312 research outputs found

    A autoridade competente para determinar buscas e apreensões em perspectiva comparada: pela necessidade de controle judicial

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    Searches are an example of investigative actions aimed at the discovery of evidence, and failures in conducting them lawfully and reasonably have a direct impact on the admissibility of evidence during a trial. But searches by their nature also significantly interfere with the rights of the individual, which makes them a coercive tool that can very easily deprive a person of their privacy and dignity. For that reason, provisions concerning search must be shaped in a way that will reconcile the effectiveness of the investigation with adequate protection against unlawful searches. One such safeguard is the question of the authority empowered to order searches that will successfully safeguard the rights of the individual. While it is a rule in some countries (e.g. USA and Germany) that the issuing of search warrants remains exclusively in the hands of the judge, some countries (e.g. Poland and Italy) vest that power in the hands of the prosecutor. However, since the majority of searches are conducted without a warrant, it is necessary to analyze in parallel whether the warrantless searches should be left solely to the discretion of the executing authority or whether they should be placed under the more careful scrutiny of another authority. This will be done with the aim of identifying solutions that provide the best protection for a person against unreasonable and disproportionate searches. Buscas e apreensões são exemplos de meios de investigação dirigidos à descoberta de elementos probatórios, e irregularidades na sua condução de modo legal e razoável acarretam impacto direto na admissibilidade da prova durante o juízo. Contudo, buscas e apreensões por sua natureza também refletem significativamente em intervenções nos direitos individuais, caracterizando tais medidas como coercitivas e com risco de violações à privacidade e à dignidade da pessoa. Por esse motivo, a regulamentação das buscas e apreensões deve se dar de um modo compatível com a necessidade de efetividade das investigações e com uma proteção adequada contra atos abusivos. Uma dessas garantias é determinada pela definição da autoridade competente para ordenar as buscas e apreensões e a sua capacidade de proteger os direitos individuais. Enquanto é uma regra em alguns países (ex. EUA e Alemanha) que a expedição de um mandado de busca e apreensão somente pode ser determinada pelo juízo, em outros (ex. Polônia e Itália) isso pode ser feito pelo Ministério Público. Entretanto, como a maioria das buscas e apreensões são realizadas sem mandado, é necessário analisar em paralelo se medidas sem mandado deveriam ser relegadas à discricionariedade da autoridade executante ou se deveriam ser submetidas a rigoroso controle por outra autoridade. Isso será feito com o objetivo de identificar soluções para assegurar a melhor proteção à pessoa contra buscas e apreensões abusivas e desproporcionais.Â

    The quanto theory of exchange rates

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    We present a new, theoretically motivated, forecasting variable for exchange rates that is based on the prices of quanto index contracts, and show via panel regressions that the quanto forecast variable is a statistically and economically significant predictor of currency appreciation and of excess returns on currency trades. We also test the quanto variable's ability to forecast differential currency appreciation out of sample, and find that it outperforms predictions based on uncovered interest parity, on purchasing power parity, and on a random walk

    The quanto theory of exchange rates

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    We present a new, theoretically motivated, forecasting variable for exchange rates that is based on the prices of quanto index contracts, and show via panel regressions that the quanto forecast variable is a statistically and economically significant predictor of currency appreciation and of excess returns on currency trades. We also test the quanto variable's ability to forecast differential currency appreciation out of sample, and find that it outperforms predictions based on uncovered interest parity, on purchasing power parity, and on a random walk

    Essays on foreign exchange risk

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    This dissertation consists of three chapters examining three different dimensions of foreign exchange risk. In chapter one, I deal with currency redenomination risk in the Eurozone, that is, the risk that euros held in a particular Eurozone country are converted into a new national currency once the country leaves the currency union. This conversion exposes holders of euro-denominated assets in that country to foreign exchange risk. I extract empirical measures of redenomination risk from asset prices and show that redenomination risk in France and Italy spikes around plebiscites in 2017 and 2018. French redenomination risk is associated with redenomination risk in other Eurozone countries, while Italian redenomination risk does not co-move with similar risks in other countries. These results are consistent with the interpretation that a French|unlike an Italian|exit from the Eurozone is associated with a Eurozone break-up. Chapter two is conjoint work with Ian Martin. We present a new identity that relates expected exchange rate appreciation to the currency's (risk-neutral) covariance with equity markets, and use it to motivate a currency forecasting variable based on the prices of quanto index contracts. We show via panel regressions that the quanto forecast variable is an economically and statistically significant predictor of currency appreciation and of excess returns on currency trades. Out of sample, the quanto variable outperforms predictions based on uncovered interest parity, on purchasing power parity, and on a random walk as a forecaster of differential (dollar-neutral) currency appreciation. In the third chapter, as in chapter two, I examine the exposures of different currencies to equity market risk. In contrast to the second chapter, chapter three analyses the link between risk exposures and speculative trading patterns, rather than measuring conditional risk exposures to forecast returns. I find, in a post-crisis sample, that currencies are more positively correlated with equity market returns, when hedge funds are long the currency future and vice versa for short positions

    The Model of Disciplinary Proceedings Against Prosecutors – Selected Issues

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    Creation of the English-language versions of the articles published in the „Białostockie Studia Prawnicze” [Białystok Legal Studies] funded under the contract no. 548/P-DUN/2016 and 548/1/P-DUN/2016 from resources of the Minister of Science and Higher Education dedicated to the popularisation of science.The article discusses possible models of disciplinary proceedings against prosecutors in Poland. In the first, the so-called “corporate” model, disciplinary commissions of both instances are composed only of prosecutors. In the second, the so-called “mixed” model, in the first instance the disciplinary commission, composed only of prosecutors, delivers a judgment and the appeal goes to the court. The last model introduces single disciplinary proceedings for judges, prosecutors, advocates, legal advisors and notaries. In this model cases are heard by courts with the right to appeal the judgment to the Supreme Court. The article seeks to answer the question which model is best adjusted to disciplinary proceedings against prosecutors in [email protected] Kremens – Ph.D. in law, lecturer at the Department of Criminal Procedure, Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics at the University of Wroclaw. Formerly a Fulbright scholar at the UConn Law School (USA) and a McDougall scholar at the University of Ottawa (Canada). In 2009-2012 worked as a prosecutor at the District Prosecutor Office for Wroclaw – Krzyki Zachod. Since 2011 a practising advocate. Participant in national and international research projects, author of studies on international and comparative criminal proceedings, particularly Anglo-Saxon, as well as those concerning organisation of the prosecutor’s office and discretionary powers of the prosecutor.University of WrocławBojańczyk A., Opinia do projektu ustawy o postępowaniu dyscyplinarnym wobec osób wykonujących niektóre zawody prawnicze (druk sejmowy nr 970) z dnia 14 sierpnia 2007 r.Bojańczyk A., W sprawie dwóch rozwiązań procesowych projektu ustawy o nowym ustroju dyscyplinarnym niektórych zawodów prawniczych, “Palestra” 2007, No. 9-10.Czarnecki P., Postępowanie dyscyplinarne wobec osób wykonujących prawnicze zawody zaufania publicznego, Warszawa 2013.Demendecki T., (in:) J. Bodio, G. Borkowski, T. Demendecki, Ustrój organów ochrony prawnej. Część szczegółowa, Warszawa 2013.Kardas P., Rola i miejsce prokuratury w systemie organów demokratycznego państwa prawnego. Kilka uwag o przesłankach determinujących założenia projektu ustawy o prokuraturze, “Prokuratura i Prawo” 2012, No. 9.Keenan D., Cooper D.J., Leibowitz D., Lerer T., The Myth of Prosecutorial Accountability After Connick v. Thompson: Why Existing Professional Responsibility Measures Cannot Protect Against Prosecutorial Misconduct, The Yale Law Journal Online 2011, No. 121.Kozielewicz W., Odpowiedzialność dyscyplinarna sędziów, prokuratorów, adwokatów, radców prawnych i notariuszy, Warszawa 2012.Kremens K., Jawność prokuratorskich postępowań dyscyplinarnych, “Prokuratura i Prawo” 2015, No. 5.Kremens K., Odpowiedzialność zawodowa prokuratorów, Warszawa 2010.Marchwicki W., Adwokackie postępowania dyscyplinarne – postrzeganie w opinii publicznej oraz propozycje zmian, (in:) A. Bodnar, P. Kubaszewski (eds.), Postępowania dyscyplinarne w wolnych zawodach prawniczych, Warszawa 2013.Świeczkowski K.K., Postępowanie dyscyplinarne wobec osób wykonujących zawody prawnicze, “Prokurator” 2006, No. 3.Winczorek P., Stawecki T., Opinia prawna w sprawie zgodności z Konstytucją RP projektu ustawy o postępowaniu dyscyplinarnym wobec osób wykonujących niektóre zawody prawnicze z dnia 7 marca 2006 r.Wright R.F., Miller M.L., The Worldwide Accountability Deficit for Prosecutors, “Washington & Lee Law Review” 2010, vol. 9, No. 4.221 en334

    Autonomous Field-Deployable Wildland Fire Sensors

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    An Autonomous Fire Detector (AFD) is a miniature electronic package combining position location capability [using the Global Positioning System (GPS)], communications (packet or voice-synthesized radio), and fire detection capability (thermal, gas, smoke detector) into an inexpensive, deployable package. The AFD can report fire-related parameters, like temperature, carbon monoxide concentration, or smoke levels via a radio link to firefighters located on the ground. These systems are designed to be inserted into the fire by spotter planes at a fire site or positioned by firefighters already on the ground. AFDs can also be used as early warning devices near critical assets in the urban–wildland interface. AFDs can now be made with commercial off-the-shelf components. Using modern micro-electronics, an AFD can operate for the duration of even the longest fire (weeks) using a simple dry battery pack, and can be designed to have a transmitting range of up to several kilometers with current low power radio communication technology. A receiver to capture the data stream from the AFD can be made as light, inexpensive and portable as the AFD itself. Inexpensive portable repeaters can be used to extend the range of the AFD and to coordinate many probes into an autonomous fire monitoring network

    The quanto theory of exchange rates

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    We present a new identity that relates expected exchange rate appreciation to a risk-neutral covariance term, and use it to motivate a currency forecasting variable based on the prices of quanto index contracts. We show via panel regressions that the quanto forecast variable is an economically and statistically significant predictor of currency appreciation and of excess returns on currency trades. Out of sample, the quanto variable outperforms predictions based on uncovered interest parity, on purchasing power parity, and on a random walk as a forecaster of differential (dollar-neutral) currency appreciation

    Editorial of dossier “Admissibility of evidence in criminal process. Between the establishment of the truth, human rights and the efficiency of proceedings” = Editorial do dossiê “Admissibilidade da prova no processo penal: entre a busca pela verdade, os direitos humanos e a eficiência do procedimento”

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    - DOI: https://doi.org/10.22197/rbdpp.v7i1.537Analisa como as regras sobre admissibilidade de provas garantem a verificação exata dos fatos como uma condição para a aplicação correta do direito penal material e para o funcionamento adequado do sistema de justiça criminal na sociedade. Destaca que a busca por um equilíbrio justo entre a luta efetiva contra o crime e o respeito pelos direitos individuais constantemente permanece no centro de discussões acaloradas

    Prevalence of Dyskinesia and OFF by 30-Minute Intervals Through the Day and Assessment of Daily Episodes of Dyskinesia and OFF: Novel Analyses of Diary Data from Gocovri Pivotal Trials.

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    BACKGROUND: Parkinson\u27s disease (PD) patients using levodopa commonly develop dyskinesia and OFF episodes that reduce quality of life. OBJECTIVE: Evaluate prevalence of troublesome dyskinesia and OFF through the day, assessed by 30-minute intervals, as well as the mean number and duration of troublesome dyskinesia and OFF episodes, transitions between PD states, and effects of Gocovri® (amantadine) extended release capsules on these episodes. METHODS: Evaluate diary data from pooled Gocovri phase 3, placebo-controlled trials-analyzed for 17 hours following wake-up-at baseline and week 12. RESULTS: Diaries were evaluable for 162 patients. At baseline, 67% of patients woke up OFF, with prevalence decreasing to 13% at 2 hours and then remaining relatively steady at ∼12% (range, 6-17%) across half-hour intervals thereafter. Troublesome dyskinesia prevalence rose steadily from 5% to 24% over the first 2 hours, then fluctuated between 20% and 44% through the rest of the waking day. At baseline, patients experienced a mean of 3.0 daily episodes of troublesome dyskinesia (average duration 2.0 hours each), and 2.2 daily episodes of OFF (average duration 1.1 hour each). At week 12, Gocovri-treated patients showed greater reductions than placebo in troublesome dyskinesia and OFF episodes per day (treatment difference: -1.0 episodes and -0.4 episodes, respectively) and average episode duration (treatment difference: -0.6 hours and -0.3 hours, respectively). Mean duration of individual episodes of ON without troublesome dyskinesia (Good ON) increased by 5.0 hours for Gocovri, compared with 2.0 hours for placebo. Patients taking Gocovri experienced 2.2 fewer transitions between states than patients taking placebo. CONCLUSIONS: Troublesome dyskinesia and OFF occurred in the morning and throughout the waking day. Gocovri-treated patients experienced fewer, shorter episodes of both troublesome dyskinesia and OFF, thereby increasing the duration of continuous Good ON episodes and reducing the frequency of transitions between motor states