73 research outputs found

    Celično-biološki mehanizmi delovanja amnijske membrane proti raku in možnosti za njeno uporabo pri zdravljenju raka

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    Izhodišče: Osnovna naloga amnijske membrane je zaščita ploda pred zunanjimi mehanskimi vplivi in izsušitvijo ter zagotavljanje primernega okolja za njegov razvoj. Razumevanje zgradbe in delovanja amnijske membrane je pomembno za njeno klinično uporabo, še posebej v regenerativni medicini. V prispevku opisujemo številne, za regenerativno medicino zelo zaželene mehanske in biološke lastnosti amnijske membrane ter predstavljamo njene protirakave lastnosti. Zaključek: Študije na modelih in vitro kot tudi študije na živalskih modelih dokazujejo, da amnijska membrana zavira proliferacijo rakavih celic in sproža njihovo apoptozo, deluje imunozaviralno, zavira energijsko presnovo rakavih celic in angiogenezo. Delo podaja pregled najnovejših spoznanj o protirakavem delovanju amnijske membrane in vrednoti njeno potencialno uporabo v zdravljenju raka in regenerativni medicini

    Comparative lipidomic study of urothelial cancer models: association with urothelial cancer cell invasiveness

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    A joint NMR/LC-MS approach allows to establish significant differences in the lipidoma of invasive urothelial carcinoma cells (T24) with respect to noninvasive urothelial cells (RT4)

    Amnijska membrana kot biološki nosilec, njena priprava in uporaba v regenerativni medicini v Sloveniji

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    Izhodišča: Amnijska membrana (AM) je notranja stran posteljice, ki obdaja in ščiti zarodek. AM je večplastna struktura, ki je sestavljena iz amnijskih epitelijskih celic, amnijskih mezenhimskih stromalnih celic, bazalne lamine in vezivnega tkiva. Iz njene zgradbe izhajajo tudi lastnosti AM, zaradi katerih se že vrsto let uporablja v terapevtske namene, predvsem v oftalmologiji, saj pospešuje epitelizacijo, deluje kot substrat za celice, zmanjšuje fibrozo in neovaskularizacijo tkiva ter deluje protimikrobno. Zaradi mehanskih lastnosti AM, ki so posledica predvsem molekul zunajceličnega matriksa bazalne lamine in vezivnega tkiva, se AM v zadnjih letih vedno pogosteje uporablja tudi kot biološki nosilec v regenerativni medicini.   Zaključki: Regenerativna medicina je interdisciplinarno področje raziskav in kliničnih aplikacij, ki uporablja načela bioloških in inženirskih znanosti za razvoj živih tkivnih ali organskih nadomestkov. V regenerativni medicini ločimo tri pristope: 1) vsaditev funkcionalnih celic, med drugim tudi matičnih celic, v poškodovano ali okvarjeno tkivo, 2) uporaba različnih sintetičnih materialov ali materialov naravnega izvora, ki pomagajo pri ponovnem oblikovanju poškodovanega ali okvarjenega tkiva in 3) tkivno inženirstvo, tj. uporaba ustreznih nosilcev, ki spodbujajo rast tkivno specifičnih celic in oblikovanje novega tkiva. V prispevku predstavljamo tudi uporabo amnijske membrane kot biološkega nosilca v regenerativni medicini v Sloveniji

    Human amniotic membrane inhibits migration and invasion of muscle-invasive bladder cancer urothelial cells by downregulating the FAK/PI3K/Akt/mTOR signalling pathway

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    Bladder cancer is the 10th most commonly diagnosed cancer with the highest lifetime treatment costs. The human amniotic membrane (hAM) is the innermost foetal membrane that possesses a wide range of biological properties, including anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and anticancer properties. Despite the growing number of studies, the mechanisms associated with the anticancer effects of human amniotic membrane (hAM) are poorly understood. Here, we reported that hAM preparations (homogenate and extract) inhibited the expression of the epithelial–mesenchymal transition markers N-cadherin and MMP-2 in bladder cancer urothelial cells in a dose-dependent manner, while increasing the secretion of TIMP-2. Moreover, hAM homogenate exerted its antimigratory effect by downregulating the expression of FAK and proteins involved in actin cytoskeleton reorganisation, such as cortactin and small RhoGTPases. In muscle-invasive cancer urothelial cells, hAM homogenate downregulated the PI3K/Akt/mTOR signalling pathway, the key cascade involved in promoting bladder cancer. By using normal, non-invasive papilloma and muscle-invasive cancer urothelial models, new perspectives on the anticancer effects of hAM have emerged. The results identify new sites for therapeutic intervention and are prompt encouragement for ongoing anticancer drug development studies

    Detrimental Effect of Various Preparations of the Human Amniotic Membrane Homogenate on the 2D and 3D Bladder Cancer In vitro Models

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    Despite being among the ten most common cancers with high recurrence rates worldwide, there have been no major breakthroughs in the standard treatment options for bladder cancer in recent years. The use of a human amniotic membrane (hAM) to treat cancer is one of the promising ideas that have emerged in recent years. This study aimed to investigate the anticancer activity of hAM homogenate on 2D and 3D cancer models. We evaluated the effects of hAM homogenates on the human muscle invasive bladder cancer urothelial (T24) cells, papillary cancer urothelial (RT4) cells and normal porcine urothelial (NPU) cells as well as on human mammary gland non-tumorigenic (MCF10a) cells and low-metastatic breast cancer (MCF7) cells. After 24 h, we observed a gradual detachment of cancerous cells from the culture surface, while the hAM homogenate did not affect the normal cells. The most pronounced effect hAM homogenate had on bladder cancer cells; however, the potency of their detachment was dependent on the treatment protocol and the preparation of hAM homogenate. We demonstrated that hAM homogenate significantly decreased the adhesion, growth, and proliferation of human bladder invasive and papillary cancer urothelial cells and did not affect normal urothelial cells even in 7-day treatment. By using light and electron microscopy we showed that hAM homogenate disrupted the architecture of 2D and 3D bladder cancer models. The information provided by our study highlights the detrimental effect of hAM homogenate on bladder cancer cells and strengthens the idea of the potential clinical application of hAM for bladder cancer treatment

    Freeze-Fracture Replica Immunolabelling Reveals Urothelial Plaques in Cultured Urothelial Cells

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    The primary function of the urothelium is to provide the tightest and most impermeable barrier in the body, i.e. the blood-urine barrier. Urothelial plaques are formed and inserted into the apical plasma membrane during advanced stages of urothelial cell differentiation. Currently, it is supposed that differentiation with the final formation of urothelial plaques is hindered in cultured urothelial cells. With the aid of the high-resolution imaging technique of freeze-fracture replica immunolabelling, we here provide evidence that urothelial cells in vitro form uroplakin-positive urothelial plaques, localized in fusiform-shaped vesicles and apical plasma membranes. With the establishment of such an in vitro model of urothelial cells with fully developed urothelial plaques and functional properties equivalent to normal bladder urothelium, new perspectives have emerged which challenge prevailing concepts of apical plasma membrane biogenesis and blood-urine barrier development. This may hopefully provide a timely impulse for many ongoing studies and open up new questions for future research

    Morphological alterations of T24 cells on flat and nanotubular TiO2 surfaces

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    Aim To investigate morphological alterations of malignant cancer cells (T24) of urothelial origin seeded on flat titanium (Ti) and nanotubular titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanostructures. Methods Using anodization method, TiO2 surfaces composed of vertically aligned nanotubes of 50-100 nm diameters were produced. The flat Ti surface was used as a reference. The alteration in the morphology of cancer cells was evaluated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). A computational model, based on the theory of membrane elasticity, was constructed to shed light on the biophysical mechanisms responsible for the observed changes in the contact area of adhesion. Results Large diameter TiO2 nanotubes exhibited a significantly smaller contact area of adhesion (P < 0.0001) and had more membrane protrusions (eg, microvilli and intercellular membrane nanotubes) than on flat Ti surface. Numerical membrane dynamics simulations revealed that the low adhesion energy per unit area would hinder the cell spreading on the large diameter TiO2 nanotubular surface, thus explaining the small contact area. Conclusion The reduction in the cell contact area in the case of large diameter TiO2 nanotube surface, which does not enable formation of the large enough number of the focal adhesion points, prevents spreading of urothelial cells

    The Cells and Extracellular Matrix of Human Amniotic Membrane Hinder the Growth and Invasive Potential of Bladder Urothelial Cancer Cells

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    Bladder cancer is one of the most common cancers among men in industrialized countries and on the global level incidence and mortality rates are increasing. In spite of progress in surgical treatment and chemotherapy, the prognosis remains poor for patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancer. Therefore, there is a great need for the development of novel therapeutic approaches. The human amniotic membrane (hAM) is a multi-layered membrane that comprises the innermost part of the placenta. It has unique properties that make it suitable for clinical use, such as the ability to promote wound healing and decrease scarring, low immunogenicity, and immunomodulatory, antimicrobial and anticancer properties. This study aimed to investigate the effect of (i) hAM-derived cells and (ii) hAM scaffolds on the growth dynamics, proliferation rate, and invasive potential of muscle-invasive bladder cancer T24 cells. Our results show that 24 and 48 h of co-culturing T24 cells with hAM-derived cells (at 1:1 and 1:4 ratios) diminished the proliferation rate of T24 cells. Furthermore, when seeded on hAM scaffolds, namely (1) epithelium of hAM (e-hAM), (2) basal lamina of hAM (denuded; d-hAM), and (3) stroma of hAM (s-hAM), the growth dynamic of T24 cells was altered and proliferation was reduced, even more so by the e-hAM scaffolds. Importantly, despite their muscle-invasive potential, the T24 cells did not disrupt the basal lamina of hAM scaffolds. Furthermore, we observed a decrease in the expression of epithelialmesenchymal transition (EMT) markers N-cadherin, Snail and Slug in T24 cells grown on hAM scaffolds and individual T24 cells even expressed epithelial markers E-cadherin and occludin. Our study brings new knowledge on basic mechanisms of hAM affecting bladder carcinogenesis and the results serve as a good foundation for further research into the potential of hAM-derived cells and the hAM extracellular matrix to serve as a novel bladder cancer treatment

    Methods and criteria for validating the multimodal functions of perinatal derivatives when used in oncological and antimicrobial applications

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    Perinatal derivatives or PnDs refer to tissues, cells and secretomes from perinatal, or birth-associated tissues. In the past 2 decades PnDs have been highly investigated for their multimodal mechanisms of action that have been exploited in various disease settings, including in different cancers and infections. Indeed, there is growing evidence that PnDs possess anticancer and antimicrobial activities, but an urgent issue that needs to be addressed is the reproducible evaluation of efficacy, both in vitro and in vivo. Herein we present the most commonly used functional assays for the assessment of antitumor and antimicrobial properties of PnDs, and we discuss their advantages and disadvantages in assessing the functionality. This review is part of a quadrinomial series on functional assays for the validation of PnDs spanning biological functions such as immunomodulation, anticancer and antimicrobial, wound healing, and regeneration

    Perinatal derivatives: How to best characterize their multimodal functions in vitro. Part C: Inflammation, angiogenesis, and wound healing

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    Perinatal derivatives (PnD) are birth-associated tissues, such as placenta, umbilical cord, amniotic and chorionic membrane, and thereof-derived cells as well as secretomes. PnD play an increasing therapeutic role with beneficial effects on the treatment of various diseases. The aim of this review is to elucidate the modes of action of non-hematopoietic PnD on inflammation, angiogenesis and wound healing. We describe the source and type of PnD with a special focus on their effects on inflammation and immune response, on vascular function as well as on cutaneous and oral wound healing, which is a complex process that comprises hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation (including epithelialization, angiogenesis), and remodeling. We further evaluate the different in vitro assays currently used for assessing selected functional and therapeutic PnD properties. This review is a joint effort from the COST SPRINT Action (CA17116) with the intention to promote PnD into the clinics. It is part of a quadrinomial series on functional assays for validation of PnD, spanning biological functions, such as immunomodulation, anti-microbial/anti-cancer activities, anti-inflammation, wound healing, angiogenesis, and regeneration