638 research outputs found

    Reverse Transplant Tourism

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    In this article, we propose a novel form of kidney swap, which we label “Reverse Transplant Tourism.” This proposal has the potential to increase the number of successful transplants in the US at a time of great need, while reducing costs. It also will provide benefits to impoverished international patients with willing, compatible donors who otherwise would have no access to transplantation. Instead of non-US kidney donors being offered money through a black market middleman in exchange for one of their kidneys, Reverse Transplant Tourism would provide a legal and ethical exchange of living donor kidneys through kidney-paired donation. In this way, the donors will not receive money for their kidneys, but rather will receive a transplant for someone they love, while also helping a US pair who would otherwise be unable to transplant due to biological incompatibility

    Geometric semantic genetic programming for recursive boolean programs

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from ACM via the DOI in this record.Geometric Semantic Genetic Programming (GSGP) induces a unimodal fitness landscape for any problem that consists in finding a function fitting given input/output examples. Most of the work around GSGP to date has focused on real-world applications and on improving the originally proposed search operators, rather than on broadening its theoretical framework to new domains. We extend GSGP to recursive programs, a notoriously challenging domain with highly discontinuous fitness landscapes. We focus on programs that map variable-length Boolean lists to Boolean values, and design search operators that are provably efficient in the training phase and attain perfect generalization. Computational experiments complement the theory and demonstrate the superiority of the new operators to the conventional ones. This work provides new insights into the relations between program syntax and semantics, search operators and fitness landscapes, also for more general recursive domains.© 2017 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected]

    Thermoelectric phenomena in a quantum dot asymmetrically coupled to external leads

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    We study thermoelectric phenomena in a system consisting of strongly correlated quantum dot coupled to external leads in the Kondo regime. We calculate linear and nonlinear electrical and thermal conductance and thermopower of the quantum dot and discuss the role of asymmetry in the couplings to external electrodes. In the linear regime electrical and thermal conductances are modified, while thermopower remains unchanged. In the nonlinear regime the Kondo resonance in differential conductance develops at non-zero source-drain voltage, which has important consequences on thermoelectric properties of the system and the thermopower starts to depend on the asymmetry. We also discuss Wiedemann-Franz relation, thermoelectric figure of merit and validity of the Mott formula for thermopower.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Low-temperature transport through a quantum dot between two superconductor leads

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    We consider a quantum dot coupled to two BCS superconductors with same gap energies Δ\Delta. The transport properties are investigated by means of infinite-UU noncrossing approximation. In equilibrium density of states, Kondo effect shows up as two sharp peaks around the gap bounds. Application of a finite voltage bias leads these peaks to split, leaving suppressed peaks near the edges of energy gap of each lead. The clearest signatures of the Kondo effect in transport are three peaks in the nonlinear differential conductance: one around zero bias, another two at biases ±2Δ\pm 2\Delta. This result is consistent with recent experiment. We also predict that with decreasing temperature, the differential conductances at biases ±2Δ\pm 2\Delta anomalously increase, while the linear conductance descends.Comment: replaced with revised versio

    Can the initial singularity be detected by cosmological tests?

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    In the present paper we raise the question whether initial cosmological singularity can be proved from the cosmological tests. The classical general relativity predict the existence of singularity in the past if only some energy conditions are satisfied. On the other hand the latest quantum gravity applications to cosmology suggest of possibility of avoiding the singularity and replace it with the bounce. The distant type Ia supernovae data are used to constraints on bouncing evolutional scenario where square of the Hubble function H2H^2 is given by formulae H2=H02[Ωm,0(1+z)mΩn,0(1+z)n]H^2=H^2_0[\Omega_{m,0}(1+z)^{m}-\Omega_{n,0}(1+z)^{n}], where Ωm,0,Ωn,0>0\Omega_{m,0}, \Omega_{n,0}>0 are density parameters and n>m>0n>m>0. We show that the on the base of the SNIa data standard bouncing models can be ruled out on the 4σ4\sigma confidence level. If we add the cosmological constant to the standard bouncing model then we obtain as the best-fit that the parameter Ωn,0\Omega_{n,0} is equal zero which means that the SNIa data do not support the bouncing term in the model. The bounce term is statistically insignificant the present epoch. We also demonstrate that BBN offer the possibility of obtaining stringent constraints of the extra term Ωn,0\Omega_{n,0}. The other observational test methods like CMB and the age of oldest objects in the Universe are used. We also use the Akaike informative criterion to select a model according to the goodness of fit and we conclude that this term should be ruled out by Occam's razor, which makes that the big bang is favored rather then bouncing scenario.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figures improved versio

    Electron transport across a quantum wire in the presence of electron leakage to a substrate

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    We investigate electron transport through a mono-atomic wire which is tunnel coupled to two electrodes and also to the underlying substrate. The setup is modeled by a tight-binding Hamiltonian and can be realized with a scanning tunnel microscope (STM). The transmission of the wire is obtained from the corresponding Green's function. If the wire is scanned by the contacting STM tip, the conductance as a function of the tip position exhibits oscillations which may change significantly upon increasing the number of wire atoms. Our numerical studies reveal that the conductance depends strongly on whether or not the substrate electrons are localized. As a further ubiquitous feature, we observe the formation of charge oscillations.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Geometric Semantic Grammatical Evolution

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Springer via the DOI in this record.Geometric Semantic Genetic Programming (GSGP) is a novel form of Genetic Programming (GP), based on a geometric theory of evolutionary algorithms, which directly searches the semantic space of programs. In this chapter, we extend this framework to Grammatical Evolution (GE) and refer to the new method as Geometric Semantic Grammatical Evolution (GSGE). We formally derive new mutation and crossover operators for GE which are guaranteed to see a simple unimodal fitness landscape. This surprising result shows that the GE genotypephenotype mapping does not necessarily imply low genotype-fitness locality. To complement the theory, we present extensive experimental results on three standard domains (Boolean, Arithmetic and Classifier)