3,086 research outputs found

    Gravitational Lensing and the Variability of G

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    The four observables associated with gravitational lensing of distant quasars by intervening galaxies: image splittings, relative amplifications, time delays, and optical depths, provide separate measures of the strength of the gravitational constant GG at cosmological distances. These allow one, in principle, to factor out unknown lensing parameters to directly to probe the variation of GG over cosmological time. We estimate constraints on G˙\dot{G} which may be derivable by this method both now and in the future. The limits one may obtain can compete or exceed other direct limits on G˙\dot{G} today, but unfortunately extracting this information, is not independent of the effort to fix other cosmological parameters such as H0H_0 and Ω0\Omega_0 from lensing observations.Comment: 13 pages plus figures (not included

    Impact of a XENONnT Signal on LHC Dijet Searches

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    It is well-known that dark matter (DM) direct detection experiments and the LHC are complementary, since they probe physical processes occurring at different energy scales. And yet, there are aspects of this complementarity which are still not fully understood, or exploited. For example, what is the impact that the discovery of DM at XENONnT would have on present and future searches for DM in LHC final states involving a pair of hadronic jets? In this work we investigate the impact of a XENONnT signal on the interpretation of current dijet searches at the LHC, and on the prospects for dijet signal discovery at the High-Luminosity (HL) LHC in the framework of simplified models. Specifically, we focus on a general class of simplified models where DM can have spin 0, 1/2 or 1, and interacts with quarks through the exchange of a scalar, pseudo-scalar, vector, or pseudo-vector mediator. We find that exclusion limits on the mediator's mass and its coupling to quarks from dijet searches at the LHC are significantly affected by a signal at XENONnT, and that O(100)\mathcal{O}(100) signal events at XENONnT would drastically narrow the region in the parameter space of simplified models where a dijet signal can be discovered at 5σ5\sigma C.L. at the HL-LHC.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables, version accepted by JHE

    Flexible metamaterials at visible wavelengths

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    We report on the fabrication and characterization of plasmonic structures on flexible substrates (Metaflex) and demonstrate the optical properties of a single layer of Metaflex. The layer exhibits a plasmonic resonance in the visible region around 620 nm. We show experimental and numerical results for both nano-antennas and fishnet geometries. We anticipate the use of Metaflex as a building block for flexible metamaterials in the visible range.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Minimal Asymmetric Dark Matter

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    In the early Universe, any particle carrying a conserved quantum number and in chemical equilibrium with the thermal bath will unavoidably inherit a particle-antiparticle asymmetry. A new particle of this type, if stable, would represent a candidate for asymmetric dark matter (DM) with an asymmetry directly related to the baryon asymmetry. We study this possibility for a minimal DM sector constituted by just one (generic) SU(2)LSU(2)_L multiplet χ\chi carrying hypercharge, assuming that at temperatures above the electroweak phase transition an effective operator enforces chemical equilibrium between χ\chi and the Higgs boson. We argue that limits from DM direct detection searches severely constrain this scenario, leaving as the only possibilities scalar or fermion multiplets with hypercharge y=1y = 1, preferentially quintuplets or larger SU(2)SU(2) representations, and with a mass in the few TeV range.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, included t-channel scattering, added details on charged-neutral mass splitting and indirect detection, accepted in PL

    Higher Dimensional Effective Operators for Direct Dark Matter Detection

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    We discuss higher dimensional effective operators describing interactions between fermionic dark matter and Standard Model particles. They are typically suppressed compared to the leading order effective operators, which can explain why no conclusive direct dark matter detection has been made so far. The ultraviolet completions of the effective operators, which we systematically study, require new particles. These particles can potentially have masses at the TeV scale and can therefore be phenomenologically interesting for LHC physics. We demonstrate that the lowest order options require Higgs-portal interactions generated by dimension six operators. We list all possible tree-level completions with extra fermions and scalars, and we discuss the LHC phenomenology of a specific example with extra heavy fermion doublets.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures, 3 table

    Soft Gamma Rays from Heavy WIMPs

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    We propose an explanation of the galactic center gamma ray excess by supersymmetric WIMPs as heavy as 500 GeV. The lightest neutralino annihilates into vector-like leptons or quarks which cascade decay through intermediate Higgs bosons. Due to the long decay chains, the gamma ray spectrum is much softer than naively expected and peaks at GeV energies. The model predicts correlated diboson and dijet signatures to be tested at the LHC.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures; v2: focus on gamma ray excess, matches published versio

    Determining Dark Matter properties with a XENONnT/LZ signal and LHC-Run3 mono-jet searches

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    We develop a method to forecast the outcome of the LHC Run 3 based on the hypothetical detection of O(100)\mathcal{O}(100) signal events at XENONnT. Our method relies on a systematic classification of renormalisable single-mediator models for dark matter-quark interactions, and is valid for dark matter candidates of spin less than or equal to one. Applying our method to simulated data, we find that at the end of the LHC Run 3 only two mutually exclusive scenarios would be compatible with the detection of O(100)\mathcal{O}(100) signal events at XENONnT. In a first scenario, the energy distribution of the signal events is featureless, as for canonical spin-independent interactions. In this case, if a mono-jet signal is detected at the LHC, dark matter must have spin 1/2 and interact with nucleons through a unique velocity-dependent operator. If a mono-jet signal is not detected, dark matter interacts with nucleons through canonical spin-independent interactions. In a second scenario, the spectral distribution of the signal events exhibits a bump at non zero recoil energies. In this second case, a mono-jet signal can be detected at the LHC Run 3, dark matter must have spin 1/2 and interact with nucleons through a unique momentum-dependent operator. We therefore conclude that the observation of O(100)\mathcal{O}(100) signal events at XENONnT combined with the detection, or the lack of detection, of a mono-jet signal at the LHC Run 3 would significantly narrow the range of possible dark matter-nucleon interactions. As we argued above, it can also provide key information on the dark matter particle spin.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, updated operator coefficients and figures, version accepted by PR

    A constrained supersymmetric left-right model

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    We present a supersymmetric left-right model which predicts gauge coupling unification close to the string scale and extra vector bosons at the TeV scale. The subtleties in constructing a model which is in agreement with the measured quark masses and mixing for such a low left-right breaking scale are discussed. It is shown that in the constrained version of this model radiative breaking of the gauge symmetries is possible and a SM-like Higgs is obtained. Additional CP-even scalars of a similar mass or even much lighter are possible. The expected mass hierarchies for the supersymmetric states differ clearly from those of the constrained MSSM. In particular, the lightest down-type squark, which is a mixture of the sbottom and extra vector-like states, is always lighter than the stop. We also comment on the model's capability to explain current anomalies observed at the LHC.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures; v2: references added, matches published versio
