the correct airspeed data is communicated regardless of airflow disruptions. This is achieved through calibration of the pitot tubes. In this dissertation, we focus on developing a wireless interface to achieve a faster and improved data transmission without fuselage alteration. For this purpose, an embedded system was designed. It integrates the STM32F4-Discovery development environment and the ALPHA-TRX433S high performance radio modules. In essence, data is collected and wirelessly transmitted for display

    Identifying circles on digital images

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    Identifying circles on digital images is one of the problems that occur in the perception of objects when processing different images/videos. Solutions are used in many procedures, such as analysis of X-ray images, recognition of circular objects in various videos, robot vision, ... Identification process takes place from image acquisition to final results that we have obtained with the program. The steps in-between are preparing pictures, drawing objects, various object detection, high-level processing and others. This thesis focuses on algorithms that allow us to fit circles based on specified points by using least-squares method. We present some of the most common approaches, among which we are looking for the most flexible, resilient, quick and simple solutions. All algorithms are analysed, tested and explained with code examples. Based on the presented tests we can choose an algorithm that is best suited for our program

    Identifying circles on digital images

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    Identifying circles on digital images is one of the problems that occur in the perception of objects when processing different images/videos. Solutions are used in many procedures, such as analysis of X-ray images, recognition of circular objects in various videos, robot vision, ... Identification process takes place from image acquisition to final results that we have obtained with the program. The steps in-between are preparing pictures, drawing objects, various object detection, high-level processing and others. This thesis focuses on algorithms that allow us to fit circles based on specified points by using least-squares method. We present some of the most common approaches, among which we are looking for the most flexible, resilient, quick and simple solutions. All algorithms are analysed, tested and explained with code examples. Based on the presented tests we can choose an algorithm that is best suited for our program

    The role of NCAM signaling and its effector protein, [beta]1-integrin, in tumor progression

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    Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule (NCAM) is a member of the large family of Ca2+independent, immunoglobulin (Ig)-like cell adhesion molecules. So far, its function in homophilic and heterophilic interactions has been mainly studied in neuronal cells, where it is implicated in processes such as neurite outgrowth, axon guidance and pathfinding. Apart form its action as a cell adhesion molecule, NCAM contributes to these processes by acting as a modulator of fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) signaling. NCAM is also expressed in a number of non-neuronal tissues and changes in NCAM expression levels have been correlated with increased malignancy in various tumors. In the Rip1Tag2 mouse model of multistage tumorigenesis, deletion of NCAM expression results in the induction of tissue disaggregation, increased lymphangiogenesis and the formation of metastases. Comparison of cell lines derived from NCAM-expressing and NCAM-deficient tumors showed that NCAM binds to FGFR and thereby activates it, triggering signaling cascades that eventually lead to the activation of β 1-integrin, resulting in the promotion of cell-matrix adhesion. However, it has remained elusive how NCAM loss leads to the induction of lymphangiogenesis and whether the impaired cell matrix adhesion of NCAM-deficient cell lines accounted for the tissue disaggregation and metastasis formation observed in vivo. This study investigates NCAM function on several cellular levels. In in vitro coexpression studies NCAM complex formation properties on the cell surface were investigated, showing that NCAM can bind to several growth factor receptors containing Ig domains in their extracellular parts. Studies focusing on the cytoplasmic events and molecular players downstream of the NCAM/FGFR complex formation, revealed a novel, inhibiting function of NCAM in modulating RTK signaling. Finally, in an in vivo approach, the role of β1-integrin, a target protein of NCAM signaling, in tumor progression was analyzed by interfering with β1-integrin expression in the Rip1Tag2 tumor model. These studies demonstrated that the induction of lymphangiogenesis in NCAM-deficient tumors was not due to the loss of β1-integrin function and therefore employed an alternative pathway. Yet, loss of β1-integrin induced tumor cell dissemination but not metastasis formation. Instead, a novel function of β1-integrin in tumor progression was identified. Upon deletion of β1-integrin, tumor size was decreased, potentially through the induction of senescence in β1-integrin-deficient cells. Taken together, this study has identified novel NCAM-binding proteins and provides insights into NCAM signaling on the molecular level as well as in an in vivo context. Furthermore, a so far unrecognized role of β1-integrin in preventing senescence has been revealed


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    Evaluation of the interactive multimedia business simulation SPACE (Simulating Project Auditing and Controlling Excellence)

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    This report presents the evaluation of the computer-based simulation SPACE – Simulating Project Auditing & Controlling Excellence – which is an interactive multiedia business simulation developed in partnership by Andersen Consulting and Siemens AG. The aims of SPACE are fostering self-directed learning and the acquisition of applicable knowledge in the economic domain regarding construction and solution projects of US GAAP. The evaluation was conducted in cooperation with the Institute of Educational Psychology at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich. The aim of the evaluation was to compare the effectiveness of SPACE with a traditional classroom instruction. Therefore, a problem-based transfer task was designed which assessed learning gains with respect to applicable knowledge in the following areas: (1) strategic knowledge and problem-solving skills, that means selection of appropriate information and strategies to solve a realistic business problem, (2) basic skills to calculate POC and (3) conceptual knowledge, i.e. an understanding of principles and interconnections of concepts in the domain. 38 students of business administration participated in the evaluation. 19 students learned eight hours with SPACE, the other 19 students received a traditional classroom instruction lasting also eight hours in the same subject area of US GAAP. Results show that SPACE was significantly better with regard to strategic knowledge and applying problem solving skills. In other words, the study showed that SPACE is superior to classroom instruction in this area of knowledge acquisition and application. In the other areas of basic skills to calculate POC and conceptional knowledge, differences were not significant between the classroom instruction and SPACE. When SPACE is employed under realistic conditions, i.e. in business, it can be assumed that SPACE is even more superior to classroom instruction.Das computerbasierte Lernprogramm SPACE (Simulating Project Auditing & Controlling Excellence), eine interaktive, multimediale Simulationssoftware, wurde von Anderson Consulting und der Siemens AG entwickelt. SPACE zielt auf die Förderung selbstgesteuerten Lernens und die Vermittlung anwendbaren Wissens. Das Simulationsprogramm behandelt inhaltlich die Kalkulation von Projektdaten auf Basis von US GAAP. Die hier berichtete Evaluationsstudie hatte zum Ziel, die Effektivität von SPACE im Vergleich zu einem traditionellen Klassenzimmerunterricht festzustellen. Mit einer problemorientierten Transferaufgabe wurden folgende Dimensionen erfasst: (1) Strategisches Wissen und Problemlösefertigkeiten (hierbei ging es um die Selektion relevanter Informationen und Strategien in Bezug auf eine realistische Problemstellung), (2) Basisfertigkeiten zur Berechnung von POC und (3) konzeptionelles Wissen im Sinne eines Verständnisses von Prinzipien und Zusammenhängen innerhalb des behandelten Inhaltsgebietes. An der Studie nahmen 38 Studenten der Betriebswirtschaftslehre teil. 19 Studenten lernten in einem Zeitraum von acht Stunden mit SPACE, die anderen 19 Teilnehmer nahmen an einem achtstündigen Klassenzimmerunterricht zum selben Inhaltsbereich teil. Hinsichtlich der Dimension "Strategiewissen und Problemlösefertigkeiten" schnitten diejenigen Studenten signifikant besser ab, die mit SPACE lernten. Das Simulationsprogramm zeigte sich somit in Bezug auf diese Dimension der Wissensanwendung dem traditionellen Klassenzimmerunterricht überlegen. In den Dimensionen "Berechnung von POC" und "Konzeptionelles Wissen" ergaben sich keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Untersuchungsgruppen. Es ist anzunehmen, dass SPACE dem traditionellem Unterricht deutlicher überlegen ist, wenn das Lernprogramm unter realistischeren Bedingungen, d.h. in Betrieben, eingesetzt wird

    Cyclic Behavior of a Hybrid Light Gauge and HSS Mezzanine Structural System

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    Cold-formed steel is emerging as an alternative material in the building industry to hot-rolled steel for smaller buildings and indoor structures also called mezzanines. Cyclic testing of a full-scale mezzanine structures composed of cold-formed structural channel beams connected to hollow structural steel (HSS) columns cap plates using wedge expansion anchors at the base plate to generate rotation restraint, is performed in this research. The characteristics of the structure will be explained by displaying full experimental results of structural testing. Unfortunately, limited experimental data outlining the behavior of these structures is available and design criteria is very limited. Thus, there is a need to conduct reliable experimental tests to understand fundamental behavioral mechanisms for migration into effective design criteria. A full analysis to produce moment-rotations curves at the column base plate will be used to study their structural behavior. Loads are imposed using cyclic lateral displacements. HSS base plate connection behavior is not fully understood and makes use of fixed base HSS columns in seismic regions difficult to quantify. Hysteretic models of the entire structure will be presented for further research of nonlinear response of frame structures

    Isotopic study of oxygen diffusion in oxide coatings

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    Diffusion of oxygen in thin films of silicon dioxide was studied using oxygen isotopically enriched in oxygen of atomic mass 18 (O-18). This subject is of interest because thin films of dielectrics such as SiO2 are proposed for use as a protective coatings for solar mirrors in low Earth orbit, which is a strongly oxidizing environment. Films of this material were prepared with a direct current magnetron using reactive sputtering techniques. To produce (O-18)- enriched SiO2, a standard 3.5-in.-diameter silicon wafer was reactively sputtered using (O-18)-enriched (95 percent) oxygen as the plasma feed gas. The films were characterized using Rutherford backscattering and Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer (SIMS) to establish stoichiometry and purity. Subsequently, the films were exposed to an air-derived oxygen plasma in a standard laboratory plasma reactor for durations of up to 10 hr. The concentration ratio of O-16 as a function of depth was determined using SIMS profiling and compared to a baseline, nonplasma exposed sample. A value for the diffusivity of oxygen near the surface of these films was obtained and found to be about 10(-15)sq cm/sec