99 research outputs found

    Do, Undo, Redo:On Recent Drawings by Peter Morrens

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    This exhibition brings together contemporary artworks that achieve density and compactness of meaning through the use of spare and concentrated means. While much recent art has depended upon high production values and spectacular effects, COMPRESSION explores strategies for the generation of aesthetic and conceptual magnitude via the articulation of more modest artistic materials. The exhibition presents recent work by nine artists from Ireland the UK made in a range of media: painting, sculpture, photography, digital video, tapestry, collage, and found objects. While the artworks presented here frequently develop the exacting standards of modernist aesthetics in the visual arts, the term ‘compression’ is more familiar to poetic discourse. Cristanne Miller, writing on Emily Dickinson’s poetry, argues that ‘compression’ denominates ‘[any] language use that reduces the ratio of what is stated to what is implied.’ The implications issuing from the work to be exhibited here prompt the following questions: when visual language is concentrated, reduced to a minimum, what is gained and what extra value is achieved? What are the contemporary stakes of abstraction, both as a mode of art making and as a form of thinking? What is the relationship between digital compression and communicative richness? How do strategies of collage and the readymade relate to other kinds of compression in art? How might such spareness and concentration in visual art help to open up ideas and experience of the everyday world in a particularly powerful way

    Drawing time: trace, materiality and the body in drawing after 1940.

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    Focusing on specific episodes from the rich history of drawing practice after 1940, this thesis examines issues of time, materiality and the body in relation to drawing's production and reception. The stakes and potentials of modern drawing remain largely under-theorized and under-acknowledged. Here I explore the way in which drawing involves an array of bodily, imaginative and affective investments how it has been configured in relation to other technologies of representation and how it has provided a small-scale, unspectacular yet complex means for artists to investigate problems of signification, materiality, and the registration of time. I concentrate largely on drawings from the 1940s and 50s, although I do also open onto a small number of key works from the late 1960s and early 70s, as well as some crucial contributions to contemporary practice. My thesis is organised into five chapters, which are bracketed by an introduction and a coda. Chapter 1 explores the relationship between drawing, writing and cinema as it is played out in Henri Matisse's suite Dessins: Themes et variations, made in the early 1940s. Chapter 2 examines drawing's physical and discursive 'smallness,' framed with reference to Rosalind Krauss's formulation of the 'expanded fields' of artistic practice. Here I focus on the drawings of Wols, as well as drawing's 'flight from the page' in the late 1960s and early '70s. Chapter 3 looks at the mobile work of erasure in the drawing practices of both Willem de Kooning and Robert Rauschenberg. Chapter 4 explores drawing's immersive material engagements, specifically in relation to liquidity in the practices of Joseph Beuys and Marcel Broodthaers. Lastly, Chapter 5 brings my concerns up to date with an examination of Tacita Dean's blackboard drawings framed in relation to the digital/analogue binary

    Porous silicon & titanium dioxide coatings prepared by atmospheric pressure plasma jet chemical vapour deposition technique-a novel coating technology for photovoltaic modules

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    Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet (APPJ) is an alternative for wet processes used to make anti reflection coatings and smooth substrate surface for the PV module. It is also an attractive technique because of it’s high growth rate, low power consumption, lower cost and absence of high cost vacuum systems. This work deals with the deposition of silicon oxide from hexamethyldisiloxane (HMDSO) thin films and titanium dioxide from tetraisopropyl ortho titanate using an atmospheric pressure plasma jet (APPJ) system in open air conditions. A sinusoidal high voltage with a frequency between 19-23 kHz at power up to 1000 W was applied between two tubular electrodes separated by a dielectric material. The jet, characterized by Tg ~ 600-800 K, was mostly laminar (Re ~ 1200) at the nozzle exit and became partially turbulent along the jet axis (Re ~ 3300). The spatially resolved emission spectra showed OH, N2, N2+ and CN molecular bands and O, H, N, Cu and Cr lines as well as the NO2 chemiluminescence continuum (450-800 nm). Thin films with good uniformity on the substrate were obtained at high deposition rate, between 800 -1000 nm.s-1, and AFM results revealed that coatings are relatively smooth (Ra ~ 2 nm). The FTIR and SEM analyses were better used to monitor the chemical composition and the morphology of the films in function of the different experimental conditions. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2790

    Effect of Plasma Treatment on Corrosion Layers of Bronze

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    Plasma chemical process for conservation of metallic objects is a relatively new way of effective and fast treatment of corroded objects. Removal of corrosion products is based on plasma chemical reduction of corrosion layers by radio-frequency (RF) low pressure hydrogen plasma. Model corrosion layers on bronze were studied. SEM/EDX analyses on corroded and treated samples were performed

    Study of Nitrogen Atom Recombination by Optical Emission Spectroscopy

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    The reaction kinetics in nitrogen flowing afterglow was studied by optical emission spectroscopy. The DC flowing post-discharge in pure nitrogen was created in a quartz tube at the total gas pressure of 1000 Pa. The optical emission spectra were measured along the flow tube. It was found that N atoms are the most important particles in the late nitrogen afterglow. In order to explain the decrease of N atom concentration, it was also necessary to include the surface recombination of N atoms to the model

    Compression and Riddlecraft: On Pavel Büchler's 'small Sculptures'

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    This article provides the first sustained exploration of an important group of works by the Czech artist, Pavel Büchler. Büchler’s ‘small sculptures’, produced between 2006 and 2015, employ remarkably modest means to bear tellingly upon a wide range of cultural, political, and philosophical problems. The works are composed of simple, everyday found objects – a pencil stub, a coin, a cigarette lighter, a discarded paint tube – all of which are inscribed with language and with traces of their former use. Enigmatic and elliptical, these works draw their significance from the shared histories, cultural traditions and social experiences to which they make reference, serving to pose precise questions regarding the meanings of such collective formations, and their relationship to art’s particular kind of work. Developing the idea of ‘compression’, a term borrowed from the analysis of poetry, the article elucidates the ways in which the ‘small sculptures’ open onto some of the most pressing problems for contemporary art: the relationship between art and aesthetic experience after the readymade and conceptualism; the transactions between visual art and literature, and particularly modern poetry; the problem of interpretation, its movements and its limits; and the tense relationship between artistic autonomy and political engagement. The ‘small sculptures,’ four of which are engaged with closely here, constitute a critique of both the reliance of much contemporary art upon big budgets and spectacular effects, and of the insistence that art directly articulate statements of ideological commitment. Drawing upon theoretical resources developed by Georges Perec, Theodor Adorno and Václav Havel, for example, I articulate the ways in which Büchler’s works possess a strange kind of density, in the manner of a rebus or a riddle. They embody art’s capacity to speak otherwise and demonstrate how much can be done with what is apparently very little indeed

    Preface: Bioplasmas and plasmas with liquids

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    The Bioplasma and Plasmas with Liquids joint conference of the COST Actions TD1208 Electrical discharges with liquids for future applications and MP1101 Biomedical applications of atmospheric pressure plasma technology was held in Bertinoro (Italy) on September 13-16, 2015. The purpose of the Bioplasma and Plasmas with Liquids joint conference was to bring together researchers of different fields, and to establish an open forum for presentation and discussion of the latest advances in the fields of electrical discharges with liquids and plasma medicine, by bridging the scientific communities associated with the COST Actions TD1208 Electrical discharges with liquids for future applications and MP1101 Biomedical applications of atmospheric pressure plasma technology

    Utilisation of the High Speed Camera for the Pin-hole Discharge Diagnostics

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    The high speed camera was utilised for plasma diagnostics of the DC pin-hole discharge in electrolyte solutions. Two discharge modes were determined. Plasma channels were observed either in the bubble or outside the bubble in the bulk solution, which confirms both thermal and electron theory of the discharge ignition in liquid. In the diaphragm discharge, plasma streamers were better visible on the cathode side of the dielectric barrier because they formed significantly longer channels

    GC-MS and GC-FID Analysis of Products from Glow Discharge in N2 + CH4 Mixture

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    This work extends our previous investigation of nitrogen-methane atmospheric glow discharge for the simulation of chemical processes in prebiotic atmospheres. Also reactions on surfaces of solid state bodies can be important. So in presented experiments the electrodes with different shapes and different surface areas were used. Exhaust products of discharge in this gas mixture were analyzed by Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) and Gas Chromatography - Flame Ionization Detector (GC-FID). The major products identified in chromatograms were hydrogen cyanide and acetylene